home of ... Douglas Social Credit
4 July 1986. Thought for the Week: "A
Trades Union is simply a labour monopoly, and is subject to
the same over riding criticism as any other monopoly, the
object of which is to obtain absolute power through the thing
monopolised. 'All power tends to corrupt, and absolute power
corrupts absolutely'. It is arguable - it is by no means axiomatic
- that the early craft unions were beneficial... The whole
of the activities of the Trades Unions are now a dead loss
to the community in the same way that the Beveridge Scheme
involved the collection of larger sums in premiums than could
be distributed in benefits, because, inter alia, of administrative
expenses. But, of course, the political situation created
by the conspiracy between the Labour Cartel and the International
Financial and Industrial Cartels is the primary menace to
civilisation. As must be the case with monopolies, which are
essentially egalitarian, trades unionism tends to stifle initiative,
encourage stagnation, and to substitute political action for
competitive improvement."
C. H. Douglas in The Social Crediter, Sept. 22nd, 1945 |
THE PROBLEM OF 'TRUE LEADERSHIP'If public opinion polls are to be believed, a majority of Australian electors still believe that Prime Minister Hawke is the man most likely to lead them out of the deepening finance economic crisis. And a media public opinion poll reveals that an immediate election would see the Hawke Government re-elected with a comfortable majority. While public opinion polls are far from being infallible, they tend to confirm our own assessment of the current political realities. But while it is true that the media promoted Hawke still has the support of the majority of the electors, it is also true that Prime Minister Hawke appears to be the only accepted leader because of the lack of what appears to be a credible alternative. The well publicised criticism of the present Liberal leadership by Bob Hawke's anti-South African friend, Malcolm Fraser, helped to reduce still further the credibility of the Federal Liberal Opposition. The essence of the current national political situation is that there is a tremendous ferment of concern about many issues, ranging from economic to social issues, but as yet this concern is expressed through fragmented and incoherent policies and activities. Katherine West, who has presented a realistic picture of some aspects of the nation's problems, says in last Weekend Australian that we "lack true leadership". Much of what Katherine West says is true, but like so many of what is called "the new right", she fails to deal with the basic causes of the national crisis. The central thrust of her argument is that there is an urgent necessity to reduce wage costs in order to obtain "greater productivity". Every objective student of the Australian industrial system agrees that its efficiency could be greatly increased. But what would Australia do with an even greater flood of production than that which threatens to overwhelm consumers? The orthodox argument is that Australia would become more competitive in "the battle for foreign markets". Unfortunately every industrialised nation is striving to do the same, thus the growing trade war. "Greater productivity" is not going to solve the problems of the hard-pressed primary producers. The big increases in production in all primary producing nations has, in recent years, resulted in these nations subsidising exports in an attempt to get rid of the huge surpluses. This has resulted in big price falls. The World Bank has forecast a further fall in commodity prices of around 10 percent over the next three years. Increased wage costs are but a reflection of constantly rising financial costs, including usurious interest rates, which are inevitable under the present debt financial system. "True leadership" would offer some alternative to the current policy of escalating debt. It is counter productive to point out, quite correctly, that Australia's external debt has soared to approximately $80 billion under the Hawke Government, but fail to take the logical step - to demand that a first step towards sanity is to immediately halt all further foreign borrowing. The first step towards curing alcoholism is to stop completely the consumption of alcohol. A substantial reduction in interest rates will not take place under a policy of financial orthodoxy, which insists that the Australian economy requires a continuous injection of "foreign capital", and high interest rates are the only way to attract it. The latest contribution to Australia's political ferment, the establishment of yet one more political party, "The Advance Australia Party", merely confirms the lack of understanding of economic realities. There is a case for a "flat tax" taxation policy as advocated by "The Advance Australia Party", but we are then told, "Low taxation will encourage overseas investors on a large scale creating employment in a stable and orderly country, Australia." It is Black Magic to claim that Australians can only employ themselves making use of their own vast resources if figures in Australian bank books are written against similar figures written in overseas bank books. It may not be without significance that "The Advance Australia Party" makes no reference to the basic issue of immigration, tending to confirm one rumour that the new party has the backing of overseas non-European financial interests. Australia does not need more divisive
political parties, but a non-party movement uniting Australians
on a limited objective programme of National Recovery. The
following should be the basic features of that programme:
This programme would not solve all Australia's problems, but it would start the nation on a road leading away from the disaster now threatening. Confucius said that the longest journey must start with the first step. Let Australians unite to take that first step. "True leadership" will come from those who unite Australians in support of what is outlined. |
BRIEF COMMENTSOur trendy Prime Minister shows his underwear to prove that he takes his own recent advice to the nation and buys Australian made. But what about Mr. Hawke's Government and its Departments? The Government's own Department of Local Government and Administrative Service admits that most Departments ignore the Prime Minister's call to the nation. Australian manufacturers and designers can provide numerous examples of being cold-shouldered by the Australian Government. Australia's struggling computer industry is often overlooked when it comes to competing for government contracts. Typical of the Hawke Government's double talk was Prime Minister Hawke's address to the nation, imploring Australians to buy Australian. The cassettes used to distribute the Prime Minister's address to radio stations around Australia were made in New Zealand! Senator Chipp did concede in his retirement announcement that there would be a reduction in the Democrats' Senate representation after the next elections. The truth is that the Democrats are heading towards a wipeout. Don Chipp is going before that happens. And we have no doubt that the Hawke Government will find a suitable reward for the help received from the Democrats. The retirement of Chipp should make it easier to block the threatened Bill of Rights. While Prime Minister Hawke and his colleagues call for greater efficiency among Australian businessmen and primary producers, they introduce an Orwellian type Fringe Benefits Tax that will enmesh employers in a massive paper war. Even before the new tax starts, the paper war is well under way. Your local tax office will, if you drop in, explain that they have five separate booklets to explain how the new tax is going to work. The 16-page booklet on Income Tax and Travel Expenses has a half page explaining that you "must" keep a travel diary while travelling overseas and while you are travelling from home for more than five nights in a row. Businessmen who comply with all the requirements will be so exhausted that they won't have much energy left to conduct any business! George Orwell is obviously now out of date! If Australians tamely accept the Fringe Benefits Tax they are ready material for the complete Sovietisation of Australia. The monstrosity known as the new Commonwealth Parliament House should be a permanent reminder to Australian taxpayers of the extravagance of politicians with our money. C.H. Douglas once wrote that the merry game of voting oneself benefits at the expense of one's neighbour must stop! Peter Costigan, writing in The Australian (June 28) remarked that the 1978 decision to build the "Politicians' Palace" was not criticised at the time by John Howard (then Treasurer) nor B.Hawke (then President of the ACTU). In 1980, Malcolm Fraser gave the go ahead, and the estimated cost was $200 million. It is now estimated that the final cost will be at least one billion dollars. What Ho the Census! We are assured that Big Brother is disinterested in us, really. He just wants to have our names and addresses (in case these come in handy!). He wants to have our gross income (in case, perhaps, the Deputy Commissioner of Taxation missed out). Don't we trust Big Brother, who loves us? ?? No, we don't! |
ALARMED BY THE BILL OF RIGHTSThis letter, from Mr. J.K.Bowen, Barrister
and former Crown Prosecutor, well known for his opposition
to the Bill of Rights, was published in Wake Up, Australia
(10th Edition): Indoctrinate |