home of ... Douglas Social Credit
22 April 1987. Thought for the Week:
"Australia was not a multiracial country at the end of the
1939-45 war. After the war a plot was hatched to make it a
multiracial country without the knowledge of the public and
without approval by a properly constituted Referendum on such
an important issue as this. Secrecy was to be the keynote
of the plot and in addition oft reported mis-statements of
fact, namely that Australia had been from the first a multiracial
country. To cause further deception the word multiculturalism
was used instead of multiracialism."
Dr. J.C.A. Dique, in Immigration: The Quiet invasion (1985) |
THE BARAMBAH BY-ELECTION"The National Party plunged into catastrophe last night when it looked certain to lose its safest seat in Australia." - Sunday Press Melbourne), April 17th. Yet another reverse for the Australian "Labor" Party, of course, its vote was down 5% on figures for the last election for Barambah. So Mr. Goss, the Queensland A.L.P. Leader, can find no comfort for himself or his Party. The League's State Director for Queensland, Mr. Chas. Pinwill advises us that the results of this by-election are by no means simplistic; the "Joh" factor was marked, as it was in the Federal Groom by-election held the week before. Mr. Pinwill sees a growing disillusionment of electors with political parties; really, ALL political parties - and that is borne out by the election of Mr. Trevor Perrett (Independent Citizens) ahead of the National Party's Mr. Warren Truss. There is no doubt that Sir Joh is gunning
for Sir Robert Sparkes and Mr. Michael Ahern, and we hope
he gets them. Both of them have always been hostile to the
League of Rights. As a matter of fact, the League gets a mention
from Mr. Ahern who stated: "The (National) Party will, of
course, carry out an urgent assessment of the situation. 'I
think it is important for the people of Queensland to be aware
that Mr. Perrett represents League of Rights type policies,
which have an important influence in that electorate." True to form the print media have not mentioned those we have seen the fact that Mr. Trevor Perrett campaigned on the Electorate Veto. He also campaigned on a more democratic type of communication between member and electorate. What of the future for Queensland? Mr. Pinwill sees the role of the independent becoming central in the immediate future (as is the case in New South Wales). It is likely, now, that the Queensland Nationals will be forced into a coalition with the Liberals at the next Queensland State election, perhaps with independents holding the Balance of power. Unfortunately, there is no Upper House in Queensland; that was abolished by "Labor" in 1922. The last Queensland Legislative Councillors voted themselves out of office in 1922 - having voted themselves their salaries for life. At least, with the decline of political parties and the growing influence of independents, there is much more opportunity for all democratically minded people to press ahead with the Electors Veto concept in government. |
MOST EXCELLENT ISSUE NO. 1 OF HERITAGEThe Little People: "Australia Day, 1988, the Bicentenary of the First Fleet's arrival in Sydney Harbour, was an enormous success. In the words of Professor Geoffrey Blainey, it 'marked the triumph of the people and their quiet sense of national pride over all those politicians and bureaucrats who had earlier done all they could to turn it into very different day.' - Editorial, HERITAGE (Bicentenary Issue No. 1), 1988 HERITAGE is the quarterly journal of the Australian Heritage Society, a Division of the Australian League of Rights. What a splendid production it is, commencing with the Queen's Christmas Message 1987; the Prince of Wales Speech given in the Sydney Opera House forecourt on Australia Day, 1988. After these comes "The Christian-British Heritage", and "Australia's Religious Heritage" (the latter by Dr. Geoffrey Dobbs). The Very Reverend David Robarts, Dean of Perth, W.A. writes on the theme "To Secure the Future". Professor J.D.Frodsham, School of Humanities, Murdoch University, W.A., supplies his article "Reflections On our Present Discontent". The Rev. Cedric Jacobs, O.B.E., well known to many League of Rights supporters, writes on "The Aboriginal Perspective". Many other items of particular interest. The price of each issue is $5.00 posted. The subscription for one year (the FOUR Bicentennial issues) is a remarkably generous $15.00. Send your orders/subscriptions to: The Australian Heritage Society, P.O. Box 7409, Cloisters Square, PERTH, W.A., 6000. Please do not send to Melbourne. The Heritage editors are right on the ball too. After the comment on Australia Day, and the comment by Professor Geoffrey Blainey, comes the following: "Originally, the planners had intended that 1988 would be 'more of a time of contrition than a festival of restrained pride and thanksgiving'. It was to be a time for us to repent, to disown our past, to wallow in the guilt of our real and imagined mistreatment of the original inhabitants. It was to be the year of the new