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18 May 1990. Thought for the Week: "In
common thinking, idealism, political or other, seems to be
associated with noble feelings rather than with profound thought.
If we set ourselves to do it, we can feel noble about anything.
We can feel noble about throwing helpless women and children
upon the ruthlessness of raping, torturing savages. We need
only to call the business a demonstration of racial equality
or a celebration of political independence or some other noble
sounding thing, for our emotions to be able to assure our
consciences that it is all done in the service of justice
to backward races.
Dora Watts in The Dangerous Myth of Racial Equality |
POLL MAJOR BLOW TO MULTICULTURALISMA Morgan Public Opinion Poll result late last week overwhelmingly rejects the type of immigration policy supported by all the major political parties. Not only do approximately 70 percent of electors believe that immigration should be stopped or drastically reduced, but 70 percent also believe that the Government should concentrate upon obtaining migrants from particular countries. 67 percent believe that overseas investors should not be allowed to own land in Australia, with 77 percent expressing concern about the level of Japanese ownership of commercial and residential land in Australia. Reflecting the growing understanding of what the semi secret Multi-Function Polis really means, 52 percent expressed the view that it was a bad idea. As more people come to understand the real meaning of the Multi-Function Polis, opposition will mount even further. Clearly the League's massive educational campaign is having its effect. While the poll showed that opposition to the present immigration policy was strongest among Liberal and National Party supporters, 69 percent of the Democrats and 64 percent of A.L.P. supporters also favoured reducing or halting immigration. Prime Minister Hawke and his supporters will attempt to brush aside these disturbing poll results. If they doubt their accuracy they can easily be tested by holding a referendum on the issue. But this idea is strenuously rejected. With key Victorian public sector unions urging the Victorian Cain Government to end its involvement in the Multi-Function Polis project, divisions within the Victorian Labor Government are growing. As yet there has been little direction concerning the issue from the Victorian Liberal and National Parties. But they have to face the reality that immigration and the Multi-Function Polis issues cut right across Party divisions. If the Federal Liberal and National Parties had displayed sufficient courage to have made immigration and the Multi-Function Polis major issues right throughout the last Federal election campaign, they would be in office today. According to The Sunday Age of May 13th, Senator Button infers that he is not concerned about the polls rejecting the M.F.P., but is pushing ahead with a project that he describes as "long term". It is the long-term implications, which we are concerned about. |
INDEPENDENT TED MACK HITS OUTThe first Independent elected to the House of Representatives for over 40 years, Ted Mack of North Sydney, is not too impressed with what he saw during the recent short session of the Federal Parliament before it closed for the winter recess permitting Federal politicians to head for warmer parts, at the taxpayers' expense. Ted Mack was not long in demonstrating his independent spirit, refusing to participate in a secret vote for the election of the Speaker for the House of Representatives and for the Chairman of Committees. Mack's view is that the representatives of the electors should openly indicate where they stand on issues. This is a most refreshing attitude. A former architect, Ted Mack is not impressed with the new Parliament House, describing it as "the bunker" and a good example of the brutal fascist architecture of the 1930s. Mack endorses the view that Parliament is a forum for self-indulgence. "Anything that happens in the chamber is largely rhetoric and hot air," he says. Ted Mack is emphatic that his role is to represent public opinion. Mack's maiden speech will not be made until the August session of Federal Parliament and many are waiting with interest to hear what he has to say about the parliamentary system and democracy. Judging by his past performances in both Local and N.S.W. State politics, Ted Mack will be making the type of comments, which the party political hacks will not like. But he is emerging as a champion of the people's right to have a say about their own affairs. Not surprisingly, Mack says he is receiving a big volume of mail from right across Australia. |
FLUORIDE BOMBSHELLThe controversy about fluoridation of public water supplies not only continues, but is becoming more intense as mounting scientific evidence tends to confirm the fears of those who have consistently warned against the long-term toxic effects. From the beginning of this controversy, the League of Rights has taken the view that the basic issue concerns freedom of choice, philosophically disagreeing with a policy of compulsory mass medication of whole communities. Long time opponents of fluoridation, Dr. Glen Dettman and Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, well known for their work on vitamin C therapy, draw attention to an American study, which shows that fluoride causes cancer. Both rats and mice used for experiments were seriously affected by regular consumption of fluorides. The fluoridators are also faced with another serious challenge as the evidence mounts showing that the rate of teeth decay in areas of non-fluoridated waters is even less than in those areas where there is fluoridated water. While the scientific argument rages, the sensible thing to do is to permit people to have freedom of choice. Those who have faith in fluorides can obtain their requirements in tablet form without interfering with the rights of those who do not want to have fluorides forced down their throats via the public water supply. |
