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10 March 1989. Thought for the Week:
"No man when he hath lighted a candle putteth it in a secret
place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that
they which come in may see the light."
Luke 11:33 |
FAR REACHING GLOBAL CHANGESAn article, FAREWELL TO AUSTRALIA, in the October-December issue of The Australian Ethnic Reporter, by Hungarian born Dr. Anthony Endrey, is an illuminating example of the dramatically changed state of the world. Dr. Endrey has lived in Australia for 40 years and has made a distinguished contribution to the anti-totalitarian movement in Australia. Like many others who sought refuge in Australia from Eastern Europe following the Second World War, Dr. Endrey became increasingly concerned with the progressive retreat of the Liberal Party from its founding principles, with alarm replacing concern when the Liberal Party failed to take an unequivocal stand on the immoral "War Crimes" legislation. It was suggested that Australian ethnic communities should form their own political party, the suggested title, The Christian Party, reflecting the fact that the majority of Eastern European migrants to Australia are products of traditional Christianity. But Dr. Endrey now says that after a recent visit to his homeland, Hungary, after an absence of 40 years, he has decided to return to Hungary. He writes, "... I was presented with an undreamed of view of my native country and an entirely new vista of my life. What surprised me during my visit were not the bad things about Hungary - I was prepared for them - but the good, which I found. I had heard a great deal of the changes in the political system in Hungary, a Communist State, and was fairly well informed about them, but I did not expect the almost daily loosening of the shackles of the Hungarian people which I witnessed with my own eyes during the six weeks I spent in the country." The dramatic changes inside the Communist nations, including China, confirm what the more farsighted observers have been stressing for some time: Socialism as a Faith has been increasingly discredited, no longer capable of attracting people, particularly the young. Dr. Endrey makes the significant comment that the young people of Hungary are now questioning every aspect of the Communist regime, "and are thirsting for knowledge about their own past, about the values which once animated the Hungarian nation, about life in the West, and yes, about God". It was Solzhenitsyn who observed after experiencing the West at first hand, that it was suffering from basically the same type of disease which had afflicted his own people under the type of naked totalitarianism imposed by the Communists. But Solzhenitsyn also envisaged that the very intensity of the disease throughout his own country would result in a deeper regeneration of the Christian Faith. Gorbachev and those supporting him have
experienced the discipline of Truth. In spite of the continuous
flow of economic blood transfusions from the West, particularly
the massive food supplies since 1972, the Soviet economic
system has been a disaster. The Chinese Communists faced the
reality even before the current Soviet leaders, and have completely
abandoned Marxist theory. The Soviet defeat in Afghanistan,
after ten years of using massive military power, has also
made a far reaching contribution to the ferment now sweeping
all parts of the Soviet bloc. The deeper student of international politics was not surprised that one of Gorbachev's first acts was to demonstrate that he accepts the major role of Zionism in international affairs. First there was the dramatic permission for prominent Soviet Jews to leave the Soviet, with Prime Minister Bob Hawke playing a significant role. But this has been followed with even more dramatic developments as international Zionist leaders like Isi Leibler collaborate in Moscow with Soviet leaders in the establishment of Jewish cultural activities in the Soviet Union. All the evidence indicates that the great majority of the Jews living in the Soviet Union have no intention of leaving, while those who do show little inclination to live in Zionist Israel. Contributing to the rapidly changing global situation is the growing disillusionment inside Israel, which is now also starting to find itself isolated internationally. The Palestinian challenge and the naked aggression by Zionist Israel, is producing a completely new situation, with Western politicians for the first time starting to criticise Israel's policies. Jewish communities around the world are becoming divided about the changed situation in both the Soviet and the Middle East, with anti-Zionist Jews starting to at least be heeded. American expert on :Israel. Grace Halsell, author of Prophecy and Politics (Price $14.00 posted from all League bookshops) has recently pointed out that it is the "Christian Zionists" who are now providing the major support for Israel. He would be a very foolish person who would attempt to predict in any details what is going to unfold in the developing global situation. But it can be said that it is certain that the dramatic changes under way are going to gain momentum and cannot be stopped. The International Planners, desperately attempting to manipulate Finance Economics, are all too aware of what is taking place, and can be relied upon to attempt to bring the whole world inside the orbit of their proposed New International Economic Order. We visualise mounting economic sabotage and growing social disintegration as the attempt is made to make the unworkable work. But just as their long years of suffering have forced the enslaved victims of Communism to go back to their roots and basic values, events will challenge Western peoples like Australians also to pay greater attention to their own history and traditions. The emergence of the Australian League of Rights at the centre of the Australian political stage is one of the significant signs of the times. |
BRIEF COMMENTSPrime Minister Bob Hawke says that Australia should aim at a population of 20 million by the year 2000. For this objective to be reached, Australia would have to increase its population by approximately 400,000 per year over the next eleven years. Primarily as a result of the financial policies imposed by the Hawke Government, during the past four years, Australia's rate of natural increase has averaged only 0.8 percent. As there is no indication that the Hawke Government is about to make it financially possible for more young Australians to obtain their own homes and to have the number of children they would genuinely prefer, perhaps Mr. Hawke plans a substantial increase in the immigration rate? The immigration question must be made a major issue at the next Federal Elections. A report by the Australian Institute of Family Studies formally confirms what Australian families on middle incomes have known for some time: they are the main victims of the Hawke Government's financial policies. The Institute report shows that a family with two children, on average weekly earnings, paid $27-$34 more tax than in 1976-77. The real disposable income of such a family had fallen by $41 a week since 1985. Australia's enormous productive capacity is capable of providing all the basic requirements for civilised living, including housing, for all Australians. The major thrust of present financial policies, including taxation, is polarising society, with Big Business becoming bigger, and with increasing numbers dependent on the State to survive. Traditional middle Australia is being destroyed. While there is plenty of stupidity about concerning financial realities, the destruction of the traditional middle class is a deliberate policy, part of what is euphemistically described as "restructuring" the nation. This destructive policy must be vigorously challenged. Australia's foreign debt continues to soar. Figures released last week by the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveal that the foreign debt reached a record new level of $95.4 billion at the end of the December quarter. Mr. Andrew Peacock, Opposition spokesman on Treasury matters, comments that the increase in the foreign debt is more "bad news", and that the latest debt figures meant that every man, woman and child in Australia now had an external debt of $7,000 each. But what do Mr. Peacock and his Opposition colleagues propose to do about the external debt if elected to form a government? They subscribe to the black magic, which insists that Australia needs foreign investments in order to survive. Unless this black magic is rejected by the Australian people, independent Australia will not survive. Described by some as a prominent member of the "Canberra rat pack", political commentator Michelle Grattan seems to be losing some of her enthusiasm for the "world's greatest Treasurer", Paul Keating. She contributes an article in The Age of March 3rd, entitled, KEATING'S DILEMMA; TOO MUCH PROSPERITY. The article is a classic example of jargonese, explaining how Keating is hoping that there will be a "soft landing" for the Australian people as a result of current problems. Michelle Grattan does make a valid point that the Opposition has not "fully spelled out its economic policy". That policy is basically the same as the Government's policy. |
FROM HANSARDThe Senate, October 12th, 1988, Census
& Statistics Amendment Bill, Senator Glenister Shiel (Nat.-Qld.):
Our Comment |