home of ... Douglas Social Credit
5 June 1987. Thought for the Week: "....
As a woman of the world I have witnessed things the existence
of which I did not suspect and I have realised that, due to
my 'protected' position in life, they should never have been
expected to come to my knowledge. Let me tell every woman,
however much 'protected', whether Dairymaid or Duchess, that
the safeguards which she imagines to be thrown around herself
are but a mirage of the past. Her own and her children's future
are at the mercy of the 'forces' the activities of which has
been my business, for the last ten years to follow as one
group of investigators. Today, most of the good people are
afraid to be good. They strive to be broadminded and tolerant.
It is fashionable to be tolerant - but mostly tolerant of
evil - and this new code has reached the proportions of demanding
intolerance of good. The wall of resistance to evil has thus
been broken down and no longer affords protection to those
who, persecuted by evil doers, stand in need of it..."
Lady Queenborough, in Occult Theocracy (1933) |
NOTE FROM NATIONAL DIRECTOR FROM QUEENSLAND"It appears probable that the Hawke Fabian Socialist Government will win the Federal Elections on July 11th; because of the failure of the Opposition parties to put forward alternative policies. "The statement by Gerry Egan, of Westpac's Currency Branch in New York, to the effect that Wall Street will be pleased to see the return of the Hawke Government, confirms our constant claim that the Hawke Fabian Socialist Government is but a tool of the International Money Power with its grandiose programme to take Australia into the New International Economic Order (N.I.E.O.) - prior to the emergence of the World State. The shake up of the Opposition parties by the Joh Bjelke-Petersen initiative threw up the possibility of an effective challenge to the Policy of the destruction of Australia's independence. Unfortunately, Sir Joh has been badly advised in being encouraged to drive for power in Canberra, where he could be destroyed, politically. He would be much better advised to remain in his position of power in his Queensland base and use his considerable influence to further the emergence of a new conservative movement to fill the vacuum created by the failure of the present Opposition parties. The Electors' Veto, for a start, could be given initial stimulus by Sir Joh's espousal of it. "Contrary to what some League of Rights supporters may think, the League has never advocated nor taken any part in the "Joh for Canberra campaign." Australia is now in a new historical situation; one foreshadowed by us over the years. We urge all supporters NOT to dissipate their efforts in activities based on wishful thinking, but to concentrate their efforts by selecting and testing parliamentary candidates with respect to their sound policies. Support for such sound candidates will result in a lower majority for the Hawke Fabian Socialist Government in the House of Representatives, and promote a better balance than already exists in the Senate. The Senate MUST be held to protect us against legislative tyranny." |
WESTPAC WITHDRAWSWestpac's Managing Director, Mr. Bob White, telephoned the A.L.P.'s national secretary, Mr. Bob McMullan, to ask him to withdraw the advertisement from today's newspapers, but was told it was too late." The Age (Melbourne) May 30th. Westpac is quite rightly dismayed at being brought into the current electoral campaign. It should not have been done. We have heard that it was Mr. Hawke's idea to use Gerry Egan's "scare" statement to wham it into the Opposition. Mr. Bob White, of Westpac, would also be apprehensive that some of his Bank's customers (Labor supporters) will take their accounts elsewhere: some certainly would. But really, the general thrust of Gerry Egan's statement to the effect that the Australian Dollar could be supported or abandoned by the international "money men" in the U.S.A. (and elsewhere) is correct. Egan's prediction, itself, may not prove to be correct - but what supporters must grasp, and grasp hard; is that Australia is at the mercy of the overseas moneymen. They can push the dollar up, and/or they can pull it down; thus affecting the standard of living of most Australians. But forget about Gerry Egan, a Westpac's New York currency dealer, whom Mr. Bob White described on last Sunday's TV as "a comparatively junior officer"; thus attempting to downplay the damage that may have been already done by the Egan gaffe: the article in The Australian (May 29th) - "Wall Street Pundits Put Money on Labor Victory", from Janine Perrett, in New York, only further confirms the Egan statement. She says: "The New York financial community was unanimous in its verdict that a return of the Hawke Government would be the most positive outcome for the Australian dollar in the short term." Forget about Gerry Egan One Wall Street currency trader said that: "the present Australian Labor Government looks kosher". What does he mean by that, we wonder? Many Wall Street lads, in the know, asserted that the Australian election was called now so that HawkKeating & Co. won't have to face the electors later in the year (or next year) when the economic climate, could plummet. The Joh Factor is not regarded seriously. Mr. Keating is extremely popular! He's their boy. The mini Budget was tailored for the Wall Street lads. Let us recall that Brother Keating was just thundering against the entry of the Megabanks into Australia only days before the March, 1983 Federal Elections when the Fraser Government was tipped out of office. Big Mal came a cropper that time: we knew he would. "Fraser" is a dirty word in the Liberal Party now. The Liberal lads don't forgive flops. The "Labor" people are more forgiving; but they have a common ideology to which they are reasonably loyal, viz. Fabian Socialism. The Liberal crowd is loyal to that parliamentary salary and those perks, in the main pragmatism. Well, readers may recall that after the HawkKeating Junta scrambled onto the Treasury Benches, Brother Keating headed off to the U.S.A. to meet with some very important moneymen. He was taken up into the high mountain of International Finance. Behold: A new, bright, shining Brother Keating returned to OZ. His message? The Megabanks are the Blessing of the Age! In they come. Now Paul, it wouldn't be because International Socialism serves the interests of International Finance, would it? Who put up the money for the "Russian" Revolution, Paul? Read Dr. Antony Sutton's - "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" and find out (Yes, it's available from League bookshops: $12.00 posted.) |
