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3 March 1989. Thought for the Week: "In
our Holy Faith there have always been watchmen as well as
preachers. At times the watchmen are the more hated as they
disturb the false peace and tranquility of the people with
their urging to arise and to defend their Civilisation. It
is often simpler to listen to the 'Enemy within the Gate'
than to heed the "Watchmen on the Wall', and sometimes when
the cry is raised to stone the watchmen the people fail to
see it is the Enemy within who has instigated it. It is easy
to laugh at the story of the man who found it less trouble
to shoot the watchman than to defend his house against the
intruder. He may have got more sleep, but at what great price?
Especially if it involved the destruction of the souls of
his children! I have tried, in my own way
to be a watchman."
Malcolm Ross in Spectre of Power |
STAGE SET FOR LEAGUE INVESTIGATIONThe Sydney Sun-Herald of February 19th carried an article on the subject of "racism" in Australia, referring to the coming investigation into "violent racism" by Irene Moss under the auspices of the Human Rights Commission. If writer Walker is quoting Irene Moss correctly, she has already pronounced judgment on the League of Rights. She falsely links the League of Rights with National Action, listing them among unnamed "several groups" who are "dangerously close to inciting violence". It will be recalled that Federal Opposition leader John Howard was also charged with inciting racist violence when he suggested that a modification of present immigration policies was essential. John Stone, Queensland National Party Senator, was much more blunt than Mr. Howard, stating that the rate of Asian immigration was too great. Stone was immediate relegated to the Opposition backbenches. We feel it extremely unlikely that people like Senator Stone, R.S.L. leader Bruce Ruxton, or Historian Geoffrey Blainey will be listed as those tending to incite "racial violence". The League of Rights is the major target and it was announced last week that the investigation by The Human Rights Commission will be assisted by well-known Melbourne Zionist Q.C., A. Castan. But the Anti-League campaigners are tending to overplay their hands. Prior to the special Eric Butler Shepparton Meeting on February 8th, one of the League's persistent critics in the provincial paper, The Shepparton News, Mr. John Gray, was invited to attend the meeting to question the speaker. This invitation was publicised, as was Gray's response: no, he would not attend the meeting, but he was willing to interview Eric Butler at The News. Accompanied by Mr. Terry Rogers, Eric Butler met with both John Gray and the Editor, Mr. Rob McLean, in a lengthy in-depth discussion. In his next column, John Gray, a schoolteacher, expressed some grudging admiration for Eric Butler, but in essence said he remained unconvinced about the League. The Editor's reaction was rather different. He had been critical of the League over some years. But in an editorial headed, "HANDLE MR. BUTLER'S LEAGUE WITH CARE", he opened by saying, "Eric Butler is an extraordinary man. He is a complex fellow with an athletic mind. His appearance could best be described as 'ordinary', but such a term could never be applied to his other qualities. Mr. Butler is intelligent, resourceful, courageous, committed, patriotic, courteous, articulate and blunt." We will not quote the editorial further, except to say that amidst the generally complimentary remarks, the editor left no doubt that he still has some reservations about the League. Now not only this editorial, but the excellent report of the National Director's Shepparton address in The News, was widely observed, so much so that the journalist, Andrew Lias, who covered the meeting, records that he has received what he describes as a "remarkable letter" from none other than Queensland Senator Boswell. "Remarkable" is an understatement concerning a letter which states that it is "extremely dangerous to give Press coverage to someone like Eric Butler unless you are willing to write all the facts to present a balanced and comprehensive view." Andrew Lias makes it clear that he "dislikes" Eric Butler and the League of Rights, but he has also made it clear that he feels that his integrity as a professional journalist has been impinged. In a letter to The News Eric
Butler congratulates the reporter on what was a well-presented
précis of much of what he said. Lias says concerning Senator
Boswell, "It is almost terrifying that someone who represents
us in the national Parliament should be so ignorant of basic
journalistic obligation as to write such a letter." Andrew
Lias might consider the question of whether in fact Senator
Boswell did actually write the letter he received. The truth is that a psycho-political war is being waged against the Australian people in an attempt to convince them that the League of Rights and its message should be rejected. Senator Boswell and other politicians are the "useful idiots" being manipulated. We await with interest the reaction of Irene Moss and Mr. Castan to the League's formal submission, briefly outlined in the special February issue of The Intelligence Survey. The stage has been set for an interesting year! |
