home of ... Douglas Social Credit
3 June 1966. Thought for the Week: You cannot
bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot strengthen
the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by
pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of man
by encouraging class hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying
the rich. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative
and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them
what they could and should do for themselves.
Abraham Lincoln. |
RHODESIA - SOUTH AFRICA: STABILITY AMIDST CHAOSNo greater commentary on the moral bankruptcy of all those forces railing against Rhodesia could be found than the news reports of events in the African continent in this past week. From the British Government under the Fabian, Harold Wilson, the U.S.A. government under the career politician, Lyndon Johnson surrounded by similar men to those who control the British Government, to their first cousins running the Moscow machine, all are united against Rhodesia. The Rhodesians with their stable progressive
government and peaceful people, continue to come under fire, while the
rest of Africa rapidly becomes enveloped in the flames of revolution,
with its accompanying mass murdering, pillaging and general chaos. President Johnson in condemning Rhodesia this
week talked of high principles. |
BRITISH GUIANA - NOW GUYANASituated just across the Caribbean from Cuba, British Guiana has now received "independence", and will be known from hence forth as Guyana. This unhappy state has been noted in the past few years as another seething hotbed of intrigue fed from the Communist base in Cuba, with the Communist stooge Cheddi Jagan playing a key role. The outburst of Dr. Jagan at the independence ceremony is a portent of things to come.Under pressure from "public opinion" and the Communists agitating through the U.N. machinery, their blood brothers in the Socialist Government of Britain have abandoned British Guiana to internal disruption. The Negro and Indian elements, which comprise the population, will now be free to vie for power with the communist agitators fanning the racial blaze. |
DEPOSING CONSTITUTIONAL RULE IN UGANDAThe depicting by the press of the constitutional
head of Buganda, Sir Edward Mutesa as a kind of illegitimate despot
opposing popular rule, is a familiar story today. Buganda is the largest
of four kingdoms within the federated state of Uganda. Dr. Milton Obote
who gained power in the manner, which has become traditional in Africa
and tore up the constitution, which had been the basis of independence.
As we see the situation Dr. Obote in seeking to establish his one party,
no opposition, totalitarian government had to overcome the objections
of those who constituted the four states, or kingdoms, within Uganda. According to a report in The Australian 30.5.66 there is no doubt that Dr. Obote gets his funds from those sources, which have consistently financed revolutions in Africa. 2,000,000 dollars is the figure mentioned as being the profit made by Dr. Obote and his henchmen from the Congo operation alone. Fortunately for the conspirators the main witness with all the documented proof of their perfidy. David Ocheng secretary of Sir Edward Mutesa's Opposition party, died suddenly. This has let Dr. Obote off the hook and it appears that yet another African state will pass into complete despotism. |
HEADLINES ARE DECEPTIVEWriting from Saigon on the Da Nang rioting, the foreign editor of the Washington "Star", Crosby Noys urged readers to realise that headline news does not reflect a true overall picture of a country. "The impression that Saigon today - or at any time - is a seething cauldron of violence is entirely fanciful," he said. "Anti American demonstrations in Saigon are about as spontaneous as demonstrations at the Republican national convention." Eric Sevaried, veteran television commentator
added to this debunking of the hysterical reaction of sensation mongers. |
ROBERT KENNEDY AND SOUTH AFRICAThe refusal of the South African Government to issue visas for the herd of thirty odd reporters, who were to accompany Senator Robert Kennedy for his address to the Capetown University, was commended by a former South African Foreign Minister Dr. Eric Louw. Dr. Louw said, "This is largely a publicity stunt, as part of Kennedy's campaign for the presidency and to win the Negro vote. He is the type who could do anything for publicity." "The Australian"27 .5.66 It is not without interest to note that the Fiji Government has taken similar action to stop Dr. J. Cairns, who holds similar left wing views to Senator Kennedy, from addressing the Atomic Explosion Protest Committee meetings in Fiji. The Melbourne Herald 31.5.66 reports that the Governor, Sir Derek Jakeway has declared it "inappropriate for visitors from another country" to take part in these meetings. The Government had no desire to suppress legitimate expressions of concern by Fijians, however groundless but indicated that they draw the line at imported rabble-rousers. |
PORTUGESE REVELATIONSFollowing the U.N. Security Council's resolution which virtually condemned Portugal for adhering to her proclaimed policy of neutrality in the Rhodesian dispute, the Portuguese Foreign Minister gave a press conference on May 3rd, 1966, which sheds much light on the underhand methods employed by the British Socialist Government, both inside and outside the U.N. Our daily press found it expedient to ignore the statement almost completely. While the Foreign Ministers statement reflects
Portuguese state interests, it is also an important document of contemporary
history which gives the reader a glimpse of the intrigues the Wilson
Government has resorted to in order to overthrow the Rhodesian Government.
The Foreign Minister acknowledges that "down the centuries" the United
Kingdom has always fought for the "liberty of navigation on the high
seas," Then he observes "at present it refuses to recognise the blockade
of Cuba, and British ships carry 60% of supplies to North Vietnam, but
the British Government has considered it wise for the Security Council
to set up a blockade of our port of Beirra." We recommend those who are sufficiently interested in the important document should write to, The Embassy of Portugal, Canberra A.C.T. and obtain a copy. |
PRESS PREDICTIONS AND RHODESIA'S ECONOMYSix months of wrong predictions by almost every section of the Australian press about Rhodesia's economic chances of survival should have made them more cautious about their predictions by now. As is usual the reality is quite different. While it would be silly to pretend that economic sanctions had no effects on Rhodesia' s economy, it can be said without any fear of contradiction, that Rhodesia's economy is no worse hit than Australia's economy was during the blackest days of World War II. According to the latest figures direct from Rhodesia, "Rhodesian Commentary 16.5.66 the manufacturing index for February 66 was down 5% in comparison with February 65. Even if it was down 20% temporarily, this would still be a comparatively small sacrifice when the alternative is certain and complete obliteration in both the economic and political sense. However there are signs that the Rhodesian economy is experiencing an upsurge. Rhodesian statistics show that 80 new factories came into being during the first 3 months of this year. Much of which can be explained by the fact that circumstances are forcing the Rhodesian Government to adopt a much more realistic financial policy than is practiced in other parts of the world. |
DR. NKRUMAHThe Australian 30.5.66 contains the following item Dr. Nkrumah the deposed president of Ghana, now living in self imposed exile in Guinea is reported to have been offered the job of leading a Guinean delegation to the U.N." No doubt to howl and rant as is his custom on the evils of Western Civilization.The "self imposed" tag must surely be a jest of the reporter? Or just another subtle distortion of the truth? |