17 August 1984. Thought for the Week:
"This buildup for European war both before and after 1933
was in great part due to Wall Street financial assistance
in the 1920s to create the German cartel system, and to technical
assistance from well known American firms which will be identified
later, to build the German Wehrmacht. Whereas this financial
and technical assistance is referred to as 'accidental' or
due to the 'short sightedness' of American businessmen, the
evidence presented below strongly suggests some degree of
premeditation on the part of these American financiers...
Dr. Antony C. Sutton, in Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler (1976) |
NATIONAL DIRECTOR'S WESTERN AUSTRALIAN TOUR ENDS IN VIOLENCEThe National Director, Mr. Eric D. Butler, reports from Perth that there was a highly organised demonstration by Aboriginal political activists at the W.A. League Seminar on Saturday, August 11th. The Rev. Cedric Jacobs, the Aboriginal minister of the Uniting Church, was abused and intimidated on his way to the Seminar. The National Director reported that the role of the media was generally abhorrent, and that far from reporting truthfully, on proceedings, were actually inciting violence. An Anglican Bishop in Perth, Bishop Challon, has shown himself to be extremely hostile to the League of Rights. A Mr. Rob Riley, of the National Aboriginal Conference, refused to shake hands with Mr. Butler during an A.B.C. radio interview. There was a record turn out of some 300 (three hundred people at a League of Rights meeting at the provincial Western Australian centre of Bunbury. Mr. Jeremy Lee, National Secretary of the Institute of Economic Democracy, has had most effective meetings in the Western District of Victoria on his way to Adelaide, where he will be a speaker at the South Australian League of Rights Seminar. The National Director left for a tour of New Zealand on Friday, August 17th. |
ANOTHER 'ANGLE' ON ABORIGINAL LAND RIGHTS"...I was dismayed by the news that political pressure from misguided Aboriginal groups in Victoria had succeeded in preventing the loan of important scientific material relating to the ancient peopling of Australia to the current exhibition on fossil mankind at the American Museum of Natural History in New York..." - letter to The Australian, August 13th. In a most interesting letter to The Australian, Professor Gordon W. Hewes, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Colorado, U.S.A., raises some matters concerning Aboriginal Land Rights, which surely have escaped general notice. This must be so, Why? Because the whole issue contains many spurious allegations and assertions: it has become largely politicised by way of the Communist thrust behind it since the early 1920s with the purpose of destabilising the Australian Government (which it is doing!) and also rendering Australia militarily weaker. There should now be no supporter who has not read both "Red Over Black" and "The Evidence" by Geoff McDonald, who has done Australia a massive favour by exposing this knowledge, and who will be given official credit, one day, long after the present political wolves have howled themselves into obscurity. In last week's On Target we commented that: "To advance, a people must be sufficiently aware of the basic truth to make mostly the right decisions". The Australian people have only slowly been given the truth on the matter of Aboriginal Land Rights, and this in the face of opposition and hostility from Labor Governments and Left wing political activists. The truth is off and running now, but the hostility is mounting on the Left, and the political scene on Land Rights is entering into a phase of violence as the radicals and subversives backing the Land Rights issue become desperate. Professor Hewes acknowledges that some Aboriginal people were mistreated by the early European settlers, as were the aboriginal people of North America mistreated by the early Europeans there. But and this is an important point, made by Professor Hewes: "...without the careful, patient work of archeologists and anthropologists, the pre-European past of both continents would remain virtually unknown. Here is another rub: "Without the work of Australia's archeologists and other anthropologists, the modern Aboriginal people could not provide verifiable scientific evidence for their immensely long occupancy of your continent. Apparently there has been a proposal from Aboriginal groups that those books which contain "sacred pictures" (we gather pictures or photographs of sacred sites) be removed from libraries. Where will all this end? Professor Hewes says: "...I cannot think of any other religion in the world which prevents access to representations of its religious art." He also observes in closing his letter, that even if the Aboriginal activists are able to censor anthropological and ethnographic literature within Australia, they would not succeed in those areas of the world where Australian law could not reach. If such were the case there would arise the absurdity that any Australian would have to travel overseas to study the pre-European past of his/her own continent... More and more discrepancies and absurdities will arise as the Aboriginal Land Rights "campaign" runs its course, because the issue is being abused for subversive political purposes. If the League of Rights, and its supporters are successful in knocking out this phony movement, then the real Enemy will have been dealt a most damaging blow, and Australia given a most vital reprieve. |
BRIEF COMMENTSDame Roma Mitchell, the Chairman (what's wrong with Chairwoman?) of the Human Rights Commission doesn't like those Australians, and in particular, those Australians who are cursed with an Anglo-Saxon ancestry (such as herself!) who do not want to see Australia Asianised. She has restated her opinion, and intention, that "racial bigots" should be constrained by law. There is a "snag", and no doubt Senator Gareth Evans has given much thought to this. Because of the abuse of the Australian Constitution by the Federal "Labor" Government, the Commonwealth is able (until the Australian Constitution is returned to the Australian people) to legislate on United Nations Conventions. The "snag" is that Australia (meaning whoever represented Australia at that particular time) maintained a reservation on Article 4 of the U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - "which outlawed the dissemination of ideas based on religious superiority or hatred". Dame Roma has stated that the Human Rights Commission had recommended to Senator Gareth Evans that this reservation be removed, No surprises! We expect to see Senator Evans moving in this direction after the return of the Hawke Government (hopefully without control of the Senate). Is your 'consciousness' of individual rights being raised? According to Ms. Gae Pincus, who is "Convenor" of Senator Gareth Evans' "task force" to advance his "Bill of Rights" this must be done before the Bill of Rights can be incorporated into the Australian Constitution. We well know how keen Senator Gareth Evans is to change the Australian society to his model of what he believes to be utopia, but we believe his frantic ideology is way ahead of its practical implementation. These ideologues really do think that human nature can be changed by passing a set of laws! Incredible. The Socialist/Humanist ideologues do not believe in the "rights" of others to oppose and expose the fraudulent legislation that is pouring out from various United Nations Conventions and which, despite their euphemistic titles will actually restrict and muzzle freedom of speech and expression. As we predicted in these pages recently, inflation in America is certain to rise. Under orthodox finance-economic conventions, it must. We now read that the rise has begun, particularly because of a rise in food prices. It would have been higher, but for a significant decline in petrol prices which some experts attribute to over-production of crude oil for export by member nations of OPEC, remember the hysterical waffle in recent times about the "dire shortage" of this dwindling energy reserve, and the sharply increased prices that followed. What was it all about? Just a great rip-off for the Masters of the world's oil industries, and also a rip-off by way of revenue for governments. Now we have the real situation revealing itself: there is a worldwide glut of oil, but the price of oil is not generally being lowered. Queensland National Party President, Sir Robert Sparkes, in attacking Liberal and Coalition policy on sporting boycotts with South Africa, demonstrates that there is a grassroots revolt against vis-à-vis South Africa. We heard Sir Robert Sparkes launch his attack, and he did so convincingly. He asserted that Australia had a double standard, and instanced our link with Uganda, in the time of Idi Amin. This murderous clown had annihilated and tortured thousands of his countrymen, but Australia did not break any sorts of relations with Amin's Uganda, only South Africa. The ferment is working away, and will continue to do so. Mr. Justice Lionel Murphy, of the High Court of Australia, is in the news once more. An article in the National Times has it that Mr. Justice Murphy, when he was Federal Attorney General, was responsible for Customs surveillance of a Mr. Abe Saffron being abandoned. Mr. Saffron's name is a very well known one in Sydney, going back some decades. Senator Gareth Evans, a disciple of Mr. Justice Murphy, stated that the latter is a great "civil libertarian" who holds that authority should not be improperly exercised against people because of their reputation. The punch word is "improperly", and can be made to mean anything. If a person has a long record of misdemeanours it is surely not surprising if the relevant authorities exercise regular surveillance. League of Rights Objectives |
in Victoria is already underway; and, as usual, has an element
of subterfuge about it. A letter from the Municipal Association
of Victoria, dated July 27th, has been sent to all Victorian
Councils. Public hearings have been arranged as follows; - Mildura 17th July 1984 - Shepparton 30th July 1984 - Melbourne 9th August 1984 Apparently the public inquiries have been advertised locally and in the general vicinity but neither the M.A.V. nor councils have been advised. Whilst the inquiry is of general interest to councils there is one proposition that has been put before the Committee that is of particular interest. It has been put to the Committee that a monetary component should be a major feature of any compensation scheme. Among the suggested methods of financing such compensation is that a proportion of State land tax revenue should be set aside as a compensation fund (as in the current NSW legislation). It can be argued that an increase in State Land Tax for such purpose would adversely affect local Government that relies on property rates, which are a form of land tax, for the major part of its finance. Any further inroads by the State into this source of revenue may limit the ability of ratepayers to meet rate