SAY NO TO NATIONALISMWhat most commentators fail to acknowledge in recent times is the strong move back to nationalism in Eastern Europe. The Baltic peoples (Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians) have their own languages and cultures, and want to immerse themselves in them. An old but true maxim is that "birds of a feather flock together". People prefer their own kind: there is not necessarily any antagonism to other nations and races: only when a nation is forced to forego its natural heritage. The One Worlders regard this yearning by peoples for their own heritage as a bad thing. Establishing One World is made difficult by peoples adhering strongly to their traditions (so, away with the traditions!). Now Armenia, a Soviet Republic, is making independence noises. Its Parliament has voted for the suspension of conscription of young men and women into the Soviet armed forces. If Mr. Gorbachev allows them to get away with this, then there will be a queue of Soviet Republics attempting to contract out of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: he won't allow that. All these republics want their independence, and all that that means, without stirring the Russian Bear in Moscow. A tall order! Shrewd, experienced, political commentators who want to "get on", have a keen instinct for what they should and should not write and say. Such people know by instinct that "nationalism" is not to be supported; that "internationalism" is the direction of the future for the people of the world. So they are sweeping the re-emergent nationalism of Eastern Europe under their own particular mass media carpets. These "internationalist" politicians would sell their own grandmother; they have no loyalty to anyone. Their loyalties are to international ideologies, not nations (as the Fabian Socialists) or to the programmes of international bankers (the Might of Money). We well recall Lord Carrington, a former British High Commissioner to Australia and later Britain's key negotiator at the Lancaster House Conference in London in 1979, when Rhodesia was sold down the river. Lord Carrington said that the "kith and kin" argument was "totally unacceptable" (or words to the same effect) with respect to the white population of Rhodesia. He was aided and abetted by Lord Soames (a son-in-law of Winston Churchill) who was appointed Governor of Rhodesia for a very brief period (direct rule from London), during the time of transmission of power from London to Comrade Robert Mugabe. Both Lord Soames and Lord Carrington were international bankers. Lord Soames was a member of the Board of N.M. Rothschild and Sons; and Lord Carrington was closely associated with the banking establishments of Hambro and Barclays. |
BRIEF COMMENTSIn a letter to an elector, Mr. Phillip Ruddock, Shadow Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, written before the elections, the following statement was made: "From my own discussions, and the correspondence received as Shadow Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, I do not believe that the majority of Australian require a referendum on immigration." This shows just how far out of touch the Opposition is on the immigration issue. As the Zionists call for more expensive war crime trials, it is most revealing that at long last convincing evidence has been produced showing that the Ukrainian born American citizen, John Demjanjuk, sentenced to death by an Israeli court in 1978, is innocent. It was alleged that he was "Ivan The Terrible" who had operated gas chambers in Poland. Demjanjuk was found guilty on forged evidence provided by the K.G.B. Demjanjuk consistently maintained that he could not possibly have been in a death camp as he had been a German prisoner of war. Two Polish witnesses have come forward with evidence supporting Demjanjuk's claims. The Israeli Supreme Court has admitted as evidence the accounts of the two Polish witnesses. All civilised people wait with hope that the tragedy of Demjanjuk is going to come to an end with this man being returned to his Christian family. |
SUSPEND IMMIGRATION FOR NON-EUROPEANSfrom The Age (Melbourne), May 11th "Immigration Debate Must Be Objective, proclaims your Editorial (4/5) and it then promptly proceeds to a mighty piece of subjectivity by stigmatising all those who would see race as a vital factor in the debate as 'a few troglodytes' with 'a distastefully racist slant'. "To the well being of a nation racial health is as important as family health. The individual citizen is justified in defending the interests of both his family and his race - or people."The best thing that could happen to Australia at the present time would be for all non-European immigration to be temporarily suspended and for a national referendum to be held seeking endorsement or rejection of such immigration. "The fact that no such referendum has yet been held, despite the 'bipartisan' policy of the major political parties, is a clear sign that the power which manipulates those parties has believed that their anti-European approach would be resoundingly defeated. "In 'America's Decline: the Education of a Conservative' (1982) the distinguished American classical scholar, Professor Revilo P. Oliver, commented that even in the 1950s the U.S.A. was 'no longer an independent country, having been clandestinely occupied by its enemies'. "For the same reason, Wilmot Robertson called his study of the American disaster, 'The Dispossessed Majority' (1972). "It is perfectly clear why we have merely unworthy politicians to choose from. Why our British legal system has been perverted to enable the persecution of elderly citizens as 'war criminals', and why open discussion on race, the Nazi regime, and allied topics is largely prohibited. The occupiers fear exposure." (Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic.) |
CONVENTION 2from The Australian, May 11th "I wish to add my name to the growing list of those concerned by the Federal Government's intention to ratify the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, as I do not believe many people fully understand the ramifications. "First, regardless of the well intentioned motherhood sentiments contained in the articles of the Convention, it will not make one iota of difference to the situation in the Third World or communist countries. These are the countries, which need a 'Bill of Rights for Children' - not Australia."Second, the High Court in Australia has already ruled (in the Tasmanian Dams case of 1983) that the ratification of an international Convention gives the Federal Government the power to overrule the rights of States as laid down in the Constitution. "So, in other words, the Federal Government has found a neat way of changing the Constitution, using its External Powers to avoid a referendum of the people. A back door way of changing the Constitution, using a Convention put forward by a communist country in 1978. "Articles 12 and 17 give children the right to 'express, possess, think, and associate with what and whoever they like in complete privacy from parents'. Think about it. Is this what we want?" (Judy Jakins, M.L.C., Sydney) |