home of ... Douglas Social Credit
17 November 1989. Thought for the Week:
"The policy of centralisation of power is the denial of the
right of men and women to freedom. It is the denial of the
sanctity of human personality. It is a denial of the omnipotence
of God and the antithesis of the social policy inherent in
Christ's teachings. It is a policy, which flouts the Canon
governing human affairs. In short it is the policy of evil
of the Devil - it is the policy which can be aptly described
as Satanism."
L.D. Byrne, in Centralisation - The Policy of Satanism |
ETHNIC MADNESS IN CANADAEric Butler reports from British Columbia,
Canada "The Premier of British Columbia, Mr. Bill Vander Zalm, a devout Christian of Dutch background, and one of his Ministers, have found how dangerous it can be to make ethnic jokes. Vander Zalm is an earthy, self-made highly successful market gardener; just elected as Leader of the British Columbia governing Social Credit Party (a party which has little resemblance to genuine Social Credit) when it was obvious the Party needed new leadership. In the conventional sense Vander Zalm could be regarded as charismatic. "The Premier's relationship with the predominantly secular humanist media has never been cordial. But relationships have really soured in recent times as Vander Zalm took a firm stand against the financing of abortion on demand, from a Christian viewpoint. "At the recent British Columbia Social Credit Convention in Vancouver, the media were provided with the opportunity to open up a massive anti-Vander Zalm campaign. In his opening address to the Convention Vander Zalm sought to present an image of unity at a time when clearly his Government was in trouble and his leadership was under challenge. But any image of unity was soon shattered when a man described as a high profile ex-Social Credit candidate, Mr. Michael Levy, stormed out of the Convention when he failed to get support for his proposed amendment, viz, that recognition of Christianity in the Party s Constitution be removed. Levy, who is a Jew, was well aware of the stated Christian principles of the Social Credit Party when he joined. Typical of his kind, Levy, having voluntarily joined the Party and sought election as a Party candidate, then sought to have removed from the Party's Constitution any reference to Christianity. "In the barrage of media propaganda which followed, Premier Vander Zalm and his fellow Christians were told that they must accept the fact that Canada was now a 'pluralistic' and 'multicultural' society and that a party claiming to be Christian was 'offensive' to other religions and cultures. The affair has provided striking evidence that the inevitable result of multiculturalism is friction. "Zionist spokesmen used the Levy affair to make aggressive comments, one even suggesting that there were 'racist overtones' in the pro-Christian sentiments of supporters of Vander Zalm. "The Premier and one of his Ministers inadvertently provided the media mafia with further ammunition by way of two harmless jokes at dinner functions over the Convention weekend. Cries of "racism" and "anti-semitism' were featured by the printed and electronic media, right across Canada. "The orchestrated campaign resulted in the British Columbia Premier finding it necessary to make a public apology, in which he stated the obvious: that his lighthearted joke was not intentionally designed to offend anyone. "However, for all the good it has done, Premier Vander Zalm might as well have saved his breath. Anti-Christian forces are determined to tear him down.." |
THE MARCH TO WORLD GOVERNMENT"We must prepare instead for a searching examination of the ways in which Europe's security is to be achieved in an age where the great enemy is not the Soviet Union but the rapid deterioration of our planet as a supporting structure for civilised life..." George F. Kennan, in his article in The Age (Melbourne), 13/11/89 What most of us will regard as staggering events are now taking place in Europe. We, ourselves, did not expect this to happen so hurriedly; though we have often enough in these pages, over the years, suggested that the time would come when Capitalism and Communism were to be merged. That time has now come, and this suggests to us that the real controllers of finance economics, these in turn forcing political directions, are in a hurry, and are prepared to take risks. So what is really happening? Well, Communism, International Communism, has done its job. How? It has forced the world into two main camps - East and West, both increasingly centralised politically and economically. The Western Camp, driven by harsh economic forces, is already in the process of forming a "United Europe". The Eastern Camp has been welded into a strong unity by sheer force; the Warsaw Pact, the Brezhnev Doctrine, etc., etc. George F. Kennan, a very large name in America in pronouncements of world affairs, gives us another pointer as to world affairs to come: "A major requirement for progress in this direction (requirements for Europe's future) would be, however, a departure by Washington and its leading N.A.T.O. allies from the silly belief that N.A.T.O's. most urgent task is to frustrate an attack on Western Europe by a militant Soviet Union, accompanied by its supposedly faithful and equally militant Warsaw Pact allies." So, N.A.T.O. is (unofficially, but in reality) no longer needed, after over 40 years of existence, the expenditure of Billions of dollars for its erection and maintenance. Mr. Gorbachev is the world's hero: with Perestroika and Glasnost he is beginning to unmake the Communist colossus. George F. Kennan is right enough when he voiced the existence of two major "problems" with respect to the "new" Europe: viz, the short-term problem of preserving sufficient stability in Central and Eastern Europe over coming months to address the second and long-term problem: viz, the design of the "new" Europe, which, he suggests, may take well into the next century to resolve. No one really knows, right now, what form of political and economic alignments will gradually emerge. We can take a pretty good guess (O.T.): they will be highly centralised, both politically and economically, more so than they are now, AND these "changes" will be fully backed by the national and international banks; otherwise