DO AUSTRALIANS REALLY NEED TO BE SO HEAVILY TAXED?"This time, the electorate is showing refreshing signs of thinking for itself, and less superficially than most of the politicians it is being asked to judge." Katharine West, in The Weekend Australian, May 30-31 We were most impressed by the brief letter we use in this issue of the On Target Bulletin viz. "Big Business Wins". Many people, and particularly many young people, are becoming alerted that ALL political parties are serving the interests of International Finance. C.H. Douglas observed, during an address in 1936 that for the 100 years, at least, prior to that time, there had only been ONE party, and that was the "Financial Party"! Dr. West believes that John Howard has his chance IF he can convince what Des Keegan calls Middle Australia, that it is being slugged, outrageously, by taxation (one would think that that shouldn't be too difficult a task); and that he, John Howard will do something to rectify the situation. He'll have to show Middle Australia some nuts and bolts. He'll have to SELL his taxation package. Can he do it? We're not sure; and we're not optimistic. We agree that Australians have "had" the oh so boring political party infighting. Who cares whether this politician of that politician said this or that, or promised something else? Who cares? Nuts and bolts please. Put it on the line. Let's see those policies. That's what matters. Dr. West is right; people are sick to death of political parties and personalities. They want substance. |
On Target, May 11th, 1987 - by Patrick Walsh, Research Director,
Canadian League of Rights. "Books which have been carried for years which are now banned by our, thought control police include: 'The Real Holocaust', by Malcolm Ross/'Red Fog Over America', by Commander William Guy Carr/'The Rulers of Russia', by Rev. Dr. Denis Fahey/'Secret Societies & Subversive Movements', by Mrs. Nesta Webster/'World Revolution', by Mrs. Nesta Webster/'The Zionist Factor', by Ivor Benson/'The Talmud Unmasked', by Rev. Pranaitas/and 'The Plot Against Christianity', by Elizabeth Dilling. "It's significant the Dilling book is banned, as its contents are mainly photographic reproductions of pages and excerpts from the Babylonian Talmud. Is this an admission, as many scholars have long contended, that the Talmud is the greatest collection of pornographic and hate literature ever published? Perhaps our thought control censors have the answer.... Some of these books are currently available from League bookshops: "The Rulers of Russia" ($7.00 posted)/"Secret Societies" ($20.00 posted)/"The Zionist Factor" ($14.00 posted)"None Dare Call it Conspiracy" ($5.00 posted)/"Uprising" ($25.00 posted)/"The Life of an American Jew in Racist, Marxist, Israel" ($6.00 posted)/"The World Conquerors" ($6.00 posted). There are a small number, available of "The Plot Against Christianity" ($25.00 posted). It may be a good idea to order the last mentioned by phone. Electoral comment authorised by E.D. Butler, 145 Russell Street, Melb. Victoria, 3000. |
SOCIAL SECURITY RECIPIENTS MAY BE STRIPPED OF RIGHT TO PRIVACYThis letter appeared in The Age (Melbourne), May 29th, over the name of "T. Pagone", Secretary of the Victorian Council for Civil Liberties:"The latest government amendments to the Social Security Act - 1947 - contain unacceptable and degrading provisions affecting ordinary Australians. "Proposed amendments to Section 17 permit the divulging of private information, and details of any person to almost any other person. The effect is that a recipient of any social security benefit is stripped of any right to privacy of information held by the Government. "At the same time Section 135F is to be amended to increase the power to demand the giving of information to the department. Any person may be required to give any information about anyone else 'for the purposes of the act'. Furthermore, any other government department (whether state or Commonwealth) - may be required to provide the information. "Perhaps the most repulsive provision is found in the proposed changes to section 140. Here we find that if a person owes the Commonwealth any money under social security, veterans' or seamen's legislation, then that person's spouse (which would include a de facto spouse in a relationship of 26 weeks) becomes liable for the debt. Any pension, benefit, or allowance of the spouse is reduced by the other spouse's liability (with statutory penalty interest). "It seems, that our Parliament has forgotten how to protect its constituents from the needs of government." |
RUTHLESS TAX PENALISES FAMILYThis letter appeared in The Sun (Melbourne), May 27th, over the name of a "Mrs. Pauline Smit, National President, Women's Action Alliance, Camberwell, Vic. (Melbourne suburb):"Means testing of family allowances is in effect a penalty for producing Australia's next generation, a penalty which increases if one parent takes on full time care of children. "A single income family with a dependent spouse and two dependent children on $500 (five hundred) a week pays 31% more tax than two people with a combined income of $500 and no dependent children. "While families earning more than $50,000 may be a small section of the electorate, they and other families with children have already been penalised by Government failure to maintain the real value of family allowances, which have declined by 25% under the Labor Government. "Since family allowances are essentially a tax rebate paid in cash, taxes on all families with children have increased. "It seems this Government is determined to discourage young couples from having families by giving tax preference to DINKS (dual income, no kids), over those who are providing Australia's most important natural resource. "The mini Budget is a ruthless tax on the next generation...." |
BIG BUSINESS WINSFrom "Access Age" (The Age (Melbourne) June 1st):"Liberals are the natural enemy of young people and the poor, but the May budget shows the Labor Party to be no different. Both are owned by big business. Young voters on 11th July are free to choose whether they should lose an arm or leg. We call this democracy. Sean Purcell, Ormond (Melb. Suburb) |