Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
13 April 1984. Thought for the Week: "Totalitarianism ... means the extension of political power over the totality of life whatever may be the form of government. The nationalism of economy is the decisive step to this totality of political control over the totality of life. If neither individuals nor groups have independent economic means, they do not have real political freedom...Even if this state has a democratic form, i.e. the government elected by the majority vote of the people, it amounts to a complete suppression of liberty, and it will not be long before even the so-called free elections become illusory, the state machinery controlling all means of propaganda."
Dr. Emil Brunner in "Christianity and Civilisation"


According to Dr. Ken Coghill secretary to the Victorian State Cabinet, and assistant to Premier John Cain on Aboriginal affairs, the League of Rights is Australia's most subversive political organisation". Dr. Coghill is upset because of the role of the League of Rights in exposing and opposing the Marxist strategy behind the campaign for far reaching land claims on behalf of those who describe themselves as Aboriginals. Dr. Coghill made his sweeping attack on the League both inside and outside the Victorian Parliament on April 5th, the ABC publicising the attack in its early morning national news services on April 7th.

Clearly Dr. Coghill and his colleagues have been stung by the campaign initiated by the Save Victoria Committee, which recently conducted a statewide series of meetings, most of these arranged by concerned Municipal Councillors. As all Victorian Municipalities were sent a copy of the Cain Government's proposed legislation, THE ABORIGINAL LAND CLAIMS BILL, 1983, and invited to comment, it is not surprising that League supporters who are Municipal Councillors quickly took action to warn their colleagues of the far reaching implications of what was proposed. They specifically referred to Mr. Geoff McDonald's best selling blockbuster, "Red Over Black".

In an attempt to assist Municipal Councillors and others who were concerned, several League supporters formed a "Save Victoria Committee", which is a completely autonomous service group. It has financed its own activities. In one of its statement, this Committee points out that the Cain Government's Bill states "any group of seven or more Aboriginals may make a claim on any area of public land". This type of information has resulted in a growing number of Victorian Municipalities expressing opposition to the Bill. The "Save Victorian Committee" has invited Mr. Geoff McDonald to address meetings.

In his anti-League outburst, Dr. Coghill described Mr. McDonald as a former Communist who had "been converted to an extreme Right position. He was a close supporter, if not a member, of the League of Rights." Mr. McDonald is NOT a member of the League of Rights, but has spoken on League platforms. He has also spoken under the auspices of the Liberal Party, the National Party and other groups. The League of Rights makes no apology for promoting Mr. McDonald and his books on the land claims issue, as it believes he is the most outstanding authority on the subject in Australia today, with a message that concerns the future of the nation.

Following the lead of Attorney General Gareth Evans, who recently invited the Opposition parties in the Senate to dissociate themselves from the League, Dr. Coghill said that while he did not believe the Opposition parties were involved with the League, "they were close enough philosophically. And I see it as their duty to speak up against the League". Dr. Coghill also resorted to the use of political swear words like "racist".

The effectiveness of the campaign being conducted by the "Save Victoria Committee", may be judged by the breathtaking appeal by the "Victorian Aboriginal Task force", which lists its address as care of the Aboriginal Research Centre, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, that Councils should not give the League of Rights or the "Save Victoria Committee" a platform "for spreading their vicious propaganda and that you direct any queries you may have regarding proposed land rights legislation to Dr. Ken Coghill .. or this Task Force". All Councils were sent a bit of literature.

The League of Rights and the "Save Victoria Committee" are described as "two racist groups similar to the American KIu Klux Klan in objectives". This expensive operation is of course, being funded directly or indirectly by the taxpayers. Some Councils were offended by the totalitarian attitude of the "Task Force and one Council has written to the League of Rights stating it had resolved that Dr. Coghill be requested to ensure that the Australian League of Rights, the Save Victoria Committee, or any group be given the opportunity to address Councils and similar organisations with respect to the provisions of the Bill. The democratic spirit is not dead amongst Local Councillors, who have a vital role to play now in the defence of Australia against the real subversives.

Following attempted smearing of the League of Rights through Donald "Times", which featured addresses by Mr. Tom Fielder and Mr. Jeremy Lee, National Director Eric Butler challenged the critics to public debate to sustain their charges. Failing this he would address a public meeting at the first opportunity, which was on Monday, April 3rd. The smearers who had declined to debate, announced in the "Times" before the meeting, that Mr. K.D. Gott would address a meeting the following week. Mr. Gott is author of the hate booklet, "Voices of Hate", which Zionist leader Mr. Isi Leibler has described as the most authoritative on the League. Mr. Butler told the Donald meeting it was a great pity that Mr. Gott could not have been present to meet him in public debate. The anti-League forces must be desperate when they have to resurrect Mr. K.D. Gott.

Towards the end of the Donald meeting it was announced that Mr. Gott would not be speaking the following week on the 10th, as publicised, because of the St. Arnaud meeting, to be held the same night. Arranged by the Local Shire Council, Mr. Eric Butler met Dr. Ken Coghill in public debate. The ABC's "Nation Wide" was present and interviewed Mr. Butler in Melbourne last week. As we go to press there is every indication that St. Arnaud will see another attempt to halt the League. Next Week's "On Target" will bring up to date report of "the state of the battle".


