home of ... Douglas Social Credit
15 March 1985. Thought for the Week:
"He who wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens
our skills."
Edmund Burke |
THE COMING VICTORIAN CONVULSIONSThe re-election of the Cain Government at the Victorian State Elections is a triumph for the Marxists and has far reaching national implications. The Socialist hardliners adopted a relatively low profile during the first Cain Government, clearly adopting the strategy of ensuring that the Cain Government would be re-elected for the longer, new four-year term together with a majority in the Legislative Council. No sooner had the political dust settled than the Socialist Left moved and rebuked Cain with an immediate forced ballot that gave it four new positions in the second Cain Ministry. The re-election of the Cain Government demonstrated once again the moral, philosophical and political bankruptcy of the Liberal Party. As traditionally conservative Victoria has been always regarded as the "heartland" of Liberalism, the plight of the Liberal Party in Victoria is nationally significant. The Hawke Government came to office in 1982 primarily because the electorate was increasingly disturbed by the policies of the Fraser Government. The Hawke Government was re-elected with a reduced majority last December because a sufficient minority of the electors was no longer prepared to support it. But neither was that minority prepared to turn back to a Liberal Opposition that clearly offered nothing better. Even though Mr. Andrew Peacock was unable to increase the total Liberal vote in the Eastern States, he claimed, as did the Liberal party hierarchy in Victoria, that he had achieved some type of victory. The same type of claim was made after the Victorian elections. But writing in The Herald, Melbourne, of March 4th, the well-known political analyst, Katharine West commented, "it's amazing to hear the Liberals so complacent about their performance in Saturday's election. It was in fact the worst result for non-Labor in the history of Victorian politics. Instead of congratulating themselves on needing only a 1 percent swing to gain government, the Liberals should be asking why they're still in position." While it is true that the Liberals won back a number of seats, which they should never have lost in the first place, the largest swings to the Liberals were in the safe Labor electorates. In all electorates held by the National Party, the Liberals polled badly. Senior Liberal branch President in Horsham, Mr. Bruce Lamshed, accused his own party of having lost touch with the average voter. "We are no longer the party the late Sir Robert Menzies founded," Mr. Lamshed said. Following the collapse of the last Victorian
Liberal Government, the Liberals made the mistake of believing
that a younger leader like the brash Mr. Jeff Kennett, was
essential. We have never been impressed with Mr. Kennett whose
statements could only alarm Victorians who do not want confrontationist
politics. It is no secret that the Labor Party pollsters were most concerned last year about the electoral impact of the Aboriginal Land Claims controversy. The Liberal and National parties had taken no firm stand against the Cain legislation until the Statewide campaign reached its climax with the historic Warrnambool "Save the Muldoons" rally. The Cain Government immediately reversed itself, but the militant Socialists will now be pushing hard again on the issue. The Liberals practically ignored the issue during the election campaign. The threatened regionalisation of Victorian Municipal Government, which we predict is going to provide a major political battleground in the near future, received little attention from the Liberal Party strategists. An example of the failure of the Liberals to raise "gut" issues was provided by the vote polled by Independent Dr. Geoffrey Francis in Morwell, who stood in protest against the Cain Government's insistence that in their planning schemes, Municipal Councils must make provision for the establishment of brothels. In a safe Labor electorate, Dr. Francis polled over 3,000 votes, 11 percent of the total vote. It is probably true that part of the swing against the Cain Government reflected concern about Mr. Hawke's role in the affair, which Mr. Cain was foolish to have raised. Mr. Cain's criticism of the State Governor's wife, Lady Murray, also did the Labor Party electoral damage. Our summary is that there is little evidence to suggest that the Liberals were perceived as offering anything constructive, that the relatively few gains were as a result of Cain Government mistakes and the caliber of some Liberal candidates, men like former Speaker, Mr. Jim Plowman, who represent the type of values the Liberal Party once supported. The greatest tragedy of the Liberals' failure was the increase of Labor strength in the Legislative Council. With the elections of the pro-Marxist President of the Victorian A.L.P. Mr. George Crawford, to the Council, the Socialist Left's strength in the Upper House has been further strengthened. In his victory speech Mr. Cain stressed that one of his first acts would be to "reform" the Legislative Council. Crawford said, "The first thing we will do is to knock out the power of the Legislative Council to stop supply and bring down a government." Mr. Crawford says there are "exciting times ahead." There can be no doubt about this. However, the very momentum of the coming Socialist programme in Victoria will provide the very situation required to produce a reaction which can be directed towards the many areas of constructive activity opening up. All League actionists should obtain the taped address on the current political and economic situation at the Melbourne Conservative Club on March 4th. |
