home of ... Douglas Social Credit
4 April 1985. Thought for the Week: Anybody
who defends the legal existence of Communism in a democratic
country is defending the legality of high treason. The Left-wing
Labor defenders of Communism are the worst enemies of their
countries, worse than the Communists themselves. These Left-wing
defenders of Communism conceal all the facts about Lenin's
teaching and claim that in a democratic country no political
opinion must be suppressed. Their pretended love for pure
democracy is bluff and fraud, for they were, and still are,
ready to suppress by force the political opinion of anybody
who, in their opinion, is or may be a fascist. But by defending
Communism under the pretext of protecting democracy they are
confusing masses of well meaning people who would never listen
to Communists, but are ready to accept the opinion of Left-wing
defenders of Communism".
V.L.Borin, exCzech Communist leader,' in How to Betray Your Country (1956) |
A GENUINE, USEFUL INNOCENTMr. Eric Butler reports from New Zealand Writing to one of the New Zealand papers, a lady said that she had declared her car to be accident free and had taken out no insurance, only to find that someone had ignored her declaration and had run into her car, badly damaging it. She felt this was extremely "unfair". The Marxist totalitarians are not impressed by appeals to fairness, which they regard as a manifestation of "capitalist decadence." Needless to say, Prime Minister Lange is strongly opposed to "racism" and "discrimination". But one of his first foreign policy decisions was to have a New Zealand Embassy opened in India, which he regards as a great moral leader among the nations of the world. Mr. Lange conveniently overlooks that India has spent vast sums in an attempt to become a nuclear power and that there are constant violence and deaths in a nation which still imposes its inhuman caste system. Now Prime Minister Lange is to seek closer links with five nations in "liberated" Africa. Mr. Lange is pleading with New Zealand Rugby officials not to make a final decision about visiting South Africa just yet. He would not like this decision to be made before his African safari, which will not, of course, include South Africa. The South Africans are so evil they must be ostracised in every possible way. Mr. Lange is not prepared to go so far as to ban New Zealand Rugby players and spectators from visiting South Africa, but he is doing everything possible to prevent the proposed tour from going ahead. The moral Mr. Lange has even insisted that the New Zealand Government tourist bureau must not accept bookings for those wishing to follow the New Zealand Rugby team to South Africa. In spite of the massive injections of foreign aid, with few exceptions, the whole of "liberated" Africa is sinking back into a new type of barbarism. There has been a widespread decline in food production with the withdrawal of European expertise and energy. But like an innocent abroad, Prime Minister Lange will believe all that he is told by the flamboyant but corrupt African leaders like Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Nyerere of Tanazania. There will be the usual attacks upon South Africa and almost certainly promises of generous New Zealand aid, at the expense of the hard pressed New Zealand taxpayers. It will be a major miracle if Mr. Lange has anything critical to say about the criminal activities of Africans like Comrade Mugabe of Zimbabwe, who hold innocent people in prison where they have been tortured. The unrealism of Mr. Lange was graphically demonstrated when, following the Soviet's enthusiastic support for his government's anti nuclear policy, he sent for the Soviet Ambassador in Wellington and, according to press reports, said that "My message to him was very simply that the policy of this country is not for consumption, endorsement, applause or whatever by the Soviet Union." No doubt the criminals of the Kremlin laughed into their vodkas as they read this type of nonsense from Mr. Lange, possibly recalling Lenin's famous words about the great value of useful innocents to their strategy. |
THE LOOMING BATTLE OVER TAXATIONOnly sixteen weeks ago, Australians were being told they were lucky enough to live in "the fastest-growing economy in the world." Treasurer Keating was nominated "Treasurer-of-the-year" and the "top-of-the-political-pops" was the A.L.P.'s "Recovery". Those who pointed to the real facts and figures were "prophets of doom". A few socio-economic psychologists suggested that warnings of caution might of themselves stunt the recovery. It was all too reminiscent of those who claimed a few years ago that Enoch Powell's warnings of racial violence in Britain would create the very thing he was concerned about. To take Australia's mind off the obvious fact that "the recovery" was simply an election mirage, the proposed tax summit in July is the next piece of theatre. It is unlikely, however, that the Hawke Government will get its act together for a successful summit. The faction fighting in the ALP is set to explode. Despite orders to remain silent, the Social Security Minister in the Victorian Government, Mr. Howe, - a leading spokesman for the Left - has attacked the Hawke Government's proposals for a major shift from direct to indirect taxation. He also called for a Capital Gains Tax. The Left wing and Union theory is that indirect taxation will shift the tax burden from high-income earners to the lower income groups. They fail to realise that all taxes - whether direct or indirect are loaded into the price structure which consumers have to pay. Taxes as a whole are a vital part of the cost structure, and arguments about how to extract them are really immaterial. What is important - and wholly ignored by politicians - is the size of the total tax package, and the proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) annexed in the taxation process. Even socialist theorists in earlier times warned that a tax package, which took more than 25% of national income, hampered economic growth and equity. Australia's three tiers of government between them are just on the 50% mark. Taxation is now totally destructive, and a Tax Summit that simply seeks to altar the method of extraction, without reducing the overall impact, will solve nothing. Australia can expect little opposition
