home of ... Douglas Social Credit
15 July 1987. Thought for the Week: "The
power of Black Magic in mass propaganda is such that it appears
to be capable of rendering many people blind to obvious facts.
We are told, for instance, that the coming millennium depends
on the reign of Justice and Law ... Justice, the Law of Shylock,
is the perfect demonstration of the unsuitability of the legal
process to anything but a purely static condition. In order
to make the world suitable for the Reign of Law, the relationship
of every individual to the Law must be similar, which, in
the last resort, means that all individuals must be similar.
Laws are made by people with the Card index mind. It is easy,
and right, to card index motorcars; but that is not at all
the same thing as to card index fifty million people. Any
attempt to card index even five individuals leads straight
to the situation envisaged by Blake when he wrote, 'One Law
for the Lion and the Lamb is oppression.' The Law, in fact,
is a process of standardisation, and is not an objective to
be sought but an evil to be minimised."
C H. Douglas in "Whose Service is Perfect Freedom." |
BACK TO BASIC ECONOMICSConflicts between the more radical leaders of the Trade union Movement, with strikes inconveniencing large numbers of people, such governments, provide confirmation of the fact that genuine harmony in society is impossible under financial policies which generate total debts at a faster rate than they can be liquidated, and which make inflation, whether it be great or relatively small, mathematically certain. C.H. Douglas, the author of Social Credit pointed this out approximately 60 years ago, and events have continued to confirm his predictions. The current situation is an appropriate time to go back to some basic economic truths. The true purpose of an economic system is to produce goods and services in the priority required by consumers, freely indicating their requirements by the most flexible "voting system" ever designed by Man: i.e. the money system. The first, and most basic requirements are food, clothing and shelter, in that order. A free enterprise system, based upon private ownership, and genuine competition, has been proved to be the most efficient way to produce goods and services. In a country like Australia, it is a fact beyond dispute that there are no physical problems concerning the production of adequate food, clothing and houses, along with other basic requirements, such as lighting and power, for the whole of the Australian people. It is an obscenity that any elderly Australian, who has made their contribution to the building of the vast physical potential of the nation, should be concerned about getting access to the basic requirements of civilised living. The most important cause of nearly all strikes is related to a steady depreciation in the value of money, of itself really only a sophisticated ticket system. Douglas pointed out early in his career that the Trade Union monopoly was a major ally of the Debt system. Socialists generally have strongly resisted any modification of the Debt system which would enable the individual to gain direct access to the benefits of a production system which increasingly reflects the importance of technology incorporating both a physical and a cultural heritage built up over a long period of time. All manifestations of Central Planning, with centralised control of the creation and distribution financial credit being the main instrument of planning, are a reflection of the philosophy that individuals cannot he trusted with genuine security and freedom. The John Halfpenny's of the Trade Union monopoly never ever suggest a strike against high taxation of any kind, or high interest rates. They constantly misdirect the wage earner into striking for higher wages, this increasing the problems of those operating the production, distribution and transport system while creating a type of civil war in society. The trained Marxist aims, of course, to keep producing social friction. The wage earner is one of the main victims of this friction. The philosophy undergirding the policy of the Centrally Managed Economy, which in countries like Australia increasingly approximates the Corporate State of Mussolini and Hitler, is that the economic system does not exist primarily to create what individuals require, and that this should be achieved with the minimum of human effort, but to control the individual. "Full employment" is maintained by a vast misdirection of human effort and resources. Instead of one billion dollars being made available to build houses, a monstrosity called a new Parliament House is erected. More and more resources are used to house bureaucrats and others who spend their time trying to control the activities of their fellows. If the Australian people had direct control of their own money system, how many would vote in favour of allocating thousands of millions in "foreign aid", much of it going to criminal and Marxist regimes. If wage earners could grasp some basic economic truths, they would realise that they are being increasingly driven down a totalitarian road. Treasury figures issued last week showed that the Federal government collected $2,861 million more tax in 1987-88 than estimated in the budget. This increased revenue has helped to produce a Budget surplus of $2,291 million - the first surplus in 35 years. Instead of the over taxed Australian people being given some of their own money back in the form of lower taxes, Finance Minister Senator Walsh reacted by stressing that the surplus would be used to repay overseas debt, not to fund personal tax cuts. The International Debt Merchants are more important than the Australian people. What do the John Halfpenny's have to say about this? Nothing. |
