home of ... Douglas Social Credit
3 June 1983. Thought for the Week: "The
Soviet rulers are a totally cynical lot, much more preoccupied
with their own privileges and pleasures than with Marxist
ideas. They probably hate Communist dogma more than any Western
capitalist. Moreover, the majority of the Soviet people are
as cynical as their leaders. There are many more sincere Communists
to be found in the West than in the U.S.S.R."
Vladimir Bukovsky, in "The Peace Movement & the Soviet Union" (1982) |
THE BRUCE BY-ELECTION"The actual result in Bruce is neither surprising nor particularly significant. Its importance is what impact it has on the Government's thinking". Michelle Grattan, in The Age (Melbourne) May 30th. The political columnists have said all
the obvious things about Bruce. The normal by-election swing
against the sitting government; the outrage of many electors
over the proposals to increase the taxman's grab on superannuation
pay-outs, and also over the proposal to abolish the home loan
rebate; and some other issues. In The Age (Melbourne) May 30th is a full-page advertisement headed -"Back Dated Tax Threatens Jobs and Businesses" (no doubt inserted to gain good mileage from the Hawke Government rebuff in Bruce). This full page advertisement was not inserted in the other two Melbourne dailies, so many readers will miss it: we do not know at the time of going to press if it was inserted in some dailies of other States - we would presume so. Messrs Hawke and Keating could be reading
their political obituaries! What the advertisement says was
said by us several months ago, in fact last year. When Malcolm
Fraser and his colleagues were introducing retrospective tax
legislation we clearly foresaw, and warned, that by soaking
the entrepreneurs of the business world they would kill the
goose that lays the golden egg. This advertisement presents a typical sample: "A manufacturer now employing 400 people ... will be faced with a tax penalty of about $4 million ... which approximates the present net worth of the whole business. If the legislation is passed that company will be liquidated. The 400 jobs will have to go!" Interesting Scenario Mr. Bill Hayden was right enough when he said, before the election on March 5th, words to the effect that a blind drover's dog could lead Labor to victory. With hindsight, there was no need for the Labor knives to flash to cut Bill Hayden out of the Prime Ministership; he most certainly would have led Labor to victory, and with that victory would follow the demise of Bob Hawke. We may never know the full story; and media worlds wanted Hawke over Hayden. We have stated in these pages many times that Mr. Hawke has no more answers to the escalating economic crisis than did Messrs Fraser and Howard; his thinking and training in the economic sphere are rigidly orthodox; and on this account his Government must encounter disaster after disaster. As Prime Minister, he will take the rap. Then could come Hayden! Mr. Hayden would not be able to pull a rabbit out of the hat, either, but his alternative views on some issues of Foreign policy could shift Australia from its present course, if he were at the helm. |
EDUCATION FACES 'NEW BARBARISM'"Australia is in danger of a 'new barbarism' in its education system if certain trends continue, a national education seminar was told in Melbourne at the weekend." Professor Lauchlan Chipman was the authority that gave the warning, and he is well qualified to do so. He is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wollongong (N.S.W.) and is one of the most outspoken academics in Australia today on many "touchy" issues. Indeed, the majority of academics just will not stick their necks out on "touchy" issues, even when a controversy is raging in their own field of expertise. They prefer to keep their noses clean and "get on" in Academia. We'll go even further and state that there are some academics that at least suspect the truth about historical and other issues, but still adhere to teachings, in their professional lives, which they regard as "safe". Such an issue is the Holocaust during World War 2. Another issue is Einstein's theory of Relativity, which has become a sacred cow in the appropriate sciences. The monthly (American) journal of men and affairs, Instauration, which we quote, at odd times, has boldly stated that few academics will risk their careers at present by "exposing" Einstein's Theory of Relativity, which so many believe is fallacious. Professor Lauchian Chipman has demonstrated his courage by attacking the concept of the multicultural society, which he believes will prove disastrous for Australia (so do we:) More