MULTI-CULTURALISM IN CANADAMr. Enoch Powell, the great prophet of British politics, warns that the United Kingdom is moving towards civil war, and that senior members of the British Government now accept that such a conflict is almost inevitable. The friction and violence, which stems from attempting to create multiracial societies is the result of the use of idealists manipulated by those who understand how to break up stable societies. Increasing reports from the U.S.A. stress the mounting violence in a nation becoming increasingly multicultural. The same development is taking place in the big cities of Canada. Toronto was at one time claimed to be the biggest Anglo-Saxon city on the North American continent. Now it has an enormous black community of 400,000. A recent report says, "Toronto has taken a couple of major steps toward becoming like Detroit, with its Beirut like murder rate, its dispirited police, and whole sections of the city where black thugs are completely in control, terrorising blacks and whites alike." Police who attempt to deal with black thugs are charged with "racism". Early this year two policemen who attempted to apprehend young blacks in a stolen car, but when told to get out the driver drove the car at the police, knocking one to the ground. The policeman pulled his revolver and fired two shots at the rear tyres of the car. Hearing the two shots, the other officer thought his colleague had been shot and fired two shots at the car. It was dark. The result was the death of the driver of the stolen car. Black radical groups went into action, the politicians caved in, fearful of being charged with "racism", and the police officers were charged. The black radicals were not satisfied, and wanted the police charged with murder. Shortly afterwards another police officer was charged with manslaughter because he had shot a Jamaican immigrant threatening another officer with a knife. An investigation resulted in the Crown Prosecutor stating that there was not sufficient evidence to lay a charge. But the weak politicians over ruled this decision, fearful of the threat of black violence. The Toronto police were shocked, one police officer being quoted as saying that the police will have to start looking the other way when they see black criminals in action. But when a young white boy of 19 years was brutally stabbed to death in his car by two blacks, subsequently charged with murder, the Minister for Culture and Citizenship, Gerry Phillips, who had attended the funeral of the black shot by the police, was not present at the white boy's funeral. Phillips' office explained, "It was a different set of circumstances". Yes, the boy was white. A black Jamaican woman wrote to the Toronto Sun (January 17th) in which she said, "It is evident that many who came to Canada while very young or were born here have completely lost their sense of direction, their discipline, purpose and identity. The last thing they need is a bunch of bungling black adults inciting them to civil disobedience and lawlessness. What Australia needs, quickly, is a financial policy, which encourages young Australians to own their own home and to have the number of children they desire. And the rate of non-European immigration should be drastically reduced. Unless this is done, Australia will be experiencing the same friction which other countries are experiencing. No politician should be supported at the next Federal Elections who will not promise the Australian people the right by referendum to have a direct say on basic issues like immigration. |
BRIEF COMMENTSThe orchestrated campaign against the coming visit to South Africa by the President of the Victorian Cricket Association, Mr. Ray Steele, in which sections of the media and the Uniting Church are prominent, is a sickening example of how low some Australians are prepared to grovel. Victorian Premier John Cain weeps that if Steele accepts an invitation to attend cricket centenary celebrations in South Africa, black African States might vote against Melbourne's bid to stage the 1996 Olympic Games. If the staging of the Olympic Games depends upon the support of the many criminal thugs running many African States, then it would be better if Melbourne did not host the Games. With the blatant use of drugs, the gross commercialism and the political overtones, it is high time that the Olympic Games were abolished. Let Mr. Ray Steele proceed to South Africa without any more humbug. A BALMORAL ACTIONIST (VIC.) has written
to Mr. Alan Griffiths, the A.L.P. House of Representatives
Member for Maribyrnong, and Head of the Standing Committee
on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, so eager to hold an "enquiry"
into the activities of the Australian League of Rights. We
hope that Mr. Griffiths' legal and constitutional knowledge
is of a higher order than his politico-historical knowledge;
as this does not fill us with confidence. The letter from
the actionist is self explanatory: |
