home of ... Douglas Social Credit
9 August 1985. Thought for the Week:
"After I had been in the country a few days and had had the
opportunity of reading some of the newspapers, I soon realised
that this interest in Apartheid was not purely academic -
or even humanitarian. These journalists were telling me that
Apartheid has become a subject of burning importance to the
people of Australia, and I realised that the people of Australia
are today at the receiving end of a massive propaganda campaign,
or psychological warfare, on the subject of race discrimination
in general.... The word 'Apartheid' has been given, as it
were, a dangerous electrical charge of hate and fear. People
are scared by the very sound of it. The word crackles with
danger, reminding us of one of those appliances in a transformer
sub-station which hums and crackles behind a warning notice
with the usual skull and crossed bones. People are frightened
by the word, 'Apartheid'; they do not know what it means but
they have been made to understand that it is something terrible
and that anyone guilty of promoting it must be a monster..."
Ivor Benson, in A Message from Southern Africa |
WORLD GOVERNMENT WOLF PACK HOWLING FOR BLOOD OF SOUTH AFRICA"Former Prime Minister, Mr. Malcolm Fraser, may be called in to help push the Hawke Government's tough stand against South Africa". The Sun (Melbourne), August 6th. The report does not say "who", precisely, is to call Mr. Fraser in for a further demolition job in Southern Africa. He has already done the job for the World Government power brokers in Rhodesia. With that unconquerable insensitivity of the blinkered bigot, our former Prime Minister is only too eager to wreak more havoc, on top of that already perpetrated, perhaps to justify - in some sort of measure - what has been done. It could be that he feels that his work there is incomplete, and that further of his "initiatives" in Southern Africa will - at last - crown his actions with ultimate success; as when South Africa will have black majority rule, the glorious multi-cultural society, and such other "enlightened" aspects of modern social democracy. Who knows? What we do know is that the power brokers for World Government, so strictly behind the United Nations scenes, use people like Malcolm Fraser pitifully, such people are given flattering headlines in the strictly controlled mass media; they are encouraged to strike moral postures (to 'world' applause); and to prance the world political stage, bathed in the glow of hallowed approval. Until they are of no further use; when they are tossed on the political scrap heap - like Joshua Nkomo, in Zimbabwe. In his regular weekly column in The
Herald (Melbourne July 31st), Mr. John Stone, former Head
of the Treasury Canberra unleashes some of his piercing comments:
"One thinks also of the people of Afghanistan, now steadily
and surely being wiped out by a Russian policy of genocide.
Yet their agony creates nothing more active than a yawn among
all those busy people at the United Nations who this week
have been waxing so indignant about South Africa. We read in The Age (Melbourne) August 6th, that the Hawke Government - according to the latest AGE-POLL, would be hurled from office, in a landslide, if an election were held now. What does this have to do with South Africa? Plenty, we do now believe. We strongly suspect that the Australian "street person" is sick and tired of the tirades against South Africa, when the all too obvious double standards, as itemised by John Stone, are applied. The Aussie likes fair play, and South Africa is not getting it. He knows that South Africa has formidable racial problems, but he also knows that these will not be solved by putting the political boot in. We strongly suspect that the psychological war against South Africa is proving counter-productive: the people are wary of politicians, and are reacting. What about the multi-cultural society? What about Asian immigration? Who voted for them? No one! Who voted for a change in the National Anthem? Who voted for metrication? Who voted for a changed Australian Flag? NO ONE! All this rottenness and deceit is now having its effect and creating a backlash against politicians, who are now being increasingly suspected of NOT acting in the interests of their electors, who pay their absurdly inflated salaries. They are being overpaid to wreck our country. But what is the answer? The people don't know. Only the dreadful League of Rights knows. Down with the League of Rights. The same goes for the Churches. The Bishops and other prelates are joining the howling chorus for South Africa's blood, not knowing the underlying facts at all. What will be the effect? Further division in, and fragmentation of, the Churches that's what. The Truth cleaves, and is cleaving. Well may the brilliant and eminent anthropologist of the early 20th Century be right. Yes, none other than Lothrop Stoddard, who in his great work, "The Rising Tide of Color" ($13.00 posted) foresaw racial