home of ... Douglas Social Credit
15 December 1989. Thought for the Week:
"Courage is that virtue which champions the cause of right."
Cicero, famous Roman statesman-philosopher |
TOTALITARIAN THREAT IN THE WESTFollowing the lead of the N.S.W. Liberal Government, the West Australian Labor Government is attempting to implement legislation which, while purporting to eliminate "racial hatred", is designed to intimidate Australians against discussing immigration and the problems created by multiculturalism. So far from stating that they will oppose legislation, which threatens the traditional rights of the Australian people, the West Australian Liberal Party says it is promoting its own "Racial Fairness Bill". Zionist spokesmen have welcomed the W.A. Labor Party legislation, as they did when the N.S.W. Liberals implemented similar legislation. In welcoming the W.A. legislation, Council of Western Australian Jewry Mr. Doron Ur said he would have preferred group libel legislation. "I have been calling for group libel since May 1971, when I made a submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission. I was very sorry it did not succeed. However, the Jewish community will be pleased that something is finally happening." A number of Zionist statements make it
clear that it is hoped that both the N.S.W. and W.A. legislation
can be used against the League of Rights. The far reaching
implications of the W.A. legislation, entitled (INCITEMENT
TO RACIAL HATRED) BILL 1989, may be judged by the following
extract from the Second Reading speech on October 26th: The Bill makes provision for horrendous penalties with imprisonment up to two years and fines of $2,000. A senior Perth barrister expresses the opinion that "Only by introducing full blown totalitarianism can the objectives of the minister be attained". This type of legislation paves the way for what has happened in Canada. The famous Zundel case was the result of a Jewish woman reporting to the government that she was greatly offended because Zundel had circulated a brochure which suggested that the claim that 6 million Jews were systematically gassed, mainly in Auschwitz, Poland, was not true. This resulted in the Crown prosecuting Zundel with costly court actions costing the Canadian taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. Written history is being constantly revised, with the result that some people feel offended as their views are challenged. We have often said that hatred is a self-destructive force and serves no useful purpose in human affairs. Australians who are becoming increasingly alarmed at the emerging programme to Asianise Australia, and who object to this programme, are not expressing "hatred" of Asian people. It is true that National Socialists like van Tongeran in Western Australia have expressed hatred of Asians in their posters. Van Tongeran and supporters have been arrested under the existing laws. The Common Law provides adequate protection for any individual, irrespective of racial background, who feels that his natural rights have been violated. If the Western Australian "racist" legislation is passed, there will be pressure on other States to pass similar legislation. Already this is being mooted in South Australia. This type of legislation has no place in a free Australia and should be rejected in every possible way. The League of Rights is in the process of issuing a formal statement on the matter. |
ON HATE, VENGEANCE, AND GUILTEric Butler filed this report on the
eve of leaving Canada for the U.K. "Finta, a former Hungarian police captain, is being defended by the fearless barrister, Mr. Doug Christie. Christie has visited Israel and Hungary, taking evidence concerning the Finta case, and has been working day and night in an attempt to come to grips with the mass of material the Crown is attempting to introduce into a case which, it is anticipated, could take six months to conclude. The trial is before a full jury of 12 and as this report is being written the process of selecting the jury is taking place. "Once again Doug Christie is cast in the role of a David battling a Goliath in the form of the Zionist terror-machine, operating through the Canadian Government. "I understand that Finta has already exhausted himself financially, although receiving some support from fellow Hungarians. Christie is defending Finta on a matter of principle, not for financial gain. To a great extent he is relying on the support of freedom loving people across Canada. "A study of the Jewish press suggests that there is a note of apprehension creeping in, although the call for vengeance, masked as merely a plea for justice, still continues. And, of course, there is the never-ending campaign to create a guilt complex among Christians everywhere. A feeling of guilt, particularly concerning what allegedly happened in the past, is one of the most deadly of the perversions afflicting Christians. Large numbers of people, including the British people themselves, came to feel guilt for what the British colonial developers allegedly did. "The problem of guilt was brought home
to me in a recent meeting, when a highly intelligent man of
German background was discussing with me the likely impact
of the recently published Other Losses, which documents
for the first time how at least one million German prisoners
were deliberately allowed to die of starvation and disease
in the American controlled camps at the conclusion of World
War II. The German Canadian told me that he had come to Canada
as a young man imbued with a deep guilt complex concerning
what his fellow Germans had done to the Jews. He had this
guilt complex in spite of the fact that he never saw any evidence
to support the hollow stories of masses of Jews being transported
to Poland to be gassed. "In the last analysis, it is the Truth which makes men free. As Doug Christie battles to defend his elderly Hungarian client, he serves the cause of Truth. The Finta case will be watched with keen interest right around the world." |
BRIEF COMMENTSPrime Minister Hawke's guest list for his birthday party makes interesting reading. Sir Peter Abeles, multinational transport Czar, and Mr. Isi Leibler, Zionist leader with extensive business interests such as Jetset Travel, were among those invited. In spite of the economic plight of the nation, Bob Hawke will have the support of some of the most powerful men in Australia as he makes his election bid during the first part of next year. And his new-look wife Hazel must be rated as one of the Prime Minister's greatest assets. The Peacock led opposition will have to improve their performance if they are to win what normally should be a certain victory. We remain convinced that immigration could be made a major issue at the next elections. A real Opposition would not only be highlighting the social disintegration which a continuation of the present policy must produce, but should be widely publicising the enormous financial cost to the Australian taxpayers. Foreign Affairs Minister Senator Evans has recently admitted that the Vietnamese programme alone has cost $700 million. There are vast indirect costs such as special education facilities, and a wide range of organisations to deal with special social services. Interpreting is also costly, as demonstrated in every court case where non-English speaking migrants are involved. But the Opposition led by Andrew Peacock will not raise the immigration question for fear of being called 'racist'. |
BRIEF COMMENTSLord Aldington, former deputy of the British Conservative Party and World War II brigadier, has been awarded $3 million libel damages from author Nikolai Tolstoy over claims that he sent thousands of Cossacks and Yugoslavs to their deaths in 1945, at the conclusion of the Second World War. There was no dispute that this shocking war crime took place. But Lord Aldington's defence was that he was merely obeying orders. That type of defence did not save some Germans from being hanged. Aldington was a victim of the major surrender of the Western Allies at the infamous Yalta Conference, a chapter in history, which many people would like to forget. One commentator who covered the Tolstoy trial observed that the judge appeared to be "under some cosmic edict to protect the Establishment from the murkier recesses of the past". But those recesses are going to be increasingly exposed irrespective of what judges and juries may find in libel trials. It has often been said that Queenslanders are "different". Contrary to the prevailing view about "widespread corruption" in Queensland, we are of the view that the Queensland people as a whole reflect traditional Australian values. Of course there has been corruption in Queensland, but a massive media campaign, with the A.B.C. playing a major role, convinced Queenslanders that they had to do "the decent thing" and vote Labor in. Any chance the Nationals and Liberals might survive was dashed when the Liberals made their idiotic comment that they were not prepared to serve as a junior member of a Coalition Government. And the Federal Liberals did not help by announcing just prior to the elections that interest rates would have to stay high under a Federal Coalition Government. If the National Party can rid itself of the influence of Sparkes and his associates, and get back to basics, the election result could prove a blessing in disguise. It has cleared the way for drawing the battle lines concerning fundamental issues such as effective representation for the whole of the State and the urgent necessity for an effective Upper House as a check on the lower house. The League of Rights will be in the forefront of moves to bring the genuine conservatives together. Many of these voted Labor - but only as a protest, as Premier Goss will discover. |