4 November 1983. Thought for the Week:
"As more and more 'human rights' legislation is imposed, so
is society poisoned by those encouraged either to 'pimp' on
others, or take action which can only intensify growing social
Eric D. Butler, in "The Threat of Human Rights". (Intelligence Survey article, October 1983) |
THE CANADIAN DRAMABy Eric D. Butler, currently touring
Canada The collectivist revolution is, in many ways, far more advanced in Canada than in Australia. However, the Provincial Government of British Columbia has dared to abolish one of the most sacred cows of the internationalists, the Provincial Human Rights Commission, the result being an outcry from the media and the usual gaggle of liberal do gooders whose speciality is exposing and opposing all acts of "discrimination".As discrimination in one form or another is a law of life, the bureaucrats running human "rights" commissions and similar bodies are assured of adequate opportunities to justify their existence. Some quite hilarious examples of complaints about acts of discrimination could be given, but hilarity must give way to serious concern when, for example, the Federation of Sikh Societies of Canada charge that Canadians are discriminating against them because construction firms require that Sikhs must, like others, wear hard hats, while airline regulations prevent Sikhs from wearing Kirpans (sheathed daggers) when travelling. The Sikhs' religion prevents the wearing of hard hats and requires the wearing of kirpans. There is no compulsion of Sikhs to emigrate to Canada! One timber mill was heavily fined for dismissing an East Indian because his failure to understand English made him a danger to fellow workers. The human "rights" fanatics insisted that he had been "racially discriminated" against, and that the firm must not only be fined and reinstate the man, but pay him for the time during which he had been dismissed. The chairman of the Saskatchewan human "rights" commission and his associates have been attempting to smear Canadian Intelligence Publications, edited by Canadian League of Rights National Director Mr. Ron Gostick, and have urged that the Federal Postal Service deprive the CIS mailing privileges because of "discriminatory racist" literature. There is a mounting campaign against the Canadian League of Rights, with several ugly incidents that I will report on later. In the meantime, an article in "Macleans"
magazine of October 3rd explains, "Why Economic Recovery is
Elusive". Economics writer Dian Cohen explains why, contrary
to the predictions of the Trudeau government, "recovery is
simply not going to occur". Between November 1982 and last
July, Canada's inflation rate was reduced from 9.8 percent
to 5.5. percent, but unemployment has remained high at 10.9
percent, with a further increase highly probable. |
GOES ON The Australian (Oct. 26th, '831 said "Important new legislation on human rights, including a bill of rights and changes to the Racial Discrimination Act, is expected to go before Parliament within two months. Cabinet yesterday approved the three-part package, which will be debated early next year. The Attorney General, Senator Evans, said it would include: An Australian Bill of Rights based on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; Amendments to the structure, role, jurisdiction and enforcement powers of the Human Rights Commission; Changes to the existing Racial Discrimination Act ." Commenting on the Bill of Rights proposal, Senator Evans said; "One of the main aims of the Bill of Rights would be to make everyone in this country aware of just what the fundamental rights and freedoms in a democratic society are, and to remind people that rights and freedoms which they regard as precious to themselves are possessed in equal measure by all others..." The Australian went on: "Complaints about breaches of rights would be able to be investigated by a strengthened Human Rights Commission and the bill would provide for limited judicial enforcement. The Bill would be largely based on the Government's constitutional external affairs power, which was upheld by the High Court in the 1982 Koowarta case and in the Franklin Dam case..." The Bulletin (Nov. 1st, '83) added further comment: "Federal Cabinet last week gave the go ahead for Evans' proposal to give Australia a Bill of Rights which, while it will be applauded generally within the Labor Party, is sure to arouse widespread criticism outside. The Evans Bill will be introduced before parliament adjourns for Christmas... The Human Rights Commission set up by the Fraser Government in 1981 will be expanded considerably and given new powers by the Bill of Rights. Evans envisages commission offices in all major cities, to which people can take complaints about discrimination.... That Evans would like to move further is clear from a speech he gave in July to the Australian Legal Convention in Brisbane, when he said that a strong case for a national Bill of Rights could be made initially as ordinary legislation but with a view to it ultimately becoming part of the Constitution. The