home of ... Douglas Social Credit
14 September 1990. Thought for the Week:
"As no government can carry on for a month without money,
it is not necessary to labour the point that the visible government
of a country is obliged to take its orders and to shape its
policy, and particularly its financial policy, in accordance
with the instructions of the dealers in this indispensable
implement, so long as they hold a practical monopoly of it."
C.H. Douglas in Social Credit |
IS THERE A HIDDEN AGENDA BEHIND MIDDLE EAST CRISIS?Not all American political observers accept uncritically the Bush version of why there has been a massive American military build-up in the Middle East. Neither do they have any confidence in the alleged motives of Soviet leader Gorbachev in offering to join with the U.S.A. in establishing an international military force under the United Nations. Gorbachev has never denounced Marxism-Leninism, insisting that he was updating it. Gorbachev has made it clear that he is taking the longer view of history. Back in the Reagan years, Gorbachev, the man allegedly seeking peace, insisted upon the right to modernise its rocket force, the SSl8. But while agreeing to cut the SSl8 force by half, it was secretly developing the SS1B Mod 5, whose 10 warheads are so accurate that 154 of these have the same killing power as the older rockets. All the available evidence indicates that Gorbachev and those supporting him in the Soviet are determined to maintain a strategic superiority over the U.S.A. As he demonstrated on the Lithuanian issue, Gorbachev is determined to try to hold the Lenin Empire together with force, if necessary. The Bush administration is making every effort to ensure that Gorbachev survives against those who want to break up the Empire. For his part, Gorbachev is doing everything he can to support the Bush Middle East policy. But what is the real Bush policy, as distinct from the stated policy? One of the U.S.A's. most astute political observers, Mr. Lawrence Patterson, publisher of Criminal Politics, claims that a secret agreement was reached between Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Washington as far back as 1985, with respect to an exchange for cheap oil, and a break in Arab unity concerning Zionist Israel. From Saddam Hussein's point of view, the oil policies of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait were damaging to all the other Arab oil producers. It had also become obvious that American public opinion had been so conditioned by years of pro-Zionist propaganda, that in spite of the sudden showing on television of the Israeli's brutal treatment of the Palestinians, there was little protest by the American people against Washington policies. As revealed by the well known American writer, Grace Halsell, in her Prophecy and Politics, at least 60 million American Christians have been victims of the myth about the modern Israelis being God's Chosen People, that Zionist Israel can do virtually as it likes in the Middle East without any real fear of losing American support. King Hussein of Jordan has lined up with Saddam Hussein for several reasons, one being that he also believes that Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have agreed to try to appease a Washington under Zionist pressure, and have started to desert the Palestinian cause. King Hussein is threatened by any threatened uprising of the desperate Palestinians. Apart from the long territorial claim to Kuwait by Iraq, this claim preceding Saddam Hussein, Saddam Hussein has moved because of his own financial difficulties and because he believes that the Americans should be paying more for their Middle East oil. Lawrence Patterson asks does it make sense to risk tens of thousands of American lives in an attempt to continue obtaining cheap oil, a policy that ironically, makes the U.S.A. even more dependent upon Middle East oil because such a policy makes it increasingly unprofitable for American oil producers to operate. And the way has been cleared for the U.S.A. to import oil from the Soviet Union. One of the keys to understanding the Middle East crisis has been provided by the Washington Jewish Week, which in its issue of September 9th, describes the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait as a "divine blessing", arguing that the pressures concerning the plight of the Palestinians had been removed. Reports from Israel state that former terrorist Shamir and his colleagues believe that if a military showdown with Iraq can be precipitated, this will provide Israel with the opportunity to enlarge Israel's borders and to expel all Palestinians. Zionist policy ignores the long-term danger of the whole Moslem world becoming united against the West, with problems extending far beyond the Middle East. The rising tide of Islam is now one of the most explosive of international forces. |
WAR CRIMES INVESTIGATING UNIT"The federal government unit investigating war
criminals living in Australia must finish operations by the
middle of 1992..." - The Australian, September 4th.
