home of ... Douglas Social Credit
27 January 1989. Thought for the Week:
"There are those who sincerely believe that World Government,
even in the last resort by Communism, would be preferable
to the threats and disorders of today. Such a view is defensible
only on the hypothesis that our troubles are fortuitous: a
hypothesis, which in the face of the present evidence is no
longer tenable. And in any case, 'no cause, no cure'. Our
last chance lies in facing the fact that there is a ruthless
bid for World Hegemony, and in dealing with the conspirators.
A conscious policy for World Hegemony for Finance is not in
the least likely to be a benevolent plan for the peace and
prosperity of the peoples of the world, if it is prepared
to promote world wars and African slaughters to satisfy the
lust for power...."
Dr. B.W. Monahan, in The Last Chance: A Conspectus (1960) |
WAGE BLOW-OUT PRESSURE BUILDING"The ominous prospect of a wages breakout is threatening the Hawke Government's economic strategy in what is widely expected to be a Federal election year". Bruce Jones, in The Sun Herald (Sydney), January 22nd. Mr. Jones is dead right in his article: wages explosions did make a strong contribution towards the demise of both the Whitlam Government in 1975, and the Fraser Government in 1983. The culprits in 1989 are not so much the unions, but the executives: a sort of Executive Stress (many supporters will know the T.V. series of that name.) This may well be a passing phenomenon; for if there is a contraction of the free world's economy this year or next year (many responsible observers predict this) - not too many executives will be putting in claims for salary increases: too many will lose their jobs. It is small wonder that Messrs. Hawke and Keating were so upset when Telecom executives increased their salaries substantially only recently (a very senior officer was sacked) - from the Government's point of view, the militant unions will then be tempted to join the queue, and thus set off wages claims from unions like a packet of tom-thumbs. The Government's sure reaction to this economic scenario could only be the screws on monetary policy, meaning higher interest rates, unemployment, etc. Quite by chance, as we were perusing the above article in The Sun-Herald we came across a letter from Dr. B.W. Monahan which was published in The Canberra Times on July 28th, 1976 and given the heading: The missing Millions. It is quite prophetic, and we shall republish it in full in the accompanying On Target Bulletin. |
HUMAN RIGHT'S 'INQUIRY' TO PROCEEDAs mentioned briefly in the last issue of On Target Bulletin, the Federal Race Discrimination Commissioner Ms. Irene Moss will conduct the Inquiry into "racial violence". The Inquiry will accept "confidential" submissions, and hear evidence in camera from victims of racial violence who feared retaliation. The closing date for written submissions will be May 31st. It would appear that there is an orchestrated political campaign now under way in Australia, at government level, to stifle criticism of certain policies, eg. immigration, under the pretext that such criticism fosters "racial hatred". The NSW Government intends to introduce hefty legislation this year to fine and imprison those "guilty" of such action. Regrettably, there are a handful of rat bags around who do like to deface buildings with offensive graffiti, etc. Our enemies will do their level best to ensure that the League of Rights is associated with these psychopaths. But then, we, ourselves, have a few surprises for our enemies. The battle can't be stopped now: let's get ready for it. |
PUTTING THE LEAGUE RIGHTBy Neil McDonald The League has attracted rare, 'fair-dinkum' Aussies -disillusioned with all major political parties. "Since the first League of Rights was formed in South Australia during 1946, every mainland State has sprung a branch. Now there are links with New Zealand, Britain and Canada - also with some patriotic groups in the USA. "Known as the Crown Commonwealth League of Rights, closer ties are strengthened through regular international conferences." "The planned surrender of the British Empire has seen the emergence of tyranny. One third of the world population suffers under Communist domination. The stepping-stone to a proposed world state in the United Nations. A major creation is the New International Economic Order. The European Economic Community will remove sovereignty from Britain to be replaced by one-twelfth part of influence in a European Parliament. "In Australia the League of Rights operates on five fronts - Economic Democracy, Individual Freedom, Heritage, Lilac League, and Conservative Speakers' Clubs. Regular journals are available by private subscription. Speakers and audio tapes (and now video tapes) spread the League message across Australia. "The impact of the League of Rights was shown during the 1988 Referendums. A massively promoted 'Yes' campaign costing $46 million was defeated, not by the political opposition, but by thousands of alerted, wary Australians. Now the League of Rights is under attack. "Events happen either by plan or accident. There is too much coincidence to make believe that chance moulds results. Behind the smoke of confusion are potters pulling strings and forcing amalgamations and takeovers. The League observes that all parties play the same tune ... The conductors are hidden behind a screen of permanent advisers, recruited via the orthodoxy of established, accepted political and economic disciplines. Only the League of Rights offers a challenge to dictatorships and a return to real democracy - achievable only in small, responsible communities. Loyalty to God and Queen are fundamental planks to guard individual rights - protected by a written Constitution." |
