21 December 1984. Thought for the Week:
"For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world,
but that the world might be saved through him"
St. John 3:17 |
THE END OF AN EXPLOSIVE YEARThroughout most of 1984 there was a carefully orchestrated campaign which, in the words of Mr. Phillip Adams, echoing Zionist leader Mr. Isi Leibler, was designed to so isolate the League of Rights that it could have no influence on the mainstream of Australian politics. It can be said that this campaign has failed, although this does not mean it will not be continued and if possible, intensified. As realists, we believe that the election results were, along with the decisive rejection of Senator Gareth Evans's referenda proposals, the best that could be expected. It was clearly demonstrated that, contrary to media adulation, Prime Minister Hawke is mortal after all. Buoyed up by his own sense of being a man of destiny, and a popularity rating in the polls which owed much to the media, Mr. Hawke did not feel that he had to do much explaining to the Australian electors. What he failed to sense was a deep disquiet among more thoughtful electors. There is little doubt that Hawke was
a victim of the polls, which, right up until the last week,
showed Labor heading for a massive victory. The instincts
of a sizeable minority produced a last-minute view that it
would be dangerous for any government, still less one in which
there were many declared revolutionary Socialists, to have
such a threatened majority. That minority decided either to
vote for non-Labor candidates, or to swell the big informal
vote. Mr. Hawke's excuse about the informal vote resulted in a flood of letters to the Australian media. The most striking feature of these letters is that they were written by literate, responsible electors, who had made a conscious decision to vote informally because they felt that they could not vote for either side. It was significant that many mentioned basic issues not being dealt with; immigration, Aboriginal land rights, defence, the Constitution, and similar issues. These are all issues, which the League has been stressing. The high conscious informal vote reflects support for a theme, which the League of Rights has developed over recent years: That a responsible elector cannot take the view that he must merely "Vote for the lesser of several evils". We rate the high informal vote at the 1984 Federal elections as one of the most significant developments in Australian political history. Political party leaders would be well advised to take careful note of a development, which we are sure, is going to grow. |
GOODBYE GARETH EVANSHaving been blasted out of his ivory tower by the election and referendum results, the pragmatic Mr. Hawke, now realising that he is fighting for political survival, quickly grasped that Senator Gareth Evans, protégé of Mr. Justice Lionel Murphy, was a major political liability and had to be moved from the key position of Attorney General. A consistently bitter critic of the League of Rights, Senator Evans no doubt hoped that by "playing down" the referendum proposals, they would automatically be passed by an electorate besotted by the alleged Hawke charisma. But constant campaigning by the League of Rights, whose supporters also co-operated with the Council for a Free Australia, and the national distribution of well over one million copies of the Council for Free Australia's magazine, Wake Up, and tens of thousands of League brochures on the referendum issues, played a vital role in a result which we found pleasantly surprising. The massive NO vote in what we felt would be the key State of Western Australia, was a tribute to all those who campaigned so hard at a very difficult time. The dropping of Senator Evans and the appointment of the much more conservative Lionel Bowen, a practising Catholic, to take his place, was one of the major victories of the elections. Mr. Bowen has already made it clear that he is not over enthusiastic about the proposed Bill of Rights, suggesting that the proposed legislation be scrapped. Mr. Bowen points out that if a Bill of Rights is to be incorporated in the Constitution, a referendum will be necessary. Mr. Bowen must know that such a referendum has little chance of being passed. The radicals are already in full cry and there is no doubt that Lionel Bowen is going to be subjected to tremendous pressure. He must be given every encouragement to stand firm. |
