home of ... Douglas Social Credit
2 November 1990. Thought for the Week:
"It is inherent in this (Natural) Law that all which conflicts
with it will be destroyed. It has also been termed 'the Mills
of God which grind slowly but grind exceedingly small'. That
is why I am a confirmed optimist about the forbidding world
chaos which we see developing around us in the growing economic
instability reflected in increasing inflation, mounting taxation,
spiraling debt and widespread strikes; in the social unrest
evident everywhere leading to growing violence, the upsurge
of drug abuse, the abandonment of ethical standards and so
forth. These evils have within them the seeds of their own
destruction. In the long run only those features of the social
order and those policies which are 'right' - that is conform
to the Canon - will survive and those in conflict with it
- what we term 'evil' - will be destroyed, but at a terrible
cost in the terms of human suffering."
L.D. Byrne, in Centralisation - The Policy of Satanism |
TAXING MADNESS IN CANADAMr. Eric Butler files the following report
from Vancouver, B.C., Canada The last Canadian Federal Elections were dominated by the Free Trade issue. Relatively few noticed that even then Prime Minister Mulroney was preparing for the introduction of the G.S.T. But once he was re-elected Mr. Mulroney boldly announced that he had a mandate to introduce the G.S.T. All grassroots opposition to the G.S.T. has been ignored. The Mulroney Government creates the impression that it is determined to tear Canada apart. Two of the provincial Governments, in Alberta and British Columbia, are mounting challenges in the Courts against the introduction of the G.S.T. But the Mulroney Government presses on with a policy of what can only be described as taxation madness. It is this type of madness which will see the Labour Socialists in New Zealand swept from office. It is the same type of madness which will see the Mulroney Government also eventually destroyed. But it is becoming clearer everywhere that irrespective of the label of governments, they all seek to serve an international power which is primarily concerned with conditioning people as a prelude to fitting them into an internal economic straightjacket. The only answer to destructive taxation and other policies is for the electors to regain control of their politicians, elevating them to the role of acting as paid, elected representatives. The most encouraging aspect of the Canadian scene is that the concept of the Electors' Veto is growing right across the nation. The battle to save what is left of Civilisation is going to depend upon the ability of people to regain control of their own affairs. If this cannot be achieved, then the world is faced with a new Dark Age in which people are under the dictatorship people; a new type of dictator, the technical barbarians, those smart people who claim to know what is best for their fellows. But the evidence suggests that as the general process of disintegration takes place, there is a growing grassroots swell of opposition. |
AUSTRALIA FUNDS TERRORISM by David Thompson If it is true that the Devil is God upside down, then last week's national hysteria over Mandela was utterly Satanic in its intensity. Such was the mass inversion of truth, that one woman, interviewed by a press jackal after Mandela had passed by in Sydney, said "I actually touched him; it was like touching iron..." It is a judgment on the West that Mandela has become something of a cult figure. An entire generation of Australians, who have never even heard of Deakin, Parkes, or even Menzies, is well on the way to deifying Mandela. Even our culture has been brutalised with popular rock music immortalising him, with the captivating, mantra like refrain of "Free Nelson Mandela..." Much of Mandela's martyrdom is based on the misapprehension that he was a political prisoner. This was never the case. The bleeding heart liberals forget - if they ever knew - Mandela's real record. He joined the A.N.C. in 1944, and spent the next 18 years becoming a leader of both the A.N.C. and the South African Communist Party (S.A.C.P.). He was jailed for terrorism in 1963, after he and his A.N.C./S.A.C.P. colleagues were caught red-handed in a calculated act of terrorism - sabotage; they had 48,000 Soviet made anti-personnel mines and 210,000 hand grenades at their disposal, and were caught with documentary proof of their involvement with foreign powers in planning a Communist seizure of power in South Africa. It is generally forgotten that Mandela admitted his guilt, was sentenced to life imprisonment after a fair, open trial, and was very fortunate not to have been hanged for treason. Amnesty International, in a letter responding to an enquiry, rejected Mandela's glorification as a political prisoner because he "has participated in planning acts of sabotage and inciting violence..." (September 1985). AUSTRALIA SUBSIDISES TERRORISM SYMBOL OF THE REVOLUTION |
MRS. THATCHER SUCCUMBS from Jeremy Lee The Financial Review on September 20th said: "Thatcher is opposed to the substantial loss of national sovereignty over economic policy involved in the Delors plan. Her alternative plan would further develop the European Currency Unit (E.C.U.) as a 13th community currency." Her stubborn resistance has already cost her one Chancellor (Nigel Lawson), one Foreign Secretary (Sir Geoffrey Howe) and one Special Economic Adviser (Sir Alan Walters). When a member of her Cabinet, Nicholas Ridley, publicly claimed that a united Germany would dominate the new Europe, in the same way that Adolf Hitler's vision would have done, British opinion polls showed a big majority agreeing with his warning. It was widely held that Mrs. Thatcher privately agreed with him, even though she was forced to ask for his resignation. The pressure on Mrs. Thatcher has been increased steadily and dramatically. Her own party is divided, with former Prime Minister Edward Heath and Nigel Lawson heading the pro-Europe faction. The media has developed a strident anti-Thatcher line. Inflation is now almost 11%. In the face of this pressure, Mrs. Thatcher appears to have capitulated. The Australian (October 8th) announced Britain's sudden decision to accept the European Monetary System. P.P. McGuinness, in a feature article headed "DEATH BLOW TO BRITISH SOVEREIGNTY" said: "... The decision was taken for very obvious domestic political reasons in Britain ... Now, at a stroke, Mrs. Thatcher can commit Britain to Europe and undermine the Labour Party, while ensuring a rapturous reception from the Conservative Party conference this week ... there is no doubt that she will deliver a passionate speech asserting the retention of Britain's sovereignty (and the status of the British monarchy) while throwing it out of the window .... although she will deny it, Mrs. Thatcher has just dealt the death blow to British sovereignty ..." |
