home of ... Douglas Social Credit
30 September 1983. Thought for the Week:
"Why, everywhere, is the Lower, or mass- elected Chamber,
trying to eliminate the other traditional powers of the constitution
which limit its power to impose its will on the people? Nobody
is afraid that the Monarchy, or the Lords (in Britain) or
the Senate or State Councils in Australia, are aggressive
powers that might establish a tyranny or dictatorship. On
the contrary, they are jeered at as feeble anachronisms which
should be swept away, since they still interfere to a slight
extent with the right of the elected government to exercise
absolute power over the people."
Dr. Geoffrey Dobbs, in Responsible Government in a Free Society. |
THE REVOLUTION IN NEW ZEALANDBy Eric D. Butler The presence of the Zionists also demonstrated that they have close liaison with the revolutionaries, as the venue for the Seminar and Dinner, changed at last minute because of pressure on the hotel at which the Seminar and Dinner was originally to have been held, was only arranged twenty-four hours before, and known only to a handful of people, including the police. The police had requested that the media not be told. But in spite of this, the media were present, claiming that they had been "tipped off" by the revolutionaries. Fortunately the television coverage showed the New Zealand people the type of rabble who were attempting to stop the Seminar and Dinner. Elderly women were not excluded from threats and harassment as they attempted to enter the reception centre. League of Rights President Mr. Jack Hansen had his car attacked by the mob and had to drive it to a place of safety. Only the presence of a strong contingent of police, both outside and inside the venue, enabled the Seminar and Dinner to take place. Fortunately I had been able to slip into the reception centre early without being recognised. But there was a wild outburst when the South African Consul, Mr. Alan Harvey, arrived. He had to be brought in by the back entrance. I was astonished to learn that the police are apparently unable to do anything about protesters getting up high-powered loud speakers in a public place and maintaining a constant barrage of chanting and abuse outside a private function. There was the same old mindless chanting of the organised mob, "Fascists out Racists out," interspersed with comments from the leaders of the mob. Prominent among these was one well- known Roman Catholic priest, who always wears his clerical garb during such demonstrations, but has been noted conducting Communion Services in a sweat shirt and wearing sandals. The rot inside the Church is certainly deep. Even from 100 yards away, I was able on Sunday, September 18th, to see that we were unlikely to be able to use the small public hall set in gardens, for the annual League of Rights action seminar. The complete defacement of the building with spray painted graffiti more than confirmed my comment on television that New Zealanders were threatened with a revolutionary rabble exuding the spirit of the sewer. Not only was the hall defaced, with one threat to the effect that next time arson would be used against the League, but the lock was made inoperative. The extreme Socialists now taking over the New Zealand Labor Party have made it clear that if Labor comes to office next year they will close down the South African Consulate. And I have heard that I and outside League speakers will be prevented from entering the country. But Labor can only win because of the destructive financial policies of the Muldoon Government. New Zealand today must be regarded as one of the major front lines in the struggle for the world. |
PROFESSOR LACHLAN CHIPMAN BLASTS SEX DISCRIMINATION BILLProfessor Lachlan Chipman, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wollongong (N.S.W.) has been mentioned more than once in these pages; notably for his opposition to that Great Australian Myth, the Multicultural Society. It is no myth that we have it here and now; but it is a myth that it is benefitttng and/or uniting Australia. Our nation has never been so divided; and the antics of people like Mr. Al Grassby do nothing but exacerbate our divisiveness. We suspect that even some politicians know this. In The Australian (September 26th)
Professor Chipman says that the forthcoming Sex Discrimination
Bill, initiated by Labor Senator Susan Ryan will overturn
some most important principles of justice and liberty"; and
that Part 3 of the Bill, which deals with enquiries and civil
