home of ... Douglas Social Credit
2 December 1983. Thought for the Week:
"Genuine democracy can very nearly be defined as the right
to atrophy a function by contracting out. It is essentially
negative, although, contrary to the curious nonsense that
is prevalent about 'negativeness', is none the less essential
for that reason."
C.H.Douglas, in The Big Idea |
THE CANADIAN CRISISEric D. Butler reports from Canada As I listened to the address at the Armistice service, I wondered what those who had done their training in the skies above where we were gathered, would have made of an appeal for a peace which the speaker claimed required "compromise". Like so many others, he clearly had his priorities all wrong. True peace is the product of the implementation of basic principles. Peace between nations, as between individuals, is only possible when artificial frictions are removed, and when there is a respect for natural rights. The speaker appeared to be re-echoing the unrealism of Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, who has been travelling in Western Europe in search of peace. But while Prime Minister Trudeau is searching for peace abroad, there is mounting friction inside his own country. And there is no evidence that a change of politicians at Ottawa will halt the friction. Policy statements by Progressive Conservatives indicate a continuation of Trudeau policies, including the imposition of bi-lingualism on the whole of Canada. If the deepening Canadian crisis is to be halted, the first requirement is a frank assessment of the system of Confederation. If it is felt that it is a desirable objective to have a Canadian Confederation, a basic requirement is a Constitution that ensures that all Provinces are equally represented in an elected Senate that has powers at least equal to those of the Australian Senate. Unless such a Constitution is adopted the progressive centralisation of all powers at Ottawa is inevitable, with a hardening of the separatist sentiment in Quebec, and a growing resentment in Western Canada. Unfortunately that resentment has not yet been able to find a constructive outlet, with the Western Canadian Concept movement making the fatal mistake of originally moving into the party political field. The major collapse of this move was inevitable. Having met and heard some of the leaders of this movement, I see little evidence that they have learned very much from their first debacle. What is required is a well-based grassroots movement whose representatives have a firm understanding of those basic principles outlined in League of Rights training schools. It is not too much to say that the future of Canada now depends primarily upon the capacity of the Canadian League of Rights to provide the type of leadership required. Without that leadership, my considered assessment is that the future for Canadians looks extremely bleak. |
HISTORIC CALGARY SEMINAR AND CONFERENCEEric D. Butler's Report filed from Calgary,
Alberta, Canada It was stated earlier that the League was precluding the media from the Seminar to prevent exposure of the pitifully small support the League had. As the media were forced to admit later, the Seminar was completely packed. At least 400 people attended; $10,000 was taken in book and tape sales at the seminar. "All Crown Commonwealth countries were represented at the Calgary weekend, with a very strong contingent from Australia and New Zealand. There was also strong representation from influential groups of Americans. A group of Mexicans attended as observers and later met with representatives of the Crown Commonwealth, requesting the opportunity to work closely with the English speaking world, and expressing the view that the future of the world depended primarily upon the Crown Commonwealth countries and the U.S.A. "The opening Dinner function of the Calgary
weekend was a most inspiring event, with messages from all
around the world. There was a special round of applause for
Mr. Jeremy Lee, who flew in from Australia only a few hours
before the Dinner, who brought news of the dramatic Queensland
election results, along with a personal message from Premier
Joh Bjelke-Petersen. A message from Senator Florence Bjelke-Petersen
was also greeted warmly by the Dinner audience, as was one
from Lady Phyllis Cilento. "I had already clashed with representatives of the C.B.C. at an Albertan country meeting, and the same television crew attempted to crash the Calgary Seminar. The behaviour of the media generally, particularly that of the television crews, was appalling, with many visitors to the Seminar being accosted in the hotel lobbies and asked for their comments. "One of the highlights of the Seminar was the Paper by Colonel Gordon (Jack) Mohr, one of America's most decorated soldiers. Colonel Mohr was taken prisoner of war in the Korean War, and knows what Communist brainwashing is all about. He has had wide international experience, and has been a lecturer for many years. "A well known fundamentalist lay preacher, he became highly controversial when he took a firm stand on the Zionist question. "Mr. Ivor Benson, the distinguished South African journalist, gave a brilliant paper, showing how the retreat of the Western colonial powers from Africa had led to what he described as an Imperialism of money. The plight of the African people had worsened as a result of this development. "The Conference between the Crown Commonwealth and Americans was an historic event which resulted in the drawing up of a 'statement of principle' concerning the desirability of an expansion of closely associated grassroots activities. The statement is to be widely distributed throughout the United States and will be followed next year by a conference in the United States. The Statement concluded by stating that 'the peoples of the Crown Commonwealth and the United States of America are best equipped to provide leadership' in the struggle for the world". |
SENATOR GARETH EVANS ATTACKS ROLE OF MONARCHY IN THE CONSTITUTION"There is nothing unusual, adventurous or to be scared of about constitutional change". - Senator Gareth Evans, in The Australian, Nov. 26th. Well, Senator Gareth Evans must think
that we came down in the last shower. There are no less than
twenty Sections or part Sections of the Australian Constitution
to be deleted or amended. All but four appear to be of a technical/administrative
nature; although, knowing Senator Gareth Evans, we are more
than willing to be corrected here. Sections 58, 59, 60, and
74 relate to the role of the Monarch in the Australian Constitution.
