22 June 1984. Thought for the Week: "A
new commandment I give you, that you love one another; even
as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this
all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love
for one another"
John 13 - 34 & 35 |
TILE ZIONIST-MARXIST CONSPIRACY IN ACTIONLast week witnessed one of the most incredible spectacles in the history of Australian politics. Zionist leader Mr. Isi Leibler, claiming to speak on behalf of the Australian Jewish community, led a delegation of his fellow Zionists to see the Leader of the Victorian Liberal Opposition, Mr. Geoff Kennett, to demand that Mr. Kennett give an assurance that no Liberal Members be permitted to share platforms with League of Rights speakers. Instead of telling Mr. Leibler that his totalitarian philosophy had no place in a free society, Mr. Kennett started to retreat. This is exactly what his Marxist opponents wanted. The Liberal Leader demonstrated that he is, in the words of League National Director, a political lightweight trying to lead a party now heading for the political dustbin. In last week's "On Target" we reported on the grassroots movement sweeping Victoria on the Aboriginal land claims movement, a highlight of which was the big rally at Warrnambool in defence of the threatened Western Victorian farmer, Mr. Neil Muldoon. Mr. Eric Butler was one of the two principle speakers, the other being RSL President Mr. Bruce Ruxton. Four Victorian Liberal Members accepted the invitation from the Chairman of the rally for any politicians who wished to identify with the Muldoons, to come on to the platform. National Party leader Mr. Peter Ross Edwards was the first to step forward. Such was the mood of the rally, a manifestation of a mood now sweeping not only the rural areas of Victoria, but rural areas right throughout Australia. Victorian Premier John Cain, a captive of the radicals of his party, immediately took a dialectical step backwards after the Warrnambool rally, stating that the Muldoon property would not be compulsorily acquired. (Although, as we go to press, the Muldoons have not received Mr. Cain's assurance in writing.) But then Mr. Cain attempted to smear the Liberal Party by claiming they had "linked" themselves with the "extremist", "racist" and "anti-Semitic" League of Rights. The Cain tactic of itself would have made little impact on the Victorian political scene, where it has been no secret that the National and Liberal Opposition in the State's Legislative Council, was moving, under the influence of public opinion, to use its majority to defeat the Cain Government's Aboriginal Land Claims legislation. But when Mr. Leibler and his Zionist hatchet team launched their offensive this week, the situation dramatically changed. A striking feature of the campaign was not only the flood of anti-League of Rights reporting in all sections of the media, but an orchestration of editorials in all the major dailies right throughout Victoria. These editorials were some of the most vicious ever to appear in this country. They were manifestations of both fear and hate. A Christian oriented organisation was described in featured articles as a vehicle for hate and fear throughout rural Victoria. The League was described by Mr. Leibler and his propaganda hatchet team as Nazis and Fascists. Sick journalists wrote of a League of Rights campaign to destroy the Aborigines in the same way that Hitler had allegedly destroyed the Jews. The Melbourne "Herald", which had originally published a reasonably objective story on the Warrnambool rally, also cringed under the Zionist whip, one of the stories being so insulting that the members of a well attended public meeting at Yarrawonga last Friday night, after hearing Mr. Eric Butler outline the objectives and the work of the League of Rights, expressed disgust with the anti-League media campaign in a strongly worded resolution. When Mr. Butler attended by invitation of the local Council a meeting in Bright recently, where Premier Cain's personal representative, Dr. Coghill, was also present to speak, the League of Rights Director caused a ripple of amusement in the audience, when, after being invited to speak following Dr. Coghill, who gave his usual anti league spiel, said that in view of what Dr. Coghill's leader had said about the contaminating effect Mr. Butler had on politicians sharing the same platform with him, perhaps his presence on the platform could be embarrassing to Dr. Coghill! When it was suggested to Mr. Cain that he was practising double standards, the Premier then ruled that no Labor politicians could appear on the same platform with League speakers, even to discuss or explain his own government's proposed legislation! 'The Zionists and the Socialists are
in complete agreement about the urgent necessity to try to
destroy the League of Rights. Immediately the Zionists openly
entered the anti-League campaign with their demands upon the
unfortunate Mr. Kennett, Mr. Butler sought an interview with
the Liberal leader at his earliest convenience. As Mr. Kennett
had shown his readiness to hear Mr. Leibler's delegation,
