home of ... Douglas Social Credit
6 September 1985. Thought for the Week:
"If all mankind, minus one, were of one opinion, and only
one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be
no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if
he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
John Stuart Mill |
SOUTH AFRICA IN THE FRONT LINEWhen following the "peace" agreement negotiated by Dr. Henry Kissinger, South Vietnam became another victim of Red Imperialism, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn tersely commented that the Third World War was over, and that the West had lost. It was late in the same year, 1975, that the Soviets thrust their way into Angola, Southern Africa, using client Cuban troops. Solzhenitsyn commented again: The Fourth World War had started, and would decide the future of the world. The South Africans moved militarily to meet the Soviet threat. The result? South Africa was censured at the United Nations. This condemnation of South Africa, not the Soviet Union, was chilling evidence of those Dark Forces, which have as their objective the destruction of Christian Civilisation. Every matured student of psycho-political war knows the chilling significance the mounting international campaign against South Africa, with the media playing the same treacherous role it has played time and time again in the service of the forces of world revolution. There have been honourable exceptions, but generally the media, particularly television, is making it clear it wishes to see South Africa defeated. While not disputing that there are violent activities in South Africa, we know that the media are presenting a grossly distorted picture. The media constantly refer to Nelson Mandela as if he had been sentenced to prison for merely seeking "justice" for Africans. The truth is that Mandela was found guilty of being a top agent of a Communist movement planning to overthrow the South African government by force. Mandela was lucky not to have been sentenced to death. Dr. Allan Boesack, a clergyman of Cape Coloured background, is presented generally as a "preacher of fire" also primarily concerned with "justice". Boesack is a radical who has spoken under the flag of the Soviet Union. Boesack's revolutionary associations have been so well documented that there is no excuse for the media misleading people. The anti-South African stance of Australia's Anglican Bishops, along with other Christian clergy, is heartening news for Moscow, which must never cease to marvel at the large number of Lenin's "useful innocents" there are to unwittingly serve their strategy. And Moscow must also be delighted that Mr. Malcolm Fraser is also being backed by the UN to help "solve" the South African crisis. On the eve of leaving for South Africa, his first visit - Mr. Fraser called a press conference, at which he offered the profound observation that "If black South Africa does not have support from the West, they'll go to the Soviet bloc. It would be our own fault if that happened." Mr. Fraser did not say which blacks he was talking about, probably because he does not know. He offered the same dangerous nonsense about Rhodesia, claiming that unless white rule ended, the Communists would take over. Fraser played a major role in the Rhodesian betrayal, the end result being Comrade Robert Mugabe, who has just extended the state of emergency for the fifth year since he came to power, while the North Korean trained 5th Brigade continues to kill innocent civilians. Mugabe has withdrawn the passport of his political opponent Joshua Nkomo. Unless we are greatly mistaken, Malcolm Fraser will not change his attitude following his visit to Southern Africa. Former West Australian Premier Sir Charles Court has pointed out that having spent seven years making a mess of Australia, Malcolm Fraser should stop meddling in the affairs of South Africa. The rapid escalation of the international campaign against South Africa should shock even the most complacent Australian into a realisation that the hour is much later than they have realised. The West is now in the eleventh hour. Special "Intelligence Survey" The special "Intelligence Survey" is part of an intensified survival movement by the League. Bulk orders: 6 copies for $3; 12 copies, $5; 50 copies, $15; 100 copies, $25. Order from Box 1052J, GPO Melbourne 3001, or from all League bookshops. |
THE NATIONAL WEEKENDThe celebration of the 50th Anniversary of "The New Times" coincides with the development of events which makes the 1985 National Weekend the most crucial in the history of the League. National Director Eric Butler says that the issues to be discussed, and the programme he will be putting forward, are so serious that he believes it is the duty of every actionist to make every endeavour to be present. "We are in a life and death situation," he says.The National Secretariat will meet all day on Friday, October 4th, to fashion strategy and tactics to be placed before the National Action Seminar on the Sunday. It is hoped that Mr. Eric Butler's long awaited reply to Phillip Adams will be launched at "The New Times" Dinner on the evening of October 4th. Eric Butler will also be sharing with hard core supporters for the first time what really happened during the period Phillip Adams claims Mr. Butler was pro-German and pro-Japanese. An historic Dinner with display of material never before previously shown. Dinner tickets: $20 single, $38 married couple. The National Seminar on Saturday, October 5th, will be an absolute "feast", starting with Mr. Bruce Ruxton, who will have something special to say about Australia's defence and South Africa. Dr. Rupert Goodman, former Reader in Education at University of Queensland, will be taking the battle right up to the anti-flag campaigners. And then there will be Mr. Barry Tattersall on the education front, where the battle is becoming fiercer. Bill Daly of New Zealand and Jeremy Lee will complete the programme. |
