Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
8 September 1989. Thought for the Week: "Socialism, with its hatred of all superiority, of noble virtues - loyalty and patriotism - with its passion for dragging down instead of building up, serves the purpose of the deeper conspiracy... For the final goal of world revolution is not Socialism or even Communism, it is not a change in the existing economic system, it is not the destruction of civilisation in a material sense; the revolution desired by the leaders is a moral and spiritual revolution, an anarchy of ideas by which all standards set up throughout nineteen centuries shall be reversed, all honoured traditions trampled underfoot, and above all, the Christian ideal finally obliterated."
Mrs. Nesta Webster, in Secret Societies & Subversive Movements


By David Thompson, N.S.W. League of Rights Director
One of the most incredible campaigns in Australia's history is now in full swing. The Australian Council for Overseas Aid (ACFOA) is running the Australian arm of an international propaganda thrust, the "One World or None" campaign. The campaign was launched late in May, with the screening of a four-hour global television "extravaganza" on the environment: "Our Common Future". This programme, screened in Australia by the ABC (wouldn't you know it), carries the bones of the World Commission on Environment & Development's report, of 1987. It consisted of rock music, actors, celebrities, athletes and politicians (Hawke included) and was a sophisticated environmental "crisis" propaganda barrage aimed at our kids.
The propaganda is now coming from almost all directions, including the Commission for the Future and the churches. It centres on the environment, third world debt and poverty, and military spending. It is so dangerous, because it is shot full of grains of truth, without the full story or constructive answers being proposed. One of the objectives of the campaign is: "To commit Australian political parties to the strategies needed to help avert environmental destruction and world poverty, knowing that a major part of the Australian community is behind those strategies..." In order to demonstrate support to the Hawke Government for drastic action on the environment, poverty, etc., the ACFOA is running the "Campaign for Global Change" - "One World or None".

I have been on the mailing list for the ACFOA campaign since June, and there is a constant stream of highly sophisticated propaganda. It includes a 'One World Campaign' Bulletin, Campaign Calendar (outlining functions, speakers, etc., right across Australia), a Campaign for Global Change newsletter, and glossy brochures, posters and booklets. Those registered as One World Campaigners are now receiving their One World Campaigners Kits, which consist of: a Bulletin, a free copy of the book 'One World or None: Making the Difference', a sticker, a badge, posters, and an order form for campaign merchandise. Campaign merchandise for sale includes: a range of booklets, three full-colour posters, badges, stickers, T-shirts, printed balloons, videos, pamphlets, etc.

Also included in the One World Campaigners Kit is "The One World Declaration" to which is attached a petition to Parliament, calling on the Government to fight poverty and debt in the third world, protect the environment, cut military spending 1%, increase overseas aid to 0.5% of GNP, and develop new IMF, World Bank, and Development Bank policies. It holds the essence of the Marxist programme to smash the free world, and introduce the World State, and it is directed at your kids and grandkids. The campaign kits, we are assured, will be sent to as many schools as possible. We already know that the Weather Bureau is being driven mad by kids doing school 'projects' on the environment. The teachers are in an impossible position (as are parents) - the propaganda just keeps rolling in, and they have nothing with which to balance it.

The pedigree of this campaign can be best judged by some of its sponsors. The list includes: Phillip Adams, Franca Arena, Bob Brown, Manning Clark, Stella Cornelius, Simon Crean, Blanche D'Alpuget, Cliff Dolan, Dawn Fraser, Father Brian Gore, Sir Gordon Jackson, Jenny Kee, Mary Kostakidis, Ray Martin, Sir Gustav Nossal, Archbishop Penman, Susan Ryan, Helen Sham-Ho, Judy Small, Robyn Williams, Gough and Margaret Whitlam. Many of the names are familiar, including a few top Fabians.
The organisations sponsoring the campaign include: Aust. Conservation Foundation, ACTU, ALP, Federation of Ethnic Community Councils, Joint Board of Christian Education, Liberal Party of Australia, National Women's Consultative Council, Youth Affairs Council of Australia. In addition to this, there are the 84 member organisations of the ACFOA - non-government aid organisations. We shall reproduce a full list where possible in On Target. Most of the aid organisations are Church bodies! The churches are in this campaign up to their collective necks, with very few exceptions. For example, the Uniting Church took up this campaign during One World Week (August 6th-l3th) and now offers a 'parish kit', including worship and Bible study resources; a schools kit with teachers' notes, activity sheets, and cassette tape.

The 'One World Campaign' is to be launched nationally on September 6th, at Parliament House. The campaign is to continue, gathering in intensity, until United Nations Day - 24th October. It will culminate in "Ten Days to Change the World" on that date. (NOTE: The campaign calendar includes the World Congress of International Union of Local Authorities in Perth beginning 3rd September. This confirms our suspicions.) If you wish to be on the "Campaign" mailing list, contact: Mr. Russell Rollason, ACFOA, Box 1562, GPO, Canberra, 2601, or phone: (062) 474 822, and see for yourself!


