home of ... Douglas Social Credit
12 April 1985. Thought for the Week:
"Most of the major ills of the world have been caused by well
meaning people who ignored the principle of individual freedom,
except as applied to themselves, and who were obsessed with
fanatical zeal to improve the lot of mankind-in-the-mass through
some pet formula of their own... The harm done by ordinary
criminals, murderers, gangsters, and thieves is negligible
in comparison with the agony inflicted upon human beings by
the professional 'do-gooders', who attempt to set themselves
up as gods on earth and who would ruthlessly force their views
on all others - with the abiding assurance that the end justifies
the means."
Grady Weaver in The Mainstring of Human Progress |
THE RESURRECTION OF A CIVILISATIONDuring his recent tour of Australia under the auspices of League of Rights supporters, distinguished British scientist Dr. Geoffrey Dobbs, drew attention to the difference between faith and religion, stressing that religion means appropriate action to make faith a reality. Marxism is a religion, most of its supporters dedicated to action. A Civilisation is the incarnation of intangible values. To the extent that Western Civilisation was the incarnation of Christian values, it was a Christian Civilisation. Today that Civilisation lies broken and bleeding, crucified by the spiritual descendants of those who rejected Christ's message of freedom for the individual two thousand years ago. Foremost in the campaign, which led to the Crucifixion, were the Pharisees, who were incensed when Christ said that the Sabbath (institutions) were made for man, not man for the Sabbath. The Pharisees fanatically believed that they knew what was best for the individual, whose every action had to be governed by written regulations. Nothing has more dramatically demonstrated the sickness of Western societies than the spectacle of the Hawke Government calling a Summit Conference on the mounting drug problem, offering a massive $80 million of the taxpayers' money for a national programme which it can be predicted now will fail primarily because there is no proposal to look at basic causes. These could be discovered if a realistic examination were made of another measure of a dying Civilisation: the growing number of despairing and disoriented young people who are committing suicide. Then there are those who, while they cannot bring themselves to direct suicide opt for an attitude of escapism. Drugs help provide one way of attempting to cope with a situation which large numbers of the young find hopeless and despairing. Many are convinced that the bomb will eventually drop and there is no hope for the future. Students in American Universities have been debating the question of whether or not cyanide tablets should be readily available for students if a nuclear attack took place. There is little faith in the future. Every responsible parent and teachers should all be warning children of the dangers of drug taking. But even the Soviet authorities are finding that lectures on the perils of acute alcoholism are having no effect on the growing consumption of vodka. People forced to live in the dull, grey world of collectivism, with little scope for individual creativeness, turn easily to the most readily available form of escapism - vodka. "Progressive education", with its rejection of appropriate disciplines for the young, the erosion of traditional values, and the distortion of history, has much to answer for. Mr. Hawke and his colleagues are not addressing themselves to this important question. On top of this is the perversion of the true purpose of the economic system, with large numbers of the young left unemployed and a feeling of uselessness. Present financial, economic and social policies can only be described as those of the anti-Christ, with an ever-increasing cry for even greater centralisation of power and the crushing of the human spirit. With some shining exceptions, Christian Church spokesmen offer little but pious platitudes, or even worse, and carry forward the spirit of the Pharisees with a call for more controls and regulations to "make people good". The resurrection of a dying Civilisation is not going to start with "Summits", but out amongst the people, where regeneration must first start with individuals, these learning how to associate together to inject a spirit of positive hope into what admittedly is a dark but far from hopeless situation. But this process of regeneration requires access to that Truth which we were told is the foundation of freedom. The League humbly believes that it is in the forefront of the regenerating process by its growing stream of literature, cassette tapes and now videotapes. The challenges were never greater but so is the opportunity to serve God and our fellow human beings, including our betrayed youth. |
ABUSE OF TAX REVENUEThe Special Minister of State, Mr. Nick Young, conceded in Parliament on March 26, that several M.P.s were allowing the use of their free parliamentary telephones for the use of "pressure groups". The Australian (March 27, '85) reported: ".... Mr. Young told Parliament yesterday he accepted "those sorts of things do occur", although he called on members to use their taxpayer provided services responsibly. An Opposition backbencher, Dr. David Watson (Lib. - Qld.) raised the issue by pointing out that the office telephone of Old Labor Senator George Georges was being advertised as a contact by the committee for peace and disarmament..." Corruption in the Federal Parliament is now so widespread that such items have almost lost their power to shock. It was revealed in February (The Chronicle, Toowoomba, 18/2) that Federal funds have been neatly channeled from the Community Employment Programme (C.E.P.) to a multitude of Left-wing groups. Amongst examples: The Nuclear Disarmament coordinating Committee received $6,330 - specifically to organise the Palm Sunday Peace Rally in N.S.W. People For Nuclear Disarmament (PND) in Sydney received $78,482 to employ five people for 6 months on a 'peace bus' project. The same group got another $15,392 to employ one person full time for "disarmament education", this despite the fact the same organisation has several communists on its staff, and recently advertised for staff in the Communist Tribune. The Victorian based Campaign for International Co-operation and Disarmament (CICD) received $47,568 to employ 3 people for a year in the organisation's 25th anniversary project. Pax Christi, headed by Socialist Left academic Joe Camilleri, got $71,061 to employ 5 people for over six months on "peace education". And on and on. Other C.E.P. funding covered: Victorian Trades Hall Council - two grants for $81,64O and $157,839. The Tasmanian Wilderness Society - $17,443, $38,767 and $11,790. Wilderness Society in Sydney - $57,642. Tasmanian Wilderness Society in Victoria - $66,616. Friends of the Earth - $23,697. FILEF (the Australian operation of the Italian Communist Party) got $13,267 in N.S.W. and $23,499 in South Australia for building renovations and staffing. The Union of Australian Women (Victorian Branch) got $35,631 to employ 3 people for a year to write the history of the organisation. The Australian Union of Students, although virtually defunct and totally discredited, got 2 grants of $31,810 and another of $21,075 to employ staff. And the Victorian Teachers' Union received a total of $110,641 to fund its Womens' Affirmative Action Handbook. |
Mr. David Thompson Reports From W.A. (Opposition to Land Claims in W.A.) But what are these 'pressing needs' for
which the faithful have been called to prayer? Shires Reject Bill Are They Worth It? On Tax Youth Told to 'Act Like Termites' Rev. Father L. Cusack is the parish priest of SAN REMO, Vic., 3915. He is often in print in the media, and should be encouraged. He is what we would describe as a traditional Catholic parish priest fighter for righteousness. Would that there were many more like him today! |
JEREMY LEE COMMENTS : PETROL PRICES AND POLITICAL PROMISESWith petrol prices rising in many areas of Australia, we should remind ourselves that 66 cents of every dollar in petrol prices is tax imposed by the Federal Government. If the price goes up, so automatically does the tax windfall. With this in mind, who remembers the advertisement that Labor was running before elected? In 1980, an A.L.P. advertisement read: "From January 1st 1981 a Labor Government would freeze the price of locally produced crude oil. After 12 months petrol would be 2.4 cents a litre cheaper than if overseas price rises continue to be passed on at their present rate of increase...."Similar A.L.P. advertisements told us that the import parity pricing policy would result in a situation where "every petrol bowser would become a tax collection agency for the Government " So far we have had two price rises this year with another imminent. The Government has done nothing to offset the automatic tax rip off, even to farmers, who are being battered from pillar-to-post by the cost spiral. But then who expects politicians to honour promises these days? |