home of ... Douglas Social Credit
26 August 1966. Thought
for the week: "The most important thing to stop the spread of Communism
is not help for the underdeveloped countries in the East but help for
underdeveloped minds in the West
Madame Suzanne Labin, world known author, observer and analyst, in her latest Book, "Red Foxes In the Chicken Coop". |
INTERNATIONAL COPPER PRICES AND POLITICSIf the Rhodesian stand against international
gangsterdom has demonstrated anything it is that the manipulation of
mass opinion must bow to economic and political realities. Even the
gangsters must have the means to wage war, and when their access to
vital minerals is threatened they are forced to think again. Both the economic and political factors are proving to be very much in the hands of Rhodesia's political leaders. In determination and sagacity they have shown themselves more than the equal of anything which can be thrown at them to date. It was hoped that Zambian copper would be the instrument to break Rhodesia's resistance. Alternative export facilities to those provided by Rhodesia failed and while Zambian copper was not finding its way onto the world market resulted in an increase of some 44% in price on the international market. Determination not to be blackmailed or bullied was again the factor when the Zambian Government was forced to realise that Rhodesia would accept nothing less than cash payment for freighting the copper to the coast. Now it is reported, "The Australian" 22.8.66 that Rhodesia herself will benefit by the increased price of copper, as her own copper exports will add another estimated $600,000 to her export earnings. An additional report which must rub salt into
the wounds of those who measure wealth and national economic strength
by a nations gold reserves is the announcement by the Rhodesian Government
that they will now issue gold coins to the value of £5, £1, and lO/-.
full page to books, either published or about to be published concerning
the Kennedy Assassination and the simmering unrest in the U.S.A. with
the official findings of the Warren Commission. Lee Harvey Oswald was to be found, the sole
instigator, the lone assassin, and no conspiracy had operated to bring
about the death of the President. Any other finding would have implicated
a foreign power, and that power would have to be the U.S.S.R. It seems that there are other fish to fry, big
fish. Mr. Lyndon Baines Johnson is being prepared for an inglorious
exit. He has played out his usefulness, a role he would never have achieved
but for the untimely (?) death of Kennedy. According to Howard this is now well known. It
is alleged that he bulldozed them into bringing down a decision before
the 1964 elections to enable him to receive the sympathy vote. Such
is the political dynamite in this sorry tale of violent political assassination.
Oswald - never meant to be caught - killed by ex-Communist, Jack Rubinstein
before he could talk. Rubinstein himself never put on the witness stand
through one pretext or another, and so never any danger of being interrogated
by experts on Communist conspiratorial methods. |
SOUTH AFRICA STANDS FIRM : U.S.A. AND WORLD COURT DECISIONSouth Africa is reported in a U.P.I. report dated 18.8.66 as handing a sharply worded rebuke to the U.S. Secretary of State Mr. George Ball. The rebuke refers to a note which the South African government received from the U.S. Department of State three days prior to the World Court decision of July 18th, announcing the U.S. intention to see the Courts' decision enforced.The South African note continued, "Its whole tenor suggested that a judgment adverse to South Africa was expected by the U.S. Government." They then proceeded, to hope that Washington would now instruct its representatives at the U.N. "to oppose any renewal of the vendetta against South Africa." Hoisted as the saying has it, by their own petard! |
ROBERT KENNEDY EXPLOITS THE RACE QUESTIONIn a particularly venomous article, the first
installment of which appeared in the "Melbourne Herald" 20.8.66,
Senator Robert Kennedy condemned the South African government's policy
of separate development. His condemnations are tinged with the same
contempt for objectivity displayed this month by his brother Senator
Edward Kennedy, who said that although he had not read it; he accepted
the Warren Commission report on the death of President John Kennedy
as "conclusive". The emotional style of the Robert Kennedy article is
set by the title, which arises from a quotation of him addressing a
gathering at the University of Natal in Durban. "Suppose God Is Black".
"What if we go to heaven and we all our lives, have treated the Negro
as an inferior, and God is there, and we look up and He is not white." The Republic of South Africa has one method of peacefully dealing with the problem of the large undeveloped native people. It is the method of Dr. Albert Schweitzer whose love of the African native is unquestioned. It is like any man-made structure, not perfect, but while its problem is to cope with the influx of natives disenchanted by the "freedom" of black rule in other states to the north of South Africa, we may be excused for believing the actions of the natives themselves, rather than the assertions of a visiting politician with an eye on the American Negro vote. |
THE TREASON OF BERTRAND RUSSELLOn July 20th last, the Bertrand Russell Peace
Foundation cabled a request to Moscow that the Soviet Air Force be used
to defend North Vietnam against American air raids. Mr. Kosygin replied
on August 18th with a promise to provide "all our material and technical
assistance, means of defence and precision of experts" if requested
from Hanoi. Pledged as they are to the aim of undermining
the sovereignty of their native lands to the end of a sovietised world,
the present action is no surprise to students of this subversive body.
It is a fitting comment on Russell's "humanitarian" principles to observe
his appeal to a regime, which finds it necessary to erect prison walls
around the people under its control. |
AUSTRALIAN STATES BEING FORCED TO COMMIT SUICIDEThe recent budget has again raised the crucial
problem of State-Federal relationships in Australia. In this concept
the States are the more important unit if we are to survive as a free
society. The very possibility of answering the Communist challenge is
inherent in the principle of self-government. Central control of financial
credit has been the prime mechanism used to destroy individual credit
and freedom. Those who would fasten this burden upon civilisation are
to be found just as much in the ranks of those parties elected to defend
freedom, property and enterprise as in the socialist parties. This was no problem when we were at war. It was necessary to use the credit mechanism to subsidise basic items in the economy. It was credit, which did not come from the cost structure, such as taxes. This was a form of consumer credit, a distribution of a type of a dividend to the individual. We suggest that our business and professional leaders might study the consumer-credit principle with great profit. |
RHODESIAN TROOPS FOR VIETNAMAs against the British withdrawal East of Suez and the policy of economic sanctions imposed on Rhodesia, the recent offer by the Rhodesian Government to President Johnson to send troops to Vietnam should be brought to the attention of our government who should be asked why are we indulging in a policy of trying to destroy those whose only objective is to aid us in the common fight against Communism. |