home of ... Douglas Social Credit
9 December 1988. Thought for the Week:
"Collectivism, economic and political, is the policy of the
Supernatural Forces. Its fundamental objective is the Slave
World, ruled by a Praetorian Guard in the employ of a Ruling
Race. It has no chance whatever of success, but it has a real
chance of setting back the clock of human happiness by hundreds
of years."
C.H. Douglas in The Big Idea |
ERIC BUTLER MEETS THE MEDIAJust prior to Mr. Eric Butler, National Director of The Australian League of Rights, arriving in Perth from the United Kingdom, on Friday, November 25th Mr. Alan Griffiths, chairman of the House of Representatives standing committee on constitutional and legal affairs, was in possession of a letter from Mr. Robert Nixon, W.A. State Director and Assistant National Director, stating that Mr. Eric Butler was desirous of appearing before the proposed parliamentary inquiry into the Australian League of Rights, the only proviso that the hearing take place in public. As we go to press, there has been no response from Mr. Griffith. In view of the wide media coverage of the political attack on the League, accompanied by scurrilous smear articles, one of the worst being in The Age, Melbourne, a special media conference was called by Mr. Nixon in Perth on Monday, November 28th to enable representatives of the media to meet Mr. Butler, who would make a statement concerning the proposed inquiry and answer any questions. The League made arrangements for its own video filming of the conference. Only Channel 7 was present when Mr. Nixon introduced Mr. Butler, but subsequently representatives of The Age and The West Australian arrived, took notes and later interviewed Mr. Butler at length. Later in the day Channel 10 also interviewed Mr. Butler. One radio station did a "live" phone interview. Both Channel 7 and Channel 10 failed to show their own films, while The West Australian ran an innocuous report on page 21. Clearly the controllers of the media did not like what they heard. This was confirmed by the attitude of The Age, a stronghold of Zionist influence in Australia. The Age journalist who interviewed Eric Butler in Perth was highly competent. He revealed that he had been asked by Mr. Creighton Burns of The Age to do the interview. But not one word appeared in The Age. It appears that some of those involved in the massive national campaign against the League are starting to have second thoughts about the proposed inquiry as the National Director goes on the offensive. We are reliably informed that there is division in Liberal Party ranks. One prominent Liberal Party shadow minister has strongly condemned the proposed inquiry. The well-attended Perth meeting to hear Mr. Butler, carried a resolution calling on the Liberal and National party leaders to state where they stand on the inquiry. In an article in The Bulletin of November 29th former Labor Minister Barry Cohen, expresses his detestation of the League, repeating much of the nonsense so widely publicised about the League, but warns that an inquiry is the wrong way to go about attempting to destroy the League. This suggests that the anti-League strategists are starting to have second thoughts about how best to handle a movement, which refuses to be destroyed. They saw that even with the National Director overseas, the top directors of the League were able to cope effectively with the massive anti-League campaign. Copies of the video of Mr. Eric Butler meeting the media are available immediately from Box 1052J, G.P.O., Melbourne, for $20 posted. This is a valuable video for League actionists to possess. |
MORE THAN FINE STATEMENTS REQUIRED FROM JOHN HOWARDOpposition John Howard has, generally speaking, been treated unkindly by the Australian media. But Mr. Howard has himself to blame. His latest attempt to seize the political initiative from the Hawke Government, with the launching of the Liberal Party Manifesto, "Future Directions", is but another example of fine statements concerning basic questions without any clear policies concerning how these statements are going to be made realities. For example, the importance of stable, secure families cannot be over emphasised. But what are John Howard's concrete financial policies for enabling young Australians to obtain a home and to raise the number of children they would genuinely like with the minimum of financial pressure? Having helped to open up a necessary public discussion on immigration, Mr. Howard then started to compromise his position as he felt the lash of the media critics. Should John Howard come to office expressing his support for traditional Australia, and then fail to take the necessary action to make fine sentiments a reality, this would provide yet another example of what C.H. Douglas described as "The Tragedy of Human Effort." Perhaps the most significant comment in John Howard's Manifesto is his reference to "A public loss of respect for our political process and a decline in its credibility." At least he does not blame the League of Rights for this, but by his references to the failures of "recent governments" suggest that the Fraser government in which he was the Treasurer, also contributed to the growing cynicism concerning governments. Mr. John Howard has a long way to go before it can be said that he is the man to turn the tide currently swamping the values he espouses. |
THE PARANOIA OF THE WRIGHTFrom Chas. Pinwill, Queensland State