Flag, the new Constitution, maybe even the year in which the scales were to be tipped in favour of a Republican form of government. This was to be a symbolic year; we would express our new identity, be finally released from the shackles of colonialism." HERITAGE knows the score! Why not give a gift subscription, apart from taking one yourself: four splendid issues for only $15.00. The "mood" of our nation is changing back to acceptance of "traditional" values and sentiment. THERE WAS EVEN A DEBATE ON IMMIGRATION ON COMMERCIAL TELEVISION OVER THE WEEKEND PAST. This would have been unmentionable a year or two ago. EVERYONE was happy with our immigration policy, as everyone knows! Anyone who wasn't was a racist, or an extreme right-winger. Of course. - But it's different now. Heritage has caught the mood. |
BRIEF COMMENTSThe president of the Northern Territory
Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Geoffrey Sherrington, says that politics
are wrecking the Northern Territory mining industry. The Territory
is being used as a testing ground for social experiments dreamed
up by the Fabians in Canberra. Because of the steady destruction
of the Australian Constitution by the abuse of the External
Affairs Power, this validated by the present High Court (as
foreseen and approved by Dr. Herbert Vere Evatt, and Dr. Zelman
Cowen) - the Conservation Legislation Amendment Bill was rammed
through the Parliament, given Royal Assent by Sir Ninian Stephen,
the Governor General, who voted against Queensland in the
Koowarta ruling, thus paving the way for the certainty of
the Commonwealth (Canberra) over the States. Under this new
totalitarian legislation of the HawkKeating Fabians, whole
industries and individuals can be kicked off their lands,
with laughable compensation; the locking up of natural resources
(to be exploited by other international forces later?). In our view Sir Joh was kicked out of office to smooth the way for this sell out of Australia to the internationalists. He would have fought for the sovereignty of Queensland tooth and nail, and the Fabian mob knew it. He had to go. But it's not over yet. Just wait and see. WHAT MANNER OF MAN IS DR. NEAL BLEWITT?
The one and only "Jacko" is back home for a spell. Whilst his type of "entertainment" is not generally our cup of tea, he has made a few remarks with which we agree wholeheartedly. We viewed the Academy Awards Festival on T.V. - somewhere in the United States, and we were utterly bored by the shallowness of the people; actors, film makers, etc. - the many poor types involved; and the quite inferior standard of "entertainment". To say nothing of the crass materialism overall. They can keep their Oscars. Good for our Jacko. Jacko attended the Academy Awards last week but was less than impressed by the stars. "I call it the plastic factory', he said. "They've all got plastic bums, plastic boobs, plastic faces and plastic smiles." Exactly. |
GOOD NEWS: FEDERAL LIBERALS FAVOURABLE TO ELECTORS' VETOSuch has been the pressure on Mr. John Howard and his parliamentary colleagues that he is now singing a different "tune' on the Electors' Veto. We have sighted a letter from him to a correspondent, in which he states... " ..I take this opportunity to respond to any earlier letter from you concerning citizens' initiated referenda. This proposal is specifically mentioned in our policy on Law and Justice and on return to government we will be examining the feasibility of providing for a people's veto over laws passed by he Commonwealth." |
CALL FOR VETO VOTEThis letter published in The Sun (Melbourne), April 13th, over the name of an "A.A. Pinwill", of Gayndah, Qld.:"The swing away from the Labor Party in recent elections is no surprise to those who have studied the socialists' attack on our democracy. "This shock may bring home to Mr. Hawke and his colleagues that previous Labor supporters have at last got the message that Labor is no longer a workers' party. "It could now be better described as an academics' paradise party. "Many workers and their families have realised they have been sold down the drain by Labor's monetary mismanagement which sabotaged the potential of our Commonwealth Bank, the 'people's bank', successfully introduced and operated by Labor Prime Ministers Andrew Fisher, Billy Hughes, and John Curtin. "Did Labor chiefs, prior to the N.S.W. election, imagine that the 'people's power', responsible for the rejection of the I.D. Card and the Bill of Rights, had somehow disappeared? "The success of the independents clearly identified the disenchantment with the party system. "There is a need to include in our Constitution the Swiss type initiative and referendum - 'Voters' Veto' legislation, where a petition from a stated percentage of electors (around 40%) can demand a referendum of all electors on undesired legislation. "Wise electors are now contacting their MPs expressing strong support for the inclusion of 'Voters' Veto' legislation in the Constitution. "It has been successful in Switzerland for 100 years and in 24 American States, so why not in Australia?" |