home of ... Douglas Social Credit
1 March 1985. Thought for the Week: "I
tell you that no nation is the enemy of another nation, no
people the enemy of another people. There are no bad nations;
there are only bad governments, which are taken over by men
of evil. 'The spawn of Satan' as the Bible calls them"
Taylor Caldwell in "A Pillar of Iron" |
HAWKE GOVERNMENT DISINTEGRATINGThose who heard and saw Prime Minister Hawke responding to the censure motion in the Federal Parliament last week were struck with what many believed to be a dramatic change in Mr. Hawke. The truth is, as we have consistently pointed out, that Mr. Hawke is a creature of the media and his advisers, and is only a fair weather performer. Mr. Hawke merely reverted to his real self last week. The leopard cannot change his spots. This does not mean that Mr. Hawke cannot recover lost ground, and that the nightmare of the latest Morgan Poll surveys temporarily overcomes. The polls reveal that an election at present would see Mr. Hawke swept from office. But what then? This is the question worrying those who know that the Opposition parties have yet to cleanse themselves of the disease, which led to the destruction of the Fraser Government. Anyone who doubts that former Federal Treasurer John Howard, now a devotee of Mr. Hawke's strategy for increasing indirect taxation, has learned anything should consider his eulogy of the American recovery. What has happened, of course, is that the anti- Socialist Ronald Reagan has used the old Keynesian deficit budget technique to stimulate the economy while at the same time permitting the farmers to be squeezed in order to hold down the inflation rate. Under the Reagan Administration the deficit has reached new record levels. Federal Reserve Board chairman, Mr. Paul Volker, told Congress last week that as the American debt level escalates, time was running out on the U.S. economy and that the present situation could be compared to Latin America four years ago. Mr. Volcker made an urgent plea for a curbing of federal deficits as the "only alternative" to severe economic reverses some time in the future. Press reports state that Congressmen were astonished at Mr. Volcker's blunt language and that there was "nervous laughter" from the packed committee room. Generally overlooked is that heavy international investment in the U.S.A. has also helped to contribute to a stimulated economy. Mr. Hawke has also been following the American lead, with big increases in Australia's external debts. But debt is like a powerful drug and there comes the day of reckoning. Business leaders are urging that Federal Treasurer Paul Keating reduce the deficit at a time when it has been revealed that the increase in the money supply has been greater than projected in the last budget. Mr. Keating promises ''no credit curb". Which explains the spate of propaganda about shifting the burden of taxation to an increase in indirect taxation. Mr. Hawke now faces a bigger explosion than that which occurred as a result of the MX missile test cancellation. It will be produced at the July "Tax Summit" Conference. The Hawke-Keating strategy for indirect taxation will result in another conflict with the radical Left Wing of the Labor Party. The danger is that in an attempt to placate Members like Mr. Hand calling for capital gains and similar taxation, the Hawke Government will also move in this direction. As we consistently pointed out, the feverish search f or ever higher taxation is inevitable under the present policy of debt finance. The disintegration of the Hawke Government is inevitable unless there is a complete change of financial policy. Mr. Hawke is too much a creature of the debt merchants to attempt this. But it is conceivable that in a state of deep national crisis, he could do what William Morris Hughes and Mr. Joe Lyons did before him; desert the Labor Party in an attempt to head some type of national "consensus" government. It is ironic that while the storm clouds grow darker by the hour in Australia, Prime Minister Hawke announces that he has accepted an invitation to participate in a "Summit" Conference being staged by the Canadian Progressive Conservative Government, whose leader, Mr. Mulroney, obviously believes that there is substance to Mr. Hawke's rhetoric. Mr. Hawke says that the Canadian invitation is an occasion to report on Australia's progress in the long term restructuring of the economy. Canadians might ponder on why a government calling itself Conservative should be inviting a leading member of the Socialist International to lecture on his alleged achievements in Australia. Our Canadian friends should point out that for Mr. Hawke to be offering advice on economics to the Canadian Government is akin to a drowning man offering swimming lessons. |
BRIEF COMMENTSWe have on occasions lamented the failure of Mr. B.A. Santamaria of the National Civic Council, a brilliant commentator, to come to grips with the basic problem of a disintegrating Civilisation, the debt system. We record with pleasure, therefore, that "News Weekly" of February 20, republishes an article on finance by the famous British historian, Sir Arthur Bryant, who died recently at 80 years of age. Sir Arthur asked in this article, from "The Illustrated London News" of February, 1983, "why should it be considered more inflationary to issue a carefully calculated amount of money, with no interest bearing debt attached to it, than to print an unlimited amount of money charged with heavy interest rates, payable in future taxation, forcing the manufacturer and public services to keep raising their prices?" Bishop Tutu of South Africa has allowed himself to he used in the mounting international attack against South Africa. The world's media have remained silent on the subject of how little support the good Bishop has amongst his fellow Christians. Despite the tremendous boost of having just been awarded the Nobel peace prize, at the Johannesburg Church of England Electoral College, consisting of clergy and laity, Bishop Tutu could only muster 89 votes of the 149 required for election. As a result of the deadlock, the matter was referred to the synod of Bishops who, ignoring the tradition of choosing an outsider as a compromise when there is such strong opposition to a candidate, selected Bishop Tutu. A mass defection of Anglicans is the result. Malaysia is a country, which the multicultural devotees rarely mention. There have been bloody racial conflicts in the past between the indigenous Malays and those of Chinese background. The Constitution has ensured that the Malays are entrenched as the political rulers. Now comes the threat of a big Moslem revival with strong support for radical Islam. Fears are growing that the fragile political systems is going to collapse. Perhaps Mr. Al Grassby should be rushed to Malaysia to deal with the problem. Australia should take heed. Late in the Victorian election, the Liberal Party decided to do what the League of Rights had been doing weeks previously: distributing brochures on the threat to the Legislative Council. But the Liberal brochure warns that if Mr. Cain gains control of the Upper House, he will be forced by the ALP to abolish it. If Mr. Cain deprived a "reformed" Legislative Council of the power to deny Supply, he will have gained the best of both worlds; an Upper House rubber stamp for the Government while still retaining jobs for the ALP Legislative Councillors. The Liberal Party has been as silent as the grave on the question of where do they stand on the right of the Upper House to deny Supply. ETHIOPIAN AID GOING TO. U.S.S.R.? |
