Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
4 May 1984. Thought for the Week: "Intoxicated with optimism and pseudo-science Western man ignored the permanent role of the non-rational subconscious elements; the psychology of the herd; the appeal of tyranny to the uprooted masses yearning for material stability and security, the power of inertia and routine when freedom is lost. They regard as obsolete the tendency to sheer wickedness, the fear of evil powers leading to their propitiation, and disregarded the widespread evidence that when the fear of God is weakened, it has so often been replaced by the God of Fear"
Sir David Kelly in "The Hungry Sheep"


The following letter by Mr. E. Butler dated April 19th, has not been published by "The Age", Melbourne:
"D.C.H.Jones 19/4) attempts to cast doubt on my reference to George Orwell's attitude towards Zionist claims about six million Jews being systematically liquidated during World War Two. "No one has doubted that large numbers of Jews, along with many others, were killed in various ways, or died from disease, during the war. I certainly don't. "But Orwell's anti-Zionist attitude is beyond argument, as witnessed for example, by the comments of one of his biographers, T.R.Fyvel, himself an ardent Zionist, in "George Orwell: A Personal Memoir". (Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1982).

"Fyvel quotes Malcolm Muggeridge, a close personal friend of Orwell who in his reflections on Orwell's funeral service, wrote that Orwell 'was at heart strongly anti-Semitic', meaning that he was anti-Zionist as he had a large number of Jewish friends and admirers. "Fyvel complains that when he asked Orwell to face up to the alleged mass liquidation of Jews, 'all Orwell did was to mention it in one brief and dismissive sentence in a lengthy article', which appeared in the "Tribune", November 9th, 1985. "Fyvel says that he had a heated argument with Orwell about the manner in which he had written, but that Orwell's views remained unchanged.

Fyvel complains that in the same "Tribune" article Orwell had called on the British government to protest against the Soviet expulsion of Germans from East Prussia as a crime against humanity. "It is absurd to suggest that it is my responsibility to attempt to persuade the well-known Jewish writer Joseph Ginsburg, a man who had first hand experiences of German war time concentration camps, to write to "The Age" saying why he and other Jews object to the use of exaggerated Zionist propaganda to further political objectives. The writings of these Jews are available to the genuine student of the subject.
As are the writings of the pre-Second World war French Jewish Socialist Premier, Leon Blum, who spent the war comfortably under German control writing his memoirs. The French Jewish Madame Well, the first President of the European Assembly, also managed to survive.
"Also available are the writings of Jewish writers documenting the role of Zionists who collaborated with Hitler and deliberately sacrificed many Jews in order to advance their programme.

"Written history is always suspect, reflecting as it must the bias of the writer. It is constantly being revised. The best long-term interests of the Jewish people are not going to be served by the Zionist smearing of those who do not accept their version of history". In his "Censored History" ($1.35 posted) Mr. Eric Butler documents from Jewish sources the collaboration between the Zionists and the Hitler regime. Since "Censored History" first appeared, there has been further examination of the Zionist-Hitler connection, "Zionism in the Age of Dictators", (Croon Helm, Ltd., England, 1983) by Jewish writer Lenni Brenner, being a devastating exposure.

Amongst the many distinguished Zionists who managed to escape the much-publicised gas chambers, were the famous Rothschilds themselves. Mr. Frederic Morton in his 1962 biography of the Rothschilds ("The Rothschilds", New York) provides a fascinating picture of how members of the banking family came through the "holocaust". When Baron Louis head of the Austrian branch of the bank was apprehended by the feared Gestapo he treated them with contempt, spent only a few weeks in gaol, while his captors tried in vain to arrange a ransom. Even the dreaded Himmler paid a courtesy visit, offered a cigarette and asked if Rothschild had any complaints about his living conditions! Shortly afterwards the Baron was released, the ransom paid being far below expectations.

Eile and Alain Rothschild of France were taken prisoners when the Maginot Line collapsed. "No special pressure was applied to them", Morton writes. It is this type of information that the Zionists do not like to see publicised. And much of the general media plays its role in censoring material, which provides hard evidence contradicting the "holocaust" myth. The question would be relevantly unimportant, except to students of history, if it were not for the fact that, as, for example, Dr. Alfred Lilienthal points out in his great classic, "The Zionist Connection" ($18 posted) the Zionist propaganda machine must keep alive the "holocaust" myth in order to justify the policies of Israel.