BRIEF COMMENTSIn the first of a series of articles in The Advertiser (Adelaide) on taxation, Canberra columnist Alan Thornhill starts by charging that "The gross abuse of Australia's tax system that has occurred over recent years was not as one sided as many people believe", going on to point out that "successive Federal Governments also seriously abused Australian taxpayers - through the hidden tax of inflation, (which) happened before the tax avoidance industry became established in this country". We predict that the subject of hidden taxation will be studiously avoided at the coming Tax Summit. Progressive inflation is the inevitable result of debt finance. When British financial witchdoctor John Maynard Keynes advanced his policy of deficit financing by governments, the more farsighted Marxists embraced it as one, which would destabilise free societies. They have been proved right. No genuine revival is possible in Australia unless the Fabian Socialist programme, of which deficit financing is a major feature, is repudiated. (Essential reading: The Fabian Socialist Contribution to the Communist Advance, by Eric D Butler. $1.50 from all League bookshops). Testifying at the Zundel trial in Toronto, seen by Canadian observers as the preliminary to the coming Keegstra trial in Alberta, Professor Gary Botting said that he had cancelled a college course on the "Holocaust" because the police, acting for Canadian Customs had confiscated a supply of Dr. Butz's book, The Hoax of The Twentieth Century? which he had intended making available to his students in order that they would have another viewpoint. Botting, a literature Professor, said that one of the greatest novelists of the Twentieth Century, George Orwell, could lay claim to being the first person to suggest that there were no gas chambers in Nazi Germany. Sensational disclosures at the Toronto trial, not concluded as we go to press, will be covered in the March issue of The Intelligence Survey. From across the Tasman comes the news that the New Zealand Race Relations Board is requesting the New Zealand League of Rights to give a written undertaking that no more copies of the Butz work be offered for sale. Legal advice is being sought. Fronting for the Zionist Gestapo, Big Brother is becoming more threatening everywhere, with the English-speaking world's priceless heritage of Common Law now under siege. That heritage must be defended vigorously by all those who value Christian freedom. It is still legal to buy The Hoax of The Twentieth Century in Australia. Price $13.80 posted. |
THAT BILL OF RIGHTSFrom "Police Life" (Jan/Feb 19851, an article "The Human Rights Bill - Some Implications for Police and Society", by Victorian barrister, J.K.Bowen, former Commonwealth Legal Officer, is quoted. Like Mr. Bowen, we suspect that the Bill of Rights could be dusted off and pushed into legislation when the time is considered right. Mr. Bowen's views are worth noting:"... I was not deterred from writing this article by suggestions that the Federal Government might shelve the Bill. Experience shows that highly controversial legislation like the Human Rights Bill is often shelved until prolonged debate and the passage of time have exhausted some of the heat surrounding such legislation - whereupon the legislation is re-introduced. It is important that the Human Rights Bill be debated now, when public interest in its implications is growing... In 1985 the situation in Australia has altered dramatically. All of the above-mentioned factors that contributed materially to social stability in the fifties, have today either disappeared, or lost much of their significance. In short, many of the classic signs of breakdown are present in Australian society today. Despite this, governments appear to be obsessed with economic performance, forgetting that economic gains can prove to be illusory when the wealth of a nation is drained away by the intensive social welfare schemes required by a sick society.... in my opinion, the Bill with produce changes to the criminal law that will severely hamper the efforts of police to control crime, and will generally multiply the number of challenges at court to police evidence. Supporters of the Bill will no doubt point to countries like the Soviet Union, or a troubled democracy like the United States - both of which already have similar human rights legislation. I would not easily be persuaded by such examples that we need a Human Rights Bill in this country". |
THE MYTH OF NUCLEAR-FREE ZONESFrom "New Life" (Feb. 28th, 1985)
we take quotes from an article by Dr. Leslie Kemeny Senior
Lecturer in Nuclear Engineering at the University of N.S.W.
Dr. Kemeny is a Christian. He says (in part) Dr. Kemeny quotes a principal of one of Australia's leading theological colleges, who said: "If we do not want to have a reliable ally with nuclear weapons, we might as well cease spending any further money on defence, because conventional weapons, by themselves, are useless protection against a determined aggressor who possesses nuclear weapons...." |