from the Lib-Nats, Shadow Treasurer Howard has long been an
advocate for a shift from direct to indirect taxation. So
he really agrees with Hawke's proposals. They will probably
stand united in opposition to the Left. Editor Julian Cribb,
writing in The National Farmer (Nov. 29 - Dec. 12,
'85) summed it up well: A wise man once observed: "If governments make a bad law - even honest men will break it..." So what do Australians currently pay? The following figures tell the story: TAXATION PER HEAD: MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD, AUSTRALIA, 1985 Direct and Indirect
Total: $4,610.00 This represents a total tax-bill of $18,440 for the average Australian family of father, mother and two children. The real question is whether the proposed Tax Summit will reduce this total figure or not? Anything else is political sleight-of-hand! |
PREMIER WARNS ON RETAIL TAXDavid Thompson reports from W.A.During his recent visit to Australia, Dr. Geoffrey Dobbs, of Wales, made the point that eventually the failure of orthodox policies would force an examination of other policies. Premier Brian Burke, although accepting the possibility of some form of capital gains tax, has started to apply the pressure to Messrs. Hawke and Keating. Mr. Burke warned that a retail tax of 10% would increase inflation and unemployment, have a "vivid" impact on demand and the level of economic activity, and cut the spending power of people on fixed incomes. Mr. Burke's most significant comment, as reported to The West Australian, was that the W.A. Government's submission to the Tax Summit would stress that the tax system should be simpler, fairer without increasing overall tax collections. LAND RIGHTS Mr. Trott's article went on to justify the so-called moderation of the Burke Labor Government's land rights legislation by stating that 10 organisations were involved in the drafting and their approval of the legislation justified land rights. "It surprises me that non-elected government by specialist interest groups has become so acceptable that he describes it as a 'masterpiece of diplomacy'. "I doubt that the wider electorate would approve of specialist interest groups, like that Chamber of Mines, and the Aboriginal Land Trust, drawing up legislation for W.A. which will have a critical long-term effect on the State as a whole. Warning Mr. David Thompson, in a most recent communication, states that the W.A. mining industry has more or less collapsed in its former opposition to land rights legislation, and that it is actually supporting Premier Burke's land rights legislation now. Mr. Thompson repeats that it is essential that Opposition Legislative Councillors (who control the W.A. Upper House) be stiffened, against the passage of Premier Burke's land rights Bill. We have been informed that, at least one mining company, and we suspect more, are coming under pressure from some of their shareholders who feel strongly about the land rights issue. |
LOCAL GOVERNMENTThe following self-explanatory letter was published in Stock and Land (March 14th) over the name of "Alan Chandler, of Fairfield, Vic.:"The letter from the Goulburn group of municipalities (Feb. 21) warned of the threat by the Minister for Local Government that on the subject of amalgamation, municipalities should 'hurry up or else' "This is only the tip of the Iceberg that 'restructure' really is. That this Government and this particular Minister are dedicated to the takeover of local government by political party adherents is not news to some of those who have the misfortune to live in a party controlled municipality, and particularly the Minister's electorate of Northcote. "Every shire or city that enjoys local government not dominated by party politics should absolutely reject any proposed reform until the whole package of restructure is presented clearly in every aspect. "In the meantime, a very close watch should be centred on the City of Northcote where a 'request' from the Council to the Minister that it should become an unsubdivided 'no ward' city has already been moved and passed by the council, a move opposed by all independent councillors, but carried by the party councillors because of their minimum possible majority. "As a resident and an independent councillor of Northcote, there is no doubt in my mind that this request from the Council is an orchestrated exercise with the purpose of this City being used to give the lead for other councils to follow, and that it is only one plank in the structure of reform which is to include amalgamations and triennial elections as two of the known moves, with others still only to be guessed or speculated upon. "On the surface, sinister aspects cannot be readily seen, particularly when each is viewed as an unrelated proposal, but to date no comprehensive set of proposals have been offered for evaluation as a whole package. One has to look into the Local Government Act as it now stands on the question of how the voting must be counted in the event of a spill of council to get a glimpse of the implications. "To date, while structure changes have been suggested or demanded in several directions, some of which, such as an unsubdivided or no ward city, would suggest that a change of the vote counting system would be necessary. No changes have been suggested, much less is it certain to happen. "The existing Local Government Act contains a seldom used and little known system that could be very readily used for triennial elections a no ward city election, or both of these moves combined, where an individual, independent candidate facing a disciplined party vote could poll one primary vote short of an absolute majority and not be elected, while a candidate or several candidates on a party ticket can be elected without gaining one primary vote. "No citizen of Victoria should accept any structural reform to local government while this possibility exists, and it will exist until the Act is changed. My second warning is that no change to the Act relating to counting of votes should be accepted until thoroughly examined by a committee of interested and highly qualified scrutineers who have no political party interests or affiliations. |