home of ... Douglas Social Credit
24 October 1986. Thought for the Week:
"The democratic idea of individual rights is meaningless to
those whose thoughts and loves are only communal. To be individual
is to be different from every other creature. Difference is
a manifestation of inequality. To have the power to be different
is to be free."
Mrs. Dorah Watts, in The Equality Dogma Leads to Communism |
PERVERSION OF THE PUBLIC PURSE"The Federal Government has already done serious harm to its public standing by its refusal to abandon its ill conceived and inequitable fringe benefits tax. If it attempts to overcome the resulting electoral damage by a multi million dollar advertising campaign it would deserve to alienate an even greater number of voters than the polls indicate that it has lost already." The Australian (Editorial), October 17th. The Hawke Government is going from bad to worse, now that sheer desperation has seized it. The plummeting polls are shaking it like a rat. Whose fault is it? Its own! No doubt Brothers Hawke and Keating will carp "they are acting from a position of integrity and morality". Brother Hawke seems obsessed with this question of morality: but there is no morality at all in spending millions from the Public Purse to attempt to dupe the Australian electorate that two plus two make five. The Australian electorate has rejected the notion of the Fringe Benefits tax: it won't wear it. So now those "men in the grey flannel suits" (as they were once described) - the advertising agency men - are to be brought in (what manna from Heaven for them!) to convince the mug public (meaning "us") that we don't know what's good for us. Don't forget, too, that we are picking up the bill. Brother Keating, in the Parliament, has only recently told the Opposition that it will answer questions on the F.B.T. when the same Opposition comes to support it. And this from the Treasurer of the Government, which upbraids Sir Joh for arrogance. "Well, our prediction is that, if the Government in its desperation goes ahead with this mass brain washing campaign, the result will be counter productive. The Oz electorate will not swallow the slippery gimmickry of the advertising agency brigade, but will turn further away from support of the Hawke Socialist Government. We repeat yet again; the Hawke Government is finished. Its desperate maneuvers to save itself will cause it to sink further into the mire of political defeat. The tragedy is that the opposition will regain the Treasury benches by default: it has no concrete policies at all to lift Oz from the economic mess into which it has fallen. At least we may hope for some salvation from the Fabian attack on our freedoms. All actionists should be making the Liberals and Nationals well aware that we will not tolerate, again, any Bills of Rights; any Local Government amalgamations; any more undermining of the role of the Crown in our governmental systems and certainly no I.D. Card. The next Liberal-National Government will need all the support it can ring from the electorate. The time is "ripe" for political ferment, as we suggested in last week's On Target. It may well be that a "lateral move" in Australian politics is now due. We can see no hope at all for Oz in the present political structures. |
WILL THE HAWKE CHANGE HIS SPOTS?"Australia is sliding into deep trouble and this will require more pragmatism from Mr. Hawke. He will increasingly fill cracks in the dyke with free market caulks. They work; Fabian theories don't." Des Keegan, in The Australian, October 18-19. Des Keegan's thrust is that Brother Hawke is essentially a pragmatist and that, as the recession deepens, he will jettison much restrictive legislation which is based upon Socialist/Humanist ideology. Mr. Keegan could be right: Hawke could do just this. The Bill of Rights was "wiped" for the time being. Even the Fringe Benefits Tax is being frisked for 'unintended consequences'. Hawke is doing the "dialectical back step" alright. But in our view it is too late. The Hawke Socialist Government has passed the point of no return. The economy is too depressed to be turned around now: the small business sector has been belted: the rural industries have been belted: the ordinary people have been belted with the threats of the Bill of Rights, Local Government amalgamations. (Vic.) the I.D. Card; the F.B.T. and Capital Gains. Enough's enough! Add to all this attempts to destroy Oz's heritage. The pressure on the Flag (Ausflag 88!); removal of the Crown from official quarters where it has been traditional for generations; the flying of the Eureka flag: non-nuclear zones all over the place; Land Rights forced on those who don't enjoy public confidence. The Asianisation of Australia. One has only to walk down any city street in Australia to see our changing face. It is not accidental: it is deliberate. Sharp criticism of the Hawke Government from very good types of Australians with sound, patriotic instincts, like Professor Geoffrey Blainey, and Mr. John Stone, The vicious tongued Paul Keating vilifying those who point out the mess he has created. The Murphy and the High Court business. Des Keegan adds: "A society, which wants to discard its flags, its history, its customs its homogeneity and its legends will not endure; soon it may be unable to defend itself from enemies within and without. The Parliament and the Law are root and branch of great intangible assets." Hear, Hear. Mr. Hawke may try to change his spots, right enough; but it is not only too late for him to do so: he will lose further credibility (among his own ranks, particularly) by doing so. Many of the hard Socialist/Communist ideologues would prefer to see their numbers down in Opposition than sacrifice their firmly held principles. |