INTEREST, DEBT AND DEPRESSIONfrom Jeremy LeeThere has been uproar in the U.S. over President Bush's decision to abandon his election pledge ("Watch my lips") and increase taxes. The tax on petrol will double, in an attempt to reduce a budget deficit equal to $US1,000 for every man, woman and child in the country. But this is only part of the story. Government debt in totem is now in the trillions. Interest payment on public debt this year will be $US260 billion - bigger than the Deficit itself, and more than is spent on Social Security. The position in New Zealand and Canada is similar. Australia's public debt is approximately $114 billion. (Public debt is different to foreign debt, which is a combination of both public and private debt owed overseas.) For every 100 dollars collected by the Commonwealth, approximately $9 goes in interest on debt. The Victorian Government pays over $20 out of every $100 in interest; Western Australia $15.70; N.S.W. $12.30; Tasmania - $10.00. Interest payments on government debt now average about $550 for every Australian from one day old; $2,200 for the average family of four; not a bad feudal tribute to the banking club which has been given the right to create out of nothing the debts on which the nation struggles to pay eternal usury. |
BANK ON NEGOTIATIONSfrom Herald-Sun (Melbourne, October 24th) "The recent killings on the Temple Mountain in Jerusalem have resulted in world wide condemnation of Israel. "They further demonstrate that Israel and the Palestinians cannot enjoy peace and security without negotiations to end the occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza strip, as the Israeli peace movement has demanded."The deplorable shooting of 21 stone throwing Palestinians may be blamed on the Israel police, but the police action has occurred in a climate of continuing government policy which refuses to accept that Israel's peace and security is dependent on settlement of its dispute with the Palestinian people. "Negotiations will doubtless be long and painful, but they are a prerequisite to Israel being accepted by her Arab neighbours. "Realisation of this by many Israelis has been reflected in Knesset voting. It was by only a small margin that Shimon Peres failed to form a government committed to the Baker Plan that called for Israel-Palestine talks. "The Gulf crisis and the U.N. condemnation of Israel have demonstrated that new international alliances are forming which may soon bring significant pressure to bear on Israel. "Ben Gurion's advice is still relevant. When asked what should be done about the West Bank and the Gaza strip, he said: 'Get rid of them' (Harold Zwier, Larry Stillman, for the Australian Jewish Democratic Society, Fairfield, Vic.) |
NATIONAL OUTCRY OVER MANDELAThe following point scoring letters from The Weekend Australian, October 27th-28th: The Numbers: "Apparently the A.B.C. love affair with Nelson has waned a trifle. It is very doubtful whether Dimbleby's excellent production would have been given a showing a month or so ago. "Is Mangosuthu just the flavour of the week or is he a genuine stayer in Aunty's engagement book? He should be. After all, Inkatha is much stronger numerically than the A.N.C. "Its members come from a warrior race led by a traditional chief and not by a broken down collection of London educated lefty lawyers. (C.M. Golightly, Wanniassa, A.C.T.) SOME HOPE |
MORE MANDELA MYTHSIn support of David Thompson's item on Mandela in this issue of On Target, we quote on the same issue. The Herald-Sun (Melbourne, October 26th) says, in part: "There he was, the Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans, giving the clenched fist salute in support of the African National Congress. Beside him, Nelson Mandela, deputy leader of the Congress - a man convicted of terrorism that has refused to renounce violence . "The Mandela magic seems to be casting a hallucinatory spell over usually rational people. It has caused to vanish from the debate the underlying complex issues of his volatile land. It has replaced critical analysis with emotion and charisma ." The Australian (October 25th) editorialised (in part): " . The mythology surrounding Mr. Mandela is no less effective for its flimsy basis. Australia has given Nelson Mandela, private citizen, the full official reception and treatment (minus a 21-gun salute) ... The Foreign Minister, Senator Evans, may believe Mr. Mandela represents 28 million black South Africans. But Mr. Mandela is only a senior figure in one of the political parties competing for power in a post-Apartheid South Africa, the African National Congress. "No election has taken place to test his support. The recent township violence - in which almost 1,000 have died - suggests he has little control over South Africa's biggest single ethnic group, the 7 million Zulus, most of whom support Chief Buthelezi's Inkatha. Nor does he have the support of the 3 million members of the conservative Zion Christian Church. At best, according to most assessments, the A.N.C. can count on backing from the 3.4 million Xhosas. "This organisation has adopted a Marxist-Leninist doctrine. It has been closely allied with the Stalinist South African Communist Party. Its commitment has been to terrorism. Its renunciation of the armed struggle is recent and uncertain..." (There is much more.) |