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23 September 1983. Thought for the Week:
"As long as people believe in absurdities, they will continue
to commit atrocities.'
Voltaire |
ANOTHER NEW ZEALAND DISASTER LOOMINGMr. Eric Butler reports from New Zealand Some years back enterprising New Zealanders discovered that many parts of New Zealand were almost ideal for producing that exotic gooseberry which became known as kiwi fruit. And when it was discovered that kiwi fruit could be sold for high prices in the Northern Hemisphere, the kiwi fruit industry exploded into what became know as New Zealand's glamour crop of horticulture. Land prices were forced up and growing numbers went heavily into debt convinced that New Zealand had struck a goldmine. But the goldmine soon attracted the attention of people in Australia, South American countries, Italy, France, Greece and Israel. The end result was inevitable. World production has quickly escalated, with an estimate that within eight years, the current New Zealand kiwi fruit production will have exploded by eight to nine times. Already major markets like Germany are glutted to the point where prices have seriously declined. No wonder a spokesman for the New Zealand Kiwi fruit industry says that the future is "daunting", and that large numbers of growers will become bankrupt. One cynic has suggested that the only hope for the industry is for the Soviet leaders to encourage a taste for kiwi fruit amongst the Russians and offer to buy large quantities at low prices subsidised by the New Zealand taxpayers. After all, this has already been done with the cheap New Zealand meat sent to the Soviet. Unfortunately the innovation of New Zealanders has not yet been extended to regarding consumption as the true purpose of production, with consumer discounts used to ensure that New Zealanders can consume the maximum of their own high quality production. But the idea is starting to grow as desperate New Zealanders contemplate worse disasters ahead. |
MR. JEREMY LEE REPORTSMAKARRATA TREATY The Makarrata Committee, which has been pushing the treaty idea for some time, is headed by the former Reserve Bank head, and prominent Fabian, Dr. "Nugget" Coombs. Its another of those ideas which sounds nice and reasonable at first appearance, but which has highly dangerous implications. Such a treaty would be regarded under international law as a treaty between two sovereign nations; - the implications being that sovereign nations are entitled to sovereign territory. This is the first surreptitious step towards the communist objective - so well exposed in Geoff McDonald's blockbuster "Red Over Black", of splitting off large slices of Australia into separate aboriginal sovereignties, which could then be exploited for deeper revolutionary purposes. Aborigines already have representatives like all Australians, they may vote for candidates to represent them in the Federal parliament. |
FREE SPEECH CLAMPDOWNThe Australian (14/9/83) carried
a government advertisement, announcing an "Attorney General's
Department Review of the Racial Discrimination Act". It went
on: The indefatigable Senator Gareth Evans
and his department are wasting no time in molding Australia's
morals with new legislation. There's always a noble and high-sounding
motive for banning free speech. There will always, in a free
society, be views published which some may find objectionable.
But nothing could be more dangerous or objectionable than
a government appointed board with powers to suppress political,
social or racial views. It doesn't take much second sight to foresee that the League of Rights would be a major target for such legislation, and that the reality behind "human rights" would be a multitude of human wrongs, including intimidation and harassment, as is currently happening in Canada. It's marvellous how liberal the "small l's" can be - until they meet someone who disagrees with them, when they become humourless, puritanical sober sides. They can't defend their views, so they must silence their critics by force if necessary. |
WORLD BANK AND IMF CONFERENCEAnother of the many interminable "crisis" conferences is coming up - The Annual World Bank and IMF Conference, due to be held in Washington. The Capitalists and the Communists take "turn about" with this one, last year it was held in Belgrade. They have a brilliant new answer to the Latin American debt crisis - create some more SDRs (Special Drawing Rights), which they will lend to the bankrupts to pay their debts! |
FIDDLING WHILE ROME BURNSDr. George Shaw, a senior lecturer in
history at Queensland University, has made some valid points
on the ineffectualness of contemporary historians. He contends: Dr. Shaw suggests that historians are dealing with peripheral issues as a means of evading this huge threat to civilisation, and that it is time they really dealt with history. (Australian, 14/9/83) The only trouble is - they'd soon run foul of Gareth Evan's "Task Force On Human Rights" if they did! |
BRIEF COMMENTSMr. Ian Macphee, former Immigration Minister
in the Fraser Coalition Government, is now not only supporting
Susan Ryan's Sex Discrimination Bill but also attacking the
National Party, which is opposing it. The Rev. David McDougall
recently addressed the Melbourne Conservative Speakers' Club
on the implications of Senator Susan Ryan's Bill reading from
the Bill, and then, logically, outlining the various implications
there from. Stupid Man can pass all manner of laws, and make regulations to declare that black is white, but Reality and Truth are still out there in God's world. God's natural and moral laws still apply, in spite of all the Gareth Evanses and Susan Ryans; and it makes not the slightest difference that Senators Gareth Evans and Susan Ryan almost certainly to not believe in God's laws. Again Stupid Man can "believe in absurdities" (as Voltaire said) but he will, as a result, commit (social) atrocities. Unfortunately, it will be the man and woman in the street who will be called upon to pay the price! Future historians will shake their heads in disbelief as they chronicle the "exploits" of those whose minds were crazed with false political ideologies. Christians Speak Out |