The League of Rights is making a protest to the ABC against the blatantly dishonest Aboriginal land claims programme last week, which concluded with a small segment of the St. Arnaud Town Hall debate between Dr. Ken Coghill, representing the Victorian Government, and Mr. Eric Butler. As the cameras showed the large audience, the ABC commentator said, "But at meetings like these there is some consolation for the Government, and for Aborigines, and for anyone who wants to see a just solution - to the land rights issue - it was this: At a meeting largely set up by a man like this (at this point the cameras focused on Mr. Eric Butler) at the end of the night one man out of the range of the cameras said 'I am a land holder." The questioner said that his forbears had obtained property for virtually nothing and that he himself had inherited his property, concluding with the suggestion that the Aborigines might be given "a little nibble" when "we have taken such a bloody great bite". The loud applause which followed was in fact the applause for 'Mr. Butler's devastating reply, in which he said in essence that if the questioner had such a guilt complex he could go home and immediately cut off part of his own property and donate it to some Aborigines. BUT MR. BUTLER'S ANSWER WAS DELETED in an attempt to leave the viewing audience with the impression that the audience had rejected Mr. Butler. The truth was exactly the opposite, as all those present know, and as an independent taping of the whole debate confirms.
Such are the depths to which the ABC political commentators will sink so far from the meeting being "largely set up" by Mr. Butler, he was, along with Dr. Coghill, the invited guest of the Shire Council and the City of St. Arnaud.
In conversation after the debate, many farmers stressed that either they or their fathers had worked hard to buy their properties, and that all Australians, irrespective of their background, were free to do likewise. The implication of the question featured by the ABC, was deeply resented.


Mr. Jeremy Lee reports from New Zealand
"Last October, while I was in Canada, a major issue developed in the United Sates over dairy production and surpluses, which received wide attention. A Wall Street Journal reporter did a special feature on dairy stockpiles. His article and photographs showed a huge limestone cave, as big as the average football oval, stockpiled with mountains of frozen cheese and milk powder. He explained that the cave he had seen was only one of five hundred that existed, stockpiled with hundreds of thousands of tons of surplus dairy production. Each day, convoys of trucks arrive with more surpluses, and fresh space was hacked out by bulldozers when required. The refrigeration bill at that time was over $60 million annually.
Fairly regularly, delegates from dairy producing nations outside the U.S. made representations that none of these surpluses should be sold, or even given away, because of the drastic effects on their own industries.

As I came across from the North Island to the South last week I read the latest warning in The Dominion (16l4/84) "... Mr. Mike Moore said after talks with administration officials in Washington yesterday that he firmly believed the United States would continue donations of surplus dairy produce abroad and would even sell some. The surpluses represented a greater threat to New Zealand than foot and mouth disease or nuclear war, Mr. Moore said. If the Americans decided to sell all the surpluses abroad the result for New Zealand would be worse than the great depression ..."

New Zealand has been anxiously pressing the EEC for permission to continue exporting butter to European markets. At present, some New Zealand butter is stockpiled in ships in N.Z, harbours, due to overfull land freezing space. But Europe has a stockpile of dairy surpluses almost as big as the United States. All this while high prices for butter and milk in retail outlets keep them out of the reach of many consumers. The days of milk at 4 cents a pint, and butter at 23 cents per pound are bad memories for New Zealanders in 1984. Consumption of both has fallen dramatically - while the stockpiles keep mounting, storage costs escalate, and the holes in the ground where so much is buried get wider, bigger and deeper.


The Chief Justice of the high Court of Australia, Sir Harry Gibbs, commented recently (overseas) that it would be naive to suppose that a Bill of Rights is any guarantee of human freedoms.
Senator Gareth Evans, Commonwealth Attorney General, is mad keen to push his Bill of Rights legislation through as soon as possible. It is not without some significance that Mr. Justice Murphy, of the High Court of Australia, commonly regarded as a powerful influence on Senator Evans also craves a Human Rights Bill.
We share the view of Sir Harry Gibbs, the Chief Justice of the High Court, viz. a Human Rights Bill will not guarantee human freedoms. The Soviet Union has a Human Rights Bill! What Senator Evans and his fellow ideologues are after is a HUMANIST Rights Bill! Quite another matter indeed.