home of ... Douglas Social Credit
16 December 1988. Thought for the Week:
"The home is the foundation of sanity and sobriety; it is
the indispensable condition of continuity; its health determines
the health of society as a whole
. National patriotism inevitably
springs from the instinct to defend and preserve our homes
My home is where my wife and children are. The instinct to
be with them is the great instinct of civilised man; the instinct
to give them the chance to life - to make them not learners
but lifters - is a noble instinct."
R.G.Menzies in The Forgotten People (1943) |
BACKTRACKING ON LEAGUE INVESTIGATIONThe Age, Melbourne, of December 10th, carried the headline, "PARLIAMENTARY PROBE ON LEAGUE OF RIGHTS SHELVED INDEFINITELY." The report which followed started with the statement that "A federal parliamentary inquiry into the League of Rights has been shelved indefinitely, following its failure to win bipartisan support . . . '' Reliable reports from Canberra state that there has been such a backlash electorally against the proposed inquiry, that most Opposition Members have expressed opposition. A few, including NSW Liberal Senator Baume, still support an investigation. The Age reports that even Government Members "are known to be concerned that the inquiry into the League ... could be perceived negatively." It quotes one Canberra source as saying, "People are worried about this thing turning into a witch hunt." While it appears that the League has won yet another round in an on going battle, we are going to be misled into a sense of false security. Whatever the intentions of the chairman of the House of Representatives legal and constitutional affairs committee, Mr. Alan Griffiths, it is probably true that the strategists behind the anti-League campaign never really intended that an inquiry should actually take place, but that the proposal to have one is part of an on-going psycho-political campaign designed to achieve Zionist leader Isi Leibler's objective of driving the League into the political wilderness. It will be recalled that in 1984, where the League of Rights was successfully heading the national campaign against Aboriginal Land Claims, how Leibler and fellow Zionist arrived at the Victorian State Parliament to demand that all party leaders give a public assurance that none of their Members share platforms with League speakers. This followed the famous Warrnambool rally on land claims, when the two main speakers where League National Director Eric Butler and Victorian State RSL leader, Mr. Bruce Ruxton. Members of the National Party (including Victorian leader Ross-Edwards) and the Liberal Party were on the platform. The Labor Party quickly acceded to the Leibler demand, as did Liberal leader Jeff Kennett, who declined an offer to meet with Eric Butler. To his credit, Mr. Ross-Edwards was not so obliging. It is important to recall this now that The Age report on the inquiry states that "In Victoria, the state Liberal Party is planning to make the extreme right wing league a proscribed organisation, banning members from belonging to the league, the Ku Klux Klan and the Nazi Party." As the Ku Klux Klan does not exist in Australia, while the few psychopaths who may have a formal Nazi Party could fit into a telephone booth, mentioning them along with the League is another manifestation of psycho-political war, as is the consistent reference to the "extreme right wing League." According to The Age, a draft copy of the Victorian Liberals' newsletter states that the League was to be proscribed because of its "racist ideas." This is a significant statement as Mr. Alan Griffiths reveals that his inquiry will not now go ahead "until at least 1990." By this time the Hawke Labor Party anticipates that it will be back in office as a result of the next Federal Elections, almost certain to be held during the latter part of next year. But what is to be done in the meantime? The anti-League strategists are to move through the Human Rights Commission, which, according to Mr. Griffith, will "probably cover some of the committee's ground." The Human Rights Commission announced its inquiry last week and submissions close early next year. It is anticipated that the inquiry could last twelve months. 1989 is going to be another interesting year. Perhaps this is what Sally Loane of The Age had in mind when she said that she was attending last week's Melbourne Conservative Club to meet John Lane, as part of an in depth study because of what was going to happen next year. Sally Loane' s full-scale hatchet feature on the League in The Age of October 21st was a classic of its kind, with the dramatic heading, "The secretive League of Rights peddles its Neo-Nazi philosophy through a new breed of young leaders." 1988 has seen the groundwork laid for an extended smearing of the League in 1989. The Victorian Liberal newsletter states that the proscribing of the League was because it "was felt that the party should distance itself, from the influence of the League of Rights in the current political climate." Contrary to the demands of the Isi Leiblers, the League has progressively moved to a position where it is increasingly dominating the Australian political scene. And it is determined to continue to do so. |
PLEASE SPELL IT OUT, MR. HOWARDFollowing the initial savage smearing of John Howard's "Future Directions" by the same old political media thugs, some of them still carry large chips of envy on their shoulders from their younger days when they feel that life was not quite as rosy as John Howard would have people believe, there has been a change of tone. The Labor strategists are starting to realise that if John Howard and his colleagues can get their act together, they might just win the next Federal elections by direct appeal to traditional Australia. The founder of the Liberal Party, Robert Gordon Menzies, not only appealed to traditional Australia; he made an attempt to implement financial policies, which, for example, did heed the plight of the pensioners and middle class families. As yet John Howard has come up with nothing concrete. Does John Howard's "One Australia" concept, with which we are in complete agreement, mean that the division of Australia by the subversive Aboriginal land claims movement, is going to be halted? Is the multicultural industry in Australia to be wound down? Tens of thousands of ex-servicemen who lost their pensions as a result of the Hawke Government's assets testing, are disturbed that John Howard has not indicated that he proposes to deal with this matter. Equally important, what does John Howard propose to do about the subversion of the Australian Constitution through the misuse of international treaties? With Mr. Justice Wilson retiring from the High Court, the way has been cleared for the Hawke Government to appoint a replacement that will further strengthen the centralist majority. It is highly desirable that Australia be made a safer place and that there be a return to traditional educational values. But how does John Howard propose to achieve