home of ... Douglas Social Credit
21 August 1987. Thought for the Week:
"Since practically everything a modern community does depends
upon the provision of finance, it is obvious that the power
to provide finance by the creation of credit (on terms) is
an absolutely central power, and that whatever the appearances,
those in ultimate control of the banking system are the real
government of the country and, on the international scale,
of the world. Of course, not all those in such control are
'bankers' in the sense in which one knows one's bank manager.
It is in the realms of high international and national policy
that the real control lies
Dr. B.W.Monahan, in Finance and Communism (1965) |
THE NEW ZEALAND ELECTIONS"... But Mr. Hawke and New Zealand's Mr. David Lange have shown that electorates can be convinced to return Labor governments that promise tough economic medicine, particularly when the Opposition seems opportunistic, ineffectual, or divided...." Editorial, The Age (Melbourne), August 17th. This opinion, (above) we regard as very near the mark. In the absence of stronger evidence, we discount the "anti-nuclear" factor as being decisive in the N.Z. election result. The Age editorial (17/8) also brings out the key point missed by much of the print media, viz.. "Many of the (N.Z.) Prime Minister's zealous backers came from big business, which has been greatly encouraged by deregulation of the market place". The same process has been transpiring in Australia, under the Treasurer ship of Mr. Paul Keating, the same Mr. Keating who bewailed the entry of Foreign Banks into Australia only a few days before the March 1983 Australian elections, when the Hawke Government was voted into office. An almost immediate visit to Washington and New York by Mr. Keating transformed him into the slavish devotee and admirer of Big Business and International Finance that he is today. We would not be surprised if Mr. Roger Douglas, the N.Z. Treasurer, makes a similar trip to the same Halls of Finance shortly. For instructions! In the eyes of International Finance, Australia and New Zealand are of a piece: this "region" of the world is scheduled for and programmed into the New International Economic Order - our role will be that of a "supplier" of basic requirements for the Third World. Food, minerals, - not the high technology for the New World Order; our standard of living will continue to decline. What we are seeing with the continuance of the Lange and Hawke Governments is the continuing partnership of International Finance AND Fabian Socialism, along with Big Business. Big Business needs big finance to operate successfully, and a Fabian Socialist government, which both acknowledges and believes in the necessity of both, in line with its own ideology - eventual World Government. Mr. Lange is a Fabian Socialist. Brothers Hawke and Lange will vie with each other to Fabianise their respective countries the more quickly. Both are solid republicans; anti-British, anti-monarchy. But there are risks for both. Yes, indeed. We saw and heard Mr. Muldoon, former Nationalist Prime Minister, say that many of the business people who voted for David Lange on August 15th will be broke before the next New Zealand election. He is probably right. The Lange and Hawke Fabian Socialist Governments are fostering big business at the expense of small business: they don't want small business and self-employed people. Big Business is much easier to control than scattered and decentralised small business, AND, it is much easier to nationalise when the time comes for the next step in the Socialist Revolution. We come back to the sorry position, which we must recognise - and that is that the so-called "conservative" politics of our two countries have no answer to firm, committed Fabian Socialist governments; so long as they are supported by International Finance. That support can and will be withdrawn at an appropriate time; yes, such time as when the countries are ripe for revolution and the installation of revolutionary governments. It's happened before, and it will happen again - unless an awakened electorate can sound the alarm, and stop it. Will that happen? We can't say. |
THE AUSTRALIA CARD IS 'NEXT'"Unless the Federal Government is able to make a much more compelling case in favour of its Australia Card legislation, it could face a powerful electoral backlash from the large numbers of Australians who are frightened of the alleged evils inherent in the proposed identity card. A general election is not due for almost three years, but no government can function successfully if it is surrounded by widespread distrust." - The Australian, Editorial, August 14th. One of the best programmes of opposition to the totalitarian I.D.Card has been sent out in a letter to The Age (Melbourne) 14th August by a correspondent, Mr. M.J. O'Sullivan, Deputy President of the Federated Clerks' Union of Australia. We cannot, because of limitations