bills. If you wish to make any comment to the Committee, the address is; The Secretary, Social Development Committee, 6th floor, 168 Exhibition Street, Melbourne, 3000. Tele: (03) 669 8511. Yours faithfully, I.R.Pawsey Secretary (The Municipal Association of Victoria's address is 15 Queens Rd. Melb., Vic. 3004. Tele: (03) 26 4421. (end of letter) The M.A.V. is to be commended for its warning to Councils. In New South Wales legislation has been passed placing 7.5% of land tax in a special fund for Aborigines for 15 years as cash compensation. This is extra to Commonwealth and State Revenue allocations for Aborigines. Several things transpire from this letter. Firstly, the indecent haste. Three public hearings had been held before councils were even notified of the project. The discussion is deceitfully framed. It is conveniently assumed there is no question about the legitimacy of compensation. Discussion and submissions are simply sought on what form it should take. The land tax proposal is iniquitous, as it places the burden of compensation on one section of the community - landowners. But then, it seems, Australia's country dwellers are to be the "bunnies" - fair game for a socialist government that does not believe in private property and freehold titles - except, apparently, f or Aborigines. The last census showed Aboriginal population to be a miniscule 6,057 persons, including children and babies the size of a small village. New South Wales Aboriginal population was 35,367 at the same time - almost six times greater. We suggest Councils should be advised that any proposal for increased taxes - land tax, rates or any other way is not on. We suggest that Liberal and National politicians should be told that they must fight this proposal as hard as the Land Claims Bill; that hasty, deceitful moves like this, half concealed in the murky forest of bureaucracy must be stopped; that far more time should be devoted to discussion before any legislative moves are made; and that the government must prove any case for compensation before discussing what form it should take. |
FROM "LIBERAL STATE REPORT", No. 24. 1984. Under "League of Rights" we read"Premier Cain's attempt to drum up a nexus between the Liberal Part and the League of Rights was an exercise in hypocrisy that rebounded against him. His Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Coghill, had already appeared twice on a platform with a League of Rights speaker and Cain's gesture in forbidding Government members from sharing platforms with the League showed the worth of his pretentions to democracy and free speech. "It failed to distract attention from the issue at stake, which was the trampling of people's rights in pursuit of A.L.P. ideology. "Opposition leader (Vic.) Jeff Kennett, declared the Liberal Party's view that the League and its anti-semitism were total anathema, and that Parliamentary Liberals would not appear at meetings organised by or on behalf of the League. "But the Liberal Party would not be intimidated by the presence of any group at meetings called by the community to discuss issues of vital concern. "The Liberal Party was committed to upholding the interest of all Victorians and the right of freedom of speech. "The meeting at Warrnambool, from which John Cain tried to draw political capital, had been called by three local government councillors to discuss proposed Government seizure of land. "It was a matter of regret that the League of Rights had been invited. "But Liberal speakers could not walk away from the issue just because of the League's presence. "Commitment to freedom of speech meant that Liberals, may, on occasion, have to share platforms with people whose views they utterly rejected in defense of their constituents". What "State Report" did not mention was the "call" on Mr. Jeff Kennett by leading Zionist, Mr. Isi Liebler (T.V.cameras and spruikers everywhere, and a few of Mr. Liebler's colleagues.) The purpose of the "showbizz" stunt was to demonstrate to the Victorians the concern of organised Jewry at any "link" between the Victorian State Liberals and that dreaded League of Rights. But the razzamatazz rebounded somewhat. Once again Mr. Liebler had overplayed his hand. Rank and file Liberals began to ask "Who is running the State Liberal Party: us or the Zionists?" Hence the above "clarification" (politicians' expression for having five bob each way). Mr. John Bennett sent the following letter to the Sunday Observer (Melbourne): "Re: League of Rights". "The article by Ken Gott about the League of Rights (22/7) states that I claim the Holocaust, Auschwitz and the gas chambers are fabrications. I have stated that there was a Holocaust in the sense that over one million German and Japanese civilians died from bombing raids, and there was a Holocaust in the sense that almost 500,000 people died in German camps, mainly from typhus. My argument that there were no gas chambers and no policy to exterminate Jews is based on the fact that there is no credible evidence that would be accepted in an Australian court and is supported by the detailed research of Professor Faurisson and Professor Butz. I am an independent thinker and will speak on any issue on any platform with any other speaker. I have recently offered to give a talk to a group of Jewish lawyers on the Holocaust and I would be glad if Mr. Gott would share the platform with me. I have given talks to many groups apart from the League in recent years. The argument used by Mr. Gott of guilt by association is commonly described as "McCarthyism". |