this? Education, the police, the trains, are all State matters. If he proposes to use Federal power to intrude Federal influence further into the proper affairs to the States, then he is surrendering to the very philosophy he claims to oppose. What is necessary is a completely opposite approach, with a decentralisation of power, including that concerning finance, back to the States. Much of the Federal bureaucracy could be wound down. He might start by taking the advice of the Rev. Cedric Jacobs, abolish the Aboriginal Affairs Department, and pass the hundreds of millions now controlled by that Department directly to Municipal Councils working together in association with genuine representatives of Australians of Aboriginal background. If John Howard wants mothers to able to spend more time in their own homes devoting full time to the upbringing of Australia's most precious asset, its children, then he has to adopt taxation and financial policies, which make this possible. The Australian birthrate would increase immediately financial pressure was taken off young married couples. But the greater political "winner" of all for John Howard, would be a bold announcement that his first major act upon being elected Prime Minister, would be to pass the necessary legislation for a referendum to be held at which the Australian people could vote on whether they supported an addition to the Federal Constitution of the principle of the Swiss system, modified to fit in with the Australian system, thus enabling the Australian people to have an effective control of their own affairs and thus regain control of their country. "Without vision a people perish." If by some miracle John Howard could extend the vision outlined in ''Future Directions", he could set Australia on a new course. But, unfortunately, a captive of his own background and financial orthodoxy, there is little evidence that he is capable of this. He has long suffered from a lack of credibility. This was a major factor in his defeat at the last Federal elections. He could not make his taxation policy appear credible. It is clear that the future of Australia is going to be determined by the growing grassroots movement, which is providing its own leadership. |
BRIEF COMMENTSHomebuyers have received the bleak Christmas message that there will be no fall in high interest rates for at least six months. The banks' spokesmen explain that this is a result of the recent "tightening in monetary policy". And who is primarily responsible for this? The Central bank with the connivance of the "world's greatest Treasurer", Paul Keating. Under orthodox financial rules, every period of expansion is followed by a period of a slowing of the rate of credit expansion with a consequent slowing of the economy. 1989 is going to be an ominous year everywhere. Individuals would be well advised to keep borrowing to a minimum. |
FAIR WAR TRIALS NOT POSSIBLE AFTER 50 YEARSFrom Senator David Hamer (Lib. - Vic), published in The Herald (Melb.), December 8th:"The War Crimes Amendment Bill before Parliament will cause great harm to the fabric of Australian society. "The great danger is that the Bill will be swept through on a tide of revulsion of Nazi war crimes without any proper examination of the Bill's provenance or its consequences for Australian society. "Canada has already passed such legislation; the U.S. certainly will not do so; and, as far as I can determine, no other Western country except Australia is seriously contemplating doing so. "Since World War II we have taken 400,000 migrants from the captive nations of Eastern Europe and 150,000 Germans. "With their children, these communities must comprise more than one million Australians. The bulk of them are decent citizens but the effect of war crimes trials on them will be devastating. "The trials will also be very harmful to the 60,000 Australian Jews, for the trials will undoubtedly set off a nasty campaign of anti-Semitism. "The Bill will also bring many of the actions of Australian ex-servicemen within its ambit. They will not be prosecuted but Parliament will be revealing some of the things they did in World War II. "It is very difficult to see how conducting an inconclusive trial with full publicity will benefit Australian society. I do not think a fair trial is possible nearly 50 years after the event. "I think Sir Garfield Barwick was right when he said, 27 years ago the time had come to close the chapter on the war crimes of World War II." |
TAX 'REFORMS' BENEFIT ONLY THE VERY RICH"Robert A. Anderson of Concord West, (N.S.W.) has this to say in the Sunday Telegraph (Sydney), 11/12:"Prime Minister Hawke's bombastic attitude over the obvious ricochet of a warning bullet (Yugoslav Sydney Consulate demonstration ...O.T.) unfortunately appears to be succeeding in its purpose of diverting attention from the Government's failure to provide a sufficient police detachment to keep order. "Our under staffed police forces are just one of the scores of evil that have resulted from the present Government's income tax 'reform' which has made big saving for the likes of Keating, Bond and Elliott while actually increasing tax (as well as other charges) on those who work for a living. "Migrants have no right to bring their country of origin political disputes to Australia. Croats who want independence should stay at home and fight for it, not cause disturbances here. "All migrants should be required to assimilate, both linguistically and socially, as they have always done until recently. "A multicultural society is always a natural breeding ground for antagonisms and their inevitable offspring, crime." |
EDUCATIONMr. Paddy McGuiness, in his regular columns, "McGuiness On Sunday", Sunday Telegraph, 11/12 spills a few beans concerning the antics of the N.S.W. Education Department. We don't doubt that similar philosophic thrusts are being made right around the nation, yes, and even in the "non-Labor States. McGuiness reports that one school was (financially) penalised for teaching formal English grammar. This is a severe handicap for pupils in many ways, McGuiness comments:"If you don't know what a noun, verb, adjective or adverb is, if you don't know the rules for the relationship between subject, verb, and predicate and if you don't know the rules for agreement of case, number and gender then the difficulty of learning foreign languages is magnified. So is the difficulty of teaching them. Even with languages of totally different grammatical structure, like Chinese or Japanese, there has to be a starting point for explaining the differences. "For European languages it helps enormously to have learned Latin - for if there is one thing which Latin gives, it is a sound knowledge of grammar. Other schools (NSW, but we don't doubt that such obtains in other States) have been penalised for teaching history with 'too much content'. By this it was apparently meant that students were encouraged to indulge in half-baked waffle about social movements, living conditions and the like without bothering too much about hard facts." |