of space reproduce the whole letter; however, it would be worth buying this copy of The Age to read it in full. We shall have to cull out the key paragraphs: "The now abandoned Bill of Rights legislation was flawed not only in its detail, but in principle. The proposition effectively was that governments are the possessors of rights, which they may dispense to citizens who then enjoy the rights until they are modified, withdrawn or abrogated by some future government. The same sort of wrong principle is inherent in the I.D. Card. People have an identity which is theirs, they do not derive identity from its recognition or otherwise by governments...here important is the proposal that the I.D. Card is a licence/ passport/permit - to be a citizen. If there is any permitting to be done in a free society, it runs in the other direction - from the people to the government both the Tax Office and Social Security have said that fraud is mainly worked, not by false identities, but by false declarations of income and false statements of eligibility .... " It is the principle of both the Bill of Rights and I.D. Card legislation, which is wrong. Christians know that most of the evil legislation we are receiving from our Fabian Socialist Government comes via the United Nations: the modern Tower of Babel, as described by some. What is the yardstick? Why is it so wrong? Because it is in conflict with the Moral Law, which Christians accept as part of Reality. The Moral Law is God's Law for the protection of the sovereignty of each individual. Breach of the Moral Law will bring disaster and retribution. Lack of knowledge of it, and/or defiance of it does not alter its reality. C.H. Douglas, the author of Social Credit stated, "What's moral, works." Bills of Rights, and I.D. Cards won't work, in the long term - because they breach the Moral Law. But that won't stop the crazed, humanist, ideologues from pressing on with their idiotic fallacies. Again only an alarmed electorate can stop them. |
BRIEF COMMENTSThe Hawke Fabian Socialist Government
has been playing down the "need" for the First Fleet re-enactment,
which is having its share of problems, anyway. The anti-British,
anti-monarchist, socialists cling to their myths that the
British "invaded" Australia in 1788, and subjugated, by conquest,
the Aboriginal "nation". In 1988, white Australians, adequately,
and suitably, dripping with "guilt" - must now "make amends"
for this "conquest" and give the Aborigines everything they
ask for. Even the money for the grog, which is destroying
them! In spite of the above comment we notice that Australia Post, a key Commonwealth Department, is issuing stamps commemorating the First Fleet. We have the "new" $1.00 and 37 cent stamps before us as we write these lines. The $1.00 stamps commemorate the First Fleet at Teneriffe (July 1787), and the 37cent stamps commemorate the First Fleet at Rio de Janeiro, August 1787! The Citizen (Aug./Sept. '87) reports that ten vital minerals from South Africa are now exempted from sanctions. Dr. Louw Alberts, Director General of Mineral and Energy Affairs for the South African Government, says, "The Americans seem to be waking up to the realities of sanctions and the position of South Africa in the Western World's mineral supply." He added that the U.S.A. has, by this action, acknowledged that it cannot do without South Africa..." The Victorian Society of Labor Lawyers wants the I.D. Card scrapped. The Society is not convinced the Australia Card is needed to combat tax and welfare fraud, AND, the grave threat to civil liberties from it. The ball is rolling now; it's up to us to make it grow into an avalanche of protest. Mr. Ivor Benson, in his August, 1987 of Behind the News (Ivor Benson, c/- Heron Books, P.O.Box 29, Sudbury, Suffolk, C010 6EF, England) has something to say about "The Superior Japanese". After the great wave of cameras, motorcars, TV sets, etc. comes an even bigger wave of investment money. How do we account for the seeming miracle of Japanese recovery after military defeat and humiliation? |
Brief CommentsThe ID Card "One of the fundamental contrasts between free and democratic societies and totalitarian systems is that the totalitarian government relies on secrecy for the regime, but high surveillance and disclosure for all other groups, whereas in the civic culture of liberal democracy the position is approximately the reverse. During the Kampuchean holocaust it was a capital offence merely to inquire as to the identity of a government minister ..... On the other hand, democratic society sets great store by openness as a means of controlling government, and on privacy for the group, the family and the individual as an environment in which the individual can relax, experiment, and develop his creative potential. The secret ballot, of course, is a protection for privacy in the cultivation of political opinions..." Workers Are Being Strangled WHERE IS THE CHOICE? |