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23 December 1983. Thought for the Week: "The
regeneration of Christian Civilisation will start when sufficient
individuals heed Christ's advice to look within and behold
the Kingdom of God. 'Fear not, little flock, for it is your
Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom'. Seeking the
Kingdom requires creative activity, a New Renaissance. If
God's Kingdom is of the spirit, then he who would truly know
God must accept personal responsibility for the Divine Spirit
which has been entrusted to him...."
Eric D. Butler in "Is The Word Enough?" |
CHRISTMAS GREETINGSWe wish all our supporters and their loved ones both a Happy and a Holy Christmas. As another year draws to its close, leaving behind a growing trail of physical and moral destruction, let us all hold fast to the eternal truths. They remain to inspire that Faith which can move mountains. There will be many mountains to move in 1984. |
DEVIOUS STRATEGY ON REFERENDAWhile Prime Minister Hawke has verbally blasted a "recalcitrant Senate" for refusing to vote $l.25m to advertise its "Yes" campaign for the referenda proposed for February 25th, there are good reasons for believing that he and his advisers actually welcomed the Senate decision. Senator Gareth Evans originally proposed that there should be a fixed term parliament. But this proposal was dropped because, should it have been carried, it would have eliminated Mr. Hawke's option of fixing an election date, which he felt would give him the maximum electoral advantage. Mr. Hawke intends to be around until 1988 if possible. When Prime Minister Fraser decided on an early, and unnecessary election early this year, Mr. Hawke was one of those who loudly criticised Mr. Fraser. Now Mr. Hawke proposes to do exactly what Mr. Fraser did. No sooner had the Senate made its decision to refuse to agree to make $1.25 million of the taxpayers' money available to stage a one-sided propaganda campaign than Mr. Hawke was raising the question of an early election. Mr. Hawke claimed that an early election would have to be considered "to save the people an extra election." It is interesting to recall that in 1977 Prime Minister Fraser called his early election allegedly to remove "uncertainty". But it must be said that Mr. Fraser gave his excuse after he had at least tried to have his simultaneous elections carried at the 1977 referendum. Senator Evans, the fanatical ideologue,
is no doubt genuine in his determination to push on as soon
as possible with his constitutional reform proposals, but
Mr. Hawke and the pragmatists, now firmly in control of the
Labor Party, primarily because of the Prime Minister's continuing
high popularity rating, are more concerned about staying in
office as long as possible. One of the leading pragmatists
is Treasurer Mr. Paul Keating, who argued last week that the
proposed referenda for February 25th should be abandoned if
the Senate refused to vote the $1.25 million, thus leaving
open the more attractive option of an early general election
late in 1984. Mr. Hawke now suggests that the referenda might
be held with or after the premature general elections he indicates.
Like Mr. Fraser before him, Mr. Hawke detests the concept of a Senate being able in any way to veto his policies. Once again we can say thank God Australia's Founding Fathers had enough wisdom to provide a constitution that does tend to check governments through the division of parliamentary powers. Every effort must be made to ensure that even if re-elected at an early general election, Mr. Hawke does not gain control of the Senate. And if the proposed referenda are held late in the year, and defeated, that will be a major defeat for the strategy to turn Australia into a Socialist Republic by 1988. |
CRACKS IN THE LAND RIGHTS RANKSAustralian politics during 1984 are going to be increasingly dominated by the Aboriginal land rights campaign. A major feature of that campaign has been to exploit alleged sacred sites. Some of the claims about these sites are so absurd that it speaks volumes for the influence of the mass media that many people take them seriously. But some of the Aboriginals are starting to reveal that they (and their white advisers!) are more interested in money than in parks associated with sacred sites. "The Australian" of November 23rd reports that "Traditional Aboriginal landowners yesterday demanded that the proposed Jabiluka and Koongarra uranium mines go ahead, and instructed the Northern Land Council to tell the Federal Government they want the mines, not a park." A Northern Land Council field representative, said the Aboriginals opposed the Federal Government's planned intention to incorporate the mines into the World Heritage listed Kakadu National Park, 140 miles south of Darwin. He said, "The people said if they could not get the mines they would seek the equivalent amount of money that they would have received from them." Speaking at the Aboriginal and International Law Conference, held in Canberra on November 21st, Professor Russel Barsh, an American adviser to a group of Canadian Indian people in the United Nations, said that Australia must offer Aborigines the choice of self-determination "If it is to be consistent with its endorsement of international conventions." Professor Barsh pointed out that the UN de-colonisation committee was a forum in which indigenous people could press their claims. But Mr. Clyde Holding Federal Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, also speaking at the Canberra Conference, expressed fears that the claim for Aboriginal sovereignty in Australia could result in an "ugly and poisonous backlash". Mr. Holding clearly favours a more Fabian type approach, one designed to minimise electoral opposition to the lands rights programme. In Brisbane Aboriginal protestors have
been staging a sit-in in the Aboriginal Development Commission's
office. Amongst the demands of the protestors is that Mr.
Charles Perkins should be sacked for ignoring the demands
of Aboriginals in Queensland. A spokesman for the protestors
charged that while refusing to give funds to Queensland, Mr.
Perkins and the Aboriginal Commission were pouring millions
into "dead duck" projects in the Northern Territory. |
BRIEF COMMENTSComparatively little publicity has been given to former Prime Minister Fraser's membership of the UN linked Interaction Council. The declared purpose of the Interaction Council, which has former secretary general of the U.N. Kurt Waldheim, serving as chairman, is "to promote practical action on problems of world peace and development." The organisation was launched with money from the Global Committee of Parliamentarians on Population and Development and the United Nations Development Programme. Amongst the former political leaders on the Council is Marxist Michael Manley of Jamaica. It is reported that the Council will concern itself with unemployment, Third World debt and the world monetary system. As the former political leaders making up the Interaction Council did nothing to solve the basic problems of their own countries while in office; it is pertinent to ask how they expect to do any better in their new positions. Eyebrows have been raised in Whitehall by the news that the former pop concert promoter, novelist and discharged bankrupt, Mr. David Hart, is advising Prime Minister Thatcher on social and economic matters. Son of the Jewish chairman and founder of the merchant bank Fraser-Amabacher - Louis "Boy" Hart - son David claimed he was subject to anti-Semitism while at Eton. His flamboyant life style resulted in bankruptcy. Perhaps this qualifies him to advise Mrs. Thatcher! Remember those budget deficit "blowouts" Liberal National Party John Howard used to experience? Mr. Paul Keating is heading for the same type of "blow out" with his first budget. The deficit is running at $6.3 billion after only five months. As the government has claimed repeatedly that last year's "blow out" will not be repeated, we will be interested in what type of 1984 double talk we will hear from Mr. Hawke, Mr. Keating and their colleagues. If it were not so deadly serious, the whole business of debt finance would be laughable. As we have predicted, uncritical American for Zionist expansionism in the Middle East is exactly what the Soviet strategists want. Pro-Western Arab nations have joined with other Arab nations in strongly criticising the new Washington-Israeli understanding, followed by open military conflict between the U.S.A. and Syria. Even King Hussein of Jordan has been moved to suggest that there should be an enlarged role for the Soviet in the Middle East. The Red chickens continue to come home to roost. |
GEORGE SANTAYANA ON DEMOCRACYA South Yarra actionist (Vic.) has drawn
our attention to the words of the American philosopher, George
Santayana Our answer to George Santayana's question,
viz. "Can we break the cycle?" is - definitely, YES. We can
break the cycle at "loose fiscal policies", over which, says
Santayana, democracy always collapses. |