KNIVES OUT IN BOURKE STREETMany supporters outside Victoria must be wondering what is going on "at the top of Bourke Street," (Victoria's Parliament House is at "the top of Bourke St., Melb.). The Victorian Liberal Party has been uneasy with the leadership of Mr. Jeffrey Kennett since it was defeated by the Cain Labor Government in 1982. He was a "compromise" leader. Premier Rupert Hamer was forced to resign after a coup. The Liberal Party has run to seed after so many years in office. Poor Lindsay Thompson was too decent a fellow to be in politics. He was installed as caretaker Premier, but resigned after the inevitable electoral defeat his Party suffered a few months later. They didn't really have anyone to replace Hamer, so Jeff Kennett got the nod: just! His performance has not been inspiring, and lately his talk about forcing an election by withholding Supply has scared many of his colleagues stiff. It if had not been for the Cain Government's foolish assault on Victorians with its Council Amalgamations Plans, and to a lesser extent its Land Rights fumbling, we would expect the Cain Government to hold office. Now things are doubtful. If the Liberals can come up with a better Leader than Jeff Kennett, and close ranks behind him, then they stand a chance of making it at the next State election. If John Cain and his Government lose office, our opinion is that his Local Government Amalgamation plans would be the main cause. As we go to press the Liberal Party Leadership result in Victoria is not decided. Note: It was Mr. Jeff Kennett who received a Leader of the Zionist organisations of Victoria, with radiomen, T.V. men, going hammer and tongs, on the steps of Parliament House. Mr. Kennett assured the Zionists that no Liberal Party member would appear on League of Rights platforms; not that we could care a fig, one way or the other. We don't need politicians, or the media. |
MELBOURNE 'REGIONAL PROGRESS' NEWSPAPER CHAIN SPOT ONWe have commended this Melbourne suburban newspaper chain more than once in the past. Its issue of October 15th editorialises on "Dangerous Cards" (no prize for guessing what they are) Also there is a feature article (too long for reproduction here, unfortunately) on the Perils of Fluoridation. We must mention that one item of the Editorial praises John Cain. It pays tribute to his delicate leadership qualities, which he must have. We don't doubt that John Cain is an honest man, but in our view he is still the Fabian Socialist ("we deny with our lips what we do with our hands") - so we can't see how Fabian socialists can be made of the stuff of stern integrity often claimed. But many clergymen have been Fabian Socialists. We think they are confused, to say the least. John Cain will be lucky to survive at the next State election, as already stated. Now to "Dangerous Cards". This item of
the Editorial is really good, so we shall reproduce it in
full: PERILS OF FLUORIDATIONAlso in the October 15th issue. If one wants a copy of a subscription to Melbourne's Regional Progress suburban newspaper should write to" "Regional Progress, 92 Atherton Rd., Oakleigh, Vic., 3166. The Editor-in-Chief is Jack Gavegan. The League of Rights has not involved itself actively in the Fluoridation Debate for many years. This isn't because we have lost interest; not at all. It is because there is a full time body, the Anti-Fluoridation Association of Victoria, headed by the most capable Glen Walker, to lead the fight. All actionists interested in the Fluoridation issue should have a copy of Glen Walker's "Fluoridation poison on tap". The address of the Anti-Fluoridation Association is: 4(a) Manor St., Brighton, Vic., 3186. The "Regional Progress' article by journalist Patricia Speller, calls for the end of Fluoridation in Oz. Some article. This newspaper recently supported South Africa. |
MONEY SHORTAGEThis letter from Mrs. Doris E. Phelps, published in The Advertiser (Adelaide) September 25th. Mrs. Phelps is the authoress a book known to many League supporters, viz. "A Small Farmer Replies." Her letter runs: "I agree with Nicholas Birdseye (The Advertiser, 16/9) that most resources of labour and materials are not scarce. "But there does seem to be a scarcity of one resource. When a shortage of resources, to do this or that, is spoken of, it usually boils down to a shortage of money. "Every government, every institution, every good cause, and every business is short of money. Most of them can only operate by running an overdraft or some other form of borrowing. "Money, like anything which is in demand and at the same time in short supply, can command a high price. Money therefore commands a higher and higher interest rate. As all businesses and government instrumentalities work on borrowed money, this means that their costs, and therefore the prices of their products and services, must rise. "So money's scarcity, and its consequent high interest rate, contributes to inflation of prices. "Similarly, when governments, to pay for their borrowings, draw in revenue in the form of excises and sales taxes (as on petrol), this adds to inflation. "Because money is scarce and other resources plentiful, a billion dollar advertising industry is necessary to try to sell what is produced. And of course those billions go into the price of the goods, again inflating prices. "Then, when the cost-of-living index goes up because of these inflationary factors, working people realise that they are now short of money to pay their bills and demand a wage rise, which in turn goes into the costs, and therefore the prices of the goods and services they produce. "So, like Mr. Birdseye, I challenge the 'basic economic principle' that inflation is too much money chasing too few goods. To me it looks very much as though present day inflation is caused by a scarcity of money. "I think it is time the experts did a bit of lateral thinking, instead of carrying on as though 19th century myths were 20th century realities.' |