Mr. Butler felt it was reasonable that he might also meet
with him in order to inform himself on what the League really
stood for and was campaigning about. Aided by the Zionists, who openly proclaim their support for the multi-racial society, Mr. Cain and his Marxist colleagues hope that they have so shattered the Liberals that they will be afraid to speak and vote against the Aboriginal Land Claims Legislation for fear of being taunted that they are "stooges of the racist League of Rights". This is the same type of tactics being used in the Federal political sphere. The intensity of the anti-League campaign may be judged by the fact that for one whole day, Friday of last week, Mr. Eric Butler, was on the telephone dealing with journalists and radio stations around Victoria. Channel 9 TV even insisted on flying a helicopter up to Wangaratta to interview Mr. Butler, even though Mr. Butler suggested the whole affair had become a farce. It is not without interest that after going to this trouble, incurring considerable expense, and announcing only 30 minutes before the evening news that the Butler interview would be one of the highlights, that viewers waited in vain for the promised interview. Could it be that Mr. Butler had made some points that the management at Channel 9 did not like? Such as the fact that members of the prestigious Melbourne Club use their natural right of discrimination by refusing to accept any Jewish members? The interview could not be edited because Mr. Butler had taken the trouble to record it! It would be instructive to know how many Members of Mr. Kennett's Liberal Party, which "hates" the "anti- Semitism" of the League of Rights, are members of a club, which rigidly excludes Jews from membership. Over the years the League has enjoyed the support of anti-Zionist Jews. Mr. Butler pointed out in several interviews that Mr. Leibler had done a great disservice to the Jewish people by creating the impression that he and his fellow Zionists can dictate to the political representatives of the people. One paper reached an all time low at the weekend by proclaiming in a headline that even the Victorian RSL was "against" the League of Rights. Mr. Bruce Ruxton has expressed the deepest contempt for this type of distortion, pointing out that he will, as he has done in the past, be prepared to speak on a League of Rights platform in support of any principle endorsed by the RSL. The last has yet to be heard of last week's anti-League of Rights massive assault. We will be examining it in depth later in one of our monthly publications. But if the smearers expect the League to wilt away, they are gravely mistaken. What they and their masters fear is that as the crisis predicted by the League rapidly deepens, increasing numbers of people are turning to the League as the one movement which can provide constructive answers. One of the many new contacts who have come forward, has perhaps summed up the situation: The Devil has now emerged into the open for all to see and now there will be a sifting of the sheep from the goats. And while the anti-League uproar of last week was taking place, one of the most Draconian pieces of legislation ever seen in Australia was forced through the Senate in the same way it had been forced through the House of Representatives, with little debate. The media generally throughout Australia failed to tell Australians of the chilling implications of Mr. Clyde Holding's "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage (Interim Protection) Bill, 1984", which states in Clause 8(2) that "This Act has effect subject to the obligations of Australia under international law, including obligations under any agreement between Australia and another country or other countries." The planned surrender of Australia continues. Mr. holding's legislation places every Australian property at risk. The League of Rights has pioneered the way in the exposure of the treachery afoot. It is for this reason that it is the target of the venomous campaigns being mounted against it. But so far from being defensive like the unfortunate Mr. Kennett, the League is already in the process of planning bigger and more comprehensive offensives. |
BRIEF COMMENTSSenator David MacGibbon (Lib-Qld.) recently, in letters to Queensland newspapers, asked citizens to contact him on their views concerning the retention of the traditional Australian Flag. He has since issued an official statement to the effect that he has been deluged with letters and phone calls; with well over NINETY PERCENT (90%) in favour of the retention of the traditional Australian Flag. Senator MacGibbon states that all age groups have contacted him, and significantly, many such people were born outside Australia he concludes: "You have given me a clear indication how you wish me to act in the Senate if any amendments to the Flag Act are introduced. From "New Life", Christian Evangelical
Newspaper (June 14th): (Extract) a news release from St. Andrew's
Cathedral, Sydney reports on an address by the Very Rev. Lance
Shilton. The Dean spoke plainly on many important issues: