9 November 1984. Thought for the Week:
"To intensify the ideological struggle with the opponent does
not mean shaking a stick more intensely under his nose. The
ideological struggle can only be won by ideological means.
Jail sentences will not help here; on the contrary, they will
cause harm. He, who defends his point of view in a discussion
with fists, provides evidence that he has lost. A list of
condemned is not a rebuff to the ideological attacks of the
opponent. He, who uses a club as an idea, drives the last
nail into his own coffin and hangs a millstone around his
neck. A political force which wishes to safeguard its future
must recognise such millstones because outwardly they sometimes
have the appearance of laurel wreaths"
Valentyn Moroz, in Report from the Beria Reserve (1974) |
ANTI-LEAGUE SMEARERS REACH NEW LOWLast week the smear campaign against the League of Rights reached a new low when, speaking under privilege in the Victorian Parliament on Thursday, November 1st, Mr. Ken Coghill, Secretary to the Victorian Cabinet and Minister representing the Premier on Aboriginal Affairs, implied that League Director Mr. Eric Butler was guilty of disloyal behaviour during the Second World War and had been investigated and criticised by a Royal Commission. Carefully prepared, the new smear has as one of its objectives Mr. Bruce Ruxton, President of the Victorian Branch of the RSL, who is called upon by Dr. Coghill to now publicly dissociate himself from Mr. Butler. The media immediately descended upon Mr. Ruxton asking what he proposed to do in view of Dr. Coghill's "disclosures". Mr. Ruxton bluntly refused to accede to Dr. Coghill's suggestion, offering some scathing comments about Dr. Coghill's credibility. We do not propose to waste valuable space here dealing at length with the latest venture into the political gutter by Dr. Coghill and those surrounding him. No doubt Mr. K.D.Gott has also been involved. As it may appear to the uninformed that the most impressive evidence submitted by Dr. Coghill was what is known as the Dean Case Report by Mr. Justice Reed, we point out that the "inquiry" was instigated by Labor Attorney General Dr. H.V. Evatt, who previously had attempted to both intimidate and then to cajole Australian Social Crediters who were spearheading the national campaign against Dr. Evatt' s campaign to drastically change the Federal Constitution without consulting the people at a referendum. Along with other leading Social Crediters, Mr. Eric Butler was called to give evidence before the Commission. Communist influence reached an all-time high in Australia during the Second World War and the Communists made no secret of their attitude towards Mr. Eric Butler. The Communist Review of March 1943, said: "Butler must be exposed and fought. It is the duty of the Labor movement to see that he meets the fate due to enemies of the people, at the very least, internment". This demand was made at a time when Mr. Eric Butler was serving as a Gun Sergeant at a northern battle station. He served for nearly two years without any leave. It is true that Mr. Eric Butler wrote profusely during the war years. Dr. Coghill claims that his writings were subversive. What an idiotic claim! All of Mr. Butler's wartime writings were subject to wartime censorship. Presumably the censors were permitting "Subversive" writings to appear! The only writings by Mr. Butler, which were censored, were those, which warned about the long-term revolutionary strategy of the Soviet Union. Eric Butler was one of the few who had the foresight, based upon understanding, to warn about "good old Uncle Joe Stalin" and his criminal associates. We understand that Mr. Butler proposes one day to publish samples of what the censors did to his anti-Communist writings during the Second World War. Taking advantage of being based in Sydney for a school in 1944, Mr. Eric Butler plunged into the campaign against Dr. Evatt's far-reaching 1944 referendum, speaking on several occasions in Dr. Evatt's own electorate. Dr. Evatt and his Communist backers took their referendum defeat badly. From the London School of Economics came the wail of Dr. Evatt's close friend, the notorious Fabian Marxist, Dr. Harold Laski, who deplored the referendum result. It was not long after this that Dr. Evatt's "inquiry" got under way with Mr. Eric Butler being asked to appear to ascertain if he could shed any light on activities of a few people with who he had no association and knew little about. Eventually Mr. Justice Reed's findings were presented. They were never printed and the only copy is roneod. Section 61 of the document reads: "Practically all those who are interested in these matters (of financial reform) are very active in spreading their views and engage in what without offence may be called propaganda. Most of them devote a great deal of their time to studying the questions in issue and are intensely interested in political, social and economic matters - an attitude which we venture to suggest might very well be emulated by a great many more of the citizens of this Commonwealth. We say at once that apart from slight suspicion regarding one or two individuals, those who have come under our notice are loyal to His Majesty the King and are actuated by a sincere desire to improve the lot of themselves and their fellow men, and to bring about a better state of society. Quite a number of the witnesses served their country in the last war. Quite a number have sons or relatives fighting in this war, and in some cases the sons have lost their lives. We may give one or two examples. Dr. Dean served in the navy during the last war; Mr. Partington has lost three sons in this war; Mr. Maddern has three sons in the 2nd AIF; Mr. Byers has served in the Merchant Navy during the present war; Mr. Bruce Brown has lost a son in this war; Mr. Eric Butler is a member of the 2nd AlF; Mr. Brock is a returned soldier from the last war and is doing military duty at the present time". The "one or two individual" mentioned were unknown to Mr. Eric Butler and his colleagues and were no doubt produced to give some "colour" to proceedings. Absolutely nothing happened as a result of Dr. Evatt's "inquiry". Mr. Eric Butler was posted as an instructor to the famous Canungra Jungle Training School in Southern Queensland, where he served for six months. He was then posted as an instructor to the Officer Training School at Seymour, Victoria, where he was serving when the Second World War ended. He was later given an honourable discharge from the army. Those promoting the anti-League campaign today must be desperate when they dredge up distortions and complete nonsense, concerning what allegedly happened approximately forty years ago. Every new attempt at continuing the Communist inspired and Communist backed character assassination of Eric Butler merely reflects upon the characters of the politicians who allow themselves to be used, no doubt believing that there is some political advantage to be gained. |
REACTIONS TO 'COUNTRY WIDE' PROGRAMMEThere has been strong reaction against the ABC's latest anti-League smear. One letter from Queensland summarised what most have said; "The shameless bias the commentator showed against the League was completely reprehensible. His cutting from the statement about Hitler coming to power, gave the impression that the League supported the Hitler regime. I question another statement - i.e. that the League looked upon Malcolm Fraser as a Communist. The conclusion I have come to is that the ABC must be sympathetic to Communism". Many have reached the same conclusion. The League has, of course never made the claim that Malcolm Fraser was a Communist. The League does not sell books claiming that there was no "holocaust" during the Second World War, and that the concentration camps did not exist. But the League does make available the work of distinguished scholars who present a more realistic picture of what happened during the Second World War than that provided by Zionist propaganda. It strongly recommends The Zionist Connection by the distinguished American Jewish expert on the Middle East, Dr. Alfred Lilienthal. No League meeting was planned for Maryborough, Victoria, and the suggestion that the League uses local businessmen's names without their permission, is yet another complete fabrication. But one interesting piece of truth did emerge: The ABC interviewed the young man who said at the St. Arnand debate between Dr. Coghill and Mr. Eric Butler that he was concerned his forbears had dispossessed the Aboriginals. When asked how he was received at the debate when he put his question, he said that he had received little support, the great majority of his fellows sitting in stony silence. But when the ABC's "Nation Wide" presented its version of the St. Arnaud debate, it had the questioner receiving strong applause, the commentator suggesting that the Cain Government could take heart from this question and the warm reaction to it. The loud applause was in fact either that given to Mr. Butler's answer to the question, in which he suggested that if the questioner's conscience was worrying him, he should go home and give part of his property to some Aborigines, or the small amount of applause (now conceded) was deliberately magnified by the ABC. The "Country Wide" programme has demonstrated just how low the manipulators at the ABC can sink. But the League of Rights has not finished with them yet! |
BRIEF COMMENTSIn a letter dated August 16th, seeking support for his candidature for the Senate, Mr. John Crouch, subsequently selected for the ALP Senate team in Western Australia, states that "The years ahead will be dominated by the type of developing arrangements and structures through which effective economic power may be transferred to the organised trade union movement". This open support for Marxist strategy should be publicised widely in Western Australia. |
DECLINE AND FALLThe following 21 points were listed by Edward Gibbon, author of the classic, "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." There is a maxim, "There's Nothing New Under the Sun". How do you think these 21 points apply to our own civilisation?1). The decay and decline of religion. Man losing all interest in the pursuit of religion. 2). Higher and higher taxes to support extravagant and bureaucratic governments and officials. 3). The growing lust for more brutal sports of all kinds. 4). The decline and collapse of the home. 5). The public apathy towards the government. 6). Loss of patriotism. 7). The importing of cheap foreign goods, creating financial ruin for the home industries. 8). Public and private debt. Spending beyond the means of both public and private individuals. 9). The lust for materialism, or the finer things of life. 10). The easy living, resulting in soft, debilitating minds and bodies. 11). Heavy unemployment, creating great unrest and resentment among the masses. 12). Mongrelisation, or race mixing. 13). The repression of free speech and a free press. 14). Uncontrolled crime and violence in all forms. 15). A declining birthrate among the good white families, with a corresponding rise in the children of the mobs. 16). The rising cost of welfare. 17). The exhaustion of the soil. Erosion washing topsoil from the farmlands. 18). The loss of thrift and independence. 19). Immorality in all forms becoming rampant among all classes. 20). The sacred rite of marriage transformed into multiple divorce. 21). Patriots who warned of impending danger being ridiculed and ostracised by society. |