Director of the League "As a responsible citizen he has been corresponding with parliamentarians on this issue which vitally affects his community, of which he is a prominent and highly respected member. He has eight children and is about to lose his job through World Heritage listing of North Queensland rainforest. "Here is his reply from Mr. Wright. Can anyone identify a 'threat to democracy', and who is making it?" Dear Sir, I acknowledge your letter of 30 October, and find it quite disturbing that you would be a supporter of the Australian League of Rights, in view of its anti-democratic, anti-Zionist, and racist ideologies. However, I am sure that if you are a man of your convictions, then you will be quite willing to appear before any enquiry, which is undertaken into the Australian League of Rights. "It's very easy for you to run off at the mouth talking about other countries, but your interests surely should be in this country where the Australian League of Rights is endeavouring to undermine the very fabric of our democracy. "I challenge you to explain where the Australian League of Rights gets its money from, and how it was able to fund the publication and distribution of a million copies of the newspaper, 'Wake Up Australia'. "You obviously are part of the inner circle of this movement and I would hope that you do have the courage of your convictions to appear before any enquiries. Yours sincerely, Keith Wright, M.P. Federal Member for Capricornia. "This person did not regard himself as a supporter of the League. His response? He immediately posted $100 to the League's Basic Fund; obtained his receipt, and then posted this receipt to Mr. Keith Wright by way of response. Welcome aboard. "If anyone can tempt Mr. Wright into denying this letter, we will immediately distribute it, with the recipient's name, across North Queensland. This is not a threat. It's a promise. "Anyone corresponding with Mr. Wright might ask him for a copy of his maiden speech in the Queensland Parliament. It's all about State Banking. Very interesting. "We would also be interested to know why, as a once highly billed lay preacher in the Baptist Church, Mr. Wright is no longer welcome in that capacity." |
BRIEF COMMENTSThe multicultural theme continues to be played liked a cracked record. Prime Minister Bob Hawke, in his message to the bi-centennial celebrations at Ballarat last weekend, joined with other mythmakers in claiming that the Eureka incident of 1854 was an example of multiculturalism. The relatively few miners who participated in this affair were predominantly of Irish, English or Scottish background. No Chinese were involved. The few non-British were Europeans. |
ANGLICAN ARCHBISHOP CONDEMS WAR CRIMES ACTThe Anglican Church yesterday urged the Australian Democrats to vote against the 'Federal Government's War Crimes Act." - The Sun (Melbourne) December 5th. We agree with Dr. Penman that "pursuing ageing criminals so long after the event will not do anything to avenge or erase the dreadful events that happened." Then there are the Christian qualities of forgiveness and mercy. These qualities seem to be foreign to the promoters of the War Crime Trials, who, again, appear to be motivated by the lust for revenge. |
MADNESS REIGNS IN OUR TRYING TIMES"Dave Guy", of Ingham, Qld., sent this note to the Editor of the North Queensland Register, published 24/11:"Try the war criminals is the cry coming from Canberra and the trendy Left these days. Let me state now that I'm all in favour of bringing war criminals to justice. "We shall start with the Japanese Emperor. Try the Emperor, the very man who ordered Japanese troops to attack Australia. "If you want justice that's the place to start. But oh no, not in this country for some sort of perverse madness reigns supreme. "In this country we honour those who attacked us and bombed our towns, our prime minister puts up memorials to them. "So who shall we try? "We are to try our own troops, those who served this nation. Their crime? They were prepared to stand up and be counted. "But why stop with our criminals from World War II? Why not try those who served in Korea and Vietnam for their crimes against Communism?" |
HIDDEN MOTIVES"Many fruitless attempts have been made
at the question of the right of ordinary Australians to have
a say in the composition of their future nation. "So I am
more than heartened that you have chosen to publish the letter
of Pat Hankinson, (Nov. 23) questioning the propriety of Mr.
Lee Kuan Yew dictating to us. Our Comment |
ONE DAY WORKSHOP WITH MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRSAn Adelaide actionist sent us a copy of a letter she wrote to a prominent Australian, giving some details of her experience in the "Twilight Zone" of Multicultural Affairs. We cannot reprint the whole letter: we select a few of the highlights: ".... I was encouraged to attend a 'One
Day Workshop' which I later learned was convened by the Office
of Multicultural Affairs (O.M.A.); the title given for the
workshop was, 'Towards a National Agenda for a Multicultural
Australia', and the invitations went out in the name of Senator
Robert Ray, the new Minister for Immigration, Local Government
and Ethnic Affairs. |
GOVERNOR GENERAL: RESERVE POWERSThat old Socialist War Horse of the Whitlam era, Clyde Cameron, was recently being quoted on his views surrounding "The Dismissal". (The Advertiser, Adelaide 12/11). He said that, had Whitlam won that December 1975 election, Sir John Kerr would have been sacked and replaced with someone like Mr. Fred Daly "who could have been trusted not to use the reserve powers". This is what we like: Mr. Cameron said there was no way the Australian Constitution could now be altered to remove the reserve powers that the Governor General held because of the general public's aversion to politicians in the community at large. Our Comment |
NO NEEDLES, NO SCHOOLTruth, December 3, reports that all Australian children will have to produce certificates showing that they are disease free before they can enrol at school. Victoria has amended its Health Act for compulsory inoculation and other States are expected to follow. Victoria will introduce this new compulsory scheme from the beginning of the 1990 school year, IF IT CAN'T BE STOPPED. If these reports are true there will be some political turmoil ahead, especially in Victoria. |