ABORIGINAL LAND RIGHTSBoth the Labor Party and the Opposition Parties found themselves under increasing pressure on the Aboriginal Land Rights issue throughout the year, both agreeing that the League of Rights had been the main driving force behind the campaign of opposition to the land rights programme. The engagement of Fabian Socialist K.D.Gott, at public expense, to "monitor" and to report on the League of Rights proved counter productive. The attempt by the United Church, which produced its own smear document on the League, to address Victorian meetings arranged by the Church, resulted in the first meeting at Sea Lake, ending in complete disaster for Mr. Gott and the promoters as a result of League questioning. We understand that all other planned Gott meetings were then cancelled, with the Uniting Church now badly divided about the League. The Opposition parties eventually attempted to grasp the land rights issue, even if only tentatively, but insisted that they had nothing to do with the League of Rights. Mr. Hawke wisely decided before the elections to "play down" the land rights issue, and was assisted by the weak attitude of the Federal Opposition. The Western Australian State Liberals have continued to keep the land rights issue before the people and this probably explains why the Liberals did relatively much better in W.A. than in any other state. With Mr. Clyde holding re-appointed as Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, it appears that the second Hawke Government will make some attempt to push forward their national land rights programme. They will, of course, be under tremendous radical and United Nations pressure. But they also know that any attempt to continue with the proposed programme will re-activate the grassroots movement, which has developed as a result of the League's original programmes this year. |
HAWKE DENIED SENATE CONTROLThe Hawke thrust to gain control of the Senate, was a failure, with enough people grasping the basic issued involved. As we go to press, the final results have not yet been reached. But it is certain that there will be a division of power, with the Democrats holding the balance. The strong vote for the Nuclear Disarmament Party did not surprise us. Large numbers of young electors voting for the first time reflected the brainwashing they received from Socialist schoolteachers. When the pragmatic Bob Hawke told Senator Susan Ryan that she had to stop her assault on the private schools, the militant pro-Marxist Australian Teachers' Federation was badly upset and openly criticised the Hawke Government. The Federation was responsible for much of the Vote for the Nuclear Disarmament Party, as were, of course the different Marxist Parties. The NDP received enormous media coverage, and it was obvious that the new party had enormous funds to spend. The media gave practically no coverage to the Call to Australia Senate team, or to that headed by Brian Peachey in Western Australia. But the votes recorded by these groups demonstrated the potential for building a coalition of genuine conservatives. |
LIBERALS FOOLING THEMSELVESWhile the election results have provided Mr. Andrew Peacock with a reprieve from an immediate leadership challenge, they will only delay temporarily the disintegration of the Liberal Party. The Liberals are fooling themselves with their claims. Generally overlooked is that the total national Liberal vote was slightly lower than at the 1983 elections, while that of the National Party increased, the biggest increase being in Queensland. The deteriorating rural situation, which is going to worsen next year, is going to put the National Party under increasing pressure to come forward with constructive finance economic policies along the lines consistently proposed by the League of Rights. |
THE CHALLENGE OF 1985As stressed by the League, the so-called economic recovery was primarily the result of massive doses of the debt drug by the Hawke Government. The same debt drug was liberally proscribed by the first Reagan Administration. But now the "side effects" are starting to show. The same is going to happen in Australia. The international crisis is going to deepen rapidly, with desperate efforts by the plotters of the New World Order to exploit the situation to advance their programme. Right around the Crown Commonwealth the League of Rights has been a catalyst of an emerging grassroots movement of constructive resistance, particularly in Australia and Canada. That is why it is under such a vicious attack everywhere, particularly in Australia and Canada. 1984 saw The Australian League of Rights subjected to its biggest test and challenge. It came through with "flying colours" and is now ready to face the even bigger tests of 1985. |
CHRISTMAS GREETINGSThis is our last issue for 1984, and we thank our supporters, both old and new, who never faltered in the heat of the battles of 1984. They demonstrated that traditional Australia and traditional values are still alive. We extend Christmas Greetings to all, trusting that they and their families have a Happy and Holy Christmas, that they benefit both physically and spiritually from the Christmas break, prepared to return to the ongoing battle for freedom. |