than one article by him has appeared in magazines; notably the culturally orientated quarterly, Quadrant. Professor Chipman wants a return to what used to be known in past decades as "hard slog", e.g. Grammar, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry the classics (Greek and Latin), French, German, etc. He pointed to the deficiencies in the senior-secondary curriculum in the United States, which is experiencing a crisis in Education. Other critics berate the practice of filling the heads of school children with "Mickey Mouse" subjects such as the "social sciences" where mere opinions concerning current political, social, philosophical matters are hammered home as Holy Writ. Professor Chipman states that teachers should not have a greater say in the setting of curricula: "It is not the teacher's task to further the objectives of the school. Nor is it the school's task to further the objectives of the teacher." We advise the new edition of Mrs. Jean Wallis' "The Subversion of Australian Education" is on the way: and advice will be given of its availability. We urge supporters who are concerned about the education of their children to read - "Secular Humanism & Australian Education", by Dr. Rupert Goodman, Reader in Education, University of Queensland. Price: $2.00 posted from all League bookshops. |
BRIEF COMMENTSFew people have forgotten Sir Garfield Barwick, one of Australia's greatest jurists; former politician; and up to his retirement Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia. In an interview by the Sunday Telegraph (Sydney) he stated that he did advise the (then) Governor General, Sir John Kerr, to sack the Whitlam Government: "If I had my time over and it was 1975 again, I would do the same thing. I have no regrets. On the Franklin Dam issue, he said he didn't know enough about it to give an opinion. BUT, "I think it has gone so far now that any damage that might be done has been done". On the Tasmanian Wilderness, he had this to say: "I was President of the Kosiusko National Park Trust for more than 25 years. There was always pressure to have a wilderness area set aside. "I refused it. It would have become a place no one would go to, a tremendous fire hazard, completely beyond control and a resort for the dingo. Much the same could be said for the Tasmanian Wilderness. Federal authorities now have the power to break into and search private property, without a warrant, under no less than 79 (seventy-nine) acts of Parliament. A further 73 (seventy-three) acts allow homes and factories to be entered by Government officials after obtaining a warrant. The Wran Government in N.S.W. has closed the Dover Heights (Sydney suburb) Boys' High School. This school has now been leased to Moriah College,' an independent Jewish school. Former pupils of the Dover Heights Boys' High School will now be moved to the Dover Heights High School, a former girls' school, which parents and teachers claim will now be overcrowded. The N.S.W. Labor Women's Conference is up in arms over the affair. A spokesman has said - "This is the first time in the history of public education in this State that a public school has been given to a wealthy private school ..." Each child at Moriah College would be subsidised $568 a year by the Federal Government before all other payments to be received on their account. Very many N.S.W. electors will be examining Mr. Wran's motives. There is much dirt being swept under the carpets with respect to the public funding of political parties. The whole concept is morally wrong: it is for the parties themselves to attract financial support from members for their policies, not to take it forcibly, by law, from those who do not support a particular party, nor ANY Party. The Wran Government has introduced public funding of political parties based on an annual allocation of 22 cents per voter (around $2 million). Most of the money is paid on the basis of results in the Legislative Council (Upper House). To qualify for funding the party must get 3.125% (about 100,000 votes). Legislative Assembly (Lower House) candidates must win one fifth of the number of votes of the winning candidate (approx. 9%-12% of the vote). The Tribune (Communist Weekly, May 25th) supplied the above information. PRESENTING SENATOR GARETH EVANS The Australian (May 30th) carries
two fine letters from ladies; one from a parliamentarian and
a Melbourne correspondent talks some sense on Immigration:
"Janie Gray", of Birkdale, Qld, writes: (Mrs.) Betty Hocking (M.H.A.) of Canberra,
is A.C.T. Co-ordinator for Women Who Want to be Women, and
she writes: "Harry McKenzie" of Hawthorn (Melbourne
suburb) writes: |