home of ... Douglas Social Credit
29 April 1966. Thought for the Week: Real development
is not leaving things behind, as on a road, but drawing life from them,
as from a root."
G. K. Chesterton "The Victorian Age in Literature". |
THE IMPASSE IN RHODESIAMr. Wilson the British Socialist Prime Minister,
in answering the Leader of the Opposition Mr. Heath at the opening of
the new parliament referred to the recent visit to Salisbury by Mr.
Duncan Watson, a high official of the Commonwealth relations Office.
Mr. Heath had charged that in taking the oil issue to the UN Mr. Wilson
had opened the way to "immense dangers to the whole of Southern Africa...I
cannot believe that the Government was unaware of this." As it is well known that the Rhodesian Government
is willing to establish normal relationships with any country, which
accepts that such negotiations can only be established by recognising
the sovereignty of the present Rhodesian Government, we can only conclude
that Mr. Watson did not start from this point. But this is the point
from which any government considering its future relationship with Rhodesia
must start from, whether it is Britain, Australia or any other country
genuinely seeking to resolve any conflict with Rhodesia's position.
So when Mr. Wilson talks about "responsible members of this House",
he is referring only to those who refuse to accept what is now the reality.
SIR ROBERT GORDON MENZIES & RHODESIAIn a scholarly article in the same issue of The Australian the former Prime Minister points to dangers facing the Commonwealth brought to flash point by the Rhodesian situation. While posing no alternative to recognition of Rhodesia's U.D.I. Sir Robert was outspoken about the lack of unanimity amongst Commonwealth members who in other places form blocs calling for force to bring about a war which, " so entered upon and pursued would ruin Rhodesia and inflict untold miseries upon the very Rhodesian Africans whose cause the advocates of force would profess to champion."Sir Robert pointedly refers to the unifying force, which is rejected by many of the members of the Commonwealth; this is the institution of the Crown, "standing above party politics, a powerful but vital element in our institutions of government and justice." |
FABIANS & THE CROWNAmongst those who reject the Crown as the central authority of the British Commonwealth must be listed the Fabian Socialists in the British Government. From the beginning of their nefarious activities they have sought the destruction of government based upon a division of power. The Monarch has always been depicted as the representative of a debased and unrepresentative aristocracy. The objective has been the establishment of single chamber government hailed as a reality in 1945 by Professor Harold Laski then Chairman of the British Labour Party and a leading Fabian. When the Labour Party won the elections in 1945 Professor Laski told the British people that "parliament was now supreme," which meant in effect that the restraining influences of the other important institutions making up the balance of authority were of no value. The attacks on the Monarchy are continuous and vicious. Press reports recently told of The Queen being depicted on the "B"B.C. as being in love with a pop singer. Mr. William Hamilton, Labour M.P. was reported while addressing a Fabian Society meeting that the ceremony associated with the opening of parliament this week "was hilariously irrelevant to the problems facing this country." Mr. Hamilton objected strenuously to the Prime Minister being forced to stand around instead of being the most important figure at the event. Mr. Geoffrey Dutton described as a poet addressed a recent Fabian symposium in Melbourne when he similarly attacked the Crown. The Monarch, deriving authority from God will
always be attacked by those who reject God. |
CONSCRIPTION & THE CLERGYThe Australian 21.4.66 reports a letter by 101 Victorian clergymen calling on the P.M. to abandon conscription for service in Vietnam. It called for a ceasefire and negotiations. What makes the statement of interest is that the clergymen are reported as not opposing conscription as such but merely conscription for Vietnam. Although the report did not name the clergymen
we do not doubt that they include the solid core that lend their support
for many leftist causes. Like Archbishop Ramsey of England this group
only show a tendency to forego high principles when force is contemplated
against such a country as Rhodesia. They seem to have concentrated on
"loving our enemies" to the extent that they have forgotten to love
our friends. Many competent military advisers have pointed out that a blockade of North Vietnam would quickly bring the guerillas back to the level where the indigenous populations could resist them on equal terms. While China, Russia and even Western countries are permitted to feed and arm the Viet Cong peace in that land is being unduly delayed. |
INCREASED COMMUNIST TERRORISM IN THAILANDThe Australian 21.4.66 reports the anxiety
caused in Thailand by the Vietnamese situation. Suspicion that President
Johnson is not making an all out effort to win against the Communists
in Vietnam coupled with an increase of terrorist communist activities
in Thailand has given them every cause to fear the future. On the same page Mr. Arthur Goldberg, the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. is reported as advocating the acceptance of Red China into that "peaceful" body if she will stop poking tongues at the U.S. and promise to adhere to the U.N. charter. Small wonder the Thais are concerned. |
AUSTRALIAN-RHODESIAN ROLE AT U.N.It is encouraging to find Senator Gorton, acting
Minister for External Affairs, indicating last Saturday the 23rd that
the abstention from voting by Australia's U.N. ambassador on the issue
of applying force against Rhodesia, was not in line with Government
policy. The Ambassador "erred" by not voting against it according to
The Melbourne Age report of April 25th. Senator Gorton said,
"We are utterly opposed to the use of military force against Rhodesia.
We are concerned with it, and if another opportunity should arise we
will vote against it." Editorial comment in The Age as in most Australian newspapers have fallen over backward endeavouring to appease the Afro-Asians. What has been built, as the "race problem" and anything to do with the sanctity of the U.N have become almost sacred cows to the editorial mystics of our day. So far as the U.N. is concerned the time is rapidly approaching when the civilised countries will have to withdraw their support from this socialist "Trojan Horse". The alternative is to allow ourselves to be voted out of existence by the world's barbarians. |
THE INFALLIBLE LIPPMANThose who have been influenced by the oily pontificating
of the socialist Walter Lippman, who keeps assuring us that the Viet
Cong is just a local peasant revolution having very little connection
with outside Communist sources may do well to remember his use of the
same line in lulling alarm prior to both the Chinese and Cuban takeovers.
In his column in the "New York Herald Tribune" on July 23, 1959,
he summed up the current Cuban situation. Such wisdom and foresight apparently went unnoticed
by Fidel Castro when he proudly announced that he was and had always
been a Communist, and commenced installing Soviet missiles, which are
there to this day despite the "hoo-ha" about the great Kennedy victory
in having them removed in return for betraying the Cuban patriots. |