Queensland high school teachers have been ordered to present Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution of the origin of the human race as a theory, and not fact. This pleases us. We are not Evolutionists. The quite remarkable "First & Last" news sheet on Evolution asserts- "The conflict of rationality in the Evolution position becomes meaningful when we know the Evolution Theory is promoted and defended by the Humanist religion. The same religion that raves against myth, emotional dependence and dogmatism is no less blind and bigoted than the worst of theistic religions". Those who want an excellent account of the background of the whole Evolution Hoax, and its promotion to undermine the Christian basis of Education should read: - "The Evolution Hoax Exposed", by A.N. Field. Price: $6.00 posted from Heritage and Conservative bookshops.

Interest rates have now begun to climb again in the U.S.A.; this as a result of a credit tightening by the Federal Reserve Board, the United States' Central Bank. The Federal Reserve Board did unleash an expansionary monetary policy for around 12 months, from mid 1982 to mid 1983, then curbed it back steadily. Inflation projections for the U.S.A are now in the order of 10% by mid 1985. The inflationary "ripples" will reach all other trading shores before long, and a further recession, (not that we are out of the present one!) we should perhaps say, a deeper" recession is likely. Mr. Paul Keating's exultant shouts of "remarkable recovery" will shortly be "famous last words". Politicians seize on any shred of evidence for economic recovery as a starved dog seizes on a bone. But then, the future of the Hawke Government depends on economic recovery, and a reduction in unemployment, it won't happen: it can't.

The mass media, or at least some of their journalistic luminaries, appear to be raising their eyebrows at Mr. Hawke's outburst recently against the media in Labor Caucus. Well, we are not surprised. Mr. Hawke has been extremely lucky in his first year of office. His very high popularity ratings are attributable to many factors: One, his "ocker" image; he can relate to the average Australian well: he looks and talks just like that bloke you had a beer with at the racecourse bar. He is never stumped for words, talks a lot about "morality" (he is an agnostic) and "logic" (he loses his temper easily.)
One senior political journalist has observed: "if he snaps now about slight criticism, what will he be like when the tide is running against him?"

The tide will run against Mr. Bob Hawke in just a few short years, perhaps sooner, and he will show his "darker side". We have always believed that Mr. Hawke is a "fair weather performer" only. He doesn't like not having his own way; and he doesn't like criticism; however slight. He will lose political control eventually, and he will receive massive criticism.

Aboriginal Land Rights: Victoria
A communication to Doncaster Civic actionist from the (State) Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs reads in part: "The Opposition shares your concern (over the State Government's Aboriginal Land Claims Bill) and believes that the proposals before Parliament are much too wide and indeed go to far. "It is on this basis and after an extensive community consultative process the Opposition will be requiring major amendments to the Bill before same could possibly be considered for support.
As mentioned in the leading article in this issue of On Target Dr. Coghill well knows this, and so has appealed to the State Opposition to dissociate itself from the League of Rights.

Senator Don Chipp, writing to a Melbourne actionist, states that he is in favour of land rights for aborigines "if proof of sacred or traditional ties is furnished". This is interesting. "I do not think I would oppose a referendum on multiculturalism if there was a groundswell of public opinion that suggested one was desired, as I am in favour of referenda as a means of giving the people of Australia the opportunity to decide their own future". Senator Chipp is not convinced that Australians are strongly opposed to a change in the national Flag, but "Once again, I would have no objection to a national poll being held to resolve the question.." This is fairer than either the Liberal or the Labor Parties. Both these parties are in agreement on Immigration and multiculturalism, and both are rigidly opposed to any referenda on these issues.

From Hansard
Sex Discrimination Bill: Senate, October 21st, Senator Brian Harrodine:
"... I was fighting for the rights of women before the radical feminists entered the argument. Let me tell honourable senators what the radical feminists and the pro-Communist Left did in 1969 at the the Australian Council of Trade Unions Congress. They supported an amendment to the equal pay amendment that was recommended by us on the A.C.T.U. executive. The A.C.T.U. Executive recommended to the Congress that we fight for the principle of equal pay for work of equal value. The radical feminists at that Congress, supported by the pro-Communist Left tried to amend that to the principle of equal pay for equal work. That is significant because it shows what they think about the differences between men and women. Fortunately we in the A.C.T.U. Executive won the day - only narrowly, but we won, so that women do not have to be virtua1 hermaphrodites to get equal pay. I took on one of the first equal pay test cases in Australia and won it… "

294 Nuclear Power Stations In Operation
The following letter was published in News Weekly (March 28th) over the name of a "Leo J. Brown", of Doncaster, Victoria. We do not reprint it in full:
"..... Putting a stop now to nuclear energy - still so very much in its infancy and full of tremendous possibilities for good - could result in great disadvantage to society by being denied access to safe and cheaper use of electricity. "It would also reveal gross ignorance of the many beneficial uses to which radioactive and fissionable materials are put almost daily in modern communities, not just in medicine, but in a range of agricultural and industrial applications, some directly affecting public safety, and in tests for metal fatigue.
"Uranium for electricity generation has been developed over the last 26 years to the point where 10% of the electricity generated throughout the world is through the use of uranium and nuclear reactors. With 25 countries now producing electricity by this method and with 294 nuclear power stations now operating worldwide, and another 215 in the planning stages, I honestly think this type of energy is here to stay.
Christians should more readily than others be able to appreciate the discovery and application of God's truths in the field of technology and be able, also, to apply the benefits there from to the uplifting of the human person. Surely this would be a much better reason than preventing its use, and submitting to requests for declarations of Nuclear Free Zones..."