home of ... Douglas Social Credit
10 June 1983. Thought for the Week: "The
failure of the powerful and wealthy Jewish American community
to launch one objective scholarly study of the causes of anti-semitism
is significant. Neither the religious nor the lay leaders
of the many Jewish organisations wish to lose this potent
weapon. Remove prejudice and lose adherents to the faith....This
is the conspiracy of the rabbinate, Jewish nationalists and
other leaders of organised Jewry to keep the problems of prejudice
Dr. Alfred Lilienthal in "The Other Side of The Coin" |
ZIONIST TERROR TACTICSNot even the generally pro-Zionist media
has been able to suppress the news that growing numbers of
the Israelis are revolting against the Begin Government's
expansionist policies. The clear determination of the Israeli
government not to withdraw from Lebanon, while at the same
time pushing forward with its programme of Israeli colonisation
of the West Bank, ensures that the Middle East crisis deepens.
Soviet strategists must be delighted with developments. In his prophetic work, "There Goes the Middle East", Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, reflected the warnings of a number of distinguished fellow anti-Zionist Jews who had insisted from the beginning that Soviet penetration of the Middle East would inevitably follow if the West uncritically supported the Zionist programme. Western politicians and other public figures who fail to offer uncritical support for Israel, or who raise doubts about "the holocaust", are major targets for Zionist attacks. The Western Canadian Provincial Government of Alberta has recently felt the Zionist terror because one of its Members, a lawyer, dared to suggest that there was some doubt about the truth of the story concerning the alleged gassing of six million Jews, while press reports from Canada carry incredible stories because the Mayor of one small Albertan town had, as a school teacher, also questioned the story of the "six million". We note that he had made use of Mr. Eric Butler's book, "Censored History". Former Canadian undercover agent, Mr. Patrick Walsh, expresses the view that the Zionist campaign of hysteria will reach a crescendo during the international League of Rights Seminar in October. With the strong probability that Americans will elect a Democrat President next year, 1984, the Zionist machine is supporting liberal Walter Mondale for the Democrat nomination against astronaut hero Senator John Glenn who has been bluntly told by William Safiro, well known Jewish communist, that he has no chance of obtaining the nomination unless he can prove to the "Democratic power brokers that he is not anti-Israel". In spite of more recent pro-Israel statements, the Zionists recall past critical statements by Glenn. Matured American observers believe that Mondale, appealing for the homosexual vote, will be favoured ahead of Glenn for the Democratic nomination. It is only when politicians are out of office that they tend to speak the truth on major questions. It is not surprising, although revealing, that early this year both former Presidents Ford and Carter issued a warning statement concerning the Zionist threat to the Middle East, charging that Israel was not "living up" to the Camp David agreement. The two former American Presidents continued: "It has shown little inclination to grant real autonomy to the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza areas. It has continued to confiscate properties in occupied territories and to build settlements as if to create a de-facto Israeli ascendancy there...It has publicly repudiated the Reagan peace plan who calls for a freeze on Israeli settlements.... Arab leaders are prepared to live in peace with Israel. But, the evidence is convincing to the Arab world and beyond that the Israeli leaders have simply chosen to seize these lands and hold on to them by force. This policy is the major obstacle to any moderate Arab initiative for peace. While verbally criticising Zionism, the Soviet relies upon Zionist policies to destroy the credibility of moderate Arab Leaders. The future of the world requires that the Zionist terror be exposed and opposed. The most courageous opposition is coming from non- Zionist Jews who have appealed to Christians to join forces with them. But the tragedy is that many Christians are the victims of Zionist brainwashing. However, the fog of censorship is starting to be penetrated by truth. It is vital that this penetration by the truth continues. (Dr. Lilienthal's "There Goes the Middle East" and "The Other Side of the Coin" are out of print, but most of the material is contained in Lilienthal's great classic, 'The Zionist Connection". Zionist influence has to date prevented this book from being readily available. However, we learn that an updated paperback edition could be made available in the near future. We will report when we can obtain anything concrete concerning this book). |
WORSHIPPING THE DEFICITLast week at Canberra Brian Harridine of Tasmania provided a devastating answer to the tired old defeatist question, "But what can an Independent do in Parliament?" Senator Harridine was the decisive vote, which ensured that the Hawke Government cannot impose its retrospective tax legislation, allegedly designed to obtain $570 million from "bottom of the Harbour" schemes. The figure of $570 mission is, of course, merely a calculated guess and there is no reliable way of testing the reality of this figure. But what is beyond argument is that the proposed attempt to impose the proposed retrospective tax amendments would have bankrupted many struggling business organisations, with a further increase in unemployment. It was highly significant that the Labor government was not prepared to support the relatively reasonable suggestion that the whole question be examined by an all-party committee. In one of silliest comments following the defeat of the tax legislation, Finance Minister Dawkins revealed the mentality of our political masters by saying that he was not moved by the argument that the attempted collection of the tax would cause hardships, comparing this with forcing a burglar to make good what he had stolen. Politicians should be told that it is those who are imposing crushing taxation who are engaged in burglary. So far from being a crime to pay governments the minimum amount of taxation inside the law, much of it being used to service unnecessary debt, it is the duty of the taxpayer to pay the minimum. But Mr. Dawkins and his colleagues now bleat that because the Senate rejected their tax legislation, their "budget strategy" has been ruined and that they will have to increase taxes in the August budget. Or, failing this, horror of horrors, the deficit will not be reduced! C. H. Douglas observed that in reality there is only one party in modern governments: the Finance Party. The Labor Socialists worship the Deficit God as much as the Liberal Socialists. The existence of a deficit merely confirms what Douglas first pointed out after the First World War: that the present finance economic system makes it increasingly impossible for industry to distribute sufficient purchasing power to enable consumers to buy what has been produced. Every technological advance aggravates the problem. Creating new money - bank credit to finance capital expansion, either private or public, only misses the problem. Members of the Federal Parliament should be asked why is it necessary to increase taxation still further when the Government has the constitutional power to make new credit available as it is already doing with deficit financing. All that is necessary is to write black instead of red figures, the new credits carrying only the cost of administration, and to distribute direct to individuals in the form of tax REDUCTIONS, starting with Sales Tax, the re-introduction of Consumer Price subsidies, and adequate pensions for an earlier retirement programme. It may be that instead of the $9,000 million now being created as a deficit, at least $15,000 million is required. What would happen if the Australian people gained access to a genuine increase in total purchasing power of $15,000 million without inflation? The production system would automatically meet the increased demand. We challenge anyone to dispute that the Australian production system has the capacity to meet such an increased demand. |
BRIEF COMMENTSThe Williamsburg conference was another attempted step along the road to achieve the New International Economic Order. But as Mr. Hawke is going to find in the U.S.A., American primary producers are going to continue to force their way into the Middle East and other markets. The lowering of trade barriers is going to be difficult to achieve. For this reason we anticipate a growing global crisis, not an economic recovery, as necessary to force nations to phase out, or submit to international control, many major industries. Assuming that the Thatcher government is re-elected in Britain, we predict that a continuation of present finance economic policies will ensure that Mrs. Thatcher will eventually go the same way as did Mr. Malcolm Fraser. Mrs. Thatcher s "recovery" will be seen for what it really is: a mirage following the mass wrecking of British industries and the creation of millions of unemployed. |
Brief CommentWe present an actionist's letter, and after that the Editorial from Kimberley Echo on which his letter makes comment: The Letter The Editorial Israel's racial problems Rev. Jerry Falwell and Christians
for Israel |