home of ... Douglas Social Credit
19 August 1966. Thought
for the week: "The hottest fires of Hell are reserved for those
who in a period of moral crisis maintain neutrality".
Dante. |
TRADING WITH THE ENEMYDuring the closing stages of the autumn session
of Federal Parliament the Government was criticised for trading with
North Vietnam and Communist China. It was revealed that up until February
of this year Australia was exporting to North Vietnam. In 1964-65 trade
with North Vietnam totaled 310,316 dollars. The Government claimed that
the trade with North Vietnam had been in non-strategic materials. However,
a report in "The Export Reporter" for July states that in February
of this year the Government made an "unpublicised...decision" to stop
trade with North Vietnam because "it recognised it could not morally
trade with people it was fighting." North Vietnam is but the instrument through
which Communist China - and the Soviet Union - is seeking to extend
its power and influence in the whole of South-East Asia. If South Vietnam
falls, then other South-East Asian countries will quickly follow behind
the Bamboo Curtain. In recent years Communist China has progressively increased its military and economic aid to North Vietnam. This aid has included the sending of Chinese troops to North Vietnam. American pilots are being shot down by anti-aircraft guns manned by Peking air defence troops. "Far Eastern Economic Review" of July
14 reported: No matter how much double-talk is used, Australia's economic aid to Communist China helps Peking to increase assistance to North Vietnam, thus ensuring that more American, Australian and New Zealand soldiers have to die or be wounded in the struggle against North Vietnam. And the same Government, which can justify trading with the Chinese Communist enemy, can at the same time justify economic sanctions against anti-Communist Rhodesia. One of the first necessities for winning the
struggle against International Communism is to put an end to double-talk
and double-standards. |
US RACE RIOTS DEVELOP AS PLANNEDThe Communists have always visualised an eight-step path to a racial revolution in the U.S.A.: propaganda, agitation, non-violent direct action, civil disobedience, armed self- defence, selective terror, urban and rural guerrilla warfare, and finally, a full-scale racial revolutionary war. The "Peking People's Daily" of August
8 stated: In his Paper at the League of Rights 1966 Seminar, to he held in Melbourne on Saturday, September 17, eminent Canadian authority on revolutionary movements Mr. Ron Gostick will expose the Communist influence behind the growing race riots in the U.S.A. |
HOW RELIABLE IS "NEWSWEEK"?"Newsweek" magazine is one of those sophisticated
journals produced for the alleged "intellectuals". Smart young business
and professional men can often be seen with their copy of "Newsweek"
under their arms. When the New China News Agency from Peking published the fantastic story about the seventy-two-year-old Mao Tse-tung swimming nine miles in 65 minutes (approximately four times faster than existing world swimming records!) most of the press of the world had the sense to treat this story with derision. But "Newsweek" accepts a head-shot photo, allegedly of Mao, allegedly in the Yangtse River, and reaches the conclusion that the Communist leader is "hale and hearty and very much in charge of the current leadership purge". |
THE FABIAN-COMMUNIST UNITED FRONTMuch to the horror of those naive people who
believe that Fabian Socialism has nothing whatever to do with Communism,
in fact is "a barrier against Communist extremism", we have consistently
stressed that the Fabian Socialists are dangerous front-runners for
the Communists in the revolutionary war against the free society. Further
evidence of the close relationship between the Fabians and the Communists
is provided in the August issue of "Outlook", "An Independent
Socialist Journal", with the publication of a paper given by Mr.
Rex Mortimer, leading Australian Communist, to the Victorian Fabian
Society in May. In his historical survey of the Communist Party,
Mr. Mortimer mentions that while the campaigns in the industrial field
were well known, "Less well known, but of considerable significance
also at various times, have been its influence and activity in wider
welfare fields such as education, municipal needs, social services,
aboriginal rights, etc." However, it is admitted that many mistakes
were made. However, says Mr. Mortimer, "a new element is now entering the picture, presenting the Communist Party, along with the entire labor movement, with both new dangers and new opportunities for constructing a viable socialist role within a concept that does not depend on capitalism committing suicide." Mr. Mortimer's thesis is a reflection of the
new popular front lines with which the Italian Communist Party has been
the most prominently associated. There is a "new approach to socialism
encompassing classical, Marxist foundations, the actual state of affairs
in modern capitalist society, and the useful results of non-Marxian
economic, political and sociological analysis". Mr. Mortimer concludes by saying that with a new "ferment of radical and socialist thought", "we may hope for a gradual convergence of left tendencies, leading not to any monolithic identity of views, but to a greater recognition of community, greater interchange, toleration and co-operation". The Communist Party now seeks "in the long run a coalition of the left, with guaranteed freedom of action and independence of the constituent groups within a common set of policies." In order no doubt to help further the current
"soft-sell" policy of the Communist conspiracy, Mr. Mortimer began this
year post-graduate studies in Politics at Monash University. While the Communists and the Fabians get together to preach a new "toleration", the Communist conspiracy continues to further violence and subversion in all parts of the world. |
AMERICANS DESIRE INTENSIFIED VIETNAM WARLatest public opinion surveys in the U.S.A. show that Americans want the Vietnam War intensified. This reflects the growing concern with the Johnson Administration's no-win policy. President Johnson cannot ignore the growing grass-roots upsurge in an election year. But he cannot be too drastic, such as bombing and blockading the port of Haiphong. This would bring him into direct conflict with the Russians. And the myth about the Soviet "mellowing" is still strong. But if the conservative anti-Communist upsurge continues in the U.S.A., President Johnson will have to decide between either a "show down" with the Soviet criminals or with the American people. |