home of ... Douglas Social Credit
18 November 1966. Thought for the Week: "The
office of government is not to confer happiness, but to give men opportunity
to work out happiness for themselves."
William Ellery Channing. |
MORE LIGHT ON MR. EDWARD ST. JOHNIn recent issues we have dealt extensively with the disturbing case of Mr. Edward St. John, Q .C., endorsed Liberal Party candidate for Warringah, N.S.W., President of the South African Defence and Aid Fund, which sponsored the recent Australian tour of African revolutionary, Mr. Robert Resha, and a man who has strenuously denied that Mr. Resha's African National Congress is Communist influenced. We return to this important matter because prominent Liberals, including the Federal President of the Liberal Party, Mr. J. E. Pagan, are desperately attempting to whitewash Mr. St. John, and to justify his endorsement of Mr. Resha. Mr. St. John has made much of the fact that members of the South African Defence and Aid Fund must make a declaration that they do not hold Communist views. Writing in "The Bulletin", Sydney, of November 12, Mr. P. W. Maclagan, Hon. Secretary of South Africa Protest, a Victorian Organisation, stresses that although it has on occasions co-operated with the South African Defence and Aid Fund, "it does not ask its supporters or members to make any similar declaration." Closely associated with South Africa Protest
is the Rev. David Pope, one of the pin-up pink clergy so often featured
in the Communist press. Mr. Maclagan concludes his letter by observing
that, "the Defence and Aid sub-committee of South Africa Protest requires
no declaration of any kind from its supporters. Neither does the Christian
Action Defence and Aid Fund, London, the parent Defence and Aid committee,
require any such declaration." It is time that the Australian Government made
thorough investigations about what happens to the money collected by
Mr. St. John's organisation. If this money is being paid to the London
Defence and Aid Fund, then there are good reasons for believing that
some of this is finding its way into the hands of criminal Communists
in South Africa and elsewhere. As Mr. St. John takes such a keen interest
in South African affairs, we have no doubt that he is familiar with
the dramatic trial of the top South African Communist, Braam Fischer,
Q .C., early this year. Fischer was outwardly a brilliant member of
the South African Bar, an amiable, kindly man, but at night was a fanatical
Communist. Giving evidence at the trial of another Communist,
one Fred Carneson, in Cape Town, Hiapane said: We would suggest that Mr. Hlapane is a much more authoritative witness on the subject of the domination of the African National Congress by the Communists than is Mr. St. John. And we would further suggest that Mr. Hlapane was particularly well placed to know how the Communists have used funds supplied through various Defence and Aid Funds. Further evidence that funds from the Defence
and Aid in London have been used to further criminal Communist activities
in South Africa, including sabotage and bombings which have caused loss
of life, was provided by a letter from the notorious Left-wing Canon
Collins to Walter Sisulu, former Sectetary-General of the African Congress,
who travelled extensively behind the Iron Curtain, and who admitted
at the Rivonia Trial under oath that the African National Congress and
the Communist Party were closely affiliated. Here was an open admission that the parent Defence
and Aid Fund was being used to endorse sabotage. Giving evidence at
the Fischer trial, Bartholomeu Hlapane said: Hlapane testified that Fischer was strongly
in favour of widespread sabotage and revolutionary activities. In face of the mountain of irrefutable evidence
that the African National Congress is the tool of the Communist conspiracy,
Mr. Edward St. John accepts the word of Mr. Robert Resha that there
is no Communist influence in the ANC whatever, and endorses the Australian
tour of this revolutionary to collect funds. The Western world has been steadily losing in the struggle against International Communism over half a century in spite of the fact that Western leaders have claimed that they were strongly anti-Communist. What is urgently required today is a real understanding of Communist strategy and tactics in depth. In the controversy concerning the Resha affair Mr. St. John has clearly shown that he does not possess that understanding. |
HAROLD WILSON'S ALL-TIME LOW AGAINST RHODESIAFrom "The Sunday Express"(London) of November
6: Adding further insult, Mr. Herbert Bowden, Commonwealth
Secretary, said that he would lay a wreath at the official Cenotaph
ceremony, attended by the Queen, on "behalf of Rhodesia". |
MR. ARTHUR CALWELL'S BLIND EYE ON RED CHINA"Red China, which Mr. Holt would like people
to believe threatened Asia and Australia, was now one of our biggest
trading partners
Labor would continue to trade with China, but cease
this humbug about China being our enemy'." - "The Age", Melbourne,
of November 15, quoting Mr. Arthur Calwell in Brisbane. Election comment authorised by Eric D. Butler, Alma Road, Panton Hill, Victoria. Supplement. Issued 18th November, 1966. |