wars at the close of the 20th Century and we must admit this is more than just a possibility as years of more discrimination against white nations are evidenced. Whilst we are in this suspicious mood, we'll say that, in politics, chickens come home to roost. The Moral Law, which Christians recognise, applies in politics, as in all spheres of human activity. The vituperation, which Australian governments have directed against Rhodesia and South Africa, could well be redirected against Australia if and when South Africa is under black "majority rule". Then, could we see the United Nations call for 'mandatory international sanctions" against Australia - a new threat to world "peace" - unless it grants immediate land rights to Aborigines. No, more! The Makarrata could be called for in the Security Council. Two Australian nations - a Black and a White. The Black embraced by their brothers of the wonderful Third World. Immediate Cuban "aid", Naval and air bases built by their brothers of Vietnam, China, and the Soviets. Impossible? Who's kidding whom? |
VALDER v. PEACOCKJeremy Lee comments While it is true that a huge number of Australians have been forced into dependency on government 'hand-outs' - largely as a result of high taxes and the resulting decimation of the private sector - no cut in welfare is justifiable without the provision of genuine incentives elsewhere. Worthwhile opportunities for unemployed youth, for example, to find worthwhile and creative occupations must be provided before existing support systems are cut away. In orthodox terms, it is a Catch-22
situation. But there is an alternative which - although it
would have both Andrew Peacock and John Valder shivering in
their shoes - offers the chance to rebuild hope and productive
incentive without the preceding and devastating squeeze which
so many orthodox economists and politicians believe to be
the only choice we have. Recent news tells us that Australia's money supply - M3 - has "blown out" to an increase of 17.2 percent. If the Government would use its banking powers to fund the bigger part of this "blow-out" with a new issue of debt-free and interest-free credit, to be specifically spent on tax reductions, Australia would have the "trigger break-through" needed to steer the economy back onto course. We fear it is going to take bigger men than Andrew Peacock, John Valder, or, for that matter, Ian Sinclair, to look this issue fairly in the face and take the necessary action. It's so much easier to allow "the little people" - farmers, small businessmen etc, to carry the burden, than to do a Jack-and-the-Beanstalk, and tackle the giants! |
FROM THE QUEENSLAND IMMIGRATION CONTROL ASSOCIATION"In Australia the level of fertility is currently about 7% below replacement and is projected to settle at about 10% below replacement in the long term a disproportionately large number of immigrants are in or yet to enter their childbearing years. As a result immigration makes a significant contribution to natural increases." - Australia's Population Trends & Prospects. 1984: p.32. What the Government publication is announcing, loud and clear, is that as a result of deliberate over taxation policy adopted by successive governments, the birthrate has been lowered to a "17% below replacement level" and will fall lower, and that the required replacement will be made up of births to immigrants of whom approximately 49-50% are from Asia, according to published statistics (Catalogue number - 3401.0 for 1984). "Both the Hawke and Peacock teams can take the discredit for having achieved zero population growth in this country, and then replacing the population by aliens. "As shown in Australia's Declining Birthrate ($3.00 posted), the fall in births in this country has closely followed the fall in marriages in every State since 1970 onwards. These falls have corresponded with rising inflation and the massive over taxation to which the population has been subjected...." |
SOVIET DRYDOCK IN ALBANY, W.A."The proposal for a Soviet dry-dock to be sited in Albany (W.A.) was first suggested by the Labor candidate for the town, Mrs. Jo Lynch, following the Government's refusal to guarantee a loan for the Bunbury Port Authority to buy the facility. Albany-Advertiser (W.A.) July 23rd. There is really a "paper war" going on in this part of Australia: and we'll wager that not one in a thousand Australians in the Eastern States knows anything about it. As should be expected, many W.A. businessmen are "all for" a Soviet dry-dock in Albany. It will "open up" the area for further developments: it will put umpteen thousands of dollars in their pockets. The usual "money talk" that blinds dull and greedy people to reality. All we can do now in the limited space available to us in O.T. Bulletin, is to reprint two letters - one from Mrs. Jo Lynch, and another from the opposite viewpoint. Firstly, Mrs. Jo Lynch, who has the credit
for advocating a Soviet dry-dock in Albany: Now for the letter by a known loyal Australian |