home of ... Douglas Social Credit
11 November 1966. Thought for the Week: "A nation
can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive
treason within...For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the
accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments,
and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night
to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that
it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor
is the warrior of the plague."
Cicero. |
THE DISTURBING CASE OF MR. EDWARD ST JOHN Q.C.The decision by Mr. Keith Chambers, former Mayor
of Mosman, to stand as an Independent Liberal in the Sydney electorate
of Warringah, against the endorsed Liberal candidate, Mr. Edward St.
John, Q.C., is one of the highlights of the Federal Elections. One of the most disturbing features of Mr. St John's public activities is his support of the South African Defence and Aid Fund, of which he is President. The fact that Communists advocate financial support for this organisation does not make it Communist. Mr. St John claims that no Communist can join the organisation in Australia, but he would find it hard to make the same claim about the Fund in Britain, where there has been obvious Communist influence. The Fund purports to collect funds to assist the "victims" of apartheid in South Africa. Many of these "victims" are in fact guilty of participating in Communist activities against South Africa. Others are dupes of the Communists. Recently in Australia was Mr. Robert Resha, African National Congress leader. Mr. Resha was alleged to be in Australia to tell Australians about the "horrors" of apartheid, and to collect funds to help victims of the South African "police state". Now it is beyond dispute that it was the Australian Communists and the extreme Left wing, which gave Mr. Resha most support. The Communists never support any project unless it is serves their purposes. Although Mr. St John was made familiar with the pro-Communist background of Mr. Resha, he and his organisation's Secretary, Mr. Garth Nettheim, not only doggedly refused to withdraw the South African Defence and Aid Fund's sponsorship of the Resha tour of Australia, but attempted to smear the National Director of the Australian League of Rights, Mr. Eric Butler, because he pointed out that Mr. Resha was attempting to dispute that his African National Congress was Communist-influenced. Following an attempted whitewash of Mr. St John's
organisation in "The Bulletin" of October 8 by Mr. Sam Lipski,
Mr. Butler wrote as follows in "The Bulletin" of October 22; "Giving evidence under oath at the Rivonia trial,
Mr. Walter Sisulu, former secretary-general of the ANC, admitted that
he had traveled extensively behind the Iron Curtain while he was at
the same time a member of the national executive of the A.NC. He said
that the ANC and the Communist Party were closely affiliated and that
their aims were the same. Sisulu told the court that the Communist Party
had assisted the ANC with sabotage." "The Bulletin" immediately submitted Mr.
Butler's letter to Mr. Garth Nettheim, who desperately claimed that
Mr. Butler's facts were "taken entirely out of context". But even more revealing was the attempt to cloud the issue by introducing K. D. Gott's little hate booklet, "Voices of Hate". As Mr. St John also recommended "Voices of Hate" in a letter to the local paper, "The Daily News-Pictorial", this is clear evidence of conscious intent to use this publication as a smear weapon. And it raises more disturbing questions about Mr. St John's associations. The Communist background of Mr. K. Gott must first be studied in assessing this smear booklet. Mr. Gott left Australia immediately after it was printed. After doing an interview with Mr. Butler for "The Australian", Mr. Gott's material could not be used because, in the words of the editor, Mr. Kommer, it was not only unfair, but also libelous. Such is the authority recommended by Mr. St John. Gott's booklet was immediately featured in the Communist press after publication. It is recommended by the Australian Communist Party. It was published by the "Dissent" group in Melbourne, whose journal has received favourable mention in the Melbourne Communist weekly, "The Guardian". "Dissent" itself admitted that it had
considerable difficulty in getting this filth published. But eventually
it was helped out by a printery at Greensborough, Victoria. This printery
is owned by a group of well-known Melbourne leftists, the principal
one being Mr. Gordon Bryant, MHR If Mr. St John were as well-informed on Communism as he is rather feverishly attempting to prove, he would know that Africa is one of the major strategic targets of International Communism. Lenin said that Western Europe without Africa would be like the plucked fowl ready for the pot. Western military strategists have stressed the vital necessity of the West maintaining control of the great international waterway around the Cape of Good Hope. The loss of Africa could prove a mortal blow to the West. Both Soviet and Chinese Communist penetration has developed in the wake of the growing chaos and bloodshed following the European retreat in Africa. Only the gallant stand of the Rhodesians stopped the retreat and provided a firm front line for the West in Southern Africa. It is at this critical moment in history that Mr. St John sponsors a visit to Australia by Mr. Robert Resha, who early this year attended the Tri-Continental Congress in Cuba, at which top Communists from both the Soviet Union and Red China agreed on broad revolutionary strategy for completing the task of conquering the world. In their authoritative and carefully documented
work, "The Puppeteers", Soref and Grieg conclude, Mr. Robert Resha represents the ANC and Mr.
St John must accept responsibility for sponsoring this revolutionary
in Australia. Every country has its internal problems, but can Australians afford to support the Communists in their campaign to destroy South African and Rhodesia? It would be instructive to hear from Mr. St John and his friends which country in Africa they hold up as the model for South Africa and Rhodesia to follow. We conclude by observing that the St John affair
is yet one more frightening example of soft Western Liberals acting
as unconscious useful innocents for a criminal conspiracy against Civilization.
There are too many St Johns in Western Parliaments already. |
BLEEDING TO DEATH IN VIETNAM"How long will the American people tolerate a
situation in which their young men go to their death to so little avail?" The above question might well be put to all candidates
at the Australian Federal Elections. The deadly no-win policy in Vietnam,
which suggests that the best that can be accomplished is to prevent
a Viet Cong military victory leaves the Communists in the position where
they can dictate the course of the struggle. American military leaders
are becoming increasing critical of the conduct of the war. General
Curtis LeMay, former USAF Chief of Staff, said recently that to win
in Vietnam Both Australia and the USA have recently boasted
of their increased trade with the Soviet bloc! Election comment authorised by Eric D. Butler, Alma Road, Panton Hill. |