home of ... Douglas Social Credit
9 February 1990. Thought for the Week:
"Any society - democratic, aristocratic, oligarchic, communistic
- requires a moral order for its existence. Indeed, all societies
arise originally out of religious belief; culture comes out
of the cult. A society's moral order, for the most part, has
for its foundation that society's religion. If a society has
forgotten or repudiated its old religion, it must invent a
pseudo-religion to supplant the old faith, and that society's
morals are founded upon that pseudo-religion.
Russell Kirk, American conservative writer |
WAR CRIME TRIAL OBSCENEThe whole concept of staging war crimes trials in Australia is obscene; it is a concept, which runs contrary to the nation's basic heritage. An old man of Polish background, who has lived a quiet and law abiding life all the years he has been in Australia, is being charged with crimes, not against Australians, but against Jews, which allegedly took place in another part of the world nearly fifty years ago. It is symbolic of the state of the nation when the announcement of Australia's first war crime trial came on Australia Day. Australia Day commemorates the birth of a new nation of British origins. Those Zionist Jews and others who have called for War Crimes Trials have demonstrated their rejection of the Christian foundations of the British judicial system. The "justice" they talk about is the same type of justice, which Shakespeare's Shylock called for. Australian society can only be poisoned by the spectacle of old men being forced to attempt to defend themselves about allegations which have their roots in events of so long ago that the testing of evidence in accordance with Australia's judicial traditions is impossible. Already the War Crimes business has been costly for the Australian taxpayers. If the Australian trials follow the pattern of what has been happening in Canada, taxpayers will be paying for astronomical costs as cases drag on for months. The Hawke Government, with little effective resistance from the Opposition Parties, introduced the War Crimes Amendment Act at the behest of the Zionist lobby, which has demonstrated that it is more concerned with advancing its own alien philosophy than in supporting the traditional Australian view, including that of those Australians who suffered at the hands of the Japanese, that perpetual hatred and calls for vengeance are a destructive influence. Hopefully the start of the War Crimes Trials in Australia will produce a healthy outrage from the overwhelming majority of the Australian people. |
MFP: JAPANESE TROJAN HORSEby D. Thompson THE VFT CONNECTION More significant is Sir Peter Abeles' view, published in the "Canberra Times" (8/12/88). Abeles, managing director of TNT and Ansett, as well as board member of the Reserve Bank, said: "I regard the train as only a catalyst for the rest, but the rest will have to fund the original capital costs; half the capital costs at least, and then one can start with a non-losing enterprise. If one does it purely as a train, it will never happen." Sir Peter's reference to "the rest" clearly means such projects as the MFP. INJECTION OF AN ALIEN CULTURE THE JAPANESE MOTIVES "The Economist" (12/7/89) asks questions concerning a new Pacific "Yen bloc": "Should Japan make the pace, or would it be better to let the front runner be Australia, whose Prime Minister, Mr. Bob Hawke, would like the role? Australia would be less distrusted than Japan as regional front man by many Americans and Europeans - and other Asians.." If a new Pacific Basin Community were established, the Japanese know that, diplomatically, they could not ask that it be centred in Japan - even their neighbours distrust them. However, a Japanese city in Australia could be acceptable as the future financial, economic and political capital of the emerging Japanese Pacific Empire. The main Japanese motives for the MFP in Australia must be that of a Trojan Horse in our economic, political and (eventual) cultural colonisation by Tokyo. |
SURRENDER OF SOUTH AFRICALast week's announcement by Mr. De Clerk, President of South Africa that the 30-year ban on the ANC would be lifted, Nelson Mandela would be freed, and that the European South Africans would attempt to negotiate a "power sharing" arrangement with the ANC leadership, could signal the beginning of the end of the relative stability of Southern Africa. ANC leaders were joined by the Secretary General of the South African Communist Party, Mr. Joe Slovo, to discuss their "strategy" following the announcement. The ban on the Communist Party has also been lifted. It appears that the South Africans have been influenced by events in Eastern Europe in their handling of the ANC. If Communism as a power is "dead", then it may be safe for South Africa to make concessions to a dying moral force in order to placate the "international community's" demands for reform. But the ANC, as a terrorist movement, is clearly not "dead". Any negotiations with the convicted terrorist Nelson Mandela and the ANC can only proceed from a position of weakness, because such negotiations legitimise the use of terrorism as a means of negotiation. For thirty years the ANC has been training ideologically-motivated terrorists, who cannot now be represented by a "moderate" Mandela, even if such a person existed. In his recent visit to Australia, former Rhodesian Prime Minister, Mr. Ian Smith, was asked what was his greatest mistake in dealing with the Rhodesian terrorists. Smith is reported as responding that the greatest mistake was to believe that power could be "shared" with those who could only be described as murderous butchers. There is no reason to believe that the South Africans could be any more successful sharing power with the terrorists of the ANC. Clearly, as a good Leninist, even Mr. Gorbachev intends to avoid wherever possible the idea that power should be "shared" in the Soviet Union. |
THE COMING BLOODSHEDThe South African Conservative Party is calling for an election to be fought on Mr. De Clerk's "reforms". Clearly, the large body of Afrikaners has not been consulted, and are yet to "have their say". If their leadership is perceived to have been "feeding the revolutionary crocodile" (hoping it will eat them last) with Rhodesia and South West Africa, the Afrikaners' frustration must inevitably boil over into violence, as their leadership progressively capitulates to ever more far reaching demands. |
CONFLICT OF INTERESTfrom The Mail-Times (Horsham,
Vic.,) January 31st Conflict Finance Leadership |
BEMUSED BY THAT SUPER CITYfrom The Australian, February
1st Resources Our Comment |
INCREDIBLE STUFF FROM 'THE TRIBUNE'For those unfamiliar with The Tribune, or "Trib" as it has always been affectionately known by the comms and general left-wingers, it is the official organ of the Communist Party of Australia, and has so been for decades. We shall quote (below) from the front page of the issue of January 31st, 1990. Its "line" is startling, inasmuch as it is admitted that peoples will NOT flock, in Eastern Europe, to defend the glorious Communist Parties which liberated them all from rampant Capitalism, etc., etc. We suspect that the Communist editorialists of "The Tribune" are pretty much in the dark as to the likely course of events in Europe and elsewhere. From what we read, so is Mr. Gorbachev. We quote: "The political map of Eastern Europe
has changed radically since Tribune began its summer
break, confirming the process evident last December with ruling
Communist Parties being forced to share power, or, as in Romania,
excluded from it altogether. "In free multi-party elections
to be held in most of these countries during the next six
months most communist parties will almost certainly suffer
defeat. New coalitions of opposition parties will take power,
in which the communists will be lucky to be junior partners
(Yes, this is from The Tribune, official journal of the Communist
Party of Australia! O.T.) Throughout Eastern Europe the old
bureaucratic-administrative economic system will be dismantled
and the market mechanism introduced. The private sector will
also expand rapidly. The working class in Eastern Europe now
has a chance to become a force in its own right (Sorry, we
thought it always was! Whatever happened to the "victory of
the proletariat"? Wasn't the voice of the Party the "voice
of the proletariat"? How things seem to have changed...0.
T.) "The old Stalinist communist parties are thoroughly discredited
and their passing should not be mourned. But it is not the
'end of history' |