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28 January 1966. Thought for the Week: "To the
modern collectivist, men, nations or races which have failed in the
competitive struggle are "underprivileged", "oppressed", or "deprived";
criminals have not so much wronged society as have been wronged by it;
those who have succeeded are always "exploiters" of the failures."
William Flax in the October-December, 1965 issue of "The Mankind Quarterly". |
RHODESIA AND COMMUNIST GLOBAL, STRATEGYInternational Communism has a global strategy
for world conquest. The Communists are attacking the Free world with
an extraordinary variety of conflict instruments. From the time of Lenin
the Communists have developed a most remarkable research, development
and training programme in conflict management. This has followed from
Lenin"s teaching: Communist strategists, both in Moscow and in Peking, openly state that their three major strategic targets are at present Latin America, Asia, and Africa. If these targets can be reached, then the Communists believe that their concept of global encirclement of Western Europe, including Britain, and North America, will have been advanced to the final stage before complete world conquest. The Communist programme in Africa has been making steady progress. There have been set-backs, but the general situation is, as confidently anticipated by the Communist strategists. Their "anti-colonial" campaign helped force the European powers to grant premature "independence" to African peoples. The Nigerian bloodbath is one more example of the inevitable results of a reality, which the Communist conflict managers understand. For nearly half a century the Communists have been training experts on Africa to take advantage of what they confidently anticipated. The Communists met a major set-back when the Portuguese hit back firmly against the terrorists in Angolia, and the South Africans defied the massive international campaign mounted against them, But the major pressure has now been shifted to Rhodesia, where the Communist strategists believe they have more chance of immediate success. If they can succeed, then the task of dealing with the Portuguese and South Africa will be much easier. Because they do not understand the all-embracing nature of long-term Communist strategy, most of those supporting, either actively or passively, international economic sanctions against Rhodesia, do not realise that they are making a vital contribution towards the creating of a Communist World. Rhodesia is one of the most vital issues in the whole world today. And yet the very "news" about Rhodesia, or the suppression of important information, provide further examples of the desperate plight of the Free World. The peoples of the Free World are victims of a deadly propaganda war. The very intensity of the international campaign against Rhodesia is striking evidence of the capacity of the Communist strategists, not only to operate a conspiracy without precedence in the history of man, but to use large numbers of useful innocents and sentimental theorists to help advance their programme. |
IAN SMITH"S VIEWS ON COMMUNIST CHALLENGEIn an interview on the eve of the Commonwealth Conference in Lagos, Nigeria, Rhodesia's Prime Minister, Mr. Ian Smith, said that Rhodesia's stand was against Communism. "I am sure most members of the Commonwealth are aware of the fact that Communism is trying to establish itself in the Southern part of the African continent. Regrettably it must be conceded that they have had certain success in some countries to the north of us. We are determined they will not succeed in Rhodesia, and we are resolved to keep Communism out of our country which, let me assure you, has not been weakened by the problems facing us today...All we ask is to be given the chance to prove the rightness of our case. "I trust the deliberations at Lagos will be constructive and based on factual evidence, otherwise they will be worthless and will be playing into the hands of the Communists. If the participants allow this to happen the conference could find that, in fact, it has been responsible for aiding and abetting in the creation of another Vietnam on the African continent." (vide "Rhodesian Herald", January 11.) |
S.A. OPPOSITION M.P.URGES SUPPORT FOR RHODESIADr. A. Redford, an Opposition Member in the South African Parliament, has called for open South African support for Mr. Ian Smith, Dr. Radford said in Durban on January 18 that the revolt in Nigeria "proves only too well how fragile is the crust of law and order of the African States. It strengthens the assertion by Sir de Villiers Graaff, leader of the United Party, that the overwhelming majority of whites in South Africa and vast numbers of responsible non-whites who respect law and order are behind Ian Smith..." South African support for Rhodesia is being expressed in many ways by the people. An organisation to help Rhodesia economically has been established. Even farmers in one drought-stricken centre have donated petrol for the Rhodesians. The fact that the South African Opposition Party is calling for Dr. Verwoerd to take a stronger stand behind the Rhodesians clearly indicates the support for the Smith Government amongst all sections of the South African people. |
CAN RHODESIA SURVIVE?In a TV interview in Salisbury on January 17, Mr. Ian Smith said that he was ready to begin negotiations with Britain at any time, but he warned that if Mr. Harold Wilson was waiting to bring Rhodesia to its knees before starting negotiations, "he will be in his grave before that day arrives." While the world's press features Mr. Wilson's threats and claims about the economic war against Rhodesia, British MPs of all parties who have been visiting Rhodesia return to Britain with a picture of a united nation prepared to suffer some material problems in order to be masters of their own destiny. Originally Mr. Wilson spoke about toppling the Smith Government in a matter of weeks. Now that Mr. Wilson is learning the bitter truth, his propagandists in London are shifting their ground: Mr. Wilson will be prepared to accept Mr. Smith and other Rhodesian Government Members in an "interim Government". An offer will be made to Mr. Smith when further sanctions have started to hurt the Rhodesian man in the street. All of this psychological warfare is having no effect upon Mr. Smith and his colleagues. They will be prepared to talk to Britain as and independent nation. Mr. Wilson must have a very short memory if he believes that some economic difficulties will force the Rhodesians to open their doors to the chaos and terror now sweeping other parts of Africa. Many of these Rhodesians were British leaders when Hitler's Germany attempted to destroy Britain. These are morally tough men leading a resourceful people in a land with an advanced industrial system, and possessing vast natural resources. Every Australian who remembers the war years will recall the manner in which economic difficulties were met, and shortages overcome. Already in Rhodesia ways are being devised to overcome petrol shortages, Steam instead of diesel trains are being used. The anti-Smith "Rhodesian Herald" of January 16 carries the headline, |
INGENUITY IS HELPING SHOPS TO BEAT THE SANCTIONS.The story starts: "Shops in Salisbury are fighting shortages of goods in ways they never dreamed possible a year ago. Small firms are selling things they have never handled before. Bigger firms, with stocks to last months ahead and pre-UDI orders on the way, are already exploring the possibility of "making do and mending" with local substitutes for imported goods." One business manager is quoted: "There's nothing that can't be substituted, with a little initiative and hard work. In the end, these shortages may be a blessing in disguise for local industry." One of the local Rhodesians returning home from New Zealand to stand by the Smith Government, said on his way through Melbourne last week that his widowed mother in Rhodesia, formerly a political opponent of Mr. Ian Smith's Party, had written telling him that petrol rationing did not worry her, "If Mr. Smith needs the petrol, I will put my car away in the garage." This woman now walks several miles to Church. This is the spirit of Rhodesia today. |
A REAL BRITISH LEADERThose who echo poisonous propaganda about Mr.
Ian Smith, calling him "arrogant" or "disloyal" might consider the Rhodesian
Prime Minister's New Year Message to Rhodesia's youth: On October 15, 1965, Mr. Smith said: "To those who would have us surrender all that has been achieved in the last 70 years by British energy, courage, discipline and initiative and at the same time betray the trust which has been reposed in us by the bulk of the indigenous people of Rhodesia I would say this: "First show us how to unlearn to be British. |