home of ... Douglas Social Credit
3 April 1987. Thought for the Week: "Totalitarianism
is, in essence, the conversion of Society into a fixed pattern
- a machine which can be operated as a whole by a small group.
This conception is most easily grasped in connection with
war. Society can only be organised as a whole in relation
to some function: war is a function of organised Society,
and in war the individual is, and must be, subordinated to
that function ... once society is organised in relation to
a function, central control reaches out in ever more detail
over the life of the citizen, and government as such becomes
more and more of a preoccupation. Thus the pervasiveness of
modern government is a direct consequence of totalitarianism.
The real problem of genuine political democracy is, therefore,
much simpler than it appears at first, because it involves
less 'government"'
Dr. Bryan Monahan in An Introduction to Social Credit |
REALITIES BEHIND THE POLITICAL FROTHThose who make their living as "political commentators" for the mass media, had a "field day" last week, which started with the front page story in The Sun, Melbourne, of the taped private conversation between Victorian Liberal leader Mr. Jeff Kennett and Federal Liberal Member Mr. Andrew Peacock. Federal Liberal leader, Mr. John Howard, was not amused, and seized the opportunity to remove Mr. Peacock as Shadow Minister on Foreign Affairs to the backbench. But Mr. Howard has not removed one of the major destabilising influences inside the Federal Liberal Party. In terms of realistic politics, the Kennett-Peacock phone conversation was of little substance. It did not surprise us. It was not only the type of lurid, some would say filthy, language which reflected the character of our modern leaders, but the puerile nature of school boys, not like two matured political leaders capable of dealing with the far reaching issues of the day. And, of course, and the most disastrous from Andrew Peacock's point of view, the manifestation of bitter hostility to Federal leader, Mr. John Howard. So much for that party loyalty which party politicians feel obliged they must publicly express. One of the refreshing attributes of Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen is that, with all his faults, he rarely expresses a mealy mouthed support for his own party political colleagues whom he does not particularly like. As an individual, Mr. John Howard is preferable to the idol of the "progressives" inside the Liberal Party, Mr. Andrew Peacock. But Howard lacks real leadership qualities and is such a slave to financial orthodoxy that even if he were to become a Liberal Prime Minister, he would be presiding over the terminal decay of a Liberal party which has no coherent, stabilising philosophical base, and which would continue to pursue in essence the same destructive financial policies being imposed by the Hawke Government. C.H. Douglas observed that in reality there was only one party in modern politics - the Financial Party. Liberal and National Party critics of the Hawke Government constantly stress that Australia is becoming a "banana republic", with an external debt now exceeding $100 billion. But they do not say how they are proposing to deal with the Rupert Murdochs, Holmes a Courts, John Elliots and others who have made the major contribution to Australia's foreign debt borrowing internationally to finance take-over operations, and to fuel the frothy stock exchange fever, without contributing anything to Australia's real economy. Like the Fraser Government, the Hawke Government has relied on "capital inflow" to sustain the Australian economy. Even Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, demonstrating his major Achilles Heel, made the foolish remark last week that if it were not for Japanese investments in Australia, many Australians would be living on the dole. The rest of the world could sink beneath the sea tomorrow, and 16 million Australians would be left with the natural resources to provide themselves with everything required for civilised living. But they would have to change from a social debt system to a social credit system, ensuring that money became the servant of the people. Not being involved in the negative and destructive party politics now dominating Australia, we are not particularly interested in the internal divisions so obvious inside the Liberal and National parties, divisions which at the moment tend to obscure the deep divisions inside the Labor Party. What we are concerned about is the possibility of the present ferment generating a genuine grassroots movement, which will at the next Federal elections help to force Australia off the present disastrous course on which it is travelling. The Howard sacking of Peacock, the resignation of small '1' Liberal Senator Peter Baume from the Howard Shadow Ministry, and the divisions inside the National Party, have merely increased the perception of Australian electors that what are termed the "conservative" Opposition parties are bereft of genuine leadership, and that there is little likelihood of improvements if the Hawke Government were defeated. Rightly or wrongly, the Queensland Premier has been seen as a man who does have the qualities to lead Australia in a different direction. If the "Joh factor" has been losing its original impetus in recent weeks, the Queensland Premier has only himself to blame for this. He has failed to attempt to rally the nation behind the type of "survival programme", covering constitutional as well as economic questions, which the League of Rights and other groups, have put forward and which the overwhelming majority of the electors have indicated they support. If, as we anticipate, Fabian Socialist Bob Hawke does not call an early election, Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen will be left with the opportunity to place himself at the head of a genuinely conservative grassroots movement completely independent of the Federal Liberal and National parties. He should first convene a conference of proven conservative movements, including Christian groups, independent business leaders like Mr. John Leard, RSL representative like Sir Colin Hines and Mr. Bruce Ruxton, together with a few political commentators, to help fashion a strategy reaching far beyond the next Federal Elections, which should be seen only as a battle in an ongoing conflict concerning Australia's long term future. |
ISRAEL'S SANCTIONS AGAINST SOUTH AFRICAZionist influence in the U.S.A. has been a major factor in the sanctions campaign against South Africa. But as stressed by Mr. Eric Butler in his recent review of the current international situation (see February issue of The New Times, $1.00 posted from Box 1052J, G.P.O., Melbourne) Israel initially declined to apply sanctions, Prime Minister Shimon Peres claiming that such sanctions would not be in the best interests of the large Jewish community in South Africa. Peres did not point out that Israel's close economic ties with South Africa enabled her to act as a conduit for South African exports through Israel, to both the USA and the EEC, Israel having special free trade rights to export to the world's biggest Western markets. And equally important, by providing a type of economic lifeline Zionist influence has been increasingly impressed upon the South African Government. What, then, is the meaning of an apparent change in Israeli policy? Press reports suggest that while Israel will impose limited sanctions against South Africa, mostly by limiting the export of military technology to South Africa, there is no suggestion that Israel will cease to be a conduit of South African exports to the rest of the world - at a price of course! Not without significance, even the U.S.A. sanctions policy specifically excludes the import of vital minerals like chrome from South Africa. And no one should not be surprised that gold and diamonds are also excluded, these being mined by the Anglo-American complex headed by Harry Oppenheimer, long time supporter of political "reforms" for South Africa, he and his internationalist colleagues being confident that their long-term strategies will be advanced by the establishment of a multi-racial government in South Africa. |
BRIEF COMMENTSReports of the Demjanjuk "trial" in Israel continue to confirm that the whole purpose of this shocking affair has been to keep the holocaust myth alive. One witness made the incredible claim that a German guard had trained his dog to castrate prisoners! Now comes the information that the retired U.S.A. autoworker is five centimeters taller than the records, (supplied by the KGB) show "Ivan the Terrible" to have been. Prison doctor Sigelmanink agreed in response to defence lawyer's question that there was no reason why a person aged 66 should be still growing, stating that Demjanjuk may have actually lost height because of a spinal disc problem. This outrageous and obscene affair could only take place in a country like Zionist Israel. Whites preparing to vote in South Africa's elections will be noting that "constitutional safeguards" of minority ethnic groups do not last long in Africa. Last Year Comrade Mugabe of Zimbabwe described the Lancaster House agreement, of which Mr. Malcolm Fraser was so proud, as "that dirty piece of paper", making it clear that he wanted to establish the One Party State as soon as practical. The Mugabe Government is now formally abolishing the 20 seats reserved for the White minority. Perhaps Mr. Malcolm Fraser will discuss this matter with African National Congress leader, Mr. Oliver Tambo, when he stays with him. A report from Jerusalem last week stated that Jewish leaders were in Moscow attempting to open talks which could lead to direct flights to Israel for thousands of Soviet Jews in return for an easing of American trade sanctions on the Soviet. About 450 Soviet Jews are expected to emigrate this month. How strange that no Christians are being allowed to leave the Soviet. |