BRIEF COMMENTSThe latest Australian Chamber of Commerce and Westpac economic discussion paper predicts that Australia would "blunder into another round of economic mismanagement" if it did not learn from previous policy mistakes. The paper argues that the Australian people must share responsibility for Australia's economic future, and that they had, during the 1980s, been on a "learning curve". The paper claims that the present economic belt tightening could have been avoided if previous governments had moved to reduce Australia's dependence on the rural based "barnyard" economy. But a study of the Chamber of Commerce and Westpac paper suggests that those who prepared this report require a "crash course" in real economics. We would be happy to provide the course, dealing with such fundamental questions as: What is the true purpose of production? How does a nation become wealthier by exporting more than it imports? Is not an "effective market" a number of people with money in their pockets? And who creates this money and why is money creation associated with increasing debt and higher charges? Is the Government treading water with its projected "treaty" with Australian aborigines? There is, understandably, much opposition to this "treaty"; especially from the Opposition, but even from within the ranks of the A.L.P.: concerned sources therein don't want the divisiveness of this issue. Many ALP Backbenchers are sure that the Hawkeating Socialist Government is pressing dangerously hard with such legislation as the War Crimes Bill: and now this one! Skating on thin ice, think many "labor" faithful. Mr. Hawke seems even prepared to bring on Malcolm Fraser to do some of the digging for him. Hawke knows how much Mr. Fraser wants that Commonwealth Secretary-General's job. Mr. Gerry Hand, the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, doesn't know with whom the Government is to negotiate with respect to the "treaty", and Mr. Hawke, from recent statements, wants the issue on the back burner. The sacking of Charles Perkins hasn't built more confidence that the Government is tightly in control. A shemozzle? We do still have some copies of Red Over Black, (Behind the Aboriginal Land Rights), $8.00 posted, and The Evidence (revealing extracts on Aboriginal Land Rights from Official Communist Documents). $6.00 posted. Both books by former Communist Party activist, Geoff McDonald. Order from your nearest League bookshop. Did you know that the United States exports ten thousand tonnes of oranges to Australia a year? It does not accept ANY oranges from Australia, citing plant diseases and pests as reason. The "Riverland" fruit growers are up in arms, of course. How crazy this all is, "shipping coal to Newcastle". Grappling financial problems, with drought, are forcing many farmers off their land: some farms have been in families for three generations. No, the politicians will not save the farms, and farmers. Why not? Because the World' s Financial Gentleman and One World Gentlemen decided long ago that there is no place for Australia's rural industries under the New International Economic Order. |
THE MISSING MILLIONSThis letter, from Dr. B.W.Monahan, was published in The Canberra Times, July 28th, 1976. After an interval of 12 years, the prophetic nature of this letter will be all too apparent to supporters:"In a public address in defence of the existing economic system delivered in Melbourne in 1932, Professor Copland, then Dean of the Faculty of Commerce in the University of Melbourne, quoted J.M. Keynes' logical fallacy: 'Let X be equal to the cost of production of all producers. Then X will also be equal to the incomes of the public.' This 'petitio principii' seems to have come unscathed, at least publicly, through all these years and appears to be at the root of the current Australian Government's 'attack' on Public Enemy No. 1 - Inflation. "However, reports covering the 24-hour industrial stoppage in Victoria on June 30 stated that the strike cost $10 million in lost wages, and $50 million in lost production. Now it is quite evident that $10 million "incomes of the public' will not purchase $50 million value of production. It would be an exceptionally brash economist who would claim that the missing $50 million represented profit. The question is, What does it represent? "All modern industrial economies are deficit finances. In a fairly rapidly expanding economy (as in Australia and elsewhere in the post-war years) the deficit finance is provided by an expansion of the money supply through the continuing granting of loans in excess of repayments by the banking system. But there is a limit to industrial expansion, which is indicated by a virtual saturation of consumer demand for particular categories of production. This condition is now fondly called 'stagflation'. "This, of course, is where Keynes came to the rescue of the other economists. He advocated, and made respectable government deficit financing (previously Balanced Budgets were a 'sine qua non' of Sound Government.) The new doctrine was called 'pump priming'. And these days economies almost everywhere are dependent on government deficit finance, on an expanding scale. "The purpose of this letter is certainly not to raise an academic point. It is to look at the practical consequences of the situation disclosed. As is becoming obvious to mere inspection, the Australian Government's measures to 'fight' inflation are merely intensifying the current economic difficulties, steadily moving towards disaster. In my opinion, certain theoreticians in and behind the Socialist Movement understand this situation thoroughly, and are relying on it to destroy so-called Liberalism and the private Capitalist system - this time forever. Mr. Fraser's claim that the Whitlam Government was 'mismanaging' the economy was a prescription for his own destruction, probably before the next elections are due, because he is clearly not 'managing' any better than Whitlam & Co. "The core of the problem lies in the discrepancy between the incomes of the public and the value of production. The rectification of the problem lies in financing this discrepancy out of existence by accountancy procedures. These are a little subtle to grasp; but I should be happy to explain them to anyone who, recognising the economic breakdown, mathematically certain, towards which we are accelerating, is in a position to put them into effect. "I do not consider that this matter is any longer open to argument. I will merely make the prediction, which interested readers can verify in due course by observation, that unless there is a considerable expansion of the money supply (the expansion from 1964 to 1974 was 161.72% - average 14.77%), unemployment will rise, and inflation will progress. Borrowing from overseas, and/or increasing the export 'surplus' are both forms of deficit financing. "Merely expanding the money supply will not cure our troubles, though it would temporarily ameliorate them, while compounding them for the future. But decreasing the money supply, which is the consequence of cuts in government expenditure, will certainly bring the Socialists back to power. And then God save us all, for the Socialists know where they are going. They were, until dismissed from government, propelling this country into an international Socialist New Order. |