We were dead right (On Target, November 18th) about the proposed
deletion of Section 59, which reads: The other three amendments will reduce the role of the Queen as the Protectress of our rights and liberties. Senator Gareth Evans has admitted that his five referenda are likely to be disallowed in Queensland and Tasmania, where the two non-Socialist State Governments will hopefully mount a campaign AGAINST the Gareth Evans referenda. So the "key" State is now Western Australia, and this is where the Hawke Government can be confidently expected to make its greatest effort. It is also where the League will make its greatest effort. |
WHERE WAS MR. IAN MACPHEE LAST SATURDAY (NOV. 26th)"Affirmative Action" is a phrase used by "liberated" radical Feminists (many of whom are lesbians, of course!) to cover the enforcement of the Sex Discrimination Bill now before Parliament. It means "making" women "more equal" than men in Commerce, Industry, Education, etc., etc., etc. Tucked away neatly in The Age (Melbourne "Weekender" supplement (Nov. 25th) is a notice - "Affirmative Action - Its Impact and Its Implications" at Pharmacy College, 381 Royal Parade, Parkville (Melbourne). Speakers: Senator Susan Ryan (of course, Dr. Peter Wilenski (yes) the Whitlamesque Socialist administrator, AND (wait for it!) - Mr. Ian Macphee, the former Liberal Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, and former Minister for Industry and Commerce.Just WHAT is he doing in the Liberal Party??? |
CLAIMS ARE DECEPTIVEA letter under this heading appeared in The Australian (November 17th) over the name of "Shirley Walters, Senator for Tasmania":"Claims by Mr. Deane Wells (A.L.P. - Qld. on 4/11) that simultaneous elections would save millions of taxpayer dollars must be exposed for their gross deception. "As the Constitution now stands, a Prime Minister has the power to call a House of Representatives election whenever he chooses, he can do so when a Senate election is due. There is no need to alter the Constitution in order to conduct simultaneous elections. "It is the power to dissolve the Senate which is in question. "Indeed, more frequent elections would result if a Prime Minister didn't have to wait for the fixed term of the Senate, but could take both Houses to the people whenever he desired. "The small States have rejected this question twice before and must do so again to ensure the independence from the executive of the States' House and the undermining of the powers of the Senate. "Labor senators have acknowledged that this is the first step in abolishing the Senate.... |
THE AUSTRALIAN REVOLUTION - 1983This booklet, by Arthur Tuck, has a chapter - "Reason For Centralism" - which described very well the "religious conviction" (Humanism) held by those like Senators Susan Ryan and Gareth Evans; "The reason for Centralism is that Socialism needs it. You see when the existence of God is denied, the highest authority you are left with is man - who is himself - if God does not exist - just a product of time and chance - of evolution - and therefore of no individual significance. And today the existence of God is denied by the religion of Humanism, which totally controls the media and T.V. and School curriculum."People like Gareth Evans and Susan Ryan are idealists. They have a concept of a Utopia based on their own belief about the nature of Man and they are determined to achieve - to build here - this Utopia. Government becomes the ultimate authority which if put into the hands of the best brains can plan and control the mass for the betterment of mankind ... to build the Utopia. To do so requires strict central planning by the best brains and strict control to make sure no one harms the Utopia and everyone lives correctly. "Then all injustice will be abolished by decree and all discrimination will be done away with - everyone will have enough, no one too much or too little and we will have a fair and just society ... and what a drab and frustrating society it would be! It will be a totalitarian system in which every aspect of life will be controlled. In the guise of giving us Human Rights we will lose the right to be human! "To do this they must have central control and if the Constitution doesn't give them this they must get it one way or another. They are men and women on a crusade....for the utopia and constitutions, States' Rights and the will of the people cannot stand in the way". |