home of ... Douglas Social Credit
18 October 1985. Thought for the Week:
"The League of Rights offers no blueprints or plans for the
cure of the evils afflicting mankind. It does not believe
that any party or organisation as such can prevent the progressive
disintegration of Civilisation in the face of a growing centralisation
of all power. Regeneration can only start with individuals
of sufficient faith and understanding. Regeneration can only
develop from individuals through local groups in an organic
Eric D. Butler in "The Truth About The Australian League of Rights |
BLOODSHED OR SANITY?Over the years we have warned that policies of increasing centralisation of power, linked with escalating debt, high interest charges, heavy taxation and continuous monetary inflation, must result in a type of growing civil war, with Marxist revolutionaries exploiting every type of friction. A society is sick when nurses strike at the expense of their patients, and schoolteachers strike at the expense of their students. Australia is threatened with a national explosion, with one farm leader, Mr. Mick Charles, of the NSW Livestock and Grain Producers Association, warning that blood will flow if farmers are forced to move their own produce if threatened union disruption prevents exporting. The Keating - Hawke tax scheme has added new fuel to the growing rural revolt, one that is now gathering momentum by the day. Recent forced sales of farming properties have sent shock waves right throughout rural Australia. Rural writer, Anthoy Hoy, The Weekend Australian, October 12-13, says that "Farming property values have tumbled as much as 30 percent, in Eastern States and up to 50 percent in Western Australia in the greatest rural sales scramble since the Depression." Falling values mean that all those in debt, the overwhelming majority, have less equity in their properties. High interest rates up to 20 percent are listed by desperate primary producers as one of their major crippling costs. But high interest rates are also badly hurting other sections of the community, particularly smaller businesses and those buying their own homes. High interest rates are the result of Federal Government policies. The future of Australia depends upon the survival of the rural communities and small business. We have always stressed this, and are therefore pleased to note that under the pressure of adversity there is a growing realisation of the necessity for the rural community and small businesses to evolve a united front against policies of centralised power. An encouraging sign of the prospects of a realistic survival programme emerged at the recent meeting in Jerilderie, N.S.W., when an estimated 1,500 farmers and rural small businessmen met to listen to speakers discuss their plight. Resolutions were carried concerning the necessity for a debt moratorium and a reduction in interest rates. One resolution condemned the present political and economic emphasis on big business, big government and big unions. While support for a "National Farmer Credit Union" did not indicate a complete understanding of the nature of financial credit creation, it was a step in the right direction. As the crisis deepens, the League is being contacted from all over Australia with requests for help. Jeremy Lee's videotape on the rural crisis is having a big impact as more see it. League workers "in the field" are now putting together a programme, which could play a vital role in saving Australia from threatened violence, as desperate people tend to hit out blindly. That is why the League must have adequate financial support to meet the many requests flooding in. (Essential reading at present: "Australia's Looming Farm Disaster", by Jeremy Lee. $5.00 posted, and the special "Intelligence Survey" on Taxation. Bulk prices: 6.coples $3; 12 copies $5; 50 copies $15). |
PREMIER JOHN CAIN'S DOUBLE STANDARDSPremier John Cain of Victoria went to great pains
to create the impression that he acted from the highest of
motives in forcing Sir Brian Murray to resign as Victoria's
Governor. But by the end of last week this paragon of propriety
was looking a little seedy after the secretary of the Victorian
Labor Party, Mr. Peter Bachelor, the Socialist Left Monash
University economics dropout, reversed himself and, contradicting
what he had said previously, admitted that he and other ALP
officials and members were involved in both the preparation
and distribution of an allegedly bogus how-to-vote card at
the recent Nunawading by-election. Present day political parties and their representatives resort to all types of techniques for misleading electors, although Mr. Batchelor claims that there was no misrepresentation. But his most breathtaking comment is that he and his colleagues did not print, and have distributed, the cards in their capacity as Labor Party officials and members, but as unofficial volunteers. Mr. Batchelor insists that he has private rights that permitted him to assist with the misleading cards. Clearly Mr. Batchelor should see a good psychologist and discuss with him the problem of split personalities. Obviously embarrassed by the Batchelor about turn, Premier Cain has suggested that the party machine is separate from the political arm, particularly during an election campaign, and that therefore the matter has nothing to do with him. Irrespective of whether or not Mr. Batchelor and his colleagues acted legally, the ALP secretary was guilty of trying to mislead the public about the cards affair. Premier Cain talks about "errors of judgment", but did not call for Mr. Batchelor's resignation. Sir Brian Murray may have been also guilty of an "error of judgment", but, unlike Mr. Batchelor, he was forced to resign. The Premier has double standards. Now comes the claim by the controversial Norm Gallagher that Mr. Cain had invited him to lunch at a Carlton restaurant and had asked for his support in defeating former ALP leader Frank Wilkes. Gallagher claims that he refused the support requested, stating, "I said without any hesitation that I regarded Frank Wilkes as a far more honest person politically that John Cain would ever be." It is not often we agree with Norm Gallagher, but he has a point. Premier Cain has not commented on Gallagher's claim. By the end of last week John Cain's carefully cultivated squeaky-clean image was starting to look rather tarnished. The forced resignation of the Governor was the beginning of the end for the Cain Government. But as yet there is no guarantee that the Liberals will be an improvement. Liberal leader Geoff Kennett does not really deserve the good luck he has been handed. |