QUEENSLAND POWER STRIKEThe following letter on the Queensland power strike was sent to various newspapers in Queensland, and also "The Australian", by Jeremy Lee, National Secretary of the Institute of Economic Democracy:"The current power strike, between an 'intractable force' and the 'immovable object', has the frightening potential to escalate into a repeat of the eleven month coal strike in Britain. The strike borders on civil war. The bitter divisions will scar Britain for decades to come. "Apart from great hardship to families, the aged and the sick, the main economic casualties are, and will be, small businesses and manufacturers and primary producers. In other words, free enterprise will be the greatest sufferer. Why? 'Early in this century, when the electrification of Australia was in its infancy, it was small and decentralised. Dozens of small, highly efficient power stations served budding industry and communities. The first city to turn on street lights was none of the major capitals, but a small market town in New South Wales, Tamworth. Its power station provided abundant, cheap electricity without strikes for over 50 years. That example had its counterpart in many areas of Australia. The drive to monopolise power proceeded with the compliance of all political parties. Those espousing free enterprise were no less culpable than the socialists. The tragic results are self-evident. Costs have escalated rather than diminished, as originally promised. Whole States can be immobilised by selfish interests. The philosophy behind this state of affairs may stem from these words in Lenin, Selected Works Volume 8, pages 276-277. "... As long as we live in a small peasant country, there is a surer base for capitalism in Russia than for Communism". This must be borne in mind. Anyone who has carefully observed life in the countryside, as compared with life in the towns, knows that we have not torn up the roots of capitalism, and have not undermined the foundation, the basis of the internal enemy. The latter depends on small-scale production, and there is only one way of undermining it, namely, to place the economy of the country, including agriculture, on new technical bases of large-scale production. And it is only in electricity we have such a basis'. I believe the Queensland Government is right in resisting irresponsible union power which can play havoc with the lives of individuals and communities in pursuit of its own ends. We either suffer now or surrender to worse vicissitudes in future. In the longer term, a government which does not take positive steps to disarm the monopolies is merely postponing the inevitable. The only way it can be done is by decentralisation of industry, production, distribution and exchange. To make this possible, new ideas on the use of finance are necessary. Small is not only beautiful, but also a defence against the bitter battle now raging in Queensland." |
'BREAKER' MORANT AND CONSCRIPTIONWe have recently been reading "The Life of J.T. Lang", by John R.C. Sleeman (1933). In it, early Australian history abounds; but we were particularly interested in the section on "The Secret Thirty" and "BeakerMorant". Few people know the part Harry Morant played in beating conscription, though he had been dead sixteen years. (Executed during the Boer War). Morant was an Englishman, but had enlisted in Australia, Hancock was an Australian bushman. We presume that most readers saw the film "Breaker Morant", and are aware that Morant, Handcock and Witton were court martialled for shooting eight Boer prisoners. Whether they were in the right for doing so has been in dispute ever since. Morant and others were also charged with the murder of a German missionary. Morant and Handcock were subsequently shot, and Witton imprisoned for 'life' but released two years later. Now, this is the part of Australia's
history which is little known: "Every year they met on a date in August arranged a year before. For a special meeting, a card was sent on which was printed Mousequetaire's verse, with the date written below. "When the war (World War I) broke out twenty seven were still living. When the conscription proposals were made, twenty-two were alive. They formed a secret organisation. They worked in secret. They raised funds to fight conscription, it was their testimony to 'That other heart That teased its beating here'. "When T. J. Lang opened at Auburn (Sydney
suburb) to say 'No' to the proposals of Mr. Hughes he did
not know, but twenty two men, who had once been thirty, were
in the audience. To them, rain didn't matter. What did matter
was that Lang, the first politician to dare to speak openly
and curse conscription, should he allowed to talk. 'The Breaker'
was breaking the last outlaw to be saddled by political cattle
duffers, 'The Breaker', unknown to any was playing his last
game of poker
"The real joke of anti-conscription finance was that much of it was subscribed by good Nationalist businessmen, who posing as conscriptionists worked 'under the nose' for the defeat of the proposals. However, these men took no risks. They never asked for a receipt for funds subscribed. Still, that also, is a story that has no place in this book". Our comment |
SEPARATION OF CHURCHS AND STATE(Notes from an address given at a Church
meeting recently by a W.A. actionist.) It could be said that in its establishing its religion of secularism, e.g. in public education, which is a system of doctrines and practices that, a) rejects any form of religions faith and worship, and b) believes that and Christianity and Christian Government affairs should not enter into the functions of the State, especially into public education, that our governments are atheist, and are acting unconstitutionally " |