Japan, now regarded as 'the wealthiest nation in the world', has few resources of her own. The fragility of her economy can be seen by the inability to tailor her production to her consumption requirements, needing larger and larger foreign 'markets' to keep her brilliant manufacturing machine from burying the whole nation in surplus goods. The Japanese production miracle cannot stop - it cannot even slow down - without major collapse. Part of the reason for this, of course, is the debt structure.
Contrary to public perception, Japan has huge debts, as does every other industrialised nation. Her Government debt alone is 162 trillion $US. The Government spends about 20% of its 60 trillion yen annual budget on interest payments. Politically, Japan is also fragile. Although the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has not lost a national election in 34 years, it received a thrashing at the Upper House polls earlier this year. The true reason for this was not the Recruit bribery scandal, reaching into almost every corner of the ruling party as a political way of life. Nor was it the sex scandals in what Western feminists would regard as the most 'sexist' society in the world.
The real reason for the massive political revolt was the introduction of a 3% sales tax on April Fools Day this year. The electorate used the Upper House polls to register a most uncharacteristic swing of massive proportions against the government of the unfortunate Mr. Takeshita. About 80% of the public opposed the new tax! For ten years the Japanese have been attempting to reform the tax system, and politically the sales tax has proved an absolute disaster for not only Mr. Takeshita, but has also helped to destroy Prime Minister Uno.


The Age (Melbourne), September 4th, carries the political comment article by its Canberra correspondent, Michelle Grattan, who quotes from a recent book by South Australian political "science" academic, Dean Jaensch. Mr. Jaensch doesn't like that awful League of Rights! Mr. Jaensch claims that Messrs. Hawke and Keating have "hijacked the traditional Labor Party, thus handing it over to the "pragmatists and electoralists". "Labor", so the line goes, is in the process of internal and external realignment.
This is only part of the story: a mere means to an end. The real truth is that the traditional Labor Party was captured many decades ago by the Fabian Socialists and those under Fabian influence. One has only to read Mr. Hawke's address to the Fabian Society Centenary Dinner in Melbourne, on May 18th, 1984, from which we quote: We all have to face the fact that if our Government is to make really great and worthwhile reforms - reforms that will endure, reforms that will permanently change this nation - then it is not enough simply to obtain a temporary majority at an election, or even successive elections. "For our reforms to endure, the whole mood and mind and attitudes of the nation must be permanently changed..."
Yes, the whole mood and mind of the nation to be "permanently changed" by the Bill of Rights, the I.D. Card, the stacking of the High Court with political centralists, which has sanctioned the "new" freedom restrictive "social" legislation based on United Nations Conventions and Declarations; e.g. Heritage listings, Race discrimination, Sex discrimination, Affirmative Action - legislation which is raising the temperature of our society by creating fresh tensions and even hatreds, yes, as planned.
Now there is a call for criminal provisions against those companies who are dragging their feet on Affirmative Action, by an Affirmative Action lady, with sudden powers that no individual should be allowed to have. There's no end to it with the totalitarians, and we lump most Fabians in that category, despite all their pleas to the contrary ("social democracy", comrades!).
The socialist mind is an immature mind. Everyone must be "made" to obey the socialist theory: no one is to be trusted. We all must welcome I.D. Cards and Bills of Rights, for our own good, of course. The States must be rolled; a strong centralised government at Canberra is what we all need; none of this archaic nonsense about citizens having more control over smaller units of government. Fabians know best. Yes, Big Government, Big Unions, Big Taxation - such necessary steps along the way to slotting Australia into the New International Economic Order, and yes, eventual World Government.

Member organisations of the Australian Council for Overseas Aid: ACROD, Adventist Development and Relief Agency, African Enterprise Limited, AFS International Exchanges, Association of Apex Clubs of Australia, Aust. Baptist World Aid, Australian Catholic Relief, Aust. Council of Churches, Aust. Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific, Aust. Freedom from Hunger Campaign, Aust. Lutheran World Service, Aust. Overseas Disaster Response Organisat, Australian Teachers Federation, Australians Care for Refugees, Community Aid Abroad, Cumberland College Foundation Ltd., Federation of Aust. Jewish Welfare Societies, For Those Who Have Less/Action Aid Australia, Foresight, Foster Parents Plan of Aust., International Christian Aid Relief Enterprises Ltd. (ICARE), International Women's Development Agency, National Council of the YMCAs of Aust., Overseas Service Bureau, Paulian Association (PALMS Lay Missionary Group) Quaker Service Council Aust., Save the Children Fund, Society of St.Vincent de Paul, TEAR Fund Australia, UNICEF Australia, United Nations Association of Aust., Women and Development Network of Aust., World Development Tea Cooperative, World Vision of Australia, YWCA of Australia. Plus 46 associate members, two consulting members, and Development Education Centres around Australia.