the "new' Europe will not emerge at all. Mr. David Potts, in his column in The Australian, November 13th, writes of "the three high-powered locomotives that will push economic growth along: the U.S., Europe and Japan. And the world's Money Power (the major international banks) will make it all possible". What then? One word will more or less answer that question, viz. GREEN. We remind supporters of the words of the British author, Auberon Waugh "the broken down Socialist bandwagon is transferring its disappointed passengers to the shiny new green machine. It is bound for the same destination - Utopia, where you can boss other people around." There is already a powerful "green party" in Germany who gives direction to the coming "green politics" in Europe and throughout the world. Yes, the green movement is already well established in Australia, as you well know, but this is nothing to what you will see in the future. How are we all going to resist and stop the great "green machines"? To expose the new drive to the One World Utopia, of which Auberon Waugh writes? By stepping up dissemination of literature like our own, "Green-Hoax"; and the mass distribution of a Special "Green" Issue of our monthly Intelligence Survey (this is what most supporters, who have been asked, want). Australia? Our "future" (no, we shall not be asked!) is in the Pacific Rim bloc (prior to the merging of ALL world blocs). When? Ask us another. We believe that World Government is impossible, but that won't stop whatever and whoever is the mainspring. Does the influx of Asians into Australia link up in any way with "our future in Asia"? What do you think? |
BARTER UPDATESpace-Age Boost For An Ancient System
of Trading On first inspection this looks like a sophisticated (computerised) exercise to by pass the banking system for the benefit of those able to trade outside such system. We shall watch the reaction of the banks to this new development, closely. The "new" exchange is a division of the U.S. network, Commerce Exchange Ltd. It is called, "Inter Trade Business Network (I.T.B.N.) and is based at Surfers Paradise. Eager young men have been telling us for the past couple of years that "Networking" is the business "wave of the future", and although we do not consider ourselves to be any sort of business movers and shakers, we have real reservations. We are bedeviled by the belief that this new bartering sophistication would (and could) represent only a fraction of total national and international trade, and that the monopoly of credit held by the banking systems, is indispensable to finance-economic systems. Still, some of the remarks about finance being made by executives of these new sophisticated barter concerns are of great interest to us. An executive stated: "The exchange works like any other financial system in that we determine a member's credit limits from the expected trade the business will get from other members, and take security on that credit from their goods and services." The executive officer of the Commerce Exchange, Mr. Gary Feinberg, says, "Money is no longer a genuine measure of wealth (It never was! O.T.) being no longer created with any resources or assets as backing, but merely at the whim of governments - and is usually sold to the highest bidder. "The community's wealth lies in its goods and services - the skills and products of its people." Yes, that's correct. |
THE MONOPOLISTS AND THE MARXISTSIf the Communists and the capitalists are truly arch-rivals - occupy opposite ends of the political spectrum - how is it that the Marxists seem to work so comfortably with the super-capitalists? The socialists and the Fabians fall over themselves to form alliances with big business. Much of Hawke's success arises from the fact that under his 'big government' 'big business' seems extremely comfortable. In fact, some of Mr. Hawke's personal friendships seem to be among the 'big business' set, including men like Sir Peter Abeles and Mr. Eddie Kornhauser. The relationship between Sir Peter Abeles and socialist governments - or even communist governments for that matter - seems particularly close. The dispute between pilots and domestic airlines assumes greater significance when it is remembered that deregulation of the domestic air traffic industry is due to occur next year. This must mean that Sir Peter Abeles and Mr. Rupert Murdoch of Ansett will have to face much stiffer competition. The pilots' dispute seems to be a heaven sent opportunity to slash Ansett's operating costs in preparation for vigorous competition from small but ambitious airlines. Abeles and Murdoch (of the media monopoly) seem keen to monopolise the airline industry. They are being assisted by the Hawke government providing compensation during the pilots' dispute, and with the use of R.A.A.F. aircraft. Indeed, evidence presented to the Victorian Supreme Court last week indicates that a deal had been reached for the compensation between Sir Peter and Mr. Hawke before the pilots took industrial action. In his bid to form a transport monopoly in Australia, Abeles has also vigorously expanded his road transport arm - TNT. Where possible, Abeles will become involved with rail as well. TNT is one of the private companies promoting the establishment of the private very fast train between Melbourne and Sydney. SOVIET CONNECTION |
IT'S TIME FOR AUSTRALIA TO CALL THE BLUFF OF THE GREEN ARMYboth letters (below) from The Age (Melbourne), November 6th: "At last, appropriately at Halloween,
the spell of the green witches on intelligent development
debate has been broken. "Collectively, the Primary Industry
Minister, John Kerin (The Age, 2/21) and, earlier,
the Labor M.P., Graeme Campbell, have nailed the pretentious,
posturing purveyors of doom and gloom. If it is not the sky
falling in today, we will all be flooded, or sun-induced diseases,
our common lot is to die from starvation. "Mr. Kerin is not
alone in believing that the disinformation units of the green
army have prostituted the cause of development, turning it
into the Holy Crusade of the late 20th Century. Woe betide
any political party or group that challenges the tenets of
the new religion. "In this faith, there is no room for heretics,
and what better way than an unprincipled use of negotiable
preferences on election day. WELL-INTENTIONED BUT MISGUIDED GREENS |