CYNICAL CONTEMPT OF OPINIONIn The Weekend Australian (Jan 21 -22) Professor L.J.M. Cooray, Associate Professor, School of Law, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, had this letter published. It is a most important letter, and the material herein should be well understood and digested by supporters: "In 1988 the Commonwealth Government
introduced into Parliament a legislative package known as
the 'corporations package'. This package comprises 16 Bills
including a new Australian Securities Bill, 1988, a new Corporations
Bill, 1988, and a new Close Corporations Bill, 1988. The whole
package comprises over 3000 (three thousand) pages of complex
legislation. "Major matters of concern are: "This January 6 deadline for submissions is hopelessly inadequate, particularly in view of the intervening Christmas holiday season. The full range of interested persons can scarcely be expected to adequately examine the 3,000 pages of complex legislation, consider their attitudes raise their concern, consider their responses and draft and submit their submissions. "This indecent haste is typical of the Government's policy of attempting to push through unpopular legislation without allowing adequate time for community debate and response. Similar attempts were made in relation to the Bill of Rights and the 1988 referendums. Such haste displays a cynical contempt for public opinion and the electorate's concerns. "Moreover, hasty legislation will inevitably contain defects in form and substance simply because of inadequate attention to detail. Further, it will be impossible to effectively consider the wider, remoter, less immediate and less obvious effects of hastily prepared legislation. "Of even greater concern, however, is the scheme of centralised regulatory power over business which is the most significant feature of the package. "This 3,000-page proposed legislation will fundamentally alter the law regulating business in Australia. If the legislation passes, the Commonwealth Government will be solely responsible for making business laws rather than the States. "It is this which provides the clue to the Government's haste. Time and time again its attempts to gain more power at the expense of the States, has proved politically unpopular. The limited time for public submissions may be seen as an attempt to forestall criticism of the Commonwealth Government' s power grab. "By constitutionally pre-empting State legislation, the Commonwealth package, if upheld, would have the effect of giving the Commonwealth paramount regulatory power over business. This would considerably facilitate government control of, and intrusion into, Australian business. That may make regulation easier and more efficient for the Government, but the effect on economic freedom and market efficiency must be a matter for pessimism. "The referendum in September 1988 (as well as earlier referendums) demonstrate the clear antipathy of the people of Australia to centralisation of power by the Commonwealth. This proposed legislation represents an outrageous attempt at centralisation of power by the Commonwealth. "The High Court (whose Justices are appointed by the Commonwealth Government) has over the years interpreted legislation passed by the Commonwealth Parliament in a manner favourable to extension of Commonwealth power. This has involved a re-writing of the Constitution, contrary to the wishes of the drafters and of the people of Australia as expressed in successive referendums. "The haste with which this complex package is being rushed through demonstrates the tactics of the present Government. The aim is to rush the legislation through Parliament before the people of Australia can be alerted to the reality. It is evidence of the Government's contempt for the wishes of the people, the entire democratic process and totalitarian tendencies..." |
FROM HANSARDThe Senate (September 28) - Senator John Coulter, S .A. Australian Democrats:"Fluoridation": " the second aspect to which I refer appears at page 72 under the heading 'the causes of tooth decay'. It, says, inter alia, that tooth decay is probably the most common infection in humans, while its incidence has decreased as a result of fluoridation, etc. I draw the Senate's attention to an article which appeared in the Canberra Times on 13th September this year in which the former principal dental officer with the New Zealand Department of Health in Auckland, Dr. John Colquhoun, was reported as saying that he had conducted comparative studies of children's tooth decay in New Zealand in the 1980s in which he found that fewer fillings were required in unfluoridated areas than in fluoridated areas. He explained: 'My bosses in Wellington did not believe the comparison figures; said they were not typical'. "Dr. Colquhoun said that he got out the statistics for all New Zealand school children aged 12 & 13 years from every health district in the country, and the percentages were the same. His studies showed that the marked decline in dental caries attributed to fluoride had begun in the 1930s, long before the introduction of fluoride. I simply signal to the Senate that I believe that enough evidence is accumulating.... to indicate.... review of fluoride overdue." |