Several Victorian actionists have sent us more material on the Cain Government's new "Water Bill". How about this for changing the "mood and the mind of the nation"? For our own good, naturally! The letter (below) in the Stock & Land (August 17th) from "Tom Evans" retired M.P., Ballarat North (Vic.):
"According to a Government newsletter just released, the Cain Government at this time has rejected pleas to amend a new Water Bill and will relentlessly push ahead to take over the ownership of water on private land. "Among the many major disastrous ramifications arising out of this confiscation of private rights will be the detrimental effect on primary production eventually causing an even higher importation of foodstuffs. "This legislation also takes away traditional powers of protection of the people from Parliament, to allow absolute powers of control to be placed in the hands of the Minister. The only exception allows for limited use for stock and domestic purposes.
"The Minister takes control of all water that falls, flows (even only occasionally) or is stored on private property. "Meters can be installed on dams, bores, windmills and pumps as a necessary prelude to charging landowners for what has always been their own private water.
"Property owners will soon lose control of most of their land, as the Minister will have the power to take control of any land, under the excuse that it is a waterway. "An indication of the wide scope of this legislation was given by the Minister for Water Resources at a meeting in Bendigo late last year, with the Institute of Water Administration when he said the State Water Resources plan would focus on areas 'between Bendigo and Mt. Buller and the Murray and Bass Strait" ...


(News Release from the Victorian Parliamentary National Party), August 23rd, 1989:
"A squad of 'rural water police' comprising officers of rural water authorities and the Water Resources Department will have power, exceeding those presently held by the Victorian Police, to enforce the proposed new water legislation being introduced "into the State Parliament by the Labor Government. "Mr. Pat McNamara, the National Party Leader, said today that the Water Bill was effectively the Labor Government's manifesto for the control of country Victoria.
"Through this Bill, the Minister for Water Resources, Mr. Ronald Walsh, is trying to grab control of the water on people's properties. It is apparently not enough that the Government already has control of the rivers and streams. It is now demanding the right to control or sell all water, even if it is in private dams on people's farms', Mr. McNamara said.
"He added that the powers being sought by the Minister under the new Bill were the most draconian ever demanded in the history of this State and signaled more clearly than any other piece of legislation introduced in the past six years, the intentions of the Labor Left to take control of the means of livelihood of the farming community.
"Mr. McNamara told country Victorians: Make no mistake. Under this Bill your rights and privileges as property owners are under the most serious threat that has emerged in more than 100 years of democratic government in this State.
"He said that under Sections 290 & 291 of the Bill, the Minister was seeking power for any officer of a water authority or the Department, to demand the name and address of any person on a property, whether or not they were deemed to have committed an offence. Anyone refusing to provide information, including even their name and address, could be heavily fined. "The Victoria Police cannot demand the name and address from just any citizen under the present laws in Victoria and it is absurd that officers of Mr. Walsh's Department or of Rural Water Boards should be given more powers than the police', he said.
"Mr. McNamara also pointed to a section of the Bill where the Minister had designated himself as the last and only avenue of appeal if the Drillers' Licensing Board refused to grant a farmer permission to drill for water. "That's right, the Bill makes it necessary for anyone looking for water to apply to the proposed Drillers' Licensing Board for a permit to drill! he said.
"Mr. McNamara said that the conservative parties were aware 'that the (Vic.) Government was systematically amending all legislation so as to provide ministers with over riding powers, obviating the need for regulations to be altered or amended in the Parliament.
"More than ever before the tenuous powers which the conservative parties are able to exercise through the Legislative Council to control the excesses of the Labor Government are brought into focus and are fully vindicated. "The Labor Government often excuses the introduction of draconian measures in their bills by saying, 'but we will never use these powers'. However, if it is not their intention to use the measures they write into the Bills, then they should not be included in the first place' he said."

Our Comment: Mr. Geoff McDonald, the author of Red Over Black and The Evidence used to assure us with respect to the Victorian Socialist Left (which keeps John Cain in power!) that "Socialist Left means Communist!" Mr. Tom Evans (above) hit the nail on the head (wittingly or unwittingly) when he said - "... the detrimental effect on primary production eventually causing an even higher importation of foodstuffs" ... That's the Big Idea. That's what it's all about.
The wrecking of Victorian (and Australian) agriculture. Why? Why? To phase in the New International Economic Order. Australia is to become a mineral quarry ... New Zealand will probably have the agricultural role. This Bill (Water) was probably not thought up in Australia at all - this probably was worked out in some dark recesses of the United Nations, and "fed" to the Socialist Left (Communist) mob; to be seized on as a hungry dog seizes a bone. If the "Socialist Left" gets away with this in Victoria, then other "Labor" States will attempt to follow suit. We don't think even the Nats. themselves have the full score here.