limited nature of the legislation reflects Cabinet's appreciation of the political difficulties involved in getting any human rights legislation through Parliament without arousing the opposition of sectional interests. Not the least of these interests are State Governments which, until recent High Court decisions on the Commonwealth's external affairs power, supposed that matters covered by a Bill of Rights were their preserve. This is why Cabinet did not announce its decision to proceed. Letters to State Premiers were delayed deliberately so that Joh Bjelke-Petersen did not receive his until after Saturday's State election. Evans is seeking to combat this aspect by setting up co-operative enforcement arrangements between the Commonwealth Human Rights Commission and State human rights and anti-discrimination bodies. Already the Victorian Commissioner for Equal Opportunity and her staff act for the Commonwealth commission and the Commissioner for Community Relations. Evans' hope is that Human Rights Commission offices will be set up to deal with both Federal and State legislations. Only in those States where complimentary legislation is not passed will the Commonwealth act alone...." We can well understand why Senator Evans kept back his letter until after the State election. Keith Wright in Queensland would otherwise be in the same position as the Liberals' Terry White. Gareth Evans has, in effect, declared war on traditional Australia. It may take some time for the Australian people to grasp the full import of what he proposes - although, judging by the Queensland reaction, not as long as first imagined. But the day is surely coming where the actions of Senator Evans are finally exposed as the odious and totalitarian concoction they really are. The Hawke Government's timing is important. It is well known that Australians relax their political perception over the Christmas and New Year period. So the Human 'Rights material so anti-Christian in substance, is to be introduced just before Christmas, and in early February we have a number of referenda - all designed to weaken the Senate, the Governor General and the Federal system, and to entrench the incumbent political party in the House of Representatives. It is furtive, back-door politicking at its worst. A Federal Opposition with any clout at all would be fighting, at the very least, for a longer period of national consideration. But we have no Federal Opposition - unless Doug Anthony's Nationals take a leaf from the book of the Queensland Nationals, and stir up the mud and slime in Canberra's political pool. |
BRIEF COMMENTSThere has been some wild talk around the corridors of Canberra concerning a come back for Malcolm Fraser. The very notion chills our blood; but happily, we can envisage no such prospect before us. Malcolm Fraser is political (unpleasant) history; as he has lost the power base he once did have in the Liberal Party, and the Liberals (trendy or otherwise) do not have a history of backing losers. The once great Liberal Party is on the way out. What would we do without Senator Gareth Evans? We watch him as a hawk watches its prey. He won't get his Bill of Rights through the Parliament without skin and hair flying, particularly as more and more ordinary Australians are waking up to the "quiet revolution" which the Socialists/Communists are sneaking through at Canberra. It's a case of "Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey"; the Monkey being US: the ordinary Australian battlers. Now he is applying that mind of his to "race-hatred" legislation, and he wants to outlaw "group defamation". This means (if the legislation becomes law) penalties, probably savage, for uttering a few home truths about, say, the Eskimos. |
QUEENSLAND ELECTION REPORTFrom Chas. Pinwill, State Director for
Queensland "Unless the A.L.P. could make substantial
gains in rural Queensland, it just could not win. As it happened,
the rural vote for Joh Petersen stiffened up. Only one seat
was lost, viz. Mt. Isa; and that because of an unpopular candidate.
STOP PRESS "Queenslanders have for many years had
the advantage of two conservative parties. This gave the choice
of candidates, and at times an opportunity to discipline one
in favour of the other. This prerogative has now been used
to the point of exhaustion. It is now unlikely that the Liberal
Party will again be seen as more than an irrelevance. Queensland
has joined the "two party" States. In the very long term,
this may be a minus for Queensland. Some Lessons "Secondly, Mr. Bob Hawke's success, which was really a reaction against the Fraser Government, is temporary. Faced with a clear choice, electors of Queensland have delivered him his first rebuff, more are on the way. With the decision to call yet another inquiry into Roxby Downs, the Left wing of the A.L.P. is now clearly taking Mr. Hawke in hand. Mr. Bjelke-Petersen has become, more than ever, the Leader of the Federal Opposition. The battle lines are drawn, and like Mr. Whitlam, Mr. Bob Hawke now has a genuine opponent to contend with; and has to survive this contest. |