BRIEF COMMENTSAboriginal Affairs Minister, Clyde Holding, has attempted to counter the very telling advertising campaign concerning Ayers Rock being waged by the Northern Territory Government. Mr. Holding claims that the handing over of the Rock is basically a symbolic gesture in that it recognised the significance of the Rock to the Aboriginals. This is a completely phony claim. There is no evidence whatever that the handful of new owners of the Rock have any historic or other claim. Land Rights - Birth Rights, by Peter English, is a thoroughly documented expose of the land claims hoax. Price $16.00 posted. The multiracial society in the United Kingdom is developing along the lines predicted by Mr. Enoch Powell. A black Council leader, Mr. Bernie Grant, described as a social worker, and Labor candidate for a safe Labor electorate, said after the recent Tottenham riot, that "The police got a bloody good hiding", adding that he was not going to condemn the rioting youths. One of the victims of the "hiding" was the fatally wounded constable who went to rescue a fireman and was murdered with a machete. For the first time gunfire took place, and the British police claim that they will not have to resort to guns to control the rioting. Perhaps Mr. Malcolm Fraser could be sent to investigate why the British police are moving towards what the South African police have been forced to do. The lesson for Australia is obvious: Stop trying to create a multiracial nation. The State Government of Western Australia is in reverse gear on Aboriginal Land Rights. Not surprisingly either. The Land Rights issue could well spell "finito" to the Burke Government in our Western State, and, as we have ever observed, if the crunch comes in Canberra-State relations between political ideology or sheer survival, the States will punt for survival, every time. Man's instinct for self-preservation has not yet been blunted by the fallacious ideologies of the crazed Humanist/Socialist ideologues. We'll let you into our secret - it never will! The Age (Melbourne) 14/10, reports a poll, commissioned by the Hawke Government on Land Rights (A.N.O.P.) yet to be disclosed, which attributes opposition to Land Rights to no less than 76% of Australians. Mr. Wilson, Western Australia's Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, described Aboriginal Land Rights as now an unrealistic notion", and that there would be no further legislation. So the ball looks to be back in the court of Mr. Clyde Holding. Of course, the crazed Canberra ideologues (who call black, white, when it suits their ideology) could try to "heavy" Western Australia, but that would backfire on Messrs. Hawke, Keating, Holding and Co. Mr. Hawke desperately needs a good, clean "Land Rights' image to look good at C.H.O.G.M. Chickens come home to roost. We greatly fear that "Australia's" (read the Socialists') stance against South Africa at C.H.O.G.M. in the Bahamas could be turned against herself in a few short years. |
WHEN JOHN CURTIN SUPPORTED ERIC BUTLERIn his sensational new book, The Truth About the Australian League of Rights; Mr. Eric Butler documents the key role he played in creating the public opinion which brought the Curtin Government to office late in 1941. His answer to Phillip Adams and other smearers carries a photostat copy of a letter to Eric Butler from Independent Country Party member, Mr. Alec Wilson, confirming what he had told Mr. Butler previously about his decision to bring the Curtin Government to office. The original letter was on display, along with other revealing historical documents, at the recent New Times Annual Dinner. One document, which created considerable interest, was a statement by Labor leader, Mr. John Curtin, in an address in the Sydney Town Hall in November, 1939, and quoted in the Locomotive Enginemen's Journal, Volume 2, No. 3, of December 1939. John Curtin said: "Everything in war must be paid for, not by reducing wage standards, but by the use of the national credit. Because the Labor Government is in the Federal Parliament, there is a Commonwealth Bank. It was created as a means for releasing national credit. But because Labor lost office the National Bank has been transformed by our opponents into a mere puppet of the private banks. As a requisite to national defence, the Commonwealth Bank must have restored to it its original charter. When we are in power we shall proceed to redeem the National Bank from its slavery. The cost of war can be met without piling up huge debts and without interest payments sucking our national lifeblood. The Commonwealth Bank must, with a Labor Government, work out a freer and fuller life for our people." John Curtin, along with many other Labor
Party Members, some of them personal friends of Eric Butler,
was in essence saying what Eric Butler was saying about the
financing of the war. Phillip Adams, following the lead of
K.D.Gott and other character assassins, has sought to claim
that Eric Butler was some type of traitor because he advocated
a much more realistic method of financing the war. Eric Butler
refers to his close personal friendships with Labor Members
like Senator Richard Darcey of Tasmania. |
NOTES ON NEW ZEALANDBy David ThompsonEight percent of New Zealand farmers 2,000 families are pinning all their hopes for survival on Agriculture Minister Colin Moyle's promise after the 1984 budget that "No competent farmer will go broke". Another 20% - 5,400 families - are also in serious financial trouble, due to heavy debt, inflation running at 17%, and interest rates that have climbed as high as 27%. Mr. Moyle has promised a comprehensive "farm-help package", saying; "Clearly we have to find a way to provide finance targeted to individual cases to assist these people without increasing their level of repayments, or indebtedness". A ray of hope for worst hit farmers was provided by the suggestion of a "suspensory type arrangement" for individual farmers. Suspensory loans were used widely in New Zealand to assist returning servicemen onto rural properties. For example, $10,000 might be available to a serviceman for a period of 15 years, on the condition that a property was to be developed to produce wool and fat lambs. If such conditions had been adequately met at the conclusion of 15 years, the suspensory loan would be written off thereby becoming a grant. If the property was sold, or production ceased within the 15 years, at least a proportion of the loan would have been paid. If the source of finance was not a problem, and if interest rates were either low or non existent, such a policy would be a God send to desperate New Zealand farmers today. Source of finance and low interest rates are not problems for New Zealand's Reserve Bank. The solution to financial problems is a matter of political will. |
SIR CHARLES COURT SPEAKS OUTby David Thompson All of which only serves to confirm the widely held view that electors get better service from their politicians after they leave parliament, with the obvious exception of people like former Prime Minister Fraser. |