The National Director reports that his final meeting of the recent New Zealand tour was marred by a demonstration of young Jews against himself. A swastika was prominent, but was admitted to be "inappropriate" by a leader of the demonstration. In a discussion, which followed the leaders, stated that they did not know of the Leuchter Report (which proves that the "gassings" and "gas chambers" at Auschwitz-Maidenau- Birkenau were impossible...O.T.). The Leuchter Report is available from League bookshops. Price: $6.00 posted. Two of the young Jews accepted Mr. Butler's invitation to a discussion of "Christianity and the Talmud", which was highly instructive to many of the audience. "News and Views" (Queensland), the Journal of the Queensland Immigration Control Association, makes comment on the present position of the Commonwealth Bank: "Undoubtedly one of the most distressing bits of news was the sale of 30% of Commonwealth Bank shares to Superannuation funds and Insurance offices so as to be able to 'takeover' the Victorian State Bank. All that is now necessary is for the financial affairs of the country to deteriorate further and for another two State Banks to fail and then more shares in the Commonwealth can be sold. The Bank was previously a people's bank, but became a bankers' bank in 1925. It now appears that it is being quietly privatised in the well known Fabian Socialist way". ("gradualness".. .O.T.) Read "The Story of the Commonwealth Bank"; price: $4.50 posted from League bookshops. |
THERE IS BLAINEYfrom The Australian, 4/9 "Frank Devine, in his column of August 30, argued that it is time that someone wrote an alternative study (in Australian history) of comparable weight to that of Manning Clark's. "This has been done. The result is not one of comparable weight, but of much greater weight. The titles are as follows, The Peaks of Lyell, A Centenary History of the University of Melbourne, Gold and Paper, Mines in the Spinifex, The Rush that Never Ended, The Tyranny of Distance, Across a Red World, The Rise of Broken Hill, The Steel Master, Triumph of the Nomads, The Causes of War, A Land Half Won, Our Side of the Country, and, most recently, A Game of Our Own. This historian is, of course, Geoffrey Blainey. "Paraphrasing Samuel Johnson we can say that Blainey holds up to his readers a mirror of manners and of life as they have been in Australia since 1788. "His books provide the complete antidote to the guilt which permeates the Manning Clark corpus, and it is regrettable that Frank Devine is unaware of the significance of Blainey's work." (Ray Evans, Newport, Vic.) |
THE REAL ISSUE BEHIND THE SALE OF THE STATE BANKFrom the Christian Alternative Movement, 15 Simmons Court, GREENSBOROUGH, Vic., 3088If ever Victoria needed an opposition, which clearly understands how to fight political and financial monopoly, it is now. The key role of finance in any sane community, with a government whose first concern is to preserve its economic stability, is the right of that community to monetise its real wealth. In simple terms, that means, if Victoria produces goods and services through the efforts of its own people and resources to the tune of $500,000,000 annually, then the government of the State of Victoria has the moral duty to ensure the creation and distribution of that sum of money. Those who seek political monopoly must destroy that right, for political freedom and economic stability are two of a kind. The Australian Labor Party is a centralised party, an instrument of political monopoly. It therefore must pursue the goal of financial monopoly. The State Bank of Victoria could be an instrument ensuring financial justice and economic stability for the people of Victoria. At the moment it does not have the right of credit issue or the function of monetising the wealth of the people of Victoria under the supervision of a sovereign State Government. If it did, it would not be in financial trouble and in danger of being gobbled up by those political and financial sharks that are the instruments of political monopoly. That is the simple issue for the Victorian Opposition. Will they co-operate with the monopolies or fight them? |
KEEP CLOSE WATCH ON AIRLINE SAFETYfrom The Age (Melbourne), September 10th "I can only hope that the claims recently made by Mr. Dick Smith to the National Press Club regarding airline deregulation do in fact come true. I would love to see a 15% drop in airfares with no decline in safety standards and a saving of Australian lives. "I remain unconvinced, however, that deregulation will lead to these purported benefits. The overseas experience has been that deregulation gives rise to slightly cheaper fares over heavily used routes (e.g. Sydney-Melbourne) but increased fares over lighter routes (e.g. Brisbane-Cairns). "Further, the initial decreases in fares are not sustained and, in the long run, fares return to at least the pre-deregulation level. "In order to offer these discounted fares, new entrants will have to run at a considerable loss and I believe it is inevitable that the established operators (i.e. Ansett and Australian) will eventually take over these smaller operators. The example of East-West Airlines is still fresh in my mind. "My major concern with deregulation of the airlines, however, is its potential effect on passenger safety. In the United States, Eastern Airlines is facing 60 criminal charges including, incredibly, the faking of maintenance records. "Any proposal to hand over responsibility for air safety in this country to the industry itself as part of the deregulation package is likely to compromise safety standards. Funds for maintenance will have to compete with funds for discount fares, and profit is the overriding concern. "We must ensure that sufficient financial resources are made available by Government to maintain the necessary number of trained, qualified and independent personnel to protect our safety." (Senator Cheryl Kernot, Australian Democrats Spokeswoman on Transport) |
AUSTRALIA IS MORE THAN A BUSINESSfrom The Age (Melbourne), September 10th "I am not surprised the Treasurer, Mr. Keating (30/8) finds 'The Age' 'dull' and, Kenneth Davidson in particular, irrelevant. Of all the columnists writing on political economy in the mainstream press only Mr. Davidson displays sufficient perspicacity to challenge the shallowness of the Hawke-Keating dogma of economic rationality. "Mr. Keating's terribly simple vision of Australia as a trading company presupposes a society held together by nothing more than mutual economic advantage and denies the possibility of a community based on compassion, mutual love, loyalty, common history, emotion and ties of family. "Therefore, those not 'into' the supremacy of economic values must, according to Mr. Keating, be relegated to the dustbin of history. Like all people who arrogantly assume only they possess the key to the future, Mr. Keating is unable to tolerate dissent." (W.J. Lines, Melbourne) |