FROM HANSARDThe Senate, October 12th, 1988: Census & Statistics Amendment (Voluntary Provision of Survey Information) Bill, 1988. Motion (by Senator Glenister Shiel, Nat.-Qld.) agreed to: "That the following Bill be introduced: A Bill for an Act to amend the Census and Statistics Act, 1905, to provide for the voluntary provision of information under the Act." Bill read a first time.... Second Reading. I seek leave to incorporate the second reading speech in Hansard. Leave granted. The speech read as follows -"The purpose of this amendment is to remove the compulsion to answer questions from all surveys save the census itself. It is not to deny the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) access to information, but to make the answers to survey questions voluntary for everything but the census. We all recognise the need for the Government to have adequate information on which to base decisions and there is no intention of denying this information to the Government. This information should be available under the prescribed subjects defined in the regulations to the Census Act, the answers to which would remain compulsory. "The reason for the proposed amendment is the public reaction to the current household expenditure survey. Initially most members of the public were willing to comply but when they realised the length and breadth of the survey they reacted in shock and amazement. On examination it revealed that the processes of the Parliament were being savaged by the ABS. In addition, client users such as the National Heart Foundation, Better Health Bureau, State, Local, and Federal Governments and their departments, employer and employee groups, were using the ABS because of its powers to compel answers in order to gain information for their own purposes, information that represented a gross invasion of privacy. "The Australian Bureau of Statistics has displayed domineering arrogance and harassment. The ABS has given inaccurate directions to the Attorney-General (Mr. Lionel Bowen) concerning the need to table its proposals in Parliament. For the ABS to compel answers to surveys it is required to table new proposals in both Houses of Parliament; otherwise answers are voluntary. "There appears to be no power of the Parliament to reject or amend these tabled proposals, so there is no reason for the ABS not to table other than to keep its own purpose dark. Perhaps this is also the reason why the ABS tables such proposals under papers of The Clerks rather than under Treasury ministerial papers. Previous household expenditure surveys were voluntary and tabled prior to the advent of ABS. The authority derives from the Act of 1905 and previous tablings were an ongoing programme. "The ABS claims that voluntary answers to its surveys would lead to: "unclear expenditure patterns for disadvantaged groups such as pensioners, one parent families, and the unemployed. "inability to identify specific expenditures such as housing, health, transport and geographical regional data for State Governments. "But there are major differences between this household expenditure survey and previous surveys. a) Previous household expenditure surveys were voluntary; b) This one is compulsory despite no tabling of the proposal; c) There is an increase in the scope of the survey from 1,000 questions to 3,000 questions. d) Previous surveys apply only to capital cities but this one alleges that 25% of the households to be surveyed covers 12% of the people - Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory; e) Each member of the household is supplied with a personal diary, which includes an expenditure questionnaire; f) It contains an income questionnaire involving the production of income tax return, bankbooks, collateral, guarantees and access to people's bank managers. "The Bureau claims that this is simply an ongoing programme. The Attorney General, in expressing his opinion on the need to table the proposal, is apprehensive concerning the matter and has made the qualified statement that 'if the 1988-89 survey is of the nature you have described then there is no necessity to table'. The ABS invokes the treaty power of the International Labour Organisation Convention concerning Labour Statistics (No.160), which was ratified by Australia in 1987. Article 13 of the Treaty states, 'Statistics of household expenditure . and, where possible, household income . shall be compiled covering all types and sizes of private households or families'. Obviously this is the type of survey that could be used in the foundations of introducing a wealth tax - a proposition to which most Australians are totally opposed. "The Statistician maintains that the reason he issues directives to people to answer is to ensure the information so acquired is protected by confidentiality and other provisions, of the Act. He says he approaches respondents with sensitivity and delicacy in order to obtain their willing co-operation in the context that respondents have a legal obligation to response. But we have had a public backlash and court cases, which the ABS has lost. The Statistician tries to convince respondents the surveys are worthwhile and reminds them of their responsibilities. He writes to all respondents explaining his powers and responsibilities, and follows up with phone or personal contact. "If all this persuasion fails he issues a directive where respondents know what they are doing or are encouraging others not to comply and where the respondent's replies are considered to be statistically significant. If all this fails then he selects which respondents to prosecute - that is, there are objectors and the Statistician picks and chooses whom he will harass, pursue and prosecute. This may account for the huge public outcry compared with the few 'Directives' and prosecutions ." |