home of ... Douglas Social Credit
9 November 1990. Thought for the Week:
"Equality creates sameness. Human sameness is to be found
in the mass, where there is uniformity of emotion, of behaviour,
and of thought, if any. In the mass the individual is lost.
Any free, independent action is wiped out by the overwhelming
common movements. In the mass a man must be but a unit of
mass, no more or less than the equal of every other mass unit.
The democratic idea of individual rights is meaningless to
those whose thoughts and loves are only communal. To be individual
is to be different from every other creature. Difference is
a manifestation of inequality. To have the power to be different
is to be free."
D. Watts, in The Equality Dogma Leads of Communism |
MULTICULTURALISM DESTROYING CANADAEric D. Butler reports from Canada It is rather difficult to label as pro-Nazi a man who gave Nazi Germany so much trouble during the Second World War. Collins was awarded the Military Medal. Writing as an immigrant himself, who had come to Canada after the Second World War, Doug Collins felt it necessary 11 years ago to warn in a book on immigration that the Trudeau "open door" policy threatened the destruction of English Canada. Canada's Fabian Socialist Prime Minister had said that he didn't care where immigrants came from. The seeds of destruction sown during the Trudeau years are now proliferating in a jungle of economic, political and social disaster. In his Calgary Paper Doug Collins presented a frightening update of a nation engaged in a programme of self-destruction. Toronto was once regarded as the biggest English-speaking city on the North American continent. Now over 40 percent of the Toronto population is non- European with a frightening crime rate with which a badly demoralised police force is unable to cope. The flood of illegal immigrants, mostly from Third World countries, recalls the chilling novel, The Camp of the Saints, by French writer Jean Raspail, in which Western nations are destroyed, not by military invasion, but by a flood of alleged refugees from Third World countries. The most dramatic change in the character of Canada's big cities can be seen in Vancouver, British Columbia, where the casual visitor to the central city area might imagine that he was in Peking. Vancouver has the largest Sikh temple in the world outside India while there are more Indians from Fiji in the area than in any other locality in the world outside Fiji. It is estimated that over 50 percent of the school children of Vancouver proper now only speak English as a second language. All the evidence shows that in spite of massive brainwashing, the overwhelming majority of Canadians are opposed to a destructive immigration policy that the present Conservative Government took over from Trudeau. But instead of trying to represent the majority of Canadians, Canadian politics are increasingly dominated by the manipulation of ethnic politics. Australians should take note. Australian politicians who keep on maintaining that Canada is an example of a successful multicultural nation are dangerously misleading the Australian people. They are similar to the pro-Communists who for over half a century claimed that the Soviet Union was in the vanguard of the building of a new civilisation. The Camp of the Saints, by Jean Raspail, available from League Book-shops. Price: $10.00 posted. |
THE BATTLE OF NOBEL from Jeremy Lee Another Nobel Prize winner - not for "peace" but for literature - has set the cat among the pigeons. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, as much as anyone, inspired the resurrected spark of freedom amongst Russians. From the time his works were passed from hand to hand, guarded jealously from the State censor's eye, finally earning the Nobel Literature prize, he has been a source of inspiration to those whose hopes were flagging. Exiled to the West by the Kremlin, in the hope he would be submerged under the materialist deluge, Solzhenitsyn has struck back with unerring force. The Guardian Weekly, October 21st, in a full-page article, said: "His new 16,000 word essay "How to Revitalise Russia" now comes as a dramatic and deliberate intervention in the country's debate. His own return cannot now be long delayed. His citizenship has been formally restored ... His books are being published in Moscow. But from afar, Solzhenitsyn deploys his vast literary and moral prestige to define not only the political future of his country, but even its boundaries. Calling for a new Slavic state, he abandons not only the Eastern European and Baltic Empire of Stalin, but also the older, non-Slavic empire of Tsars. He would give up Christian Armenia and Georgia beyond the Caucasus Mountains, and the traditionally Moslem khanates of the Soviet Deep South. And, to a country still thrilling to the novelties of democracy, he suggests a new limitation on public power - 'People cannot participate daily in the governing of the State. That is why in the government a certain portion of aristocratic or even monarchic element is inevitable.' Characteristically, he looks back into the communal traditions of the pre-revolutionary Russian village for his proto-democratic forms, the Zemstvos, or municipal councils, which emerged after the liberation of the serfs in the 1860s. While the national President would be elected by popular suffrage, the Zemstvos would elect regional councils, which would in turn elect the national legislature. Solzhenitsyn suggests an upper House
- ''an experienced and cultured minority'' - whose task would
be to slow "the free flow of democracy and stand watch against
the unrestrained power of the majority". ... Only by going
back to the roots of Russia, to the village and the land,
can the nation expunge the curse laid upon it..." Gorbachev is desperately trying to hold together a volatile and crumbling Soviet long enough to usher in the world government which his idol Lenin advocated in the twenties. Murdoch's media monopoly, Sir Peter Abeles' transport monopoly and Isi Liebler's Jetset Tours are all seeking footholds, alongside the multinationals that are pouring through the fractured Iron Curtain. The Russian people, cut off from their own roots, have no alternative thoughts - until Solzhenitsyn puts into their hands a new vision painted in the tested colours of truth and tradition. He acknowledges the reality of race; he advocates the decentralisation of power back to the local community, along the lines of the Swiss canton. He points to the need for a monarchic symbol, above the ruckus of the democratic competition, and an upper house to slow the process. Gorbachev has been forced to disavow Solzhenitsyn on the floor of the Russian parliament: "He is without doubt a great man," said Gorbachev. "As for Solzhenitsyn the politician, his views are alien to me. I feel myself a democrat, more inclined to radical views ... As a Russian I resolutely disagree with Solzhenitsyn's position as regards other nationalities. It is not respectful, to put it mildly " Gorbachev versus Solzhenitsyn debated point by point amongst the Russian people. It just may change the course of history. |
CREATING WEALTHfrom the Geelong Advertiser (Vic.), 8/10 "Do men and women, willing to work, create wealth (i.e. consumer goods, roads, railways, buildings, etc.) or do the people who have control of the issue of money create it? "It is a long time since we have heard the phrase 'poverty amidst plenty', but it is true today. "We have carpenters and builders willing to fulfill orders, but no orders are forthcoming. We have many industries going to the wall for the same reason. "It is frightening to see shops vacant, and with the 'to let' signs increasing at main shopping centres. "Why is it necessary to have 'boom' and then 'bust' in our present economy and why do we have to put up with the gobbledygook of economists who spend their time explaining why we are poor? "Why is it that during wartime we have no credit restriction, so that we may indulge in the pastime of killing each other? "Why can't we have the money available to get worthwhile jobs done in peacetime? "This would surely create goodwill and stop the periodic holocausts." (John Johnstone, Retreat Road, Newtown, Vic., 3220) GAMES NOTE