6 July 1984. Thought for the Week: "Nothing
is safe that does not show it can bear discussion and publicity"
Lord Acton |
THE TREACHERY OF THE INTELLECTUALSThe distinguished British historian, David Irving,
points out in his book on the 1956 Hungarian Uprising, that
it has been falsely claimed that academics played a major
role in initiating the brave attempt by the Hungarians to
throw the Communists out. The uprising was in fact the result
of the frustration of the students and the workers. We were
reminded of this in considering the role of Australia's academics
concerning the controversy that Professor Blainey has provoked
by his warnings on Australia's immigration policy. Professor
Blainey is probably Australia's best-read historian. He can
hardly be described as one of those dreadful "right wing extremists".
Until he made his famous speech on immigration at Warrnambool,
Victoria, three months ago, Blainey was regarded highly by
all those who describe themselves as liberals. After Professor Blainey's Sydney meeting
"The Sydney Morning Herald" criticised him for going
close to promoting "racist canards" that Australia was being
Asianised. A survey of the major Australian newspapers shows
that while some of the columnists who like to regard themselves
as liberals, did grudgingly admit that Professor Blainey had
every right to speak out on immigration, they have qualified
this by saying, in essence, that it was really a pity that
Blainey had opened a debate which could inflame those "dark"
and "racist" passions which lurk just below the surface in
Australia. In his interview with Tim Duncan, Professor
Blainey makes the telling comment that "No academic body or
academic group has asserted the right of free speech during
this last week. Yet that group has more to gain by defending
its right of free speech. Its activities depend more on free
speech than almost any other group in society". Professor
Blainey went on to say, "I'm very interested that the Human
Rights Commission has not made any statement on this issue
of free speech that's come to the fore. Free speech is one
of the most important Human rights. Which rights does the
Commission deal with and which rights does it find inconvenient?"
We are not surprised to learn that the greatest pressure on Blainey to discontinue the immigration debate "came from small numbers of academics in the humanities and the social sciences". These are the people who have been polluting the Australian social and political bloodstream with liberal poison for so long. Many of them are Marxists. It is to be hoped that Professor Blainey is not over optimistic with his view that Australia will have a more moderate immigration policy within twelve months. But he is right when he says that multiculturalism is "in tatters". Unfortunately this will not prevent the multicultural faddists from continuing to fragment the Australian nation by spending millions of the taxpayers' money on a variety of weird and wonderful projects. Yes, Professor Blainey may have opened a debate that will help to change Australian history - but off the course preferred by treacherous academics. |
NONSENSE ABOUT ASSET TESTSVeteran Gippsland, Victoria, supporter
Mr. Harold Hotchkin, himself a pensioner, offers the following
realistic comment on the assets test for pensioners: Mr. Hotchkin goes on to observe, "Having just recently printed five million new $100 notes, one wonders why our politicians continue to bleat about 'where is the money coming from'. They appear to be so ignorant that they forget billions were created for the Second World War effort - so why not do the same now instead of taxing the shirts off our back. It's about time they did something constructive." Mr. Hotchkin suggests that letters be sent to Federal Members telling them as representatives to oppose the implementation of the Assets test or any similar type of legislation, and consider some way in which the material assets in our stores are available for distribution. Asset testing for pensioners is a further attempt to level down and to ensure that pensioners do not have too much independence. It leads towards the re-introduction of a form of death duty. Victorian Senator Ray, described as Prime
Minister Hawke's numbers man, last year circulated a paper
stressing the Socialist view towards death duties: "Socialists
cannot hope to ensure the material well being of all Australians
in the long term without confronting the higher inequalities
of wealth brought about by the unchallenged inheritance of
the dead's property". |
THE EVILS OF 'PARTY-POWER' POLITICSThe edited version of a chapter from Mr. Paul Kelly's coming book on the Fraser years, based on a dossier kept by the late Sir Phillip Lynch dealing with the crisis of 1977, when Lynch, at that time sick in hospital, was forced to resign as Treasurer, does not make very pleasant reading. Not only is the general picture of Fraser as a ruthless power man confirmed, but the type of bitter party infighting starkly revealed. Further examples of the destructiveness of party politics were provided at the recent Victorian ALP State Conference, where the application of four Unions to rejoin the Labor Party, was rejected. It was sad to see the daughter of the late Mr. Arthur Calwell, speaking so bitterly at the ALP Conference, urging that the four unions be denied readmittance because of what had happened nearly 30 years ago when the ALP split with the DLP being formed. Whether or not the four unions, allegedly still associated with the Democratic Labor Party, now but a pale shadow of its former self are permitted to join the ALP, will not in our opinion have much bearing on the main development of Australian politics. Much of the talk about Hawke's battle with the radical Left of his party, which suggests that Hawke is some type of a conservative simply because he now favours uranium mining, tends to mask the reality of the Hawke Fabian Socialist programme for Australia. The very existence of the radical Left provides the Prime Minister with the perfect cover for a programme which is much more dangerous because it is offered as a genuine alternative to the openly declared radicals. |
CHRISTIANITY AND THE EQUALITY MYTHIn "The Age", Melbourne, of June 27th, Louise Carbines quotes the newly elected President of The Australian Council of Churches, The Rev D'Arcy Wood, a former Moderator of the Uniting Church in South Australia, as saying, "In the New Testament Christ said that all people were equal". Christ said nothing of the kind. The meaning of "equality" is no quality at all. The essence of the Christian Revelation is that each individual is unique, is different. How can there be equality among individuals when Christ taught that the greatest would be the servants of all? And there was His biting advice, "Cast not your pearls before swine, lest they turn upon you, and rend you". Having accepted the collectivist equalitarian doctrine, it is not surprising that the Rev. D'Arcy Wood expressed concern about "racism". Professor Blainey and Mr. Hugh Moran are criticised for contributing to "racism". If, of course, all men and all races are equal, then they can be manipulated by central planners of all types. But, thank God, reality still prevails in the world, and individuals and races continue to demonstrate that they are DIFFERENT. (Recommended reading: "Is The Word Enough". Price $1.35, and "Releasing Reality", price $2.00. Both works by Eric D. Butler. |
MAJOR SETBACK TO LAND RIGHTS BILLAny chance the Victorian Labor Government had of passing its Aboriginal Land Claims legislation, took a heavy body blow last week when the annual conference of the Victorian Farmers and Graziers Association Voted by more than 300 to four or five to "reject the concept of Aboriginal land rights" embodied in the Victorian legislation. The effect of the massive grass roots movement initiated by the League of Rights and its supporters could be readily seen. In reporting on the VFGA conference decision, taken after the delegates had heard Dr. Coghill, the Gippsland ABC regional news played extracts from what has become the historical taped address by Mr. Geoff McDonald, author of "Red Over Black" and "The Evidence". We understand that well over 1,000 copies of this tape have been circulated. Following the VFGA decision, a meeting of 42 Aboriginal organisations and communities in Victoria called on the Cain Government to remove Dr. Coghill. Some disturbing reports are to hand from Western Victoria, where militant activists are allegedly threatening that the Muldoon property will eventually be obtained. The tragedy is that these activists are only a very small minority of those Australians of Aboriginal background. With the Victorian legislation almost certain now of being defeated in the Victorian parliament, the main battlefront has moved to Mr. Clyde Holding's outrageous Heritage Act. This must be made a major issue before the next Federal Elections, something the Federal government fears, along with immigration. |
From HANSARDSenate; June 12th: Income Tax Legislation:
Senator Florence Bjelke-Petersen Senator Shirley Walters (Tasmania) |