THE SIGNIFICANCE OF NUNAWADING BY-ELECTIONWe have, as a result of a number of field reports, been able to prepare a comprehensive report on the recent Nunawading by-election in Victoria. The basic issue was not a party one, of Premier John Cain versus Liberal Party leader Jeff Kennett, but concerned a basic principle of whether a government of any party label should be subjected to some checks upon its powers. During the Victorian State elections the League of Rights was the only organisation to widely distribute an in-depth examination of the history and value of the bi-cameral system of government, with Upper Houses or Senates acting as a balance against elected lower houses. An independent organisation took the League's material and used it in a brochure, which was used to saturate the Province of Nunawading just prior to the election. That brochure helped to ensure that the natural and healthy instincts of sufficient electors found expression in a vote against the Labor Government's desperate bid for a majority in the Victorian Legislative Council and thus a complete monopoly of power. We know that some of our friends in the Call to Australia were disappointed that their vote was not higher. But one Christian Pastor, completely sympathetic to the CTA candidate, also a pastor, said it all when he said the basic issue was so serious that no chances should be taken and that he had to give his first preference to the Liberal candidate. He was not FOR the Liberal candidate, or the Liberal Party, but was AGAINST a Cain Government, heavily influenced by the Marxists, having a monopoly of power. The Marxists understand what was really involved, pointing out in a special statement on the Nunawading by-election referred to the "bigger and wider issues of great importance to the working class movement and to all progressive minded and democratic people". The Marxist approach to the by-election, issued by the Socialist Party of Australia, revealed once again the fear of League influence. "In the whole process of shifting Australia's politics to the extreme right, a behind the scenes role is played by the League of Rights, an organisation putting forward policies of an openly fascist character". League of Rights influence continues to grow because, thank God, the instincts of large numbers of Australians remain sound. But it's the League's information and knowledge that is proving decisive. The Nunawading by-election result was a major victory in the struggle to preserve a Free Australia for the future. |
THE SURVIVAL ASSOCIATIONMany supporters would have seen an advertisement in The Australian (29/8), headed - "Why Are Certain Truths Restricted?" It was signed by "Alan Gourley", of The Survival Association. A most recent note from Mr. Gourley to us informs us that a new publication will be published by the Association later this year. It will follow on from "How To Avoid The Looming Catastrophe" ($5.00 posted) - but will be of a more specific nature. We'll advise when ready. |
HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONWe were most pleased to read that an incoming Liberal-National Party government will abolish the Human Rights Commission. This body was set up by the Fraser Government in 1981 to implement the various pieces of legislation to be based on certain United Nations Conventions and Declarations. At that time, there was not the constitutional power for the Commonwealth to legislate fully on these UN statements. That was all changed in May 1982, when the High Court of Australia ruled that the Racial Discrimination Act was valid. The position of the Commonwealth was further strengthened by the High Court's Franklin Dam ruling in 1983. These rulings shocked much of the legal fraternity in Australia, as they were clearly political decisions. But a few academics in the field of constitutional law pronounced that the High Court of Australia is a highly political instrument. It is incredible that the whole face of traditional Australia may be changed by the decision of one man, as said by Premier Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen. He was referring to the split decisions in both High Court rulings, which were 4-3 in favour of the Commonwealth. Actionists are urged to commend Mr. John Howard, Mr. Andrew Peacock, and the Shadow Attorney-General, Mr. Neil Brown on their intended abolition of the Human Rights Commission, which under the Hawke Socialists/Communists is to become the cutting edge of the revolutionary United Nations edicts. The new Bill of Rights, which the Communists will not allow the Hawke Government to shelve, will require the Human Rights Commission to cut and shape the legal pattern for the new People's Republic of Australia. Let us therefore make things as difficult as possible. The three gentlemen mentioned above may be written c/- Parliament House, Canberra, ACT 2600. |
AUSTRALIAN DEMOCRATS STILL HAVING THEIR FIVE BOB EACH-WAY"Australian Democrat Leader, Senator Don Chipp, says the Opposition would be doing him a favour if it blamed his party for any capital gains tax". The Sun (Melbourne) September 2nd. We have always thought of the Australian Democrats as a sort of "trendies' party", going nowhere. It has, really, no future, and is interested - primarily - in maintaining its rather precarious political position, perched on the fence between "Labour" and the Coalition parties. It takes the "trendy" line on such issues as the environment, nuclear power and weapons, etc. It tries to offer an alternative in policy matters to those of the major parties; and seems to be supported predominantly by those electors who are disaffected Liberals and Nationals. We have always been of the opinion that had Senator Chipp been offered a portfolio by Mr. Malcolm Fraser on his accession to Prime Ministerial office in 1975 (December), there would have been no Australian Democrats. So where do we go from there? The capital gains tax |