home of ... Douglas Social Credit
6 December 1985. Thought for the Week:
"To avert the growing threat to human rights, it is necessary
to resist the paternalistic measures of government engineered
by professed guardians of public interests and public morality.
The right to determine what is in the public interest has
to be restored to the members of the public. This can be done
only by widening the scope for individual choice and individual
action. To do so however requires greater public awareness
of human rights and greater public vigilance against governmental
invasion of those rights."
Human Rights in Australia. Edited by L.J.M. Corray, Associate Professor School Of Law, Macquarie University |
THE DEBT BOMBMedia reports have provided a graphic picture of international bankers telling the Botha Government in South Africa that nothing can be done to ease the problems of the nation's internal debts until more "political reforms" are introduced in South Africa. Australia is in a much worse debt situation than South Africa, and the controllers of Australia's massive external debt are in the position to exert tremendous pressure in Australia's internal policies. For years we have been warning about
the disastrous long-term effects of increasing financial debt,
stressing that escalating debt is the inevitable result of
financial orthodoxy. Attempts were made to denigrate what
we were saying. But reality is now becoming so clear that
at long last some are starting to sound the alarm about the
nation's massive debt burden. The Bulletin of December
3rd has its cover story "OUR CRUSHING DEBT BURDEN." An article,
"How big government has built a crushing debt burden", opens
with the striking statement that "For every $100 that big
government borrows this year, $93 will be used simply to meet
the interest bill on previous borrowings". The Bulletin
story relates to an address by a Sydney broker, Hr. Jim Dominguez,
who made the following points at the recent Australian Accountants
Centenary Congress in Adelaide: Dominquez made the telling point that "If foreign debt levels are too high for Australia's ability to comfortably service interest charges and capital payments ... a large area of responsibility must be sheeted home to the expansion of big government in Australia. The debt bomb could be used by Australia's enemies to blow the nation to pieces. But it could also be progressively defused by politicians with the courage to face the truth that debt finance must be curbed if Australia is to survive. (Essential reading: The Money Trick, $5 posted from all League addresses) |
WHEN ESPIONAGE IS 'DIFFERENT'Chas Pinwill comments In the short term there is no risk of an upset to Israel U.S.A. relations, any more than there was over a decade ago when Israel was stealing material suitable for atomic bomb making. In the short term the U.S. will continue to be pilfered of financial aid, technology, and intelligence, in Israel's Interests, Largely, though not wholly, this will be accomplished by "dual loyalists": that is Jews who regard themselves as Americans and Zionists at the same time. Given the prevalence, and popular support of the "dual loyalty" position, there cannot be very many U.S. secrets outside the reach of a particularly determined effort by Mossad (Israel Secret Service). Much material is openly shared anyhow. Given that Israel has been totally dependent upon the U.S.S.R. for sufficient immigration to maintain itself, and that it must be expected that the Soviets would be asking at least market price for this export, how can the U.S. be so confident that its security secrets do not form at least part of the currency of Israel's payment? TUTU BACKS NO 2 |
THE "NEW" IDEOLOGICAL BUREAUCRAT"The N.S.W. Anti-Discrimination Board
has accused the historian, Geoffrey Blainey, of lending 'legitimacy'
to racism. - The Age (Melbourne) November 30th. Loyalty from the "new" ideological bureaucrat is assured by the payment by Big Brother (with our money!) of a more than generous salary. But Big Brother still doesn't have all the power he wants to pluck those guilty of thought crime off the streets and admission, by force, into "remedial' thought clinics, where the mind can be "purified" by the cleansing waters of Socialist Humanism to make all well again. But wait, impatient ones, we shall soon have the Bill of Rights, and its Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission (its cutting edge!) to clear up the little matters of extra powers. All done in the course of United Nations "humanitarianism" (Humanism!) by domestic legislation based on U.N. Declarations and Conventions; a sheer trick first envisioned by Dr. H.V.Evatt to circumvent the Australian Constitution. Furthermore, this was upheld by the High Court of Australia by one vote. One man has allowed true democracy and freedom in our Australia to be thrown into peril. |
BRIEF COMMENTIn spite of Mr. Hawke's prediction last year (election campaign propaganda) that interest rates would fall: he isn't so sure now - those interest rates are increasing and "biting" into the real estate market. Mr. Hawke told a radio interviewer recently that he wasn't intending to make any predictions as statements from Prime Ministers and/or Treasurers can influence the market. He didn't mind doing that last year. We can recall, last year, speaking to an executive of one of Melbourne's largest firm of real estate agents, who denied that the (then) forthcoming capital gains tax would affect his industry: "Australians would always have faith in bricks and mortar", was his reply. It sounded to us, then, like whistling in the dark. We felt sure that the "siren song of the dollar" would always be sung. Average homebuyers, and investors particularly, would withdraw from real estate to invest elsewhere if the market became unprofitable because of, say, punitive taxation. That's what is happening now! And the capital gains tax isn't even biting yet. It has just been introduced, for further application in the future. A special survey by the L.J. Hooker organisation has shown that rising interest rates and the fear of the capital gains tax are already bringing out a slump in the market for housing. Next year should prove worse (realism, not pessimism). |