BRIEF COMMENTSThose who had hoped that outspoken RSL leader Bruce Ruxton might be removed at the recent Victorian RSL conference, were doomed to be disappointed. Although a respected RSL member, Mr. Ray Wheeler, contested the Presidency, Bruce Ruxton was re-elected with a massive majority. Mr. Wheeler was elected senior vice-president. Second World War heroine, Mrs. Nancy Wake-Forward, electrified the conference with a hard-hitting attack on Asian immigration and Japanese investments. Mrs. Wake received thunderous applause when she said, "I guess we have to accept the Japanese dollar and the Japanese tourist, but I'll be damned if I am going to stand by and watch as signs are erected in Japanese." Mrs. Wake said she would like to see the emergence of a new party, which would reflect the views of the 80% opposed to the present immigration policy. But one more party is unnecessary; all that is required is the introduction of the Citizens' Initiative Referendum, which would enable the Australian people to demand a referendum on immigration. The League of Rights believes in co-operating, where it can, with those it agrees with on specific issues. Logos has done some excellent work on certain issues such as the Bill of Rights, the ID Card, and Constitutional issues. But we agree with several supporters who criticise an article by Mr. Ian Hodge, Executive Director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Christian Studies, in the May issue of Logos. Mr. Hodge was responsible some time back for a very sloppy and misleading attack on Social Credit. His article is a plea for complete free trade, with reference to 'free market". A market is simply a number of people with money in their pockets. Mr. Hodge does not mention how the money supply is created and how it is controlled. It is misleading to talk about a free market under present financial policies. The drive towards "free trade" is backed by those who aim to create the New International Economic Order. At a time when the Christian Church should be speaking with Authority on basic issues concerning the use and misuse of power in all its forms, it is becoming increasingly fragmented, primarily as a break with long established tradition. The proposed ordination of women by the Anglican Church was certain to be seen by many Anglicans, long concerned about many of the breaks with tradition, as the "last straw", and therefore certain to produce a major schism. The Roman Catholic Church is faced with the same type of schism as the result of the ex-communication of Archbishop Lefebvre and those whose only "crime" appears to be a desire to defend traditionalism as opposed to the modernist fad that change for the sake of change is desirable. It is the same type of philosophy that has sapped the foundation of the value system upon which Western Civilisation was created. Instead of opposing this philosophy of "change is inevitable", and providing a stabilising influence, the Church has become a victim of it. We do not believe that this has been accidental. It is disturbing to note how many Municipal Councillors and their organisations are being "conned" by the Fabian Socialists on the Referendum proposal to bring Local Government within the scope of Federal Constitution. Evidence indicates that some of the prime movers in favour of Local Government officially supporting a YES vote on the issue, are Local Government officials, many of the younger members products of the "new education" and influenced by the totalitarian philosophy that public servants are an elite who are experts on what is good for society. It is interesting that those once known as Municipal Clerks are now known as "Municipal Managers." The July issue of the journal of the Victorian Municipal Association carries an extensive article by Prime Minister Hawke eulogising the Referendum proposal on Local Government. It is to be hoped that enough Councillors who are opposed to a YES vote demand that equal space be given to an outlining of the NO case. And if Local Government Councillors are going to spend the ratepayers money on a YES campaign, ratepayers should insist that at least equal opportunity should be provided for the presentation of the NO case. Queensland Sunshine Coast National Party women, who planned a luncheon to honour former Queensland Premier Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, claim that they were placed under "heavy pressure" by National Party President Sir Robert Sparkes to abandon the luncheon. Sir Robert is the man who charges the League of Rights with being "extremist". Sir Robert's attempt to "heavy" the National Party ladies has resulted in a number of resignations from the National Party. The Queensland National Party under Sir Robert Sparkes continues on its path of self-destruction. |
FROM HANSARDThe Senate, May 26th Constitution (Alteration)
Parliamentary Terms, Bill ... Senator Glen Shiel: Senator Glen Shiel: Senator Susan Knowles: Senator Richard Alston: Our Comment: |
'NO' ADVICE"Glen Povys" of Nanago, Qld., writes in The Australian (29/6): "This is the advice my father gave to me on referendums, many years ago: 'Always vote No - they are trying to take something away from you.' To my sorrow, I voted Yes in 1967. Now 40% of Australia has been taken away." |
LIBERAL VOW"P.Hudson" of Lauderdale, Tas., tells it like it is, in The Australian, 29/6: "I have voted Liberal, both Federal and State, for the past 20 years, but the continued embrace of socialist policies, started with the Fraser Government, has at last caused me to question whether I should do so at the next election. "Only an unequivocal public assurance by the leader of the Liberal Party that, should they win the next election, they will immediately remove Australia from the provisions of the World Heritage organisation and that Australia will no longer need foreign permission to use or preserve its own territory, will I vote Liberal. "So it's over to you, Mr. Howard - is Australia to manage her own domestic affairs or are we to continue being subject to foreigners for our conservation legislation?" |