proceedings, was the most worrying. When a complaint is to be made alleging (this will be a "pimp's paradise'') ''that a person or institution" has unlawfully discriminated, an inquiry will be conducted by the Sex Discrimination Commissioner - whose task it will be to try to effect a settlement through conciliation. The Commissioner can direct parties (if the Bill is passed, which looks most probable at this time) to attend a compulsory conference presided over by the Commissioner or a nominee (imagine what the implications for a stable society are when this type of arbitrary power is put into the hands of jumped up bureaucrats, some of whom may even well be homosexuals and lesbians. How lovely. Listen to this) "The parties have no right of legal or other representation at this compulsory conference except with the consent of the person presiding" (on with impartial justice, comrades. The matter could be referred to the Human Rights Commission if the conciliation attempt failed, and although its determination was not binding or conclusive between the parties, the Commission could seek an enforcement order from the Federal Court. Professor Chipman states: "Under Section 74 (2) any findings of fact stated by the Human Rights Commission as the basis for its decision constitute prima facie (on first appearances) evidence of those findings in proceedings in the Federal Court. "What this means in practice is that a person who believes that he or she has been wrongly judged to have engaged in unlawful discrimination enters the judicial process carrying the onus of proof". This is a reversal of traditional British Common Law justice, whereby a person is innocent, until proven guilty. This insidious practice started back in 1976, when the Hamer Liberal Government in Victoria introduced legislation for random breath testing of drivers of motorcars. We oppose boozing and driving as much as anyone else; we comment that the principle is a bad one. Even Mr. Justice Michael Kirby, of the Law Reform Commission, made similar comment at the time. (the driver is "guilty" until he proves "innocence"). What will those morally sick Liberals, and the trendy Chippocrats do when Susan Ryan's Bill hits the Senate? At least a few of them might throw caution to the winds and READ the Bill; but perhaps that is too much to hope for. |
BRIEF COMMENTSThe Age (Melbourne) reports (September 26th) that Australia's three largest churches called for the introduction of a capital gains tax (this will warm Senator John Button's heart) and an increase in the number of jobs in the private and public sector (every one wants to see this). This is in a document - "Changing Australia" prepared by the Anglican, Uniting, and Catholic Churches. It is a pity that those who drafted - "Changing Australia" - couldn't read books like, "The Money Trick", and "Wealth, a Christian View"; in which case they wouldn't be floundering around, out of their depth. They mean well, but in their ignorance, can only add more confusion to a sick and disintegrating society. Perusing our weekly copy of the Tribune (Communist weekly) we see a heading - "Anti-discrimination Bill Attacked by Conservatives'. After swipes at Senator Flo Bjelke-Petersen, and Mrs. Margot Anthony (wife of the National Party leader), Tribune comments: "The conservatives are swimming against the tide on this issue. That is one reason why Macphee and the more far-sighted Liberals oppose them so strongly. They realise that conservative parties just can't afford to offend women voters any more." This is typical bilge from dear old Tribune. The Fraser Government was booted out because of lack of sensible leadership, broken promises, and fawning and pandering, with lick spittle subservience to third world black tyrants (C.H.O.G.M. lost Fraser tens of thousands of votes!) and the lesbian influenced, Communist infiltrated so-called feminist groups". Please notice that the Communist Tribune praises Ian Macphee!! We notice that Victorian Premier, John Cain, has announced that his Government has deferred its forthcoming "Aboriginal Land Claims Bill" until next, year - "to allow for further community discussion. Well, Premier Cain can tell this to the fairies and goblins at the bottom of his garden. What is the real reason? The real reason is to allow time for Senator Gareth Evan's "Task Force under Ms. Gae Pincus, to set about the procedures of re-criminalising the Racial Discrimination Act, which was decriminalised by the Liberal-National Party dominated Senate in 1975. If Senator Gareth Evans can "winkle" his latest piece of trickery through the present Senate, then the Racial Discrimination Act could be used against Victorian Local Government and others, to muzzle opposition, and would be. THE CHRISTIAN ALTERNATIVE MOVEMENT OF
AUSTRALIA in its September 1983 Newsletter represents some
Objectives of the Australian Labor Party under the leadership
of the Hon. J.T. (Jack) Lang: |