TO 'ALERT' (No. 18); November 1984"ALERT" is the monthly journal of the Concerned Parents' Association-"The Concerned Parents' Association has been warning the community for some time now about the serious effect the "new" direction of Education is having on our young people. "Heartbroken parents are asking why their children are turning away from them, why they turn to drugs, prostitution etc. "The following article was received by the C.P.A. while the "Alert" was being printed from - "The Educational Magazine", Volume 41, Number 5, 1984 -produced by the Education Department of Victoria. "If a recent survey in South Australian schools is any gauge, Australian post-primary students have a pessimistic view of the future. The onrush of technology and the threat of nuclear war and universal destruction are perceived as possible events over which they have no control. More depressing, perhaps, was that when asked to articulate views of the future, they had no alternative views of a hopeful resolution of mankind's problems. "A study of more than 400 students, aged fifteen to seventeen in seven South Australian post primary schools indicated an almost universal negative view of the future. Taken on a guided fantasy twenty years into the future, scenarios emphasis devastation and destruction (50%) and dehumanised, computer-controlled societies (33%). Even in 'normal' future scenarios (18%) more than half are devoid of people. In response to specific questions about the future, 75% believe there will be a nuclear war in their lifetime and the same percentage believe that Australia will be hit by nuclear missiles. One half of the students believe that more than half of the population would be destroyed and 10% believe all humans will be destroyed in the holocaust. The 'fantasy' scenarios give a much higher proportion of total annihilation. "In the questionnaire, the writings and the interviews, there was a pervasive view of helplessness and hopelessness. A frighteningly low 15% believe that ordinary people can do nothing to prevent a nuclear war, and only a third were able to articulate any single action they could engage in that would lower the probability of a nuclear war" from - Readers Digest, November, 1984:
Why UNESCO Spells Trouble |
SIR MARK OLIPHANT WARNSFrom "The News" (Adelaide) December
4th: In line with the material (above) from "Alert", Sir Mark added, "the future is veiled with a mist of uncertainty which can be frightening and destructive of incentive... The capitalist organisation of society has provided people with the highest standard of living ever achieved, but nationally and internationally it shows ominous signs of total collapse, he said. There is more: "It is not necessary to read much to realise that international indebtedness, including our own, has made all virtually bankrupt. The scale of international debt is astronomical and can never be repaid. In the face of inflation - in huge proportions in such countries as Israel and Brazil - the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund were powerless to prevent disaster. We well recall that, in an address to the Per Jacobbsen Foundation some years ago, Professor Otmar Emminger warned that if inflation in Western countries was not cured in three years from that date (at least TEN years ago) - then the West's monetary systems would collapse. Professor Emminger was Chairman of West Germany' s equivalent of our Reserve Bank. We have heard recently, off-the-cuff admissions from international bankers that the West' s finance economic systems are now out of control. This is what Sir Mark Oliphant is saying. But Sir Mark goes on: "As the pressure of mounting interest payments on international trade grew, something was bound to give way. "It was possible international trade could be halted. If this happened, Australia, which, has allowed itself to degenerate into a colony of Japan and other vigorous manufacturing nations would become a backwater. Yet of all nations in the world, Australia was best equipped to set its own goals, retain dignity, and be powerful without enormous armed services. There is almost nothing needed for the good life which cannot be produced within the island continent if we so desire", he said. We (On Target) endorse the remarks of Sir Mark Oliphant (above). We could only wish that our politicians had the grasp of the West's finance economic systems held by Sir Mark. |
PERSONAL MEMO FROM RIC NEWSome supporters may have seen the "Personal
Memo" put out by the above gentleman, who is Chairman of Directors
of the "Midland Brick Company Pty. Ltd.", Western Australia.
Our Western Australian "people" inform us the Mr. New is rare
amongst prominent businessmen in having a genuine concern
for the welfare of Australia. Because of limitations of space,
we cannot reproduce all of Mr. New's Memo. We cull the "juiciest"
extracts. A Post Script adds - Those who wish to congratulate Mr. New may write to him c/- Midland Brick Co Pty. Ltd., Bassett Road, Middle Swan, W.A., 6056. |