home of ... Douglas Social Credit
24 June 1983. Thought for the Week: "The
modern theory, if it can be called modern, of the totalitarian
state ... to the effect that the state is everything and the
individual nothing, ... is a revamping of the theory of the
later Roman Empire, which theory, together with the financial
methods by which it was maintained, led to Rome's downfall
not by the conquest of stronger Empires, but by its own internal
dissensions. It is theory involving complete inversion of
fact, and is, incidentally, fundamentally anti-Christian,
in that it exalts the mechanism of government into an end
rather than a means, and leads to the assumption that individuals
exist for the purpose of allowing officials to exercise power
over them."
C. H. Douglas in "The Tragedy of Human Effort". |
MR. HAWKE'S MESSAGE FROM NEW YORKIn spite of his reputation for being "his Own
Man", Prime Minister Hawke has revealed that he knows where
the real source of power resides in today's world. Before
the recent Federal Elections, Mr. Hawke was emphatic that
taxes could and would be reduced. But last week in New York,
the major centre of International Finance, the "Democratic
Socialist" Prime Minister of Australia assured Wall Street
- and indirectly the Australian electors - that there would
be no income tax cuts in the Budget for two years. The type of language being used by Mr.
Hawke must sound like pleasant music in the ears of those
trying to use their financial power to reorganise the whole
world. Mr. Hawke has accepted the view of the Reagan Administration's
"experts" that a "substantial" American recovery was now under
way, and that a "durable" recovery would go into and beyond
next year. Mr. Hawke, the self-professed authority on economics, does not explain why the vast unused productive capacity of Australia cannot be used NOW to supply what Australians require, starting with houses and furniture. Presumably if the U.S.A. disappeared tomorrow, Australians are doomed to a programme of permanent depression! As observed by several commentators,
Mr. Hawke and his Treasurer, Mr. Paul Keating, have been using
language reminiscent of Mr. Malcolm Fraser and Mr. John Howard.
Which is not surprising, as the Hawke Government is marching
down the same road his predecessors followed, worshipping
the same false idols - such as the deficit. However, after enjoying the heady euphoria associated with his overseas trip, Mr. Hawke is now back to earth. His greatest asset is the pathetic state of the Opposition, not only in a state of shock following a series of electoral disasters, State as well as Federal, but unable to mount any genuine initiatives, basically because Mr. Hawke, both internationally and domestically, is doing basically what they would be doing. The Liberals are also sadly divided on issues like the Human Rights proposals, with former Minister Ian Macphee revealing his humanistic philosophy with strong support for the proposal that Australia should ratify the UN Convention concerning "discrimination". The stage has been set for further increases
in taxation in the August Budget and other impositions. Events
continue to confirm our view that Mr. Hawke, the man who says
he is a great "survivor", who is in the business of winning,
may well decide next year to seek a double dissolution and
make a bold bid for a renewed mandate for his "responsible"
policies. Whatever happens, a completely new political situation has now developed in Australia, one which we believe is pregnant with the possibility of a new type of political movement designed to give coherence to that increasing number of completely enchanted with the cynical dishonesty of the political parties. |
BRIEF COMMENTSUnlike many who like to describe themselves as Conservatives, we do not find ourselves warming to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Prior to the Falklands war she was rated one of the most unpopular Prime Ministers in British history. Her ruthless economic policies, which bankrupted thousands of British firms and threw millions on to the dole, were allegedly designed to "discipline" the British economy and to make Britain more competitive internationally. Her Government sacrificed one of the loyalist groups of Britons in the world, the Rhodesians. The truth is that the Falklands affair provided Mrs. Thatcher with the unique opportunity to show determined political leadership and to touch something deep in the British psyche - a patriotism that transcends parties. She was also assisted by the deep divisions in the Labor Party and the futile Foot. She has also been greatly assisted by North Sea oil revenues. But if Mrs. Thatcher perseveres with financial orthodoxy, we can predict now that the current euphoria will soon become a nightmare. Those who saw on television the personal confrontation between Pope Paul-John and the Polish Communist leaders, and the mass support given to the Pope by demonstrators defying the Communists, were presented with inspiring evidence that the Christian Church is not cowed in Poland. The huge demonstrations, with hundreds of thousands chanting, "Solidarity, Solidarity, Long Live Lech Walesa, Long live the Pope", have shown the Polish Communists just how fragile their rule is. But if the Communists do abolish martial law, this will be designed primarily to have Western nations agree to a "re-scheduling" of their debts on much easier terms. With his appointment as President of the Soviet Union, Andropov now has the supreme power, which Stalin exercised. The Soviet leader warns that the Soviet will increase its armed forces and spare no effort to prevent the West from achieving military superiority. Andropov said last week, "We must become the world's best performer here", calling for greater use of automation and computers. No doubt he is confident that the Soviet will still obtain the most advanced technology from the West. "The Australian Jewish News" of June 10th reports that a former prisoner of Auschwitz concentration camp has offered to fly Mr. Jim Keegstra, the Mayor of Eckville, Alberta, Canada, to Poland to show him that the alleged Holocaust is not Jewish propaganda. Mr. Keegstra has become the centre of a national Canadian storm since being fired from his teaching position for casting doubt on the story of six million Jews being gassed. All that Mr. Keegstra would see at Auschwitz is what the Communists have prepared for people to see. And even that insults the commonsense. As does the "Jewish News" report that the man offering to fly Mr. Keegstra to Auschwitz allegedly spent almost five years in the camp, during which time it is claimed that up to four million were gassed. How, then, did a man who was in the camp for nearly five years manage to survive? If the Germans were as thorough as claimed, then why are there inmates of Auschwitz constantly coming forward to say how they were in the camp for years? After months of speculation, the Reagan Administration has reappointed Mr. Paul Volcker for another term as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. The appointment has been warmly welcomed by the International Bankers who in fact dominate the Federal Reserve. But the labor federation AFL-CIO is not so enthusiastic. By severely curbing the rate of credit money creation, the Federal Reserve has reduced inflation to 4 percent, but has presided over the longest depression since the Great Depression of the thirties. If Mr. Volcker and his supporters continue with their policies, the much-publicised American recovery is not going to materialise. And what will Prime Minister Hawke do then? What do the new Australian Broadcasting Corporation appointments mean? That the new board will make even less effort than their predecessors to curb the pro-Marxists who dominate in public affairs programmes. We anticipate even more blatantly radical programmes. If the new Chairman, Mr. Ken Myer, has his way, there will be less time devoted to British entertainment and "Anglo-Saxon sport". With great respect to Mr. Myer, whose second wife is Japanese, we point out that Australia is a Western European nation, whose institutions and culture are predominantly Anglo-Saxon, and that a policy of concentrating upon Asian and Pacific programmes would be rejected by the overwhelming majority of Australians. An Adelaide